View Full Version : Fireflyed
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-07-2010, 11:28 PM
What the hell did he do to get banned?
Seriously, that guy is one of the few people on this site that are fun at this point. Outside of him there's like Claudio (FC) and that's it. Is it because he spoke his mind? I know that Sonnelion was all "NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW" about the Agent Viper situation, but you know what, people DO need to know since ya know the decaying moral fibre and shit.
Basically I would like a reason as to why a #1 good guy got banned, as it seems pretty bogus.
Otto the Otter
06-07-2010, 11:44 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]What the hell did he do to get banned?
Seriously, that guy is one of the few people on this site that are fun at this point. Outside of him there's like Claudio (FC) and that's it. Is it because he spoke his mind? I know that Sonnelion was all "NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW" about the Agent Viper situation, but you know what, people DO need to know since ya know the decaying moral fibre and shit.
Basically I would like a reason as to why a #1 good guy got banned, as it seems pretty bogus.[/QUOTE]
Did he actually get banned? I know the text under his name says as much, but that's been there for at least a week or two and he posted a couple pictures today.
I know he got banned from JoeCustoms over a really weak reason.
I'm curious to know as well.
General Scarlett
06-08-2010, 04:07 AM
He wrote that in himself.
06-08-2010, 05:35 AM
No they banned me for realz now. lame.
06-08-2010, 06:23 AM
i thought the "Chocolate City" shot was great and there was no penetration :D
neapolitan joe
06-08-2010, 07:26 AM
Please, can anyone here can tell me why Fireflyed has been banned, please?
Dreadnok Dread
06-08-2010, 09:57 AM
Why did he get banned! thats sucks his customs and shots were some of the best! WTF! I AM NEXT! just because someone speaks there mind and might curse a little does that cause a big brother effect! sorry im no fun rol! LOL :D politics smolitics! who f$&*ing cares!
06-08-2010, 10:19 AM
I would like to know too, Fireflyed was a great guy. I don't think this place will be as fun without him.
When all the personalities are forced to leave, this place loses what makes it special. :(
06-08-2010, 10:21 AM
Please review the RULES and REGULATIONS as a starter to figure out why he was banned.
Fact is, the stuff about Mr. Morelock needs to be in PMs, not airing dirty laundry. ANY fight with anyone needs to be done in private and even better, away from here.
With Mr. Castle, there were multiple problems and warnings in which he was already contacted about. He fully understood the situation that he was in.
IF Mr. Castle can get his act together and a decent reasoning to let him back, I'll consider it.
06-08-2010, 10:28 AM
This is a community, people are going to get P.O.'ed by someone, sometime, no matter what. If you don't like what someone has to say just add them to your "Ignore" list. Fireflyed needs to come back! If you're reading this thread, next time take your Joes to the Platinum Rose instead!
06-08-2010, 10:33 AM
Sorry GoCards. That's not what Hammerfel wants for this community. Yes, you can ignore them, but he'd rather not having people here rattling cages. Just as Hammerfel wants NO discussion of Religion and Politics (be it separate or together) on this site. Inappropriate material is also a no-no. This is to be a family-oriented site.
[QUOTE=GoCards]This is a community, people are going to get P.O.'ed by someone, sometime, no matter what. If you don't like what someone has to say just add them to your "Ignore" list. Fireflyed needs to come back! If you're reading this thread, next time take your Joes to the Platinum Rose instead!
Agent Viper
06-08-2010, 10:33 AM
I must say despite the conflicts I've had with Cory in the past, he has incredible customs and awesome pictures.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-08-2010, 10:35 AM
Dread my friend, you're so fun I forgot you posted here! :o
Fact is, the stuff about Mr. Morelock needs to be in PMs, not airing dirty laundry. ANY fight with anyone needs to be done in private and even better, away from here.[/QUOTE]
Then why is there a "Good/Bad Traders" thread? Mr. Morelock used nefarious means (I'm a kid give me stuff!) to get things, and then tried to sell the things he was given. That's a con artist move if I've ever seen one. A leopard doesn't change his spots and people should realize that sort of thing has a distinct possibility of happening again.
06-08-2010, 10:37 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Please review the RULES and REGULATIONS as a starter to figure out why he was banned.
Fact is, the stuff about Mr. Morelock needs to be in PMs, not airing dirty laundry. ANY fight with anyone needs to be done in private and even better, away from here.
IF Mr. Castle can get his act together and a decent reasoning to let him back, I'll consider it.[/QUOTE]
I guess I just don't understand why you ban me 3 weeks later. When you asked me to stop and take it to pm's, I did. You and I even talked about it in pm's. Why ban me now Graham? I haven't posted in like 2 weeks!? And what do you mean a decent reason? I need to come up with a reason as to why you should t
let me back or a decent reason as to why I want to come back? How bout both? You should let me back because I'm awesome. I help people all the damn time if I am able and I take photos that don't make your eyes bleed. Do you want me to toot my own horn and list all the crap I have done for other members? Would you like a list of all the reasons I'm awesome? And as for why I want back, well those ares same as everyother person that signs up here. And I must reiterate, why ban me now?!
Also are all my pictures gone as well? Cause I didn't have a lot of those saved. That would blow worse than white ripcord.
also please don't ban this account. I have trades and crap going on with people. I have an excellent reputation and intgrity in my trades and don't wanna rip someone off because I can't message them.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-08-2010, 10:42 AM
I would like the list of why you are awesome!
06-08-2010, 10:44 AM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I would like the list of why you are awesome![/QUOTE]
i knew he was the "Awesomest" when I realized Cory was Rachel too :) That, and the reverse tread HISS...that thing rules :eek:
06-08-2010, 10:52 AM
At this time, Cory and I are in discussion ala pms. (no, not PMS like the symptom people get, Personal Message)
While some of you feel Mr. Castle is the bomb, the flipside is that I'm getting a lot of formal complaints against him. When it comes from the outside Joe-affiliated websites, that's not a good thing for the integrity of or Hammerfel.
06-08-2010, 10:53 AM
There's a difference between a factual story of why things are good or bad with another trader AND telling a story that is emotion based. I think all of us would rather here WHY the trade was bad with facts than a rant on the guy for being a douche or whatever.
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Dread my friend, you're so fun I forgot you posted here! :o
Then why is there a "Good/Bad Traders" thread? Mr. Morelock used nefarious means (I'm a kid give me stuff!) to get things, and then tried to sell the things he was given. That's a con artist move if I've ever seen one. A leopard doesn't change his spots and people should realize that sort of thing has a distinct possibility of happening again.[/QUOTE]
06-08-2010, 10:55 AM
I don't get involved too much in the drama, but I must say Cory is a good guy. When I was having some health issues and financial trouble at the same time, he sent me a little paypal suprise, it made my day!! One of the reasons I love this site is the lack of arguing and stupidity. I think the members here are awesome and we all click together fairly well. There is some awesome talent here and the loss of Firelyed is a loss to this site, I think he has alot to offer. What happened with Matt was what a couple of years ago, he was 14 or so. I have talked to Matt personally and I think he has matured, and his pictures have improved by 1000%. He has alot to offer here as well. If I was still heald accountable for things I did when I was 14, get the picture. Matt has shown some humility and appologized for his stupid move, I have seen it in writing from him numerous times. Hammer is the man, he rules the roost & Graham has to make some tough decisions. I enjoy Fireflyed, Agent Viper and Gunners photos very much and would like to see all of their stuff to continue here without the drama. Stop beating dead horses, I would trade with Matt and just finished a deal with Cory (booze bottles at the Chocotate City :D ). Lets get back to what is important - taking fantastic shots of Joes and having a hell of alot of fun doing it. Just my 2 cents, not that it matters. Drama Free Zone Ahead! ;)
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I would like the list of why you are awesome![/QUOTE]
... and humble! :p
06-08-2010, 11:00 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Inappropriate material is also a no-no. This is to be a family-oriented site.[/QUOTE]
inappropriate material! What about the guy with the user name teabag who had helix and scarlet going at!? Helix and doc were dancing
06-08-2010, 11:13 AM
didn't i ban t34b4g already?
they were dancing? Most people thought otherwise...
General Scarlett
06-08-2010, 12:03 PM
I don't want to stir up a hornet's nest here, but let's grow up.
The simple fact is that 'common sense' needs to be employed at all times when dealing with a 'public forum' that is essentially owned by 1 person. Through the graciousness of Hammerfel we are all able to congregate and share pictures and stories and 'shoot the sh*t' on a daily basis.
While for the most part we're all 'grown up', we still need to remember that there are rules. And when someone pushes the envelope too far, they have to deal with the consequences.
Yes, its *fun* and lively to get involved in things that should stay private, but its also not cool to fan the flames and bash the people who have been tasked with keeping the peace. Believe me, I know.
While I've got nothing against anyone personally, I do know the people who were less than gracious toward me during my tenure here. And a number of them were people who were being nice to my face while stabbing me in the back. But I didn't hold a grudge against anyone. I let bygones be bygones and when I was asked by 'the powers that be' to come back and reclaim my place as a 'valued, veteran member', I agreed.
I've kept to myself and continued posting the same positive, encouraging posts that I've maintained from the beginning. But seeing this flame war being fanned, I feel the need to put my .03 in.
If people want to cause drama, you can't stop them. But by egging it on, you simply ensure its continuance. Look at what Matt did......when I left, he had opened-and been banned-by over a half dozen SN's. And we all know that most of the 'old guard' have more than one account here on JoeDios (a bonus that is not accepted on nearly every other Joe board) while lamenting the 'banning' of the SN gives some 'meat' to the boredom, its not like a different account can't be used (which has already been done in this thread).
I know that its fun to jump on the bandwagon and get into everybody else's business, but when all the facts are not known, it just serves to derail a good site and its members from the purpose of said site. Let the affected parties hash it out via PM's and don't get involved in business that doesn't concern you personally.
The fact that people were complaining (or whatever happened), shows that it was done by some who have taken the 'high road' and gone along the proper channels to inform the staff of whatever questionable actions were going on (I don't know about the picture in question, I had only seen the thumbnail and didn't get a chance to click on it before it was taken down). Irregardless, as some have stated, there is a flickr account, so the shot can (most likely) be viewed there.
So, everybody should just go back to doing what this site is REALLY all about-taking pictures of plastic army men........
'Nuff Said!
06-08-2010, 12:20 PM
I have a feeling Fireflyed will be back at Joe Dios soon. So let's not get all in a twitter. He is a great dio maker and story teller. However, Hammerfell and Sonny want this site to be somewhat pg rated. They have to do that for a number of reasons. No one wants the site banned or closed due to illicit photos. Remember this is a site for children as well. Hammerfell and Sonny have a big respnsibility to navigate the site to see it doesn't alters course. Fireflyed and Awesome Rachel will be back people. Let's not all go crazy
06-08-2010, 12:46 PM
WhaTs so funny to me is the fact that I dropped that shit with Matt weeks ago! I could couldn't careless now. And it was only brought back up again because I was banned for no good reason. It is also just unbelievable that people from here and other sites have been talking about me or whatever while so many other people, including my nemisis, say that they wish I wasn't banned. Craziness! :)
If you and ham jam don't want me to post pictures and junk here, fine, it's absolutely retarded, but whatever. It was a picture or joes standing in front of a restraint with a funny name. There wasn't even a naked baroness custom in the shot.(which do exist, sadly) I just think it's a crazy reason to start so much gay drama. It was my first picture and post in 2 and a half weeks! I'm not exactly stirring the crap here. I'll go, Its no big deal. This was my wife's account(yes she is a real person, a pure ebony queen). I didn't know people had more than one account but whatever I digress. I'll just be using this account to wrap up my current trades and gifts to people. What sucks is I took some awesome shots last night of poc spirit that I won't get to share with people who actually like my stuff.
But the important question, that hasn't been answered is , are my pics gone? Maybe one of the members of the "reinstate the FF" campaign can check for me. I'm at a work and can't check it out.
Graham cracker, I'm at work and this is coming from my phone so if you pms'd me I can't check until I get home this evening.
Be safe
be good
be kind
rep yo hood
and remember, Thursday is ladies night
free drinks for
all the lades
*edit: my photos are save :)
neapolitan joe
06-08-2010, 12:46 PM
Stop this "embargo" (or ban Rachel too! ;) )...bring back Fireflyed: he's one of us.
General Scarlett
06-08-2010, 12:54 PM
Its as simple as searching for the photos of a can do it yourself with the account your using to post.
06-08-2010, 01:40 PM
[QUOTE=rds13601]I have a feeling Fireflyed will be back at Joe Dios soon. So let's not get all in a twitter. [/QUOTE]
speaking of twitter, if you ever wonder what debauchery LL is getting into or if rasta mon stalker was able to land helix and other Memphis madness. Follow me on Twitter! Name is coryinmemphis
06-08-2010, 01:43 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Its as simple as searching for the photos of a can do it yourself with the account your using to post.[/QUOTE]
I'm at work and am posting from my phone, going through pages of images messes it up
06-08-2010, 01:59 PM
Why Johnny? Why Johnny? :confused:
06-08-2010, 02:17 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]While some of you feel Mr. Castle is the bomb, the flipside is that I'm getting a lot of formal complaints against him. When it comes from the outside Joe-affiliated websites, that's not a good thing for the integrity of or Hammerfel.[/QUOTE]
Respectfully, I don't like how this sounds. Are you saying people from other sites were complaining so that's why he's banned? Maybe these people just had something against him?
Sonneilon, I don't want to give you a hassle here, from experience I know this type of thing. I think the rules here might be too harsh, I don't think Fireflyed deserved this. His last photo (the reason I assume he's banned) wasn't even anything you wouldn't see driving down the road. Have you watched any PG-13 movies lately? I haven't, but in last year's Transformers film, there was a lot worse than anything Fireflyed has said. I just think you should reconsider.
neapolitan joe
06-08-2010, 02:53 PM
Nekoman's right.
06-08-2010, 03:01 PM
Well, I have been busy and haven't had much time to be on the site in much of any capacity. I have known Graham since I got here, and Corey since he joined. Both are decent people. I think if they sit down and discuss it, they can come to some amicable agreement. Those of you who have put in your $.02, that's cool. Noted! Done and done. Let's all just get back to what we were doin and let Graham and Corey has this out, ok?
06-08-2010, 04:00 PM
I'm sure the matter will be settled to each parties satisfaction!!!
Prince Adam
06-08-2010, 04:08 PM
Cashing in my two cents as well.
I'm very much in the Hug it out/Move past it group myself. Although really it's up to Cory and the mods at this point. This place could always use the diversity and fresh look of the stuff Fireflyed posted. He turned vehicle customs into an artform.
06-08-2010, 04:33 PM
FF came up with great customs and great stories. He could always make me laugh. BTW I like the black Ripcord because of his diversity, camo, armor pachute,I know Sonny And Hammerfell have a job to do. I also don't want FF and Rachel to pick up their photos and joes and leave. FF wait it out.
06-08-2010, 05:22 PM
I don't know what happened... and I didn't really get the point... Why Fireflied has been banned?? I think it's really hard to get banned from a site like this.
I'm not arguing,because I'm also the last one here that can talk, but I'd like to know why...
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-08-2010, 05:30 PM
[QUOTE=snakeeyes]I don't know what happened... and I didn't really get the point... Why Fireflied has been banned?? I think it's really hard to get banned from a site like this.
I'm not arguing,because I'm also the last one here that can talk, but I'd like to know why...[/QUOTE]
Alex my friend I think what caused him to be banned was a picture of Helix and Doc dancing and people on other websites saying "ban Fireflyed" but not really dudes on this site as outside of a few people, it's been constant support for Fireflyed.
06-08-2010, 05:44 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Alex my friend I think what caused him to be banned was a picture of Helix and Doc dancing and people on other websites saying "ban Fireflyed" but not really dudes on this site as outside of a few people, it's been constant support for Fireflyed.[/QUOTE]
Damn I missed that picture... . But there's something I don't get... How people outside of this site can affect him? ( do you know what I mean, sorry if my english isn't perfect :p )
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-08-2010, 05:48 PM
[QUOTE=snakeeyes]Damn I missed that picture... . But there's something I don't get... How people outside of this site can affect him? ( do you know what I mean, sorry if my english isn't perfect :p )[/QUOTE]
I do know what you mean! And I don't know either :confused:
You can find the picture on Flickr though =)
06-08-2010, 05:58 PM
Here's my .02 cents:
Sonneilon has a tough job to do. He is not the type ban someone lightly.
As a former site moderator myself, moderating is a tough job, especially to volunteer for. I've had to ban ppl in the past: some I had to act quickly because the site had a live chat component--there were hackers, and there were times when the only way to ban a hacker was to ban everyone from that user's address, reguardless of the innocent. And it had always left me with an ugly feeling.
Yet often times the site itself has to come first because there are other ppl here. Some are children. JD has no mechanism for parental controls or any movie-style rating/warning, and often times what is one person's standard of morality is not the standard of another. JD is an international site, and there are things done in the US culture that does not translate well to other cultures. In many ways, the mod has to stick with the lowest common denominator that is acceptible for a wide audience. Else the site could even be taken down for such things as improper content to minors, etc.
For a good hearted person, of which Sonneilon is, banning is not a simple issue, and banning is a lot more complex than it may seem.
06-08-2010, 06:43 PM
People weren't griping directly at Mr. Castle from other websites. They usually keep it vague. "Why did this fight get out into the open?" "Why do you let -some- pictures posted?" etc. We DO have a huge amount of lurkers.
AS I already stated, there have been continual complaints lodged about him. He has already been warned a few times. I'm not opposed to letting him back in. But like everyone here, rules need to be not only observed, but action taken to keep those standards there.
The complaints I got about the picture in question, those people saw an inappropriate act.
And Hammerfel wants a PG site, not pg13. I only go with what he wants in this regard.
06-08-2010, 07:03 PM
Mr. Hughes.... what do you get out of calling me, Mr. Castle. No one uses last/sur names on this site, not ever. It doesn't come off as respectful. In this regard, it comes off as condescending. I'm not not trying to start a fight, I DO want to come back, I'm just putting in MY .02. You just keep using it, fireflyed of FF will suffice. Thank you.
Respectfully yours
06-08-2010, 07:07 PM
It's a formal name in a formal situation.
And not everyone uses the screen names.
Because you wish, I will continue using FF.
Otto the Otter
06-08-2010, 07:08 PM
I used to frequent a site that had NO limits what so ever, no topic was taboo, nor were any pictures posted there. Sound like it might be an ok place, but I tell you what, it basically came down to who could come up with the most most creative, "funny" and digusting way of shooting down someone who had differing opinions. People got real nasty and brought out personal things they had learned about others and it got to the point where you couldn't have a civilized conversation with anyone.
I'm glad there are rules here and I'm glad that everybody seems to follow them. The moderatiors don't seem to let the problem children hang around too long. I'd hate to see what happened on that other site happen here.
When I first noticed that Fireflyed had been banned, I figured there was a reason for it that wasn't on the surface that the rest of us couldn't see. I hope he is able to come back.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-08-2010, 07:22 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Here's my .02 cents:
Sonneilon has a tough job to do. He is not the type ban someone lightly.
As a former site moderator myself, moderating is a tough job, especially to volunteer for. I've had to ban ppl in the past: some I had to act quickly because the site had a live chat component--there were hackers, and there were times when the only way to ban a hacker was to ban everyone from that user's address, reguardless of the innocent. And it had always left me with an ugly feeling.
Yet often times the site itself has to come first because there are other ppl here. Some are children. JD has no mechanism for parental controls or any movie-style rating/warning, and often times what is one person's standard of morality is not the standard of another. JD is an international site, and there are things done in the US culture that does not translate well to other cultures. In many ways, the mod has to stick with the lowest common denominator that is acceptible for a wide audience. Else the site could even be taken down for such things as improper content to minors, etc.
For a good hearted person, of which Sonneilon is, banning is not a simple issue, and banning is a lot more complex than it may seem.[/QUOTE]
Okay cool story bro, it's good to know you were a mod. Thing is what your saying doesn't really mean anything. The Internet is a scary thing, we all know this, and has maybe 2 people who are minors that actively visit it. A picture of a child's toy grinding with another child's toy (KIDS DANCE THAT WAY NOW!) is probably not going to get this website kicked off the internet. Hisstank for example has pictures of G.I. Joe toys modified so that they're breasts and genitals are exposed. Is that website going to be kicked off the internet?
Prince Adam
06-08-2010, 07:24 PM
I'm all for different opinions and everyone has varying degrees of what's humorous and what's obscene and what's out-right uncalled for.
Personally I didn't see FF's post to be too bad. Maybe cause it was all in jest, or maybe because I've seen worse (Barbie porn on flickr... ugh!). It was clearly never an intention of his to be offensive or upset the staus quo of the board. He's just never come off as that kind of guy.
Understandably politics shouldn't really be on this forum. It's far too small in all honesty and there's going to be some people getting upset no matter what. Given I can't honestly say I've seen anyone post anything regarding politics but given the complaints I assume there's some. But at the same time if it's a political topic I personally shy away from it. My political beliefs are somewhat personal and if your's are as well then just move on to the next topic. No reason to get in a huff over something. Different strokes for different folks, people.
At the end of the day what JDs, and any other toysite, is genuinely about is we all love toys and we all must love at least trying to photograph them so just roll with it.
Idealy you can can tell by the thumbnail if something ain't for you and if it's not then cool there's going to be something else for you here I'm sure. And if in the rare event your shlt doesn't stink and EVERYTHING is subject to your extra-worldy opinion then this probably isn't the spot for you hombre'. ;)
Guess up 4 cents now....
06-08-2010, 07:25 PM
The foto is not JD worthy.
It is good for Flickr since it is in a personal account.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-08-2010, 07:32 PM
People weren't griping directly at Mr. Castle from other websites. They usually keep it vague. "Why did this fight get out into the open?" "Why do you let -some- pictures posted?" etc. We DO have a huge amount of lurkers.
AS I already stated, there have been continual complaints lodged about him. He has already been warned a few times. I'm not opposed to letting him back in. But like everyone here, rules need to be not only observed, but action taken to keep those standards there.
The complaints I got about the picture in question, those people saw an inappropriate act.
And Hammerfel wants a PG site, not pg13. I only go with what he wants in this regard.[/QUOTE]
If they're not members what the hell does it matter? The vast majority of people who are members of this website haven't really said anything negative about the pic. It's not like they're obscure folks like "Turner" either, they're all well known members like Scarrviper, Vader, Nekoman, Snakeeyes, Ciadra, Dan-O.
I mean there's far creepier pictures than an obvious joke picture on this website. I'll post links to a few: (Clutch is consuming alcohol and groping a figure that doesn't look like it's gone through puberty)
I'd like to complain about those.
06-08-2010, 07:42 PM
We care about the outsiders too because we want an open door format here. Anything to turn them off is not good. Especially when they pass it around.
As well, did you even READ teabag's thoughts on the picture in question.
And I feel that you are just jumping on the bandwagon of saying what offends you to be cool or whatever. You probably should have filed the complaint (with reasoning) when they were first posted as well.
06-08-2010, 07:50 PM
C'mon Ian! Hershel's was a diostory! a good one short dio.
And Death one is harmless.
06-08-2010, 07:50 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner] (Clutch is consuming alcohol and groping a figure that doesn't look like it's gone through puberty)
:-) Thanks Roland da Thompson Gunner! I feel really honored you chosed one of my photos :-) Hopefully more ppl will click on it and rack up the viewing count.
06-08-2010, 07:54 PM
I just wanted everyone to know: I like pie.
That is all
General Scarlett
06-08-2010, 08:01 PM
I bake.
06-08-2010, 08:03 PM
I eat.. but have to eat more I guess.. I'm all bones with a scythe and grave robes.
06-08-2010, 08:04 PM
I had teriyaki tonite.
General Scarlett
06-08-2010, 08:05 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]I eat.. but have to eat more I guess.. I'm all bones with a scythe and grave robes.[/QUOTE]
So your saying your profession is 'Runway Model'?!?!
06-08-2010, 08:07 PM
All that running made him really thin, I guess...
06-08-2010, 08:09 PM
Hehhe, I give up.. I don't know how to respond to this.. but for the record, my robes are custom made.. they don't fit on anyone else.
Agent Viper
06-08-2010, 08:17 PM
I ate Mickey D's
06-08-2010, 08:20 PM
*gasp!* And you survived!
*death takes out a lifetimer*
06-08-2010, 08:21 PM
dude, i can't eat at McD's. After that story about the 1 yr old happy meal that never molded, talk about gross, Daniel! lol
General Scarlett
06-08-2010, 08:26 PM
McDonald's still has the best french fries.
Dammit, now I'm hungry!
Agent Viper
06-08-2010, 08:29 PM
Quarter Pounder and A milkshake'
God I have a lot of running to do!
06-08-2010, 08:32 PM
Hey, if someones making a Mickey D's run, can ya grab me 2 double cheeseburgers, a 10 piece nuggett, large fries, and a LARGE strawberry milkshake.....Thanks.
Agent Viper
06-08-2010, 08:34 PM
I must agree, good old Graham is very nice and a extremely humble person. Also, Now that I believe FF and I are cool, I am hoping that there will be a settlement between the two.
Sure some shots are seemed as inappropriate, but we all have that "immature" side.
As for my Mickey D's supper, I just puked it up. AURGHH!!!
06-08-2010, 08:38 PM
Now I know your secret to long life. And I thought it was either a stomach of iron, hit points above 100, or some 'health restore' potion. ;-)
Beast from the east
06-08-2010, 08:40 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]McDonald's still has the best french fries.
Dammit, now I'm hungry![/QUOTE]
Acually the resturant I work at make THE best fries.
We get the potatoes in and peel them and cut them right at the resturant. They are some mmm good
06-08-2010, 08:42 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]We care about the outsiders too because we want an open door format here. Anything to turn them off is not good. Especially when they pass it around.
As well, did you even READ teabag's thoughts on the picture in question.
And I feel that you are just jumping on the bandwagon of saying what offends you to be cool or whatever. You probably should have filed the complaint (with reasoning) when they were first posted as well.[/QUOTE]
Look, you're missing the point. I don't think Roland was actually offended by those, what he's saying is that they are no different than Fireflyed's shot in terms of content. You're trying to say that the photo in question is something more harmful than it really was. Plenty of other people have posted something similar and yet you refuse to acknowledge this. You're missing the point, intentionally or unintentionally I don't know.
I'm not trying to be a jerk here, clearly you are fine with this topic or you would have closed it already. I just don't see why you're trying to dodge our questions and ignore stuff, cause that's what it seems like you're doing.
Let me reiterate: In what fashion was Fireflyed's photo any more harmful than the photos Roland linked to? Answer it plainly and clearly. I as Nekoman dare you. :cool:
General Scarlett
06-08-2010, 08:46 PM
[QUOTE=Beast from the east]Acually the resturant I work at make THE best fries.
We get the potatoes in and peel them and cut them right at the resturant. They are some mmm good[/QUOTE]
Well, don't be a hoarder.......share with the group!!
06-08-2010, 08:56 PM
I got no complaints about the 3 fotos in question which have NOW been brought up at a time much later. FF on the other hand, there were complaints. Not only with the latest picture, but him as a member. There's more to this than just the picture.
IF any of you have a problem with the standards and rules here, feel free to move on or back to flickr where you can post whatever you want. We want a safe community here, one that gets along.
IF you can not respect the site (and what it wants) and the people who work for the site, then again, you should probably move on.
I am now locking this thread.
I am now receiving complaints about this thread.
Any other new post/thread pertaining to this situation will be locked down. As well, any member who attempts to do so will receive a short term ban. This will allow time for them to consider what this site is really about, who it's geared for, understand the rules, cool their jets and if necessary, move on if this is no longer the place for them.
It's going nowhere.
06-08-2010, 09:07 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]C'mon Ian! Hershel's was a diostory! a good one short dio.
And Death one is harmless.[/QUOTE]
What was harmful about Cory's? Did he not provide a description that in turn made his a photo a "short" dio-story? Why was Cory's recent photo not JD worthy Rambo? The member, Roland, provided worse examples, why was my husband singled out? I am a little ditsy, but I could have sworn you posted earlier in favor of his reinstatement. What changed Rambo? I am by know means attempting to say that he is perfect, he is not at ALL, but even a amateur gi joe gal like me can see that his posts were far from the worst things posted here. Was the set not up to joedios standards? And if it wasn't, what pre-13 year old can possible meet the excellence of standards that are set by veteran users here? The "rules and regulations" are so skewed here. And my husband has been banned for something that literally measures up as inconsequential when measured against other foul products from previous uploads to this site. I am beginning to understand why Cory was so upset.
-Rachel(the real Rachel)
Cory is driving me crazy. Just take him back already! I want to sleep tonight and not have joedios be the only thing he talks about!
06-08-2010, 09:07 PM
I like McD but the best burguers here are the ones being sold on the streets.
PS. For Rachel: I would like him back.
06-08-2010, 09:12 PM
Rachel, read the rules and regulations.
Then be aware of the past pms FF and I have had about his behavior and attitude.
Then be aware of the numerous complaints lodged about his latest photo and this thread.
06-09-2010, 12:00 PM
I started a policy thread on this here:
Two of our esteemed members have hit the nail on the head with this issue, first, Scarlett:
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I don't want to stir up a hornet's nest here, but let's grow up.
The simple fact is that 'common sense' needs to be employed at all times when dealing with a 'public forum' that is essentially owned by 1 person. Through the graciousness of Hammerfel we are all able to congregate and share pictures and stories and 'shoot the sh*t' on a daily basis.
While for the most part we're all 'grown up', we still need to remember that there are rules. And when someone pushes the envelope too far, they have to deal with the consequences.
Yes, its *fun* and lively to get involved in things that should stay private, but its also not cool to fan the flames and bash the people who have been tasked with keeping the peace. Believe me, I know.
While I've got nothing against anyone personally, I do know the people who were less than gracious toward me during my tenure here. And a number of them were people who were being nice to my face while stabbing me in the back. But I didn't hold a grudge against anyone. I let bygones be bygones and when I was asked by 'the powers that be' to come back and reclaim my place as a 'valued, veteran member', I agreed.
I've kept to myself and continued posting the same positive, encouraging posts that I've maintained from the beginning. But seeing this flame war being fanned, I feel the need to put my .03 in.
If people want to cause drama, you can't stop them. But by egging it on, you simply ensure its continuance. Look at what Matt did......when I left, he had opened-and been banned-by over a half dozen SN's. And we all know that most of the 'old guard' have more than one account here on JoeDios (a bonus that is not accepted on nearly every other Joe board) while lamenting the 'banning' of the SN gives some 'meat' to the boredom, its not like a different account can't be used (which has already been done in this thread).
I know that its fun to jump on the bandwagon and get into everybody else's business, but when all the facts are not known, it just serves to derail a good site and its members from the purpose of said site. Let the affected parties hash it out via PM's and don't get involved in business that doesn't concern you personally.
The fact that people were complaining (or whatever happened), shows that it was done by some who have taken the 'high road' and gone along the proper channels to inform the staff of whatever questionable actions were going on (I don't know about the picture in question, I had only seen the thumbnail and didn't get a chance to click on it before it was taken down). Irregardless, as some have stated, there is a flickr account, so the shot can (most likely) be viewed there.
So, everybody should just go back to doing what this site is REALLY all about-taking pictures of plastic army men........
'Nuff Said![/QUOTE]
And Death at Midnight:
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Here's my .02 cents:
Sonneilon has a tough job to do. He is not the type ban someone lightly.
As a former site moderator myself, moderating is a tough job, especially to volunteer for. I've had to ban ppl in the past: some I had to act quickly because the site had a live chat component--there were hackers, and there were times when the only way to ban a hacker was to ban everyone from that user's address, reguardless of the innocent. And it had always left me with an ugly feeling.
Yet often times the site itself has to come first because there are other ppl here. Some are children. JD has no mechanism for parental controls or any movie-style rating/warning, and often times what is one person's standard of morality is not the standard of another. JD is an international site, and there are things done in the US culture that does not translate well to other cultures. In many ways, the mod has to stick with the lowest common denominator that is acceptible for a wide audience. Else the site could even be taken down for such things as improper content to minors, etc.
For a good hearted person, of which Sonneilon is, banning is not a simple issue, and banning is a lot more complex than it may seem.[/QUOTE]
Sonneilon PM'd me about his action. I have to apologize for not posting sooner. My son is graduating 2nd grade, switching schools, and just finished up his Wolf year in Cub Scouts, and at work, a co-worker is moving on to another company and I have the annual E3 Expo to prep for next week, so I've been pretty busy. :)
To the photo in question, it was too suggestive for my tastes, especially as a stand-alone shot. I'm not opposed to sexy scenes in dio stories, as long as they further the plot, like the Scarlett / Helix shot linked above contributed to that story.
Think of it this way. When you see a one-shot photo of a man behind a bent over woman, simulating sex, that's just a titillating photo meant to get a reaction out of the viewer. It akin to soft-core porn. When you watch a movie, and the same scene takes pace between lovers, it (hopefully) enriches the story and develops the characters. Heck, even I have a "sex scene ( " in one of my dios, but it develops my character of Kamakura have "the ear that sees" and involves known lovers, Lady Jaye and Flint.
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