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View Full Version : Photos of Craig

06-05-2010, 02:39 PM
Troopsof doom just posted that awesome photo of Craig...and I thought I had gone through all his pics and I missed that one. If there are any more found, we definitely need to post them! The first pic of Craig, himself, I ever saw was the one of him right before he passed and it was obviously Craig, but not the essential Craig. I recently mailed his wife, Deanne, a condolence letter. In it I asked that if she someday felt up to it, to write a biography of Craig to post here and on Flickr. I know i would like to know more about him. he never volunteered much info, and I think we all respected that. Now that he's gone, I'd love to have a better picture and maybe an understanding of someone I considered a friend. So, if you find a pic of the "man" himself, post it!

Prince Adam
06-05-2010, 03:52 PM
The only other one I can think is probably the one on Flickr you're talking of with he and Deanne in Dread's Outrider t-shirts.
I too would be interested to know more about Craig myself, and I think a letter of condolence was a very touching idea. It be interesting to know more about the man behind the lens.