View Full Version : My Introduction
05-05-2010, 11:37 AM
Hey folks,
I'm new here. I have the same handle over at the Tank (for those that go there).
I love looking at, and taking photos of figures. I'm a avid toy collector and a moderate Joe collector. Found this site a few months back and dig all the different pics on here. I Like how everyone has their own different styles. I thought I'd make an account and add what I can. Although I still have to figure out how things work around here.
Oh and sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. I couldn't find an intro thread, and don't am still not quite sure on how to navigate around here.
Otto the Otter
05-05-2010, 12:58 PM
Welcome aboard.
[QUOTE=Ctrl_Z]Quick question. What's the generally policy on incorporating other toy lines into photos on here?[/QUOTE]
The site is for Joes, but some members incorporate other lines in to their photos, generally other 1/18 scale military figures and vehicles.
Some do include Star Wars, Marvel/DC super heroes or other lines, but try to keep it to a minimum as the site is geared towards G.I.*JOE.
Beast from the east
05-05-2010, 01:09 PM
We used to do Cross over weekends where Star wars was seen alot. I am a SW collector as well.
They are trying to get Fridays as the cross over day.That would be cool.
There is an etiquette for posting pics which is the max of 3 in a row but thats not for the day.You can post some more after other members post some pics.They would belong in the Photo Section.
If you do picture DIO stories you put them in the Diorama section with 1 picture and then leave a link to the rest of the story form your web site or another photo hosting site.
Have a great supporting this community as we are friendly here and help each other.
05-05-2010, 08:05 PM
Greetings and welcome!
Not sure about the official policy, if there is one. But from observation and personal experience, I would say photos exclusively of other toy lines to be kept at a minimum b/c this is a Joe site. However, incorporating other toy lines into a photo with Joes is probably okay since this is a diorama site.. and non-Joe toy lines become like props to fill the background or set the theme for the diorama. But as Otto the Otter had already said, "try to keep it to a minimum as the site is geared towards G.I.*JOE."
With that said, I'm a Joe collector, as one would expect, but I also collect Microman, and I'm looking forward to cross over fridays if that gets the green light. There's lots of use for incorporating other toyline figures since we often incorporate other toyline vehicles.
05-05-2010, 10:23 PM
Welcome! Glad the fellas already mentioned the difference between the diorama and photo section. That is not always understood when people first join, but it always figured out quickly. We tend to be helpful and give friendly advice to one another. I know I have learned a lot about lighting, photography, focus and fun from this site. Welcome aboard!
05-06-2010, 09:07 AM
Be welcome aboard mate!
Soon as you figure out how to post, that's not dificult, let us see your work.
05-06-2010, 09:16 AM
Sweet. Thanks for the answers, guy. And things for the welcomes.
I got start taking photos to upload.
Agent Viper
05-06-2010, 09:30 AM
Glad to have some new members!!!
Dreadnok Dread
05-06-2010, 10:03 AM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]Glad to have some new members!!![/QUOTE]
Welcome To the JD site! we welcome everyone that loves joes!
im your neighborhood Dread and I will tell you how it is! :)
Few notes bout taking pictures!
its good to use a tripod especially for close ups! there cheap! the cheapest at walmart is desk one for like 5 bucks!
before shooting make sure all non joe things are out of the picture!
like when i shoot outside all the pine cones not to scale or when shooting inside on the floor move your shoes or laundry detergent! itll make the pic look better!
use lots of light! if you want to defuse some of the light use a white bed cloth or t-shirt and put it in front of the light about 5 inches away! i honestly have an old frame i would put the bed-sheet/t-shirt over it for stability and then place it in-front of the light!
get a light tent if you want clear perfect shots like vader9900 or some of mine even though not perfect! last but not least quality over quantity! take 40 pictures and add 1 or 2! any questions man let me know! not to bombard you with stuff these are just general questions asked after a week of trying to shoot little guys! :)
sincerely your neighborhood crazy cuban dread!
05-06-2010, 12:22 PM
On the mixing of the lines: My Dio is all about Joes and other lines crossing into each other, so just about every pic I have posted here has other lines in it. Genrally speaking I do try to make sure there are some joes in each pic I post just out of respect for the sites name. While my dio is not exclusively GI Joe, its not absent of GI joe either.
Of course I am the guy who posted a pick of the Joes riding my little ponies so what do I know LOL.
I do notice tons of people posting MU figures with joes as well though, and I have seen a few reviews not of anything GI Joe Related (MU, Iron Man are the most noteable).
05-06-2010, 12:27 PM
05-07-2010, 10:21 AM
Welcome to JoeDios! Looking forward to seeing your work.
05-11-2010, 10:21 AM
Thank guys. Still getting used to navigating heh.
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