View Full Version : StarGate?
12-24-2006, 08:04 PM
Does anyone know where you can get a 1:18 sclae model of the Stargate from the Movie/Series? It's funny they have ALL the figures for the movie and series, but NOT the thing that everything hinged on...THE STARGATE! I know I saw someone who had a cool mock-up and one who had a cardboard Stargate, but I can't remember who had them! If anyone can help me out, let me know.....I'll take anything, Pics of the Stargate, links to model stores who sell them, anything!!
12-25-2006, 05:06 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]Does anyone know where you can get a 1:18 sclae model of the Stargate from the Movie/Series? It's funny they have ALL the figures for the movie and series, but NOT the thing that everything hinged on...THE STARGATE! I know I saw someone who had a cool mock-up and one who had a cardboard Stargate, but I can't remember who had them! If anyone can help me out, let me know.....I'll take anything, Pics of the Stargate, links to model stores who sell them, anything!![/QUOTE]
Hey Franky hope this link can help you:
12-25-2006, 09:19 AM
Frank, you're a member of the JBL. Ask Fred (the administrator). He has one.
12-25-2006, 01:08 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Hey Franky hope this link can help you:[/QUOTE]
Yeah, except for the fact that I'd have to buy 12 Stargate figures (at least!) at a cost of $16 - $20 each! Yeesh! LOL! I wish they would just sell the Stargate by itself! But you know, as I look at the figures, I just may buy them! Not like GI Joe 3 3/4 inch is expecting any "new" stuff! LOL! Has anyone seen these figures up close? Are they 3 3/4 inch or larger?
But thanks for the link. If I can't find anything cheaper, I'll buy these. Oh, By the Way Luis, your Star Wars stuff got here Christmas Eve! I'll send it out after the holiday!
12-29-2006, 11:39 PM
I made the cardboard Stargate, which was interesting... there was this really cool site that had all the Symbols for the gate. I can't believe someone went to all the work of putting down the symbols and everything. I actually didn't space things out properly and I missed three symbols, oh well.
there's the link for the site I mentioned. When making the gate remember that they can get four guys to go through standing next to each other which I think should help you in building a gate to scale.
12-30-2006, 10:00 AM
Whoa! Thanks Dersham, that really helps. Man, now I'm all fired up to make my own gate! All I need is some wood, some Clay and a few small lights! ;)
Lightning LA
12-31-2006, 01:25 AM
It's funny your talking about Stargate Toys,i have what i thought was some type of a Desert version of a A.W.E Striker.And tonight i started looking to see which one i had,it turns out it's the Star Gate version of the Joe A.W.E Striker.I read Hasbro changed a couple things around on the mold,in order to get the bigger Star Gate figures to fit in it.From what i can tell instead of 2 seats there's just 1 large seat,and the Weapon on top is different.
12-31-2006, 09:28 AM
oooh you're going to make it out to clay and wood, that sounds much fancier than my cardboard stargate :D . I hope you post some pics of it, I'd love to see how it turns out. One thing that kind of irks me about the show is that they don't use many vehicles to get through the Stargate. Other than in Atlantis, you would think that SG Command would've developed a good vehicle to take through the Stargate.
I believe the Humvee fits through the gate, or at least the semi-scaled one that I made. Though why they wouldn't transport helicopters through and then reattach their rotors on the other side is a question as well. It's probably expensive if you can't bring it back to the planet with you, but I'm sure they could find a way to do it.
01-07-2007, 09:26 PM
Ok, here's the meager beginings of my project. I'm starting with Styrafoam and coating it with either plaster or paper Mache. I haven't decided yet. I wanted to go with Wood, but I couldn't find a wooden "Doughnut" the size I needed. I went into Michaels and low and behold, there was a Styrafoam wreath. It should work......
01-08-2007, 06:49 PM
There is a 1:18 scale Stargate actually, it is a HAIR smaller than 1:18 scale, but would work perfectly for a diorama or other display using Joes.
The stargate was used as a BASE for Stargate model kits that came out when the original movie did back in 93 or 94 (whenever it was). There were 2 kits, one of Ra and Anubis (IMPORTANT: The kits with the bases are the MRC MODEL KITS and NOT the HORIZON ones).
I did a quick ebay search and was able to find some with the bases shown:
130066746852 - This auction shows both boxes with the stargate image in the background.
250069661124 - This shows the Stargate base excellent! It is soft vinyl, easily the center is trimmed out with a razor. I at one point was going to get this, cast the stargates in Resin and use them in a 1:18 scale dio, but never got around to it.
200065494581 - This may give you a better idea on size, the figure is approx 10" tall and you can see the body (without head) is about the same size as the gate itself, I dont have an exact measurement, but I'd estimate the Stargate to be maybe 8" across? I remember it was a hair smaller than it should be for G.I. Joe sized figures, but should work great.
--== Paragon ==--
01-08-2007, 07:11 PM
Cool, I'll check those out.
I've decided to make my own Stargate for the simple fact that I don't want an actual "Stargate" like the one in the Movie or on the T.V. Show. It's going to be the same thing, and do the same things, but I want "same concept;different story" I still might buy these models, if nothing else than for reference. Thanks!
01-08-2007, 08:05 PM
What type of difference do you want to make? Do you want to still use symbols like the stargate on tv, or just some kind of 'gate' to another world? I think that the stargate idea is neat to begin with, so it would be nice to see what other people invision and what else can be done.
--== Paragon ==--
01-09-2007, 09:46 PM
The styrofoam one looks pretty sweet to me so far. Maybe surrounding it in something so that you can put on symbols would do the trick, as for scale, it looks good to me. Nice to see that a jeep can go through it too.
01-09-2007, 10:58 PM
[QUOTE=Paragon]What type of difference do you want to make? Do you want to still use symbols like the stargate on tv, or just some kind of 'gate' to another world? I think that the stargate idea is neat to begin with, so it would be nice to see what other people invision and what else can be done.
--== Paragon ==--[/QUOTE]
I just want the same thing, a big alien circle that transports to another place. I just don't wanna incorporate "StarGate" into my Dios.
I'm gonna coat my StyraFoam with either PaperMache' or spackling and then put alien glyphs or symbols on it and paint it. I want it to look like stone or steel, or If I can find a unique effect, an alien material!
01-10-2007, 06:27 AM
I agree with Dersham, I like the idea that a Jeep can go through it, that is one of the things I always wondered about the show... sometimes they'd go through the gate and make a comment like "We have to walk 7 kilometers east", I'm thinking screw that... send me through the gate with some quads or something...
So I like your idea about making a world to world gate, but not doing 'stargate', your ideas of paper mache or spackling on the styrafoam is a good idea. I personally would go with the spackling, you can get a lot of texture on it and make it have a stone look... I have never had luck with paper mache at all...
Is this gate going to be something ancient that was dug up on earth? found floating in space and brought back down? new technology just made (probably not if you are putting alien symbols on it, unless it was recently recovered from a downed alien craft)? etc., I'd suggest coming up with a good backstory first, then making it look the part.
--== Paragon ==--
01-10-2007, 10:14 AM
[QUOTE=Paragon]I agree with Dersham, I like the idea that a Jeep can go through it, that is one of the things I always wondered about the show... sometimes they'd go through the gate and make a comment like "We have to walk 7 kilometers east", I'm thinking screw that... send me through the gate with some quads or something...
So I like your idea about making a world to world gate, but not doing 'stargate', your ideas of paper mache or spackling on the styrafoam is a good idea. I personally would go with the spackling, you can get a lot of texture on it and make it have a stone look... I have never had luck with paper mache at all...
Is this gate going to be something ancient that was dug up on earth? found floating in space and brought back down? new technology just made (probably not if you are putting alien symbols on it, unless it was recently recovered from a downed alien craft)? etc., I'd suggest coming up with a good backstory first, then making it look the part.
--== Paragon ==--[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I wanted it big enough to at least send my PTE Mutt jeeps or PTE Dune Buggy's through. As for the Backstory, I want to reverse engineer the way you're thinking about it. If I come up with a GREAT backstory and the Gate doesn't look the Part, I'm screwed. However, If the Gate looks Great, I can adjust the story around that! If the gate looks Piddley, I can make it just a minor part of the Story. I'm thinking of it being in an Alien Craft that is found buried (ala the 1981 version of "The Thing"). But again, I wanna see If I can do this....
I'll keep ya posted on how it goes!
01-10-2007, 10:17 AM
Hey there, I just flashed on that scene in the arctic when you mentioned "The Thing" where the craft is under the ice, that is sweet. I like the idea.
Maybe the alien ship used some kind of gate to get to our part of the solar system, and there is another gate onboard that would have been deployed in orbit around earth for the ship to get back, but it crashed here and never got that far or something.
I like to think of scenarios like that, but I like where you are headed with this and look forward to seeing more stories as time goes on.
Have you ever looked at any of the Warhammer 40k stuff (, there are several alien looking 'gates' that are used in that whole storyline, you might get some ideas there. I know there are some photos online too.
--== Paragon ==--
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