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View Full Version : What do you do besides Pictures?

Agent Viper
05-08-2010, 04:51 PM
I know alot of us have more then one hobby.

So what are they?

Me, I play Airsoft and of course video games ;) And of course, high school football!

If I remember I believe ToneGuns plays Paintball. (I think)

So come on guys, gals, individuals inbetween!

Cobra Freak
05-08-2010, 07:16 PM
Collecting toys, drawing, photograph other things besides toys, and of course girls :cool:


05-08-2010, 07:46 PM
Its related to taking photos here, I enjoy customizing figure & making dioramas. I have sent alot of time recently planting flowers around the house, and I enjoy sitting outside in the evening, drinking a Mic Ultra and enjoying my yard. I saltwater flyfish and tie my own flies. I am an avid sailor, used to live on my sailboat before I got married. I have had several boats, my last one a 30' Hunter was destroyed in hurricane Charlie in 2004, it broke my heart. We are looking into getting another as the kids are getting older to be our retirement house. Then you will see shots of just a few figs but in exotic locations. :D

Agent Viper
05-08-2010, 07:57 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]Its related to taking photos here, I enjoy customizing figure & making dioramas. I have sent alot of time recently planting flowers around the house, and I enjoy sitting outside in the evening, drinking a Mic Ultra and enjoying my yard. I saltwater flyfish and tie my own flies. I am an avid sailor, used to live on my sailboat before I got married. I have had several boats, my last one a 30' Hunter was destroyed in hurricane Charlie in 2004, it broke my heart. We are looking into getting another as the kids are getting older to be our retirement house. Then you will see shots of just a few figs but in exotic locations. :D[/QUOTE]

Good to know buddy! I am a avid fisher myself.
Sucks about your boat though, only went sailing a couple times.

Hiking is rather fun, seeing as how I live in Virginia I kinda have alot of mountains! I guess Florida Boy doesn't know LOL just joking

05-08-2010, 09:17 PM
Hobbies.. hrm..

Well, firstly I program. I'm a software engineer, and so I program all day at work, and when I go home I stop at a coffee shop or bookstore and program for myself for about two hours depending on the mood. Lots of personal programming projects. Some for business, some for adding to my skills, and some just to maintain past projects, so they are up to date.

Within this, HPC.. High Performance Computing. Can this be considered a hobby? I think so. Gots lots of computers, and one is an HPC cluster. Clusters like these are often used to build low cost super computers.

Hobbies also include sampling the coffee culture around the world. I do travel and like to travel far. My wife also travels more often than I do, and has been to far more countries than I have. I love being in airports. Always traveled when I was a kid, so that has grown on me I guess. In terms of coffee culture it just means I go to coffee shops and have an interest in anything coffee... coffee mug collection, books on coffee, recipes, latte art, etc.

Another hobby is collecting books. I guess from my days and many sleepless nights at the university's libraries, I've grown to like books a lot. There was a time when I just could not afford them, but now that I can, I buy lots of them. Computer books, science fiction, fantasy, manga, and especially classic literature. If I can find a classic literature in hardback form, I'll buy it. So I have this personal library in my house. One day it is my dream to build my own house and to have built in shelves in the hallways to keep all the books from floor to ceiling. Isn't there a word for someone who seriously collects books? Another interesting thing is my wife also has a book collecting hobby.

But anyway, within that hobby of book collecting, I can branch into it and mention a sub-hobby collecting history books -- anything Asia, Art of War, military history, etc. This is probably because my first degree is in History.

Let's see.. what else...

Fountain pens. I collect them. It's a small collection because it's expensive. But I really do like fountain pens and have several old ones from the 1930's and 40's, and more modern ones.

Digital art. I am involved with doing computer art from time to time. Unfortunately my main computer for that has been down for a while. But that will change since I just ordered lots of new stuff.

So, now onto the Joes... I army build. Pure and simple, I've gotten into a habit of buying at least one Joe figure every time I go to a store. And thanks to someone here in JoeDios, I now collect Microman. And thanks to JoeDios, I now collect things for building sets.

And I can't forget my customs! That's a big hobby now as I begin collecting the components for my Dio-Story. Lots of customs.


General Scarlett
05-08-2010, 09:41 PM
Isn't there a word for someone who seriously collects books?


;) From one to another :cool:

Otto the Otter
05-08-2010, 09:59 PM
I do a lot of writing, some stories I'm trying to reinvent so as to make a Dio-Story of them. If I ever figure out how to get Yola to do what I want it to do,(y'know, work and be easy to understand and use) I'll post some of my short stories along with my Dio-Stories.

Currently being unemployed and without a car, I walk. A lot. Every now and again I'll drag a figure or two with me and try to snap their picture, but most of the time those shots don't come out too well because there's too much real world interferance in the back ground.

When I did have a means of transportation, usually it was equiped with a front differential and a transfer case. For those of you not mechanically inclined, that means a four wheel drive. I've enjoyed wheelin' for about the last ten years and have tried to make it to Moab, Utah, the Off-Road Mecca, as much as possible. I've build my last seven vehicles, Three full-size Chevy Blazers, three Jeep Grand Cherokees and a Chevy Suburbanator, from formidable stock vehicles to very formidable pieces of trail bashing bad-ass-a-tiv-ness.

Driving is also a bit of a hobby for me. I am a truck driver by trade, but I never thought of it as a job, but more of being a paid tourist. I had the office with the best veiws. I have seen more of this country and Canadia than I would have seen otherwise.

Music is a passion for me as well. Not just any music, but the best genre of music there is, from which everyone's favorite tanker is named; Heavy Metal. I've got several books that are refrenced to the history of Heavy Metal and how it dominates over ever other kind of music. I did play bass for a bit and tried a few bands out, but found out that it's hard to play for a long time due to the arthritis in my paws.

I try to get to the range as often as I can and throw some lead a defensless paper targets. Reminds me of time in the Marines when we practiced to defend the country from eight foot by eight foot cheesecloth squares with black consintric circles printed on them. Thank Dog that invasion hasn't happened yet!

Roland da Thompson Gunner
05-08-2010, 11:04 PM
I like to make collages in my free time and I do some community activism and other such stuff.

[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]
but the best genre of music there is, from which everyone's favorite tanker is named; Heavy Metal. I've got several books that are refrenced to the history of Heavy Metal and how it dominates over ever other kind of music.[/QUOTE]

Hahahaaha I hope you're kidding, unless by "Heavy Metal" you mean grindcore

05-08-2010, 11:05 PM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]I've enjoyed wheelin' for about the last ten years and have tried to make it to Moab, Utah, the Off-Road Mecca, as much as possible. I've build my last seven vehicles, Three full-size Chevy Blazers, three Jeep Grand Cherokees and a Chevy Suburbanator, from formidable stock vehicles to very formidable pieces of trail bashing bad-ass-a-tiv-ness.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever thought of making a 1/18th scale R/C off road vehicle that can carry Joes securely?


05-08-2010, 11:56 PM
Other than stories of all sorts (comic, hand-drawn, pictures, diostories, written...) I play bass/guitar, occasional video game, read (almost finished up Cemetery Dance by Child/Preston, drawing random stuff in CAD at school, movies, chill to music, and skateboarding. And yes, I do play with my Hot Wheels cars with Thomas whose collection is at least 2-3x as large as mine. lol (I admit, I HAVE hit EBAY for a few models.)

Otto the Otter
05-09-2010, 01:02 AM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I like to make collages in my free time and I do some community activism and other such stuff.

Hahahaaha I hope you're kidding, unless by "Heavy Metal" you mean grindcore[/QUOTE]
Well, grind core is one of the lower forms of Heavy Metal, but it's still Metal, so that means it's better than country, rap, R&B, pop, classical, jazz, the Mexican polka music I'm forced to listen to at every stoplight, country, rap, and R&B. (Yes, I know those are on the list twice, but they suck twice as much.)

05-09-2010, 03:07 AM
I listen to the people in the next apartment having sex at 2 in the morning. When the woman begs the man for the7th time to tell he that he loves her ;I bang on the wall and say,For God's sake tell him that you love her so I can get some sleep. I also keep my door locked so the Jehova witnesses' can't get in. I see my Mom with the final stages of Alzheimer's every Sunday. I gobble 15 different meds to keep me going. I ride my bike at 4 in the morning to look for prostitutes. I collect military figs and vehicles. I dabble in different rifles in the semi auto version with my crazy friend Jeff has. The Savage shotgun is this month's playmate. And I get a buzz from the guy in the apartment to the left who burns incense (cough cough) which covers his marijuana smell. I hate it here. The only reason I stay is Mom.

Cobra Freak
05-09-2010, 08:57 AM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]Well, grind core is one of the lower forms of Heavy Metal, but it's still Metal, so that means it's better than country, rap, R&B, pop, classical, jazz, the Mexican polka music I'm forced to listen to at every stoplight, country, rap, and R&B. (Yes, I know those are on the list twice, but they suck twice as much.)[/QUOTE]

Grindcore and Deathcore are awesome!

Suicide Silence and Whitechaple are two of my favorite bands from that genre.

Agent Viper
05-09-2010, 09:10 AM
[QUOTE=Cobra Freak]Grindcore and Deathcore are awesome!

Suicide Silence and Whitechaple are two of my favorite bands from that genre.[/QUOTE]

I enjoy White Chapel!

I mainly go for 80's metal, Slayer, Crue, Iron Maiden.

But alot of new metal is good, Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine

05-09-2010, 12:27 PM
Im an outdoors guy. I hike, camp, fish, hunt, and as a byproduct, I paintball as well.

05-09-2010, 06:57 PM
JEEZ RDS! That sort of shit would drive me up the f'n wall!!! You got more patience than I do in those situations.

05-09-2010, 07:05 PM
You mean besides parent hood and hold down a lab job that can consume anything between 20-80 hours in a week?

Star Wars collecting of EU, Cantina, Hoth, droids, Jabba's Palace, Endor and Imperial figures in that order. Add to that my incredibly expensive SW book habit.

Pre-kid I used to make shelves and displays for my stuff out of plywood, help my parents with painting and general minor maintenance issues of their house.

05-09-2010, 08:10 PM
I collect all sorts of toys and collectibles, I watch lots of TV and go to lots of movies, and I collect and read lots of comic books. Oh, and I work.

I think that pretty much covers it.