View Full Version : Sorry Guys
Agent Viper
06-24-2010, 02:06 PM
There will not be a lot of activty from me in a bit. Recently found out that a very close Family Member passed away. I'm taking it kind of rough and so is the folks.
So just thought I'd give a little heads up.
Oh and PS, I recently picked up some Diorama Supplies, so when I do begin posting again, I'll post with a bang.
Matt out.
His Memorial has been moved to next Wednesday. Actually found a lot of old pictures of him. Good times.
06-24-2010, 02:26 PM
I am so sorry for your loss.
06-24-2010, 02:34 PM
sorry to hear about that Matt . take all the time you need and . you know were to find us if you need to talk things trough.
Beast from the east
06-24-2010, 02:44 PM
sry to hear that MAtt
Take your time and come back when you can.
Agent Viper
06-24-2010, 03:41 PM
thanks guys on the support. Found out his Memorial will be Tuesday. And I am getting some ideas for sets. Doesn't help my Order from Guru Planet came in today!
Which concealed, 25th Bazooka and a Version 1 Firefly!!! (I'll be getting a heckuva better one from Dave).
So I am not fully on hiatus, theres still some shots wating to be done.
06-24-2010, 11:35 PM
Sorry to hear about your family loss, Matt.
06-25-2010, 07:34 AM
I am very sorry for your loss! Anything I can do pm me
06-25-2010, 11:28 AM
Dude. I'll be straight with you. Get your POO together. I understand someone passed away and my condolences to the loss. While there is a period of mourning, the rest of the world keeps moving and some recent information has come by my way which you need to make straight (again). Do what is right not only in your heart but ethically and morally.
*that better?*
Dreadnok Dread
06-25-2010, 02:47 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Dude. I'll be straight with you. Get your shit together. I understand someone passed away and my condolences to the loss. While there is a period of mourning, the rest of the world keeps moving and some recent information has come by my way which you need to make straight (again). Do what is right not only in your heart but ethically and morally.[/QUOTE]
Joe dios need to have a like button like facebook does! I like this!
06-25-2010, 03:05 PM
[QUOTE=Dreadnok Dread]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Joe dios need to have a like button like facebook does! I like this![/QUOTE]
There it is. At the bottom left of each post is a YELLOW happy face and a RED warning button.
Dreadnok Dread
06-25-2010, 04:12 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]There it is. At the bottom left of each post is a YELLOW happy face and a RED warning button.[/QUOTE]
thanks! but then it doesn't say! Dreadnok Dread likes this! lol :D
06-25-2010, 06:25 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Get your **** together. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]2) Swearing is not allowed in any post in the forums or when replying to pictures. This includes the description area of your picture(s). IF your picture and/or dio has swearing, fine. Please keep in mind that we wish this to be a PG/PG13 sort of site. If you have a ton of swearing in a dio, please try and post a warning as a courtesy. [/QUOTE]
Rules & Regulations (
06-25-2010, 06:32 PM
My condolences for your loss
06-25-2010, 06:43 PM
regulaciones es regulaciones.
Agent Viper
06-26-2010, 08:22 AM
Well found out their burying him in Florida, in a Veterans Memorial Cemetary, I will be attending his Memorial Service Tuesday.
Just a update, its going bad.
06-26-2010, 09:05 AM
i am sorry to hear this
Agent Viper
06-26-2010, 09:23 AM
Thanks to everyone for their kind words and all around generosity.
Scuba Steve
06-26-2010, 01:12 PM
Sorry to hear about the loss. Death sucks and it robs us not only of the people we care about but seemingly our will for a time. Do what you need to do and take all the time you need to get through it. I know that this place is always here when its time to return!
06-28-2010, 11:46 AM
Sorry to hear that, Matt. Please know we're all here for you. :)
Agent Viper
06-28-2010, 01:36 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]Sorry to hear that, Matt. Please know we're all here for you. :)[/QUOTE]
Thanks Hammer, Scuba, you are both well hearted people.
ct nightviper
06-28-2010, 06:16 PM
dude im very sorry for your loss and take your time and to the others i say this who watches the watchmen that was a jerk move earlier wayto go
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-28-2010, 07:37 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]dude im very sorry for your loss and take your time and to the others i say this who watches the watchmen that was a jerk move earlier wayto go[/QUOTE]
What does this even mean?
06-28-2010, 08:03 PM
I was wondering the same thing but what I think he means was that Grahams post was mean. Becuase he said shit and said handle yo shit Viper in a death thread, and by saying "who watches the watchmen" I think he meant Sonnylyin needs to be held accountable for his posts. I'm not fo sho, but thats what I gathered.
I think I'm in the ballpark though.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-28-2010, 08:14 PM
[QUOTE=Rachel]I was wondering the same thing but what I think he means was that Grahams post was mean. Becuase he said shit and said handle yo shit Viper in a death thread, and by saying "who watches the watchmen" I think he meant Sonnylyin needs to be held accountable for his posts. I'm not fo sho, but thats what I gathered.
I think I'm in the ballpark though.[/QUOTE]
Sounds reasonable to me!
06-28-2010, 08:52 PM
My condolences man
i think lack of activity would be totally understandable
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-28-2010, 09:42 PM
Originally Sonnelion had a second message in this thread, it disappeared!
Did you discuss things with Dan Contrino?
Cause the way Dan described what happened (as well as Agent Viper's replies) really made it seem like Agent Viper was pulling a bait and switch. IE: Agent Viper sends a picture of a bag, implying that it is what's for trade, and then says "Wow Dan hooked me up, I should send him a bunch of parts from this bag" gets called on it, and still doesn't send the complete contents of the bag. However he said he was just doing Dan a favor by not sending some of the stuff in the bag. :confused: :rolleyes:
06-28-2010, 09:43 PM
[QUOTE=Rachel]I think he meant Sonnylyin needs to be held accountable for his posts. I'm not fo sho, but thats what I gathered.
I think I'm in the ballpark though.[/QUOTE]
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
and at least he doesn't hijack his "girlfriends" account to keep posting crap.
or maybe you should just make up more fake comments and blog about it?
06-28-2010, 09:44 PM
BELIEVE me RTG, I'd like to. I"m not taking Matt's side on this one. I just want to hear HIS side of the story before a "DON'T TRADE WITH AGENT VIPER!" post/thread shows up. I was hoping that Matt wasn't using a death in the family as an excuse to flub a trade or punk someone.
I am perfectly cool with being held accountable for things. I make mistakes too.
06-28-2010, 11:27 PM
Hate to hear about your loss. I felt the same way when my father died 2 years ago. I didn't want to post anything and I disappeared from all the different joe boards for about 6 months. Take your time and grieve in you way. We will be here.
06-29-2010, 05:05 AM
any pals of Agent Viper better not give Sonneilon any shit! Graham is one of the people who allows Matt to stay here. I think when a post on this thread goes from memorial details to toy orders from Guru planet i would question the motives of the thread too.
Da Talent
06-29-2010, 05:11 AM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Let he who is without sin cast the first stone[/QUOTE]
I don't think that quip makes any sense in this instance.
[QUOTE=LordRaven]and at least he doesn't hijack his "girlfriends" account to keep posting crap.[/QUOTE]
Does this work better for you Shame?
[QUOTE=LordRaven]or maybe you should just make up more fake comments and blog about it?[/QUOTE]
I don't know what fake comments your referring to, but good news! You are totally in the running for the douchebag of the week-a-thon!
Agent Viper
06-29-2010, 07:03 AM
Wait a second, using my uncles death as a excuse??? What in gods name would put that into you? Do you want me to postpictures of his memorial service?? Lord raven, your not a douche. Speaking of which I posted my recent swag because it was something that makes me happy, kinda like my photos. It gets my mind off all the negativity ya know?
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-29-2010, 04:29 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]BELIEVE me RTG, I'd like to. I"m not taking Matt's side on this one. I just want to hear HIS side of the story before a "DON'T TRADE WITH AGENT VIPER!" post/thread shows up. I was hoping that Matt wasn't using a death in the family as an excuse to flub a trade or punk someone.
I am perfectly cool with being held accountable for things. I make mistakes too.[/QUOTE]
That's reasonable Sonne, however I think that 3 years of consistent problems might start to warrant it.
Your post was fine, ct (connecticut?) nightviper is a strange one!
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
and at least he doesn't hijack his "girlfriends" account to keep posting crap.
or maybe you should just make up more fake comments and blog about it? [/QUOTE]
Man what's with the constant stream of negativity out of you? You post like once a week, it's usually starting something with Cory. You have an air of superiority because you've been here for a lot longer than most, well you don't post many pictures so it kind of winds up being a talk - action = 0 situation, as while you talk up the role of "Trusted Joedios Veteran" however your G.I. Joe diorama output does not match that title.
Agent Viper
06-29-2010, 04:50 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]That's reasonable Sonne, however I think that 3 years of consistent problems might start to warrant it.
Your post was fine, ct (connecticut?) nightviper is a strange one!
Man what's with the constant stream of negativity out of you? You post like once a week, it's usually starting something with Cory. You have an air of superiority because you've been here for a lot longer than most, well you don't post many pictures so it kind of winds up being a talk - action = 0 situation, as while you talk up the role of "Trusted Joedios Veteran" however your G.I. Joe diorama output does not match that title.[/QUOTE]
I try to post when I can Roland. I didn't think that you really payed attention to my posts. As when I do post up shots theirs about two at a time. I don't want to flood the 3 cap. What do you mean my "G.I. joe diorama output does not match"? I think a diorama set. Which I've been told my dioramas are petty good.
06-29-2010, 05:07 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]
Man what's with the constant stream of negativity out of you? You post like once a week, it's usually starting something with Cory. You have an air of superiority because you've been here for a lot longer than most, well you don't post many pictures so it kind of winds up being a talk - action = 0 situation, as while you talk up the role of "Trusted Joedios Veteran" however your G.I. Joe diorama output does not match that title.[/QUOTE]
My stream of negativity come from the fact I don't post here much anymore because all it ever seems to be is someone WHINING about someone else. SHUT UP! POST PICTURES OF TOYS! Be SMART about the photos you post, and when you do something SERIOUSLY out of what this site's rules consider allowable, don't be SO SURPRISED when you get your ass banned. Again. and. again.
I'm tired of this site. I'm tired of people thinking they're so wonderful and when they do something wrong and get punished for it, they get up in a huff and act like a 14 year old girl who just had her Jonas Bros CD stolen. Grow up. All of you, and YOU know who YOU are.
I used to post here alot, when good people like Frank, Luis, Graham, Pru and Craig and I WERE the site. I miss those days. I miss when I didn't have to worry about logging on and seeing INAPPROPRIATE photos, or remarks that are TOTALLY slander and personally bashing. I hate what I see on this site now.
It's that reason I don't go on here anymore. People wonder why I don't say anything, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I wish there were more silent fools.
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]You have an air of superiority because you've been here for a lot longer than most,[/QUOTE]
Considering how many insults and backhanded comments I see you toss at people, RTG, to say nothing of the things you blog about ( I don't think you're in a position to accuse anyone of having an air of superiority.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-29-2010, 06:46 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Considering how many insults and backhanded comments I see you toss at people, RTG, to say nothing of the things you blog about ( I don't think you're in a position to accuse anyone of having an air of superiority.[/QUOTE]
Hey it's the guy most people disliked!
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-29-2010, 06:47 PM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]I try to post when I can Roland. I didn't think that you really payed attention to my posts. As when I do post up shots theirs about two at a time. I don't want to flood the 3 cap. What do you mean my "G.I. joe diorama output does not match"? I think a diorama set. Which I've been told my dioramas are petty good.[/QUOTE]
Remember what I said about Reading comp on Flickr?
It applies again!
Agent Viper
06-29-2010, 06:52 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Remember what I said about Reading comp on Flickr?
It applies again![/QUOTE]
And this is just me asking, why is it you enjoy pissing off others? Not me persay, I just laugh at most of your posts. But the likes or Shane and Jay, I mean they post every once in a year and for some odd reason you always have something to say about it?
And to avoid this from getting out of control further, PM me with a reply. Because I will respect "Continuing Arguments Via PM".
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 06:57 PM
[QUOTE=Rachel]I was wondering the same thing but what I think he means was that Grahams post was mean. Becuase he said shit and said handle yo shit Viper in a death thread, and by saying "who watches the watchmen" I think he meant Sonnylyin needs to be held accountable for his posts. I'm not fo sho, but thats what I gathered.
I think I'm in the ballpark though.[/QUOTE]
yes thats what i ment hes so quick to jump down others throats when they mess up but he can say or do what he wants almost unchecked this site just had a huge should i say ethical debate with pics and whatnot hammerfell wants it to be a clean site and he cusses but yet theres no warning or ban the street should be a 2 way one no one way
Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-29-2010, 06:58 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]My stream of negativity come from the fact I don't post here much anymore because all it ever seems to be is someone WHINING about someone else. SHUT UP! POST PICTURES OF TOYS! Be SMART about the photos you post, and when you do something SERIOUSLY out of what this site's rules consider allowable, don't be SO SURPRISED when you get your ass banned. Again. and. again.[/QUOTE]
I do. When do you?
I used to post here alot, when good people like Frank, Luis, Graham, Pru and Craig and I WERE the site. I miss those days. I miss when I didn't have to worry about logging on and seeing INAPPROPRIATE photos, or remarks that are TOTALLY slander and personally bashing. I hate what I see on this site now.
Dude you've got a self custom who's character is "lays all sorts of G.I. hoez" and you do "rum powered reviews". The "INAPPROPRIATE" photo you're alluding to, is of an action figure consuming liqour (RUM IS A LIQUOR!) and two other action figures dancing, in a form of dance that has been popular for the last 19 years and is commonplace. You can't be offended by one thing when you're guilty of the other. Ya know you were getting all biblical and such, it applies here too.
Also it's TOTALLY not slander, slander is spoken, libel is written, also it's only libel if it's not true, quoting someone is different than making things up.
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 07:03 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]BELIEVE me RTG, I'd like to. I"m not taking Matt's side on this one. I just want to hear HIS side of the story before a "DON'T TRADE WITH AGENT VIPER!" post/thread shows up. I was hoping that Matt wasn't using a death in the family as an excuse to flub a trade or punk someone.
I am perfectly cool with being held accountable for things. I make mistakes too.[/QUOTE]
dude seriously you should just insert foot into mouth once again real jerk move to even bring up the fact someone would use a death to screw someone in a trade do you even think before you post or has being a mod givin you a god complex
06-29-2010, 07:03 PM
Wow, fun times!
This thread is a great reason why I just like to usually look at the pretty pictures.
Agent Viper
06-29-2010, 07:04 PM
[QUOTE=giTom]Wow, fun times!
This thread is a great reason why I just like to usually look at the pretty pictures.[/QUOTE]
Weird part was, I have been going through all your shots Tom, awesome stuff!
06-29-2010, 07:21 PM
CT Niteviper, you're an ass and everyone knows it. There's a reason I said what I did and some of the guys back me up on that one. Before you open your dumb f'n mouth again, realize you do NOT know what Matt's history is. And read the g'damn posts before you say anything again, dick.
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Hey it's the guy most people disliked![/QUOTE]
If by most people you mean "RTG and his secret clique of JD haters", then sure.
You hate JoeDios yet continue to post here, you hate JoeCustoms yet continue to post there. You're a giant hypocrite. Most people I talk to happen to dislike you, so if anything you're no better than I am, but at least I still love JD.
Sorry Agent for dragging this out but old timers like Shane are my bros and if someone tries and talk smack about em I'm gonna have their back.
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 07:33 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]CT Niteviper, you're an ass and everyone knows it. There's a reason I said what I did and some of the guys back me up on that one. Before you open your dumb f'n mouth again, realize you do NOT know what Matt's history is. And read the g'damn posts before you say anything again, dick.[/QUOTE]
and your a dick plain and simple come on have the balls to cuss again please show me the real you oh holier than thou i think you master and handler needs to shorten your leash thats great you have people to back you up so what have some respect for the dead even if you think its true or not everyone knows what dummy i just started posting here so how can you really know me please reiterate where youve gatherd this vast knowledge on me
06-29-2010, 07:34 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I do. When do you?
Dude you've got a self custom who's character is "lays all sorts of G.I. hoez" and you do "rum powered reviews". The "INAPPROPRIATE" photo you're alluding to, is of an action figure consuming liqour (RUM IS A LIQUOR!) and two other action figures dancing, in a form of dance that has been popular for the last 19 years and is commonplace. You can't be offended by one thing when you're guilty of the other. Ya know you were getting all biblical and such, it applies here too.
Also it's TOTALLY not slander, slander is spoken, libel is written, also it's only libel if it's not true, quoting someone is different than making things up.[/QUOTE]
You notice how I didn't use a single name in my post, but you came out, fingers-a-pointin?
Everything I have posted has seen Moderator eyes before I've put it on here, it's even spell checked and edited for syntax by the mods here. That's the difference.
Secondly, my self custom is a PARODY of myself.
If anyone has ever or had ever had a problem with it, it would have either been removed or changed.
06-29-2010, 07:35 PM
Dude, you just don't get it!
Matt has had many problems with his trades, including NEVER sending them out!
This death in the family could'[ve been an excuse to punk people, plain and simple. Those guys who want my head ALREADY know that about him. But Fireflyed got banned a short time ago for past problems AND the picture in question was the last straw.
So get a damn clue, moron. Know the facts before you step into the ring, dick. And I've had no problem banning a stupid shit like you. The gloves are off since I stepped down from the bullshit here.
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 07:38 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Dude, you just don't get it!
Matt has had many problems with his trades, including NEVER sending them out!
This death in the family could'[ve been an excuse to punk people, plain and simple. Those guys who want my head ALREADY know that about him. But Fireflyed got banned a short time ago for past problems AND the picture in question was the last straw.
So get a damn clue, moron. Know the facts before you step into the ring, dick. And I've had no problem banning a stupid shit like you. The gloves are off since I stepped down from the bullshit here.[/QUOTE]
and what will you ban me for i havnt cussed havnt talked about politics or posted questionable pics so what will you ban me for
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 07:39 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Dude, you just don't get it!
Matt has had many problems with his trades, including NEVER sending them out!
This death in the family could'[ve been an excuse to punk people, plain and simple. Those guys who want my head ALREADY know that about him. But Fireflyed got banned a short time ago for past problems AND the picture in question was the last straw.
So get a damn clue, moron. Know the facts before you step into the ring, dick. And I've had no problem banning a stupid shit like you. The gloves are off since I stepped down from the bullshit here.[/QUOTE]
and once again you cuss i assume due to your god complex
06-29-2010, 07:42 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]dude seriously you should just insert foot into mouth once again real jerk move to even bring up the fact someone would use a death to screw someone in a trade do you even think before you post or has being a mod givin you a god complex[/QUOTE]
CTNV you are a clueless noob that doesn't know the story of ANYTHING going on. Sonneilon was a fair mod and very professional until ALL the s**** that's happened the last month.
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]and what will you ban me for i havnt cussed [/QUOTE]
Yes you have. You've used the word dick, repeatedly, which I consider to be a cuss word.
I also see a whole bunch of other rules you're breaking with your behavior.
06-29-2010, 07:46 PM
Cuz you're a git. Plain and simple. Sticking your nose in without knowing what's going on.
YOU haven't been here long enough to know what's really gone on.
Remember, Dreadnok Dread and Dan Contrino LIKE my original post. And even if Fireflyed and RTG got problems with me, they KNOW that the original post was true in that Matt's very good at making up excuses and dicking people over.
06-29-2010, 07:53 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]and what will you ban me for i havnt cussed havnt talked about politics or posted questionable pics so what will you ban me for[/QUOTE]
You deserve to be banned for unrespecting the Mod. And that's the bottom line.
Beast from the east
06-29-2010, 07:54 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]and once again you cuss i assume due to your god complex[/QUOTE]
How long have you been here?
You should have nothing to say about this noobie.Be here a few years and THEN you may know more about whats up.
So basicly SHUT UP.
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 07:54 PM
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 07:56 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]You deserve to be banned for unrespecting the Mod. And that's the bottom line.[/QUOTE]
rambo go back to being silent its disrespecting not unrespecting but thank you but he can disrespect who he wants dont seem fair right or wrong
Beast from the east
06-29-2010, 07:57 PM
not if he bans the IP addy
You are blatantly trolling. Whatever ban you get will be well-deserved at this point and not be because you were mean specifically to Sonneilon.
Were it up to me, even if you were behaving this way towards Roland Da Thompson Gunner or anyone else here, you'd be getting banned.
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 07:59 PM
[QUOTE=Beast from the east]How long have you been here?
You should have nothing to say about this noobie.Be here a few years and THEN you may know more about whats up.
So basicly SHUT UP.[/QUOTE]
yeah hey look at your join date than mine im only a few months behind you
Beast from the east
06-29-2010, 08:03 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]yeah hey look at your join date than mine im only a few months behind you[/QUOTE]
Look at my posts to the amount of your posts. Looks like someone joined and just recently came back. I 've been all the time.
06-29-2010, 08:07 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]rambo go back to being silent its disrespecting not unrespecting but thank you but he can disrespect who he wants dont seem fair right or wrong[/QUOTE]
[COLOR=Navy]Sure? You should respect the Mod, keep quiet or get banned.[/COLOR]
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=Beast from the east]Look at my posts to the amount of your posts. Looks like someone joined and just recently came back. I 've been all the time.[/QUOTE]
yes cause ive been in better places and when i tried to comeback the server crashed or whatever ive been a lurker and have commented on photos my whole point is reguardless if the dude is shady when it comes to trades or whatever you always show respect for the dead even if you dont know if its true or not its common curtosey and the mod is just out of control with his comments reguardless of what someone has done here theres a way to talk to someone and treat them and then theres the way he conducts buisness its sad and rediculous thats my problem its a shame my children act more mature and have more manners than some of the people on here but then again how a person acts is a reflection of their upbringing
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]rambo go back to being silent its disrespecting not unrespecting but thank you but he can disrespect who he wants dont seem fair right or wrong[/QUOTE]
So just because he used a wrong term, that somehow makes his post invalid?
Sorry, that's not how the world works.
And if you want to go all Grammar Stickler, at least he spells properly and knows how to use proper punctuation and capitalization.
06-29-2010, 08:12 PM
CT, we have a global community here. Not everyone speaks Americanese as well as you. Deal with it.
And to settle the point, I stepped down this morning.
Someday, maybe you'll find out HOW I came to be a mod on this site.
And on another day, you'll see why I stepped down. It's prolly not that different why a lot of the JBL guys quit their modship as well.
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 08:14 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo][COLOR=Navy]Sure? You should respect the Mod, keep quiet or get banned.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
heres a quote i live by respect is earned not givin and that man or child or teen or whatever he is hasnt done squat to earn my respect and heres another one treat people how you want to be treated if hes gonna talk to people like that than ill address him the same way
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]heres a quote i live by respect is earned not givin and that man or child or teen or whatever he is hasnt done squat to earn my respect and heres another one treat people how you want to be treated if hes gonna talk to people like that than ill address him the same way[/QUOTE]
And what about you.
What have you ever done here to earn anyone's respect?
That quote works both ways. All I've seen from you is asshole behavior left and right, no wonder Graham doesn't respect you, and neither do a lot of the members here from what I'm seeing.
06-29-2010, 08:17 PM
Then you're a moron. You come in right off the bat being a punk and you say the mods have to WIN YOUR respect? Please.
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 08:18 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]CT, we have a global community here. Not everyone speaks Americanese as well as you. Deal with it.
And to settle the point, I stepped down this morning.
Someday, maybe you'll find out HOW I came to be a mod on this site.
And on another day, you'll see why I stepped down. It's prolly not that different why a lot of the JBL guys quit their modship as well.[/QUOTE]
americanese good one touche' as for stepping down good im sure out of a power position and under different circumstances you can be a decent human being
Beast from the east
06-29-2010, 08:19 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]yes cause ive been in better places and when i tried to comeback the server crashed or whatever ive been a lurker and have commented on photos my whole point is reguardless if the dude is shady when it comes to trades or whatever you always show respect for the dead even if you dont know if its true or not its common curtosey and the mod is just out of control with his comments reguardless of what someone has done here theres a way to talk to someone and treat them and then theres the way he conducts buisness its sad and rediculous thats my problem its a shame my children act more mature and have more manners than some of the people on here but then again how a person acts is a reflection of their upbringing[/QUOTE]
06-29-2010, 08:23 PM
Yes, I speak Americanese. I don't do English cuz it's far more anal and proper and well, very few speak it, right? And figure, there's the concept of high english and layman english (or lower english or pedestrian english) or whatever.
Figure if you meet the President of any country, you'd say, "Hello, how are you, Mr. President." instead of "Hi, how's it going?"
Anyway, where were we?
06-29-2010, 08:23 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]So just because he used a wrong term, that somehow makes his post invalid?
Sorry, that's not how the world works.
And if you want to go all Grammar Stickler, at least he spells properly and knows how to use proper punctuation and capitalization.[/QUOTE]
Gracias Jay. CT... ¡Cállate!
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 08:24 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]And what about you.
What have you ever done here to earn anyone's respect?
That quote works both ways. All I've seen from you is asshole behavior left and right, no wonder Graham doesn't respect you, and neither do a lot of the members here from what I'm seeing.[/QUOTE]
where else besides this thread please tell me well this and the fireflyed one lol but i have left lots of positive comments on some of the great photos here
06-29-2010, 08:29 PM
[SIZE=5]I wonder what Craig is thinkin about all this....wherever he is.....[/SIZE]
ct nightviper
06-29-2010, 08:34 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven][SIZE=5]I wonder what Craig is thinkin about all this....wherever he is.....[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
good point and with this being said i will bow out for craig rather than keep this going for those of you whod like to feel free to pm me and id like my writtin warning first before you ban as stated per the rules and regs of the board
06-29-2010, 08:41 PM
heh heh. Seeing how there was only a modnistrator and the owner and I stepped down, only Nate can ban ppl now. Assuming he even sees this thread!
06-29-2010, 09:36 PM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]americanese good one touche' as for stepping down good im sure out of a power position and under different circumstances you can be a decent human being[/QUOTE]
ct nightviper, you're an antagonist and a reactionist.
06-29-2010, 09:41 PM
Regardless of the circumstances here or who started the argument, one of you should have stepped up and been the bigger person to stop allowing this to continue on this thread. A member of our community reaches out and let's us know about a death in his family right now, and some of you take the opportunity to start a flame war.
Grow up and show some respect!
06-29-2010, 10:24 PM
I was just checking the site on my iPhone before bed and noticed this thread has become amazing!
Welcome back jay!
Glad to see your back "sticking your nose" in places where it shouldn't be. (as graham stated.
Graham you quit the gig? Good for you homie. Your better off.
Shane. If anyone can claim to make themselves a parady on the basis of being funny, it's me. And if you have "all the moderators" pre-read your posts for coolness and grammer. Wow. Also thanks for clarifying your first post directed at me. It now makes perfect sense... Or not.
Matt, you should probably stop starting threads.
I didn't mean my first Spanish post as an attack on Graham, hence the funny language I used, but thanks Shame for restarting this whole thread this morning! I guess you should try harder at being MORE silent.(see what I did there?) and taking more pictures.
06-29-2010, 10:28 PM
What is going on here? JD used to be the one place I could come and spend some time and I got along with everyone here. Can we all grow up and get back to having fun and taking great photos. I have made myself scarce around here because I don't need High School drama in my life, I got enough going on in real life. Please cut the crap!
06-29-2010, 10:32 PM
Well said Vader. For the most part, we're all adults here. It's time we started acting like it.
06-30-2010, 05:04 AM
Alright, here it is....Agent Viper is a cancer to this site. More people here have been screwed by this charlatan than not ( Dave, quit while you're ahead...the boy has no scruples ). Graham made his first comment for a good reason, you can't believe a word out of Matt Morelock's mouth! Get rid of him, Nate! Get rid of the cancer and a lot of the BS going on will ease. I think if someone chronicled Agent Viper's history here, all the anger directed at him would make sense to those who feel like he's getting shat on. Remember, he's not just Agent Viper...he's been Firefly v1, Nightcreeper(?) and who knows what else. PLEASE, keep this site for serious and honest people.
CT Nightviper...Carlos(Rambo) is a good friend of mine and his English is self taught from freaking Joe file cards and talking with his friends here. His english and respect for others is superior to many other English speaking people here. How many languages do you speak, CT?
I was duped by Agent Viper, i helped him once before I knew his history, but trades slowly went downhill from there. Frank said to consider anything lost to Agent Viper "toys for tots"...forget that! He's too old for special treatment and he's barely defended himself here...all he's posted are some non-sequiturs, which, to me, indicates some guilt.
"What would Craig think"???? That is a stupid sentiment! Craig jumped in on many similar threads if he felt strongly enough...ask Jay. I feel badly even bringing him into this, but the reference to him was ridiculous, the actions of someone who is absent of his own evidence in an argument.
Dan Contrino :)
06-30-2010, 06:48 AM
"What would Craig think"???? That is a stupid sentiment! [/QUOTE]
No, it's NOT! It was supposed to be a reminder to us all why we're here and to let this slide. I had hoped it would have ended this bashing once and for all, and your comment of it being a STUPID SENTIMENT shows your true colours. Nice Dan, really nice.
Agent Viper
06-30-2010, 06:50 AM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]Alright, here it is....Agent Viper is a cancer to this site. More people here have been screwed by this charlatan than not ( Dave, quit while you're ahead...the boy has no scruples ). Graham made his first comment for a good reason, you can't believe a word out of Matt Morelock's mouth! Get rid of him, Nate! Get rid of the cancer and a lot of the BS going on will ease. I think if someone chronicled Agent Viper's history here, all the anger directed at him would make sense to those who feel like he's getting shat on. Remember, he's not just Agent Viper...he's been Firefly v1, Nightcreeper(?) and who knows what else. PLEASE, keep this site for serious and honest people.
CT Nightviper...Carlos(Rambo) is a good friend of mine and his English is self taught from freaking Joe file cards and talking with his friends here. His english and respect for others is superior to many other English speaking people here. How many languages do you speak, CT?
I was duped by Agent Viper, i helped him once before I knew his history, but trades slowly went downhill from there. Frank said to consider anything lost to Agent Viper "toys for tots"...forget that! He's too old for special treatment and he's barely defended himself here...all he's posted are some non-sequiturs, which, to me, indicates some guilt.
"What would Craig think"???? That is a stupid sentiment! Craig jumped in on many similar threads if he felt strongly enough...ask Jay. I feel badly even bringing him into this, but the reference to him was ridiculous, the actions of someone who is absent of his own evidence in an argument.
Dan Contrino :)[/QUOTE]
If Nate finds in neccessary to ban me for originally making a post for my downtime, then go for it. Thing is, I love this site. But partly for me to blame, its going down, bad. I know a lot of this nonsense is on my behalf. But as it was decided before, can't we all just convert over to PM's?
That way the it will be out of the public's way AND the people who actually want to read on the forum. Graham, I thought you were a great Moderator and one helluva photographer. Sad that you stepped down, but at the moment I am sad about other actual reasons. Dan, as I have said before, if I still had your address your stuff would be on the way. Cory, your package should be on the way TODAY. RTG, can't really do anything for you. So, the point is, I am trying to fix what i have wronged, I know WHO this post was originally about would of wanted me to fix my mistakes.
Dreadnok Dread
06-30-2010, 10:36 AM
[QUOTE=ct nightviper]americanese good one touche' as for stepping down good im sure out of a power position and under different circumstances you can be a decent human being[/QUOTE]
Sonnelion! you did were doing a good enough job! the only thing I could say is you should ahve just banned a couple of peoples ip addresses! :) then be it this name or that name no one can change there ip address unless there on a new computer in a diff locale!
I love how people get there panties in a bunch for others peoples sake.! did i spell something wrong do you want to diss me too! I only know five languages and have two bachelors and a masters! come on man! this isnt your beef and I have had my words with agent viper he knows were I stand but im speaking out cause of you ct! you never post atleast less than me and i dont post much! this is something that started years ago! I know half of the people here from flickr and spanish joe sites nothing ever happens there! Why is shiat still happening here cause of instigators like you! Daves right this %^&&'S done with! Dan spoke his word! Agent viper said he would try and mend things in one way or another! lets just have time pass and see what happens! Dont back up someone you dont know! dont get involved in things that have nothing todo with you! I will never trade with agent viper and he knos that but if he wants to try and fix his mistakes no one should say he shouldnt! A real man fixes the troubles and mistakes he has made! let him atleast try! as much as it might suck maybe he learned his lesson cause in the end its all it is! A lesson for all to learn if you f**^ with one in the joe community you fuck with them all!
The but not least when sonnelion said get your shiat together i thought it was proper!
the guys had problems before on the site he's taking a leave of absence! so why not remind him even though he has problems he's dealing with in life he needs to still remember what he's done needs to man up and get his shiat together be it with the funeral, his life, the joe community everything! when I have had someone die in my life I had to get my shiat in order in one way or another so why cry about the actual reality of it! I think everyone needs to get there act together in one way or another! a good mod! first off! make me a mod I'll clean house in more ways then one! In real life ive managed multi million dollar businesses if someone has a problem you open a discussion between them and the individual then we work through it and come to an agreement! makes everyone happy!
About the outrider dispute! Craig would have jump in on this thread like he has in the passed! dans right don't bring up the dead that some bull! if you were around long enough to see Big O let someone know how it goes in his polite way he always did then you should not be talking! this is the exact reason next to not being able to upload that outrider was not frequenting this is as much! I think thats why most people are veering away from the site that and the quality of shots has gone down too! :)
peace and not so peaceful Dreadnok Dread!
06-30-2010, 10:50 AM
It seems people are posting more out of fear than anything else.
It seems the fear is that JD is going down the tubes and so folks are responding to that with despirate attempts to help it stay up. It looks to me everyone here, with a certain exception, are patriots to the site.
Concerning sales and trades, if I remember correctly from a previous post long ago it was reminded that JD is not a selling/trading site. That these actions should be kept in Private Messages or offsite. If that is the case, then it is more appropriate for any negative or positive posts be placed briefly in the thread about good/bad trader alerts and not in a thread about someone's family loss.
Everyone, please unite. Stay calm, don't let emotions dictate replies. People make errors all the time. So let's keep that in our minds before reacting.
Cheers all! And to help change the pace of this thread, I wish everyone here who has posted and those lurkers reading it, a great and wonderful day! Take some great photos and go army build!
06-30-2010, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]My stream of negativity come from the fact I don't post here much anymore because all it ever seems to be is someone WHINING about someone else. SHUT UP! POST PICTURES OF TOYS! Be SMART about the photos you post, and when you do something SERIOUSLY out of what this site's rules consider allowable, don't be SO SURPRISED when you get your ass banned. Again. and. again.
I'm tired of this site. I'm tired of people thinking they're so wonderful and when they do something wrong and get punished for it, they get up in a huff and act like a 14 year old girl who just had her Jonas Bros CD stolen. Grow up. All of you, and YOU know who YOU are.
I used to post here alot, when good people like Frank, Luis, Graham, Pru and Craig and I WERE the site. I miss those days. I miss when I didn't have to worry about logging on and seeing INAPPROPRIATE photos, or remarks that are TOTALLY slander and personally bashing. I hate what I see on this site now.
It's that reason I don't go on here anymore. People wonder why I don't say anything, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I wish there were more silent fools.[/QUOTE]
So you don't like anyone here, and it's why you don't come here anymore, yet somehow you're able to keep posting in this thread without coming here?
If you don't like this website or anyone here maybe you really should leave you know? Clearly no one including myself is good enough to be in your cool kids club.
I'm not trying to be an ass, but if you don't like this place, don't come.
[QUOTE=Jay]If by most people you mean "RTG and his secret clique of JD haters", then sure.
You hate JoeDios yet continue to post here, you hate JoeCustoms yet continue to post there. You're a giant hypocrite. Most people I talk to happen to dislike you, so if anything you're no better than I am, but at least I still love JD.
Sorry Agent for dragging this out but old timers like Shane are my bros and if someone tries and talk smack about em I'm gonna have their back.[/QUOTE]
If by most people you mean "Jay and his band of buds who hates JD haters", then... huh.
Regardless, we've got to be careful, or else Jay's going to show up with most people who happen dislike whoever he dislikes and this will be what our house looks like:
Agent Viper: I'm very sorry for your loss, BUT I can't blame people for not trusting you. You are well known for being bad on trades so it's no wonder people are dubious of what you say.
Maybe we should all take a step back, all I see going around here is a bunch of bad blood and honestly: If this place looked like this one year ago, I would probably not be a member here.
06-30-2010, 04:58 PM
I don't think the actions of a handful of members is going to "kill" the site. The forums are nice, but they are just a window dressing for what's important: pictures of GI Joes and Cobra. There will always be people who want to cheat, troll, flame and everything else that comes along with the Internet. Don't let the dressing ruin the salad.
06-30-2010, 09:05 PM
Well I just read all this again and all I have to say is I am out. I am tired of the stupid 3rd grader crap that has gone on here lately. I will continue to check PM's everyonce in a while and will probably lurk at the photo's but I will not be contributing anymore.
To all my friends on here. you are probably a contact with me on flickr anyways.
By everyone, it has been a fun ride and I will miss it.
07-01-2010, 12:58 PM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]I don't think the actions of a handful of members is going to "kill" the site. The forums are nice, but they are just a window dressing for what's important: pictures of GI Joes and Cobra. There will always be people who want to cheat, troll, flame and everything else that comes along with the Internet. Don't let the dressing ruin the salad.[/QUOTE]
Well said.
This thread has gotten WAY off track. People, make it about the images, not the personalities, please. Closed.
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