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View Full Version : Female Crimson Guards

04-27-2010, 09:06 PM

I'm stuck! I've got three of these female Crimson Guards and although they are not identical to the male versions, for instance no weapon to attach to the leg, I don't know to keep them with or without the cloak.

Firstly, being female, I tried to help them look a bit more feminine by keeping the legs smooth... i.e. no leg weapon. The one with the white markings on the gloves is just a work in progress -- I always use a white base of paint before painting any other color. They have the black bars/collars on the shoulders, the gold loop thing, but no Cobra sigil yet. A work-in-progress.


04-27-2010, 09:09 PM
I say keep as cerimonial garb but not when wilding weapons Death. :cool: way cool

04-27-2010, 09:44 PM
VERY cool. I love 'em!

04-27-2010, 09:56 PM
Those are pretty damn RAD!!!

04-28-2010, 05:26 AM
those are awesome! Keep the cloak, they keep the helmet from looking too big.

04-28-2010, 08:56 AM
They look cool. My only crit is the big helmet.

04-28-2010, 09:39 AM
I'm the totally opposite of Rambo. I think the helmet is finally perfect. On a female body you can actually believe there is a head in there and not a peanut or potato like the male versions without removable helmets. People's perceptions have been skewed by undersized helmets.

Go with the cloak. There are always subtle differences between male and female uniforms in all lines of service.

General Scarlett
04-28-2010, 09:49 AM
As a woman.........keep the cloak. :cool:

04-28-2010, 10:39 AM
Those rock!

For the helmet, what if the mask was a half-mask, the bottom half removed to show the nose, mouth and softer female chin. that way you get to keep the helmet, but it looks more feminine.

04-28-2010, 10:48 AM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]Those rock!

For the helmet, what if the mask was a half-mask, the bottom half removed to show the nose, mouth and softer female chin. that way you get to keep the helmet, but it looks more feminine.[/QUOTE]

Very good idea! Just use the comic pack mask and maybe the paratrooper scarlett head with the little hair bun.

04-28-2010, 04:49 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]Those rock!

For the helmet, what if the mask was a half-mask, the bottom half removed to show the nose, mouth and softer female chin. that way you get to keep the helmet, but it looks more feminine.[/QUOTE]

An interesting suggestion which I will have to look into.

04-28-2010, 04:50 PM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]Very good idea! Just use the comic pack mask and maybe the paratrooper scarlett head with the little hair bun.[/QUOTE]

At first I used a comic pack helmet because those are removable. I used filler material to make something the helmet and neck peg could attach to so the figure could "wear" the helmet and not use an actual head. I changed that once I realized that the comic pack helmet, being a little longer than the non-comic pack helmet, looked too long on this slimmer body. So I went with standard CG helmets which do balance better.