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View Full Version : PoC Green Shirt idea.

12-08-2010, 07:56 PM
Ok Im with troopsofdoom and alot of others out there, we get entirely to many Dukes!!! I think the 1st Resolute single card Duke may be my go to Conrad. With that being said, PoC wave 3 Duke looks like a promising update to a nice Green Shirt!!! What do you guys think?

12-08-2010, 07:59 PM
I don't have Greenshirts in my verse so can't help you..... I think you just want a reason to get those guns in mass quantities.... :p

12-08-2010, 08:02 PM
[QUOTE=roguetiger] think you just want a reason to get those guns in mass quantities.... :p[/QUOTE]
Thanks for implanting false memories into my brain..........now I do want all those guns!!! :D

12-08-2010, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]Thanks for implanting false memories into my brain..........now I do want all those guns!!! :D[/QUOTE]
muh ha ha ha. Just buy http://www.marauderinc.com/servlet/Detail?no=56 :p

12-08-2010, 08:20 PM
[QUOTE=roguetiger]muh ha ha ha. Just buy http://www.marauderinc.com/servlet/Detail?no=56 :p[/QUOTE]
Naw really, cool weapons but Im more interested in the figure.

12-09-2010, 11:51 AM
[QUOTE=roguetiger]muh ha ha ha. Just buy http://www.marauderinc.com/servlet/Detail?no=56 :p[/QUOTE]
That site is just too tempting and the pic for that gun doesn't really do it justice.

My joes don't have any troops. Now that you mention it I actually like the idea of troop building that duke into a PoC Green shirt. Just get some different heads, add a helmet or just replace it with some kind of helmeted/masked head. Maybe add a backpack and you're in business!

I've thought of Troop building Beachhead. I just like him too much as an individual character. And this duke is now my default duke, so I'm probably not going to Troop build him tho.