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View Full Version : Couple Idea's Of Mine

Agent Viper
06-09-2010, 04:42 PM
The whole new drama may be getting everyone frusturated but not I! While reading and trying to understand the shenanigans, I was thinking of the Urban Set I am building, and for some odd reason I started getting ideas for it!

First is what I am going to add in the set to give it that "real" look.

As of now I am on printminis.com looking at Movie Posters and Newspapers that will go in the set.

I am also wanting to put a trash can and some trash bags in a corner somewhere, but how will I go about doing this?
Right now its kind of iffy but I want to try it!

Cut a small square out of a trash bag, (4x4 or so) then roll up a small ball of paper, wrap the square around it, and BOOM! Bag full of our cans!

As of more items, I want a small trash can, so I found a nice film container (from old cameras) and started thinking, "wow, this is a nicely sized trash can".

I will begin to post these in the How To's (and provide a guide on it) once I settle down and begin to make them.

PS, if anyone knows where to get 1/18th scaled cans or beer bottles, shoot me a PM.


06-09-2010, 04:48 PM
Vader/Dave has them and sells them. They are not cheap though, I'll say that much, but they are well made and full of awesome.

06-09-2010, 07:05 PM
You can make your own. For bottles and glasses and such, you can make a shape using something like Sculpty, make a mold of it.. then pure a crystal clear acrylic. Craft stores like Hobby Lobby has the stuff for doing resin casting, and even small items like cups and such.

Or you can shape it out of acrylic gel, from a serious hobby store.

06-09-2010, 07:54 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]You can make your own. For bottles and glasses and such, you can make a shape using something like Sculpty, make a mold of it.. then pure a crystal clear acrylic. Craft stores like Hobby Lobby has the stuff for doing resin casting, and even small items like cups and such.

Or you can shape it out of acrylic gel, from a serious hobby store.[/QUOTE]

I think buying them from Dave is a hell of a lot easy and probably cheaper in the end. Bottles were three bux a piece, I can't remember the beer cans.

Agent Viper
06-09-2010, 08:21 PM
[QUOTE=Rachel]I think buying them from Dave is a hell of a lot easy and probably cheaper in the end. Bottles were three bux a piece, I can't remember the beer cans.[/QUOTE]

I'll check out both!

Thanks Death and Cory!

06-09-2010, 08:22 PM
That's true. I've seen some pics that look pretty good.

I've always been the do it yourself type when it comes to models and such. So what fits me better is doing it my own.. one reason is I can make something no one else has ever seen, and when doing the casting in bulk, can sell something unique.

But casting takes time to get used to it. Not something for just anyone. But the thing is, what skills you learn doing your own resin casting, you can make an endless supply of other things.. barrels, trashbins, sandbags, jerry cans, even figure parts and weapons, and sell them.