View Full Version : Bravo figures.. grrrr

05-23-2010, 12:35 PM
Well, I do like the Bravo figures, but it seems now everyone I buy is ready to break. Bought one of the new SEAL ones about 3 months ago and the right leg broke off when it first turned. About a week ago the right hand broke when turned. Bought a replacement today and the same right leg is ready to break if I continue trying to rotate it. Bought another SEAL and his left hand wants to break.... It's like the limbs get fused and when you try to turn them, they don't snap loose.

So now I'm trying an experiment, to use a Joe body, probably ROC Shipwreck, and transfer the SEAL's head and gear. Has anyone tried something like with this transfering Bravo to Joe bodies?

Agent Viper
05-23-2010, 12:42 PM
What you might be able to do to keep that leg on is....

Add a dab of super glue to the joint and work it while its drying.

Thats how I keep my figure joints tight!

05-23-2010, 06:35 PM
Man! That Bravo plastic must get hard then brittle at times. That same hand that was going to break if I tried to rotate it, just snapped off when I just barely touched it.

05-24-2010, 01:26 PM
Just got mine and the one with the helmet hand's broke off when I was trying to put the figure with an Mp 5. Uhh the weapons don't stay on. I really don't dig Bravo team figs. The vehicles are alright but what good is a soldier if he cn't hold his M110 sniping rifle SHEESH

05-24-2010, 11:42 PM
if they seem stuck or hard to move i find it best to heat them up by dunking them in hot water first before movie the joint/hand. so far I've not had one break that had these issue

05-25-2010, 02:29 AM
Great Tip, I'll try that!!