View Full Version : CHANGE the 3-pic cap?
05-03-2010, 10:44 AM
Alright party people, the photo-cap limits have ALWAYS been decided by the community here. Due to the amount of newcomers and the fact that I've been erasing quite a few photos lately, I'm gonna put this up as a poll. I will give 3 options and you all just choose. If you feel like it, you can always reply with your suggestions, thoughts, annoyances, etc.
Keep in mind, we have had people who'll post 50-some pics of the same thing, different angles when there is NO cap in effect. So it's up to you all on how many pics from the same person you'd like to see in a row.
I figure I'll close this in a week or so.
Beast from the east
05-03-2010, 10:53 AM
3 is fine.I usually have the 90 pic/page so I see all the new photos anyway.But seeing 6 piucs of the same thing from different angle in a row bothers me. If you want to do different angles then, have 1 Post and put the different angle in the comment boxes below.Just upload them to a photosharing site like flickr,photobucket and link them to here.
BTW G, is there anyway to have some way to delete our own pics we put up by mistake.I've done that a few times.Uploaded the wrong pic I wanted t use.
05-03-2010, 10:58 AM
[QUOTE=Beast from the east]BTW G, is there anyway to have some way to delete our own pics we put up by mistake.I've done that a few times.Uploaded the wrong pic I wanted t use.[/QUOTE]
In the "Image Tools" (upper right corner of pic) menu there is the option to edit the image, one of the first options that you can do is to delete your own pics. I've done it several times.
05-03-2010, 10:59 AM
I'm fine with the 3. It keeps from being overwhelmed, and since I can't rank pics yet, 3 it is.
I could see going up to 4 or 5 on something like the ToC or other "themed" posting even.
Anything over 5 is just overwhelming. If you're that productive, you can post all week at current limits and be a star.
neapolitan joe
05-03-2010, 10:59 AM
The limit of 3 pictures is fine for me too.
Beast from the east
05-03-2010, 11:10 AM
[QUOTE=sithviper]In the "Image Tools" (upper right corner of pic) menu there is the option to edit the image, one of the first options that you can do is to delete your own pics. I've done it several times.[/QUOTE]
I looked there and seen the edit photo and figured it was to crop it or resize it.This was the first time I clicked it to see what you could do.
05-03-2010, 11:36 AM
Three is perfect. It helps with self editing. Thanks for the deleting tip! I never used that tool box either.
General Scarlett
05-03-2010, 01:19 PM
The 3, 4 or 5 option is fine.....3 is good if your doing some quick 'n simple thing....4 if it really needs that 'extra shot'.....5 if you've taken enough different pictures to tell a cohesive story within that cap.
The 24 hr thing is more of the bitch IMO......I'm not advocating 3 every hour on the hour, but sometimes you snap something the night before, post it up in the morning and then go snap some more during the day but can't post them up again for another 16+ hours.......that gets to be a cramp.
The thing is, post with common sense........and honestly, I don't see any problem with *gently* informing the 'n00b's about picture etiquette.......hey, everybody's got to be able to take some constructive critiquing-otherwise, why in the hell would you pose and post pictures of little plastic army men (and women)?!?! :p ;)
Dreadnok Dread
05-03-2010, 01:20 PM
I think three is the max it should ever be! Imagine if you could only post one shot a day! I would try my hardest to make it the most absolute best I could! I know im a jerk! lol!
05-03-2010, 02:03 PM
The 3 pictures is fine with me. You can always post 3 more tomorrow and so one, that's not the big deal here.
05-03-2010, 02:07 PM
I'm ok with the 3-pic cap, but thats 'cause I'm not very productive (seriously, just 4 pics in 3 months!), and I think for many ppl here, 3 per day is enough, because not every day is a photo-taking day, and even if you took a lot of pics (I mean the posting-worthy ones), you could space them or plan a schedule, :p hehe...
there are some that are very productive and will eventually get overwhelmed with unposted pics because the 3-pic cap isn't enough, or some that are not THAT productive, but the only chance they got to post (due to work, life, etc.) they have more than 3 pics. In both cases they'll have contant acumulation.
So, maybe a 4/5-pic cap with the criteria already in use (and the ones mentioned above). In the case of photos telling a story, you could opt for a daily/every 2 days episode, or post the first episode (photo) and post the link to a imagehost site, like the "Adventures From the Roll Top" dios...
(and lastly, I tried the "delete" tip on one of my photos, but it said "you don't have the privileges")
I voted for the 3 cap. I don't consider JoeDios a library so much as an exhibition. I can shoot 20-30 photos of a scene trying to get the right shot, but I'm not going to upload them all to JD. Instead, pick the best and share those. And if there are more than 3 unbelievably awesome shots, we'll catch 'em on Flickr. ;)
05-03-2010, 03:16 PM
I say tre!
05-03-2010, 03:47 PM
Quality over quantity! I vote for the 3 cap!
Agent Viper
05-03-2010, 03:54 PM
I wouldn't mind the 5 actually. but 3 is fine
05-03-2010, 05:07 PM
[QUOTE=cyko]I voted for the 3 cap. I don't consider JoeDios a library so much as an exhibition. I can shoot 20-30 photos of a scene trying to get the right shot, but I'm not going to upload them all to JD. Instead, pick the best and share those. And if there are more than 3 unbelievably awesome shots, we'll catch 'em on Flickr. ;)[/QUOTE]
05-03-2010, 05:44 PM
3 baby!! And hang the offenders! Boil 'em in oil! Tar-n-feather them! Shiver me timbers! Let them walk the plank! Arrrg!
05-03-2010, 09:01 PM
Actually, just for clarity, one does NOT need to wait 24 hrs before posting again. It's more accurate to post your 3, wait till someone else posts, THEN post your next 3 or whatever.
Thanks for all the input. I ask for the sake of the amount of deleting I've had to do over the last few months. Anyway... :D
05-03-2010, 10:11 PM
05-04-2010, 11:02 AM
I say we stick with 3. I mean if you have 4 or 5 that are GOOD, and show different aspects worthy of a pic, then post 'em up, but I, Like most of you don't wanna see "Yeah, and picture #47....same subject but 2" left of Picture 46....ain't that cool! I AM SOOO RAD". I think we're all on the same sheet of music!
I haven't posted in a while. Is there a mechanism keeping you from posting more than? If there is, I say you keep the cap at 3 but increase it so you can actually post 5 and go on the Honor system! 5 will give you the chance when you have something worthy of 5 pics, and a "gentlemens agreement" on 3 will keep us balanced...
The BATman
05-05-2010, 12:21 AM
Three is good. If you want to post fifty pictures, than just do that at Flickr and link to there from here.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
05-05-2010, 08:44 AM
Three is all that's needed. Seriously there are very few people who actually post over the limit, and 90% it's some newbie who doesn't comment on other peoples photos and buggers off in three months. It might just be me, but does seeing one scenario 40 times from different angles that all wind up looking the same really do anything for anyone?
Hell I don't think there should be any photos in the gallery that don't have a goddamn G.I. Joe/3 3/4 Military figure in them
05-05-2010, 09:12 AM
It's quality vs quantity for me.
Three pics of the same thing is two too many, but if you've got thirty good shots of different things, I say post them all.
Dreadnok Dread
05-05-2010, 09:55 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Actually, just for clarity, one does NOT need to wait 24 hrs before posting again. It's more accurate to post your 3, wait till someone else posts, THEN post your next 3 or whatever.
Thanks for all the input. I ask for the sake of the amount of deleting I've had to do over the last few months. Anyway... :D[/QUOTE]
thanks for clearing that up! i thought so just got confused with a previous post!
Roland da Thompson Gunner
05-08-2010, 05:28 PM
I'm sure glad "raven73" thinks the cap should be lifted!
05-08-2010, 05:48 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I'm sure glad "raven73" thinks the cap should be lifted![/QUOTE]
Thats what I mean by quality over quantity, to me the photo section is for photos of scenes, not figs on stands and vehicles on cutting mats. There is a section called "collections" for uninspired shot of figs on stands. Show off your custom figs in a set or outside with some scenery. You got a cool vehicle, show it off in a garage setting or at least outside so that it is interesting. Even if the shots are interesting 20 is way to many to post at once! Just my 2 cents worth.
05-10-2010, 09:34 AM
Thank you for that insight, Vader. A lot of us older folks totally agree with that. On occasion, there is a DESKTOP BATTLES theme which means you can take crappy pics! lol
And the 3-pic cap stays. That is, you can only post 3 in a row. However, if you wait till some else posts, you can post again. As you all can tell, please use discretion in what you post because that will most likely limit how many pics you REALLY want to post.
Dreadnok Dread
05-10-2010, 10:43 AM
[QUOTE=vader9900]Thats what I mean by quality over quantity, to me the photo section is for photos of scenes, not figs on stands and vehicles on cutting mats. There is a section called "collections" for uninspired shot of figs on stands. Show off your custom figs in a set or outside with some scenery. You got a cool vehicle, show it off in a garage setting or at least outside so that it is interesting. Even if the shots are interesting 20 is way to many to post at once! Just my 2 cents worth.[/QUOTE]
Vaders9900 is right! thats kinda why I have been migrating away from the site! I love the site but I dont wanna see shots with detergent bottle in em! if anyone see's my shots there always thought out, planned and worked over! I take 40 shots and pic 1 or 2 maybe to show! if I bust my butt to get awesome shots just like alot of other people do on here, I would think out of respect to the others that people would try the same! atleast take em outside! something! but again i guess I am SUPER HATER NUMBER 1! lol
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