View Full Version : This is the Real Rachel. Seriously, Why you guys!?

06-08-2010, 09:05 PM
I don't know a lot about the site or what is going on with Cory, and I want to get that out there right in the beginning. But I can tell you what I do know.

When me and Cory (fireflyed if you don't know), had been dating for a while we decided to buy a house and move in together. I then learned the extent of his gi joe thing, and was cool with it. He did buy the house for us after all. About 20 days into living together he found this site. Since then, this site has been his hobby, but also so much more than that, it became his passion. We were both in our senior years at the University of Kentucky, but I could already tell that as long as he was getting by in class, joedios was his concern. I embraced his passion(hence this account) and met some really nice people and began to understand his dedication to people he honestly did not know a bit.

We were two college kids with zero extra dollars, but he still tried to give what he could to everyone. At the beginning, before he know anyone, he was so happy to see comments on his amateur level photos, from Outrider, Flatline, and General Scarlet. His silly photos were crap, but I didn't tell him, he was happy. That happiness spawned relationships. I got a new camera for Christmas and he insisted I send my old one to a joedios member who could honestly get something out of it. We were college kids trying to manage a mortgage but he still wanted to give his extra silly ebay cash to a joedios member he respected. I cannot even begin to count all the times I have taken parcels to the post office to be sent out for him because he said it could not wait till Saturday.

This website is a great release for him and it's full of great people, When I first began living with Cory and wanted to hang out with him on the weekends and do the things he likes to do, joes became a part of my life. Ender even sent me some figures(thank you frank) so I didn't have to ask Cory for his and then have to listen to his "please be careful it's a custom" rant.

So hopefully you know where I am coming from with this next part.

I forced Cory to move to Memphis, where he knows no one. He is a partner in a construction firm and works horrible hours, where free time and getting off early are in short supply. He is not home now because he is getting the heavy equipment ready for tomorrow, and I can assure you, I am going to hear it later because of this post.

But you mods, owners, whatever, need to hear this... He has to be at his shop before 6am. He was up till 2:30 last night, completely distraught over this silliness. "Babe, I can't log in, I think I'm banned. Just go lay down while I try to get of the bottom of this." I talked to him throughout the day and every message was about him being banned from joedios. He loves this site and I am almost completely certain he didn't do an ounce of work today because of all of this. Yes he says stuff he shouldn't, yes he acts uper tough, but he also loves the site and loves to give to it's members. He loves to try and gain a smile. When Craig past he called me at work and he was genuinely really really upset. And to be honest that upset me as well. Not just because he was upset but also that a member of this group, and particularity,one of the members that helped him so much and meant so much to him was gone. Outrider was such a great person that not only transcended gi joes but was also a great person.

Cory is not posting his pictures in an effort to get banned, or in an effort to alienate members or upset people. Sometimes he just thinks he is funny when he's not. He loves this site so much and this whole nonsense has begun to affect me. He had a lot of things to accomplish today and he didn't get it done because he stayed up all night worried about it, and then talked to me about it all day. Not to mention that I am 100% certain he didn't take his phone out of his hand all day.

I know his humor is a tad bit dark, and I know he hates the city of Memphis and likes to try and incorporate that into his anger.... but that is probably my fault.

But please for me, his wife, (who has to listen as he recaps all the posts about people that don't like him) let it go, for my sake. He loves the site would do anything for its members for nothing and shouldn't be banned because he hates Memphis.

God, he is gonna hate me for this post. He acts like a hard ass but he does love this site. This whole thing is silly.