View Full Version : So what's your booty???
12-28-2006, 09:12 AM
No, no no no... Not the size of your own booty, but what you received from the recent holiday!!! This is not a GI Joe- only topic! We already know that my man Saffron13 got the Dragonhawk and FFXII!
I hooked up with a few lil tidbits here and there. The best was receiving the CBC (Comic Book Creator to those not in the know) and NFS:Carbon. I gotta download it to the computer and give it a whirl!!! I got a gift certificate to a nursery so I'm pretty psyched about that too!
12-28-2006, 09:19 AM
I got Kitty Pryde from the Marvel Legends Giant-Man series, and a load of money which I used today to go buy the remaining 7 I needed to complete the set (Avenger assembled...)
Um, and some jeans, a sweater, gloves, hat, scarf, some chocolate... pretty much it. No GI Joe in the shops here in England and trying to explain what I'd want from eBay or any of the other online retailers is beyond my family...
12-28-2006, 09:47 AM
um.. I got
S6 stuff,
SS duke, zartan, Lt. stone(black armor), cobra commander v.2(red cape) arctic snake-eyes with timber(grey).
a gi joe sticker book, the halo graphic novel,
the batman stuff,
both newer versions of mr freeze, tembler,
national treasure, the boogeyman, alex ryder: operation stormbreaker.
gba games,
avatar, the nightmare before christmas: the pumpkin king.
a new digital camera watch out guys I will posting soon......
money, candy
I think thats it.
happy holidays
12-28-2006, 09:56 AM
I liked National Treasure.
What's the HALO graphic novel?
12-28-2006, 10:05 AM
its a collection of four stories based off of the games. its very well done.
12-28-2006, 10:40 AM
Mostly I got gift cards and some money, but I also received the Bond Ultimate Edition DVD sets, so I now have all 20 James Bond movies on DVD!
Except that You Only Live Twice came with two special features discs rather than the movie and the special features, so I'm going to need to replace that one...
12-28-2006, 11:46 AM
[COLOR=Red]not to go into the cloths and big pillow my g/f made me and all the other stuff, but straight to the Joes.
my g/f got me hannibal, spirit, covergirl, buzzer (since my lil cousin stole my old one), microman chun-li and sakura. gotta love a girl who'll buy you joes :)[/COLOR]
12-28-2006, 02:23 PM
My brother got the Wii with call of duty 3 while I got Star Wars stuff and my third paintball gun, the ion.
And I got $120 worth of gift cards to Target.
Gonna buy a new camera for the new year of joe pics!
12-28-2006, 04:14 PM
A bicycle and helmet (i'm getting fat and lazy!) 2 drills (3.2 amp and a 5 amp) Sin City, Blade Trinity and Van Helsing DVD's, underwear, a much needed new wallet....and that about it!
12-28-2006, 04:18 PM
I got not one...not two...but three Iron Hammers and a ROCC. I also got an RB-79 Ball (Gundam) E.F.S.F MASS-PRODUCTIVE MIDDLE-RANGE SUPPORT MOBILE POD model. Expect to see some interesting variations.
12-28-2006, 05:48 PM
I got another Viper Pit, all three boxed sets of BSG, a pint of Rum, socks, undies, pants, a sweater, my sister and brother in law gave me a Yoda statue when he's wearing the Santa outfit with the bag over his shoulder, and I'm still waitin for my Dad's in the mail. My mom gave me 50 bucks, and I bought a Poker game for my Xbox and still got 30 left over, which will probably go towards another Viper Pit :-)
12-28-2006, 06:43 PM
Well, the main gift I received was the '06 convention set, but I've had my grubby little mitts on that since it arrived in the mail just after the convention. :D Actually it was a combined Christmas/birthday gift, seeing as my birthday is so close to Christmas. As has already been said, you gotta love the wife who buys you Joes for Christmas! ;) :)
12-28-2006, 06:54 PM
Also, a Drew Brees jersey, some cash, and some clothes.
12-28-2006, 07:13 PM
The D&D Cartoon Series!!!! AWESOME!!!!
12-28-2006, 08:17 PM
I nabbed:
The DaVinci Code on DVD
Voltron Volume 2 on DVD
A Dremel Stylus and a variety of accessories (already finished a custom Comic Pack Grunt so he has regular green fatigues)
Transformers Classics Jetfire
A new Katana
Jackass 2 on DVD
A new blender (for iced cappucinos, my current addiction)
As for Joes, my gf went to the toy shop where I deal and get most of my stuff and scored me a complete Night Raven for $30 and an XH-1 Locust (2000 repaint of the original Dragonfly).
12-28-2006, 08:30 PM
Well, if not one has read my loot of JBL, here it is: (some of this is for both for the wife and I and my birthday is in December a lot of this my wife used my own money to buy for me and her... :eek: )
Raymon's Ravin Rabbits
Monkey Ball
Fender Acoustic Guitar
Huge LSU Gift Basket with two Basketball tickets
Two LSU Sphere chairs for tailgating
LSU Garden Gnome
USS Flagg (a lot of yellow and dirt, but it is still a Flagg to start with)
A Bunch of wine (which I have only two glasses left)
Vader Starfighter
Kit Fisto Starfighter
Club Iron Mech (I love that thing... I want an army of them)
Canvasback wood duck decoy
Pellet Gun
New Crock Pot
Laptop cooling pad (burned up a hard drive earlier this year)
Still waiting on confirmation on Sugar Bowl Tickets (that one I am paying for... X-mas to me)
I think this was the best Christmas we have ever had.
12-28-2006, 09:05 PM
damn i have to buy my own figures , mmm sounds weird that your girlfriend buy you some toys for me whatever , i have a watch for my graduation ....
The Leader
01-01-2007, 05:20 PM
A lot of Star Wars books and toys, six Viper Pits and one of the Steel Brigade pack with Luke. I also got a few DVDs, two MST3k volumes, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Boondock Saints, yadda yadda yadda.
01-01-2007, 05:50 PM
hey your parents never said u are too old for toys....................
01-01-2007, 07:01 PM
Yes, I got Final Fantasy XII (17+ hours into it!) and a Dragonhawk from the awesomest fiance ever!! She also got me Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, an Avengers t-shirt, a Dr. Pepper hoodie, a really nice-looking t-shirt, and a bag of Starburst. Her sisters got me a Superman t-shirt, a Sonic the Hedgehog "OLD SCHOOL" t-shirt and made me a Batman pillow. So, lots of cool geeky stuff! I also received other stuff, but that's the coolest swag.
01-01-2007, 07:33 PM
[QUOTE=nando]hey your parents never said u are too old for toys....................[/QUOTE]
My parents have said that. I got a rid of a lot of stuff when I was middle school.
01-01-2007, 07:53 PM
My In-laws make crappy comments, but they are starting to at least accept it. My parents just say, "what ever makes you happy." My wife loves it until she wants more shoes, new cell phone, purses, and clothes :rolleyes: Gotta say, Get a wife that is geeky too.
$50 (Canadian)
Tao Of Jeet Kune Do
And three mangas that I have to return because my mother was too dumb to buy them in a normal order (what the hell am I supposed to do with volumes 5, 8 and 9 of a series I haven't begun reading?)...
Holidays keep sucking more and more for me.
01-01-2007, 09:20 PM
[QUOTE=Southzen]Gotta say, Get a wife that is geeky too.[/QUOTE]
If only it was that easy!
01-01-2007, 11:05 PM
I'm with Nando, I couldn't imagine my girlfriend buying me joes, mind you she did look some up on Ebay one time. All the joes I bought for myself, does that still count?
Anyway my stock included - the Lockdown set, Hannibal/Spirit/Cover Girl set, Wave 3 (yeah I'm a little late on that one), Lady Jaye and the two vipers, Comic Book Pack 21 and that other new one with the Ocktober Guard guys (man would I like to get my hands on the old ones), I got the Firefly Series, A book on how to Create a Flawed Universe, the graphic novel of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and my computer games selection was a Five pack of Star Wars games, Settlers 3, the first three Myst games and Dungeon Siege 2 (which I've been playing like an addict). Wow written all out like that it sounds like a sweet haul. Oh and my mother gave me some knitted slippers and some socks.
01-02-2007, 03:07 AM
Hey southzen , how ya like the wii? My brother got it too with Call of Duty 3 and Rampage.
Its so hard to get used to! :confused:
01-02-2007, 07:50 AM
Love the Wii; haven't touched my 360 since I plugged in the Wii. I am replaying Zelda to find the stuff I missed the first time around (about 50 hours of game play to beat it without a guide) and Rayman's Ravin Rabbids is video game cocaine (gotta be one of the best party games ever). I stumbled upon my wife; she will stop by the toys section when in Wal-mart or Target and check out the Joes to see if I don't have something; sometimes she will drop into TRU since it is by a Wal-mart to look for something. She collects My Little Pony and clothes, so she understands.
01-02-2007, 04:41 PM
You got the jackpot sir! :D
Yeah the wii is fun, but you gotta play 360!
Don't hate me soutzen's, I hate Zelda!!!!
I'm a firstperson shooter gamer but I stopped gaming a little bit because I'm a big time paintballer since december of 2005. Like I said the wii is my bro's!
Some Asianish dishes and several nice sets of chopsticks to go towards my sushi fetish, a few new pairs of boxers (it's odd that my mom buys me boxers -- I'm 25 -- but she finds some really cool ones :D), a pretty hefty gift card to Sears... not a whole lot this year, but I already have too much junk as it is.
The best part of Christmas was being up north; we spent ten days in MN (my geeky woman and I live in FL) visiting family and enjoying the snow. Man was it ever hard to come back... I hate this state. :(
01-02-2007, 06:29 PM
[QUOTE=Jay] And three mangas that I have to return because my mother was too dumb to buy them in a normal order (what the hell am I supposed to do with volumes 5, 8 and 9 of a series I haven't begun reading?)....[/QUOTE]
HAHAHAHAHHAAAA! I've totally been there. It applies to everything. "Here, I got you the 4th season of 24, have fun." Uhmmmm, ok. What about 1, 2 & 3???
01-02-2007, 06:38 PM
[QUOTE=phu] a few new pairs of boxers (it's odd that my mom buys me boxers -- I'm 25 -- but she finds some really cool ones :D)[/QUOTE]
My grandmother buys me underwear and socks every Christmas (I'm about to turn 27) -- I've come to rely on it, I wouldn't even know what size I wear unless I check the label of what I've got on! :P
01-02-2007, 07:01 PM
[QUOTE=Ranger_22]Don't hate me soutzen's, I hate Zelda!!!![/QUOTE]
What kind of person would I be if I hated someone for not liking a video game. I understand that not everyone is going to like something or the same thing. I for the most part hated Gears of War *ducks*; I think people were so thirsty for a decent FPS that appealed to a console audience that anything close to OK seemed phenomenal. Now that I just pissed off the whole board... I am going to find a hole to crawl into.
[QUOTE=Jay]And three mangas that I have to return because my mother was too dumb to buy them in a normal order (what the hell am I supposed to do with volumes 5, 8 and 9 of a series I haven't begun reading?)...
Holidays keep sucking more and more for me.[/QUOTE]
I would have to say my Mom is pretty good at getting me stuff; however, when she does mess up, I am just happy she is here and tried, and I let her think she did good. After all, she is my Mom; she, as a single mother cleaning houses to feed, house, and cloth us while going to college to be a teacher, raised and cared for me all these years; the least I could do is allow her to be happy for doing something for me.
01-02-2007, 07:11 PM
Again, this shot is blurry because i rushed it to get it on JBL. not in the pic is a willys Jeep clock that wont work :(
01-03-2007, 02:48 AM
AHHHHH! You got the master cheif! I have four of em!
Nice! Looks like you had a nice christmas!
01-03-2007, 11:01 AM
I got the entire season of 'Firefly' on DVD, season 2.5 of Battlestar Galactica, a new leather motorcycle riding jacket, season 1 of Beast Wars on DVD, gift certificate to Old Navy, S6 Firefly figure (girl friend gave me that), Entertainment Earth exclusive droid 6 - pack set (Star Wars), Guess watch, a Robo Sapien, and some other odds and ends... :)
01-03-2007, 11:36 AM
And three mangas that I have to return because my mother was too dumb to buy them in a normal order (what the hell am I supposed to do with volumes 5, 8 and 9 of a series I haven't begun reading?)...
Holidays keep sucking more and more for me.[/QUOTE]
All I can say to this is Wow :confused:
[QUOTE=Southzen]I would have to say my Mom is pretty good at getting me stuff; however, when she does mess up, I am just happy she is here and tried, and I let her think she did good. After all, she is my Mom; she, as a single mother cleaning houses to feed, house, and cloth us while going to college to be a teacher, raised and cared for me all these years; the least I could do is allow her to be happy for doing something for me[/QUOTE]
Very cool :cool:
Anyway I ended up getting
Viper Pit set
couple of Microman figures
couple Gerber style multi tools
electronic organizer
a tie (I'm now offically a father :D)
also a few more Marvel Legend Showdown figures
and a 10 gallon fish tank with $50 to get fish (I see a Cobra invasion soon)
I hope everyone had a great Holiday
01-03-2007, 06:09 PM
your parents really suport your collection s well i have to buy all by myself every one says the same thing you are too old for toys....................
01-03-2007, 10:24 PM
[QUOTE=nando]your parents really suport your collection s well i have to buy all by myself every one says the same thing you are too old for toys....................[/QUOTE]
You're never too old...after all the package does say ages 5 +
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