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View Full Version : Dio ideas from dreams?

07-06-2010, 06:41 AM
Guess I've been fiddling with BATs too much lately. And Terminators. I had this dream last night that took place in a larger version of my parents' house. The hallway has three doors opening into it and there are maybe 10 BATs in two of them. I'm in the third with my daughter, I think, but she's older. Big enough to tote an EMP gun. :) Looks like a cross between the ones you see in the Matrix and the heavy plasma rifles in Terminator. I'm chipping away at the unarmored BATs with an AK-47 (they obviously didn't see my armor cover re-design). Then I borrow the EMP from my girl.

Here's the kicker (and why I bother to share my geeky dream): the BATs know we've got an EMP gun and actually power down to avoid getting fried! Heads against the wall and everything. BUT, they leave 1 unit activated to harass us in an effort to take out the gun. Pretty good strategy, eh?

As I fry one, another activates. I remember shooting with the AK a bit more before waking up and avoiding a robotic death. Dunno if the EMP was single shot or what, but it would've made quicker work of the 1 working BAT. Anyway, it's not enough of a story to make a dio from, but has anyone else been inspired by dreams?

07-06-2010, 12:58 PM
sounds cool get inspiration where ever ya can.

i wish i'd have a geek dream about my joes :( might be interesting

07-06-2010, 04:38 PM
Sounds like a fun dream.

I've had a few Joe based dreams. I'll try to remember it and post later.