View Full Version : Screen names ㋛
12-29-2010, 10:29 AM
So I've always wondered where these artistic, cool, creative but yet sometimes a little strange screen names come from.
I thought it would be pretty cool for everyone to get to share how they come up with there screen name and the meaning of it (like how it represents you).
Hopefully everyone isn't so shy and participates. Now, let's have some fun shall we ;) . Please!
12-29-2010, 10:33 AM
For me I'm fan of both Star Wars & GI Joe and I just combined an element from both :)
Sith - Star Wars
Viper - GI Joe
Lt. Pinpoint
12-29-2010, 10:39 AM
I was just looking for a good "codename" and I happen to like Snipers. So Lt Pinpoint was created. I am currently looking for a good body and head to represent the character.
12-29-2010, 10:48 AM
Awesome guys
My name is pretty simple but cute I think
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ ---------->Joegirl
I am a girl who loves joes :D
It was a name given to me and I love it!!!
neapolitan joe
12-29-2010, 10:55 AM
Mine is Neapolitan Joe because Neapolis was the old greek name of my city, Naples (Italy)...and Joe is from G.I.JOE!
Agent Viper
12-29-2010, 11:19 AM
"Agent Viper" is a Cobra officer/ undercover agent who works as the Cobra form of Chuckles. I need to make a custom to represent the fool
12-29-2010, 11:28 AM
Seamus Harper is a character from the defunct tv series Andromeda. Like him, I have a mechanically gifted mind, and a crazy sense of humor....
black rhino
12-29-2010, 11:43 AM
i chose black rhino because i like rhinos and my xboxlive name is white rhino 360.
12-29-2010, 11:44 AM
Zed came from Men in Black because I was sort of the defacto boss of my group of friends, In MIB Zed kind of reminded people of how I delt with my ex-wife when we were divorceing (Gruff, Comedic, ect). Hatch is my actual last name LOL.
12-29-2010, 11:46 AM
rds 13601- rds is my initials for Russell David Spencer, 13601 is the area code for the city of Watertown NY which I live.
neapolitan joe
12-29-2010, 11:47 AM
Nice little baby in Your avatar btw, congrats from me and my girlfriend!
12-29-2010, 11:48 AM
GoCards: I'm from St.Louis, MO. It's the name of my baseball team, the Cardinals.
12-29-2010, 12:02 PM
SIC DETH = Sick Death IMO, the worst way to pass. (so to my opponent in the gaming word I was this to them)
It started out as Mr. Sicwitit on the PC game Unreal. I was then asked to join the [DETH] clan and the DETH had to be at the end of your Tag (Salley DETH). Mr.Sicwitit DETH was just way to long and gave away my position with this Big Tag over my Avatar's head, so I cut it short. Its been SIC DETH for 12 years now.
12-29-2010, 12:17 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Nice little baby in Your avatar btw, congrats from me and my girlfriend![/QUOTE]
Thankyou :)
12-29-2010, 01:16 PM
Seyms is just a shortened version of my first name, Seymour. It started at work about eight years ago.
You do have a very cute baby, many congrats!
12-29-2010, 01:18 PM
mine is based on the Warcraft character but I modified it slighty to make it look different
12-29-2010, 01:20 PM
roguetiger came about when I was invited to get online with some buds at the High School in which one of them was a Teacher. I always used Tiger for playing games and for my Joe code name and of course Tiger was already taken... I was reading Star Wars Rogue Squadron at the time and remembered in the book Rogue meant Scandalous so went with being a Scandalous Tiger. lol
Da Talent
12-29-2010, 01:52 PM
I chose "Da Talent" because I'm awesome.... at everything.
12-29-2010, 02:12 PM
[QUOTE=Da Talent]I chose "Da Talent" because I'm awesome.... at everything.[/QUOTE]
That was sooooo predictable!!! LMAO
12-29-2010, 03:22 PM
I made a custom sniper/ninja ala Snaekeyes when I first joined the site he was my FAV of the team so I stuck with that. Here's his BIO ;)
File name: UNKNOWN
12-29-2010, 03:44 PM
[QUOTE=Flatline]I made a custom sniper/ninja ala Snaekeyes when I first joined the site he was my FAV of the team so I stuck with that. Here's his BIO ;)
Where is your sig from? It is awesome.
12-29-2010, 04:26 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]Where is your sig from? It is awesome.[/QUOTE]
I think its ATL
12-29-2010, 04:49 PM
Yezzzzsir it show nuff is from dat flick ATL pawtna! :cool:
12-29-2010, 04:55 PM
12-29-2010, 05:06 PM
[QUOTE=seyms]Seyms is just a shortened version of my first name, Seymour. It started at work about eight years ago.
You do have a very cute baby, many congrats![/QUOTE]
That is one cutie patootie you got there too, congrats to you as well. We call our lil one fatfat because well the pic speaks for itself.
I would glady like to announce that her good looks I have to take credit for haha lol. Sic and I seem to argue about that from time to time but it is what it is lol. she looks like her mama!
12-29-2010, 05:32 PM
I was driving my bus through a farm when three guys with big hats started throwing baby pigs at me and The President. That's how I got my name.
Crimson Pilot
12-29-2010, 05:37 PM
I really like the Crimson Guard and Strato Viper. All of the good crimson names I could think of appeared taken already so I merged these 2 ideas. Trying to make a custom Crimson Pilot that incorporates those.
12-29-2010, 06:05 PM
Tonelli, my last name and Guns from Guns N' Roses. It was a band name, when me and 2 brothers used o play together (Zillion years before Jonas Brothers :p)
12-29-2010, 07:51 PM
Dr Syn is a shortening of The Reverend Dr Syn alias The Scarecrow of Ronnie Marsh alas Captain Clegg, from the Russell Thorndike novels I use to enjoy. Disney also made a mini series back in the day that capture my imagination:
Da Talent
12-29-2010, 08:59 PM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]That was sooooo predictable!!! LMAO[/QUOTE]
I will add predictably awesome to the resume!
Me and Marcos love us some ATL!!!! I'm happy to know you know that movie as well Sic! That's some epic movie making right derr.
12-29-2010, 09:23 PM
Thanks to everyone that has participated so far! Everyone has a awesome name with a meaning that represents them or something they love and enjoy! Thats pretty cool guys! :D
12-29-2010, 10:34 PM
I chose EasySimpleStuff cos' when I was younger and played sports (hockey and football) it was used by some of my team to boost morale and remind others that the game is not rocket science(aka impossible) but just some easy and simple stuff...
It sounds ridiculous in english, but in my native language (finnish) it actually makes some sense, both part of the reason why I chose it :D
Also I like to think myself as easy-going guy who likes simple action figures, beer, sports and occasionallly having fun, you know the basics :cool:
12-29-2010, 11:13 PM
[QUOTE=Da Talent]I chose "Da Talent" because I'm awesome.... at everything.[/QUOTE]
And you're modest as well. :D
12-30-2010, 03:38 AM
[QUOTE=Da Talent]I will add predictably awesome to the resume!
Me and Marcos love us some ATL!!!! I'm happy to know you know that movie as well Sic! That's some epic movie making right derr.[/QUOTE]
Yeah that movie is good and funny!!! Have yall seen Baby Boy? Thats one of my favorites.
12-30-2010, 05:05 AM
God, mine is kinda Boring. Ender is from Orson Scott Cards book "Ender's Game". 098 is for 1998 when I got my first hotmail account. I know...LAME!!!
neapolitan joe
12-30-2010, 05:16 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]God, mine is kinda Boring. Ender is from Orson Scott Cards book "Ender's Game". 098 is for 1998 when I got my first hotmail account. I know...LAME!!![/QUOTE]
Nothing is lame on Joedios! :D
Something about my city: .
12-30-2010, 06:12 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Nothing is lame on Joedios! :D
Something about my city: .[/QUOTE]
Nice place, but I here the gangbangers are tough there!!! :D
12-30-2010, 09:45 AM
I am significantly more svelte than my name suggests, and was given this name by my housemates at university as the only thing I could cook when I arrived was eggs and bacon :)
Da Talent
12-30-2010, 11:45 AM
[QUOTE=GoCards]And you're modest as well. :D[/QUOTE]
I was voted most modest in my frat back in college. See? Awesome at everything.
Baby Boy is classic film making at its best.
12-30-2010, 08:58 PM
For me, it came out of a Joke. I was visiting a friend at work back in 1998 and told him I had to go to get to the music store before a gig I had that night. He said to me "You think your some kind of Rock n Roll Hero don't you?" That night he showed up at the gig and I had bought some Mailbox lettering at Walmart. I had wrote out on my amp, Mike Troutt Rock and Roll Hero. He called me an ass but I thought it was funny. I then changed my email to rnrhero and started using it as my callsign in most forums online. To this day he laughes about it everytime he sees me use rnrhero for something.
Otto the Otter
12-30-2010, 10:53 PM
Quite simply, I'm cute, playful and I dwell in rivers and oceans and eat oysters on my belly while I swim.
My middle name is Otto, and it's the name I go by. Otter came from a few different sources. After I took the Force Recon indoc, the instructors asked us to see if we wanted to go for a record to see who could tread water longest. PT gear only (shorts) and all we had to do was not touch the side, we didn't have to stay in one place. During this time, I thought I'd be a smart ass, as Ia m wont to be, and a friend tossed me part of an MRE and I ate it on my chest. The instructor called me Otter, told me to get out of the pool and I had to do more than a few push ups. "The Otter" stuck with me for the rest of my time in the Marines, but was interchangable with my other nickname, "Phlip." I won't tell you th origins of that one.
After I got out of the Marines, the name didn't stick with me, but oddly enough, several years later, a buddy of mine slipped up when saying my name and said Otter, so he started calling me that, with it soon catching on with everyone else in the shop, and at the same time the woman I was dating started calling me that and it sort of stuck.
I tend to use Otter, The Otter, Otto The Otter, I am The Otter, etc on almost all the forums of which I'm a memeber.
12-31-2010, 03:18 AM
my nick is mixture of several things , my favourite band paradiselosts record draconian times and the fact im born in the year of the dragon.
it has other influences also its a play of words.
C-GDSM 2487
12-31-2010, 06:07 AM
i use c-gdsm as i seved in the coldstream guards
thats how i remember the users name
12-31-2010, 12:44 PM
[QUOTE=Da Talent]I was voted most modest in my frat back in college. See? Awesome at everything.
Baby Boy is classic film making at its best.[/QUOTE]
Rodney (AKA SNOOOP) DOG: I can't *believe* this muthafu&#@ had the audacity to come to *my* muthafu&#n' house, after he done *talked* $h@t to me when I was locked up, *fuc&#* my bit%#, had a baby by her. Man, get the heat, cuz. Fu&# this ni&&a.
12-31-2010, 02:26 PM
I'm so loving how everyone got involved in this discussion!!! awesome!!!
Happy New Years
Be safe :D
Black Knight
01-01-2011, 10:13 AM
My name is quite simple as well... Last name is Black and I've always been a huge medieval nut, so Black Knight stuck when I was in school and its been there ever since.
01-02-2011, 08:35 PM
Snake Plissken from the movie "Escape from New York" is one of the greatest anti-heros of cinema history.
When trying to decide upon a screen name I didn't want something that was clearly identified with either the good guys or the bad guys. Snake Plissken is about as gray as can be. When I realized the character's history had him fighting under Special Forces in World War III during the Battle of Leningrad it sounded like a perfect connection for me for a G.I. Joe screen name.
I imagine that if Snake Plissken was in the joe universe he'd have worked for the Joes, but possibly like Chuckles in the new IDW Cobra comic book, have been asked to work as a double agent. He'd soon be hated by both sides because he'd have no use or respect for authority and would constantly end up disrupting operations on both sides. Ultimately he's a man who fights for the people, and does what he thinks is right.
01-03-2011, 10:10 AM
Cobra = snake, ling = little so I guess its really just little snake.
01-03-2011, 12:22 PM
Some guy who was walking near me died and fell down, so I grabbed his wallet thinking he might have a winning scratch ticket or Town House crackers in there. I looked at his name, "Dan Contrino" and thought it was better than mine, so I stole his identity.
01-03-2011, 12:42 PM
giTom - pathetic :o levels of creativity - I like GI Joe and my name is Tom
01-03-2011, 03:07 PM
4-Cobra is pretty easy to figure out,and the reason I picked it is I like Cobra better than Joes.And when I was a Kid watching the Sunbow Joe Cartoons I always wanted Cobra to win one.
San Pickles
01-07-2011, 06:00 PM
Pickles was a tool I used to work with. I used a GI Joe to perform some "artistic" stunts with my ex-bosses clock and stapler on his desk. I put the pictures up on flickr and the little tool turned me. Needless to say it was a awkward meeting with my then boss. San is the initials of what hospital Pickles transfered to. Thus was born San Pickles. Cool to hear about where everybody's name came from.
01-07-2011, 09:46 PM
I went to my music collection for inspiration when coming up with a title for my comic. I had a few songs picked out, Another Holy War (Blind Guardian), Peace Sells, Holy Wars, Take No Prisoners, Dawn Patrol (Megadeth), Disposable Heroes (Metallica), Troops of Doom (Sepultura) War Ensemble (Slayer) and just about every song by Bolt Thrower.
Around that time I was watching Invader Zim and they're always screaming about "doom!" which made me think the funniest name would be Troops of Doom. :p
Agent Viper
01-08-2011, 05:43 AM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]I went to my music collection for inspiration when coming up with a title for my comic. I had a few songs picked out, Another Holy War (Blind Guardian), Peace Sells, Holy Wars, Take No Prisoners, Dawn Patrol (Megadeth), Disposable Heroes (Metallica), Troops of Doom (Sepultura) War Ensemble (Slayer) and just about every song by Bolt Thrower.
Around that time I was watching Invader Zim and they're always screaming about "doom!" which made me think the funniest name would be Troops of Doom. :p[/QUOTE]
War Ensemble! Gotta show some love for Slayer!
01-11-2011, 07:42 PM
I once had a crippling addiction to MechWarrior3, an online game that still has no equal, even though its been offline for years. I was in a particular mercenary unit and wanted to join a real Clan, from BattleTech lore, to participate in an online league with a virtual economy, planets, "serious" roleplay and unending warfare. Before joining, I wanted to think of a cool name, one that indicated potential violence beneath a logical veneer. I was listening to the radio and heard a news guy talk about the latest offerings from a Washington DC "thinktank." I magic markered the word on the dash of my work vehicle so I wouldn't forget it and have used the name ever since.
Urban Saboteur
01-11-2011, 10:52 PM
So my name is a representation of the worlds greatest saboteur = Firefly.
I always thought Firefly in urban camo was my favourite figure, so my screen name is a homage to him really.
btw in real life i dont go round blowing up peoples buildings or research facilities :D
01-11-2011, 11:16 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]
btw in real life i dont go round blowing up peoples buildings or research facilities :D[/QUOTE]
Why not? :)
Urban Saboteur
01-12-2011, 09:45 AM
[QUOTE=GoCards]Why not? :)[/QUOTE]
Geeee ... erm.. cos it could kill people.
Totally up for watching stuff get blown to pieces though.. like Mythbusters is my favourite show ever :D
02-04-2011, 02:20 PM
Was fun reading through all of these so I'll add mine. It's a user name I've been using for about 5 years now. There was a time when I would meet someone at a convention for the first time and they would know "Ctrl_Z" before the new me. That's when I used to post waaaay more. My SN has 2 meanings.
1) I use ctrl+z (the key command) a lot. So much in fact that I sometimes forget you can't use in irl. Ctrl+f too! real life needs a ctrl+f function damn it!
2) (Deeper meaning) Ctrl = Control; Z = Last letter of the alphabet. Control the end. Everyone is (or should be) in control of their own destiny/fate.
02-04-2011, 07:54 PM
Silent Dusty.... well I'm a huge fan of Kevin Smith, my name is Dustin, and while I'm not quite as portly as Mr Smith, I'm not small either, so Silent Bob....Silent Dusty.
02-05-2011, 06:55 AM
mine is simply my real name spelled backwards. ive had it over 15 years. back when my friends and i wanted to be comic artist lehsreh was my alter ego. a demon prince also known as the prince of pain. as ender it became my first every email account name and now it follows me everywhere, even my characters name in my joeverse that has been in my dios. not to mention i have a poem written about him and a short story that was published in my college newspaper where he was a common man with emotional problems who finally gave up and commited suicide by cops. his final words, "YOU JOE!!!"
02-05-2011, 06:56 AM
never would have guessed that one silent dusty, pretty cool, lol. always liked silent bob myself, back in the day i never knew the guy had enough common sense to even be writing anything i watched him in.
09-28-2011, 04:24 AM
1) Be good to each other. You can agree, you can disagree, and you can agree to disagree but don't get personal about it. We're all friends here, and we're all fans so let's just leave it at that.
2) Swearing is not allowed in any post in the forums or when replying to pictures. This includes the description area of your picture(s). IF your picture and/or dio has swearing, fine. Please keep in mind that we wish this to be a PG/PG13 sort of site. If you have a ton of swearing in a dio, please try and post a warning as a courtesy.
3) Absolutely no sniping and personal attacks on any member. If there is a problem between board members, take it somewhere else.
4) Blatant trolling. I'll be blunt on this one-- I don't care if you post links to features/reviews/dios/etc at other sites. What I do care about are people who only pop up to promote their site and don't otherwise contribute to the community in any way. This is "trolling for traffic" and I think it's a pretty sleazy thing to do. If you want to post links to your own sites/customs/work/etc, that's great and I encourage it! However, just don't show up to promote yourself and then leave.
5) Enjoy yourself. It’s a place to share stories and images w/ people who have the same interest. It’s great that we have a place like this.
The "order of battle" for disciplinary action around here.
If anyone is found consistently and intentionally violating the spirit of the rules above, the following steps will be taken:
1) Written warning. Either via email or PM you'll be hearing from me with one of those "Cut the crap!" messages. Hopefully this will be enough-- otherwise we move to...
2) Banning. I've seen too many boards grow "out of control" because some people can't remember to respect others. I won't tolerate that here-- ever. Anyone who consistently decides that they can do whatever they want will have to do so elsewhere.
If you feel the need to disrespect other board members, make blatant insults, etc, your posts are subject to a bit of an edit. However, you'll know the reasons for the edit and everyone will be able to see that the post has been altered.
By the by...
You want a 1-way ticket to getting banned w/ no warnings?
1. Steal pics from another site, post them here and say they are yours.
It's one thing to post your own stuff. It's another thing to post someone's stuff with their permission. (ie; hosting pics on your own account and posting it for the public) But taking a pic from another site and posting 'em, that's a no-no no matter where you're from.
2. Racism in any form.
comments on pics should ALWAYS be honest and polite...........if you find something that looks a bit 'off', a 'gentle' suggestion should be offered. Nothing like 'that pic sucks' or 'I hate that it's stupid' or along those lines.......
Don't sell yourself short on your own pics either! Let's be honest, YOU should know if a picture is 'decent'.......look at it this way, are you proud of what you did? Or are you doing it so you can say to your friends 'look what I crapped out and took a picture of!'? Time and patience will show through your pics all by themselves. And if you get frustrated, don't be afraid to ASK!
Now I don't expect everyone to be able to take the same level of pics, it depends on so many, speed, surroundings, theme and the most important part........each individual!! Again, it all boils down to each person taking pride in what they are doing..........I mean it is your name attached to each shot!
So, take time and have patience...and just follow your mother's advice 'be respectful'...everyone can benefit from something and you'll be churning out brillant work in no time!!!
Some of the newer folks might NOT remember this particular ruling, but the JD has a 3-picture posting limit.
Either space 'em out or if you are trying to tell a story, sometimes it's best to host the shots yourself and make a post in the forum. I am deleting random shots if you are over the 3-shots in a row limit. Please try and let others post too.
80s Child
09-28-2011, 06:23 AM
80s Child:
I was born in '77, so my childhood occured in the best decade to be a child ever - the 1980s. As a 34 year-old now with adult problems like mortgage, job stuff, etc. etc. I often think back to my happy place where hope and possibilities were endless - the 80s. So, when things get a little sticky in present day, I like to harken back to the days of Storm Shadow, Optimus Prime, Cringer, Chewbacca, Tygra, Uncle Jesse, K.I.T.T., Murdock, Angus, and Jessica Fletcher. :)
Youth IS wasted on the young.
09-28-2011, 02:51 PM
M1General in honor of US Army main battle tanks. I'm a big guy too, 6'5" 330 lbs :D
09-28-2011, 03:15 PM
I chose this name because Sgt savage was my favorite GI Joe character. He is first GI Joe I remember hearing about and him and wanted one eversince. I finally got one about 2 years ago :)
09-28-2011, 07:10 PM
My original online handle was "Flederschwein", which many people found difficult to spell so I shortened it to "Fled", plus the year of my birth (1974).
the commander
09-29-2011, 12:09 PM
the commander well i just like cobra commander. I was kind of the unofficial leader of my group of friends sometimes.
09-30-2011, 12:10 AM
Vespapilot79 .. I have a 1979 Vespa P200 which im the P.I.C. Im a civ/recreational pilot as well.
80s Child
09-30-2011, 05:56 AM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Vespapilot79 .. I have a 1979 Vespa P200 which im the P.I.C. Im a civ/recreational pilot as well.[/QUOTE]
I just googled 1979 Vespa P200 - isn't that what Mikey Teutel drives from American Chopper? ;)
10-03-2011, 12:27 AM
I know him and Vince ahve done some scooter rides with vintage scooters.. Im not sure what hes riding now a days.. Dont watch the show anymore.
80s Child
10-04-2011, 07:02 AM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]I know him and Vince ahve done some scooter rides with vintage scooters.. Im not sure what hes riding now a days.. Dont watch the show anymore.[/QUOTE]
Cool! Yeah Vinny & Mikey seem fun on TV - that show has really changed alot since back in 2002 when it started!
10-04-2011, 08:33 AM
Just my nickname. Nothing clever, it's just easy for me to remember.
02-28-2012, 01:42 PM
Mine's Heymilt because my last name is Milton and I hear "Hey, Milt!" a lot...
Some of you have great names. I like Joegirl, right to the point!
02-28-2012, 05:52 PM
my friend and i used to cause a bit of a ruckus together, alone we were monoevil together we were stereoevil, so he took the mono and i took the stereo.
Lt. Faceless
03-01-2012, 10:32 AM
I started with Agent Faceless on and old BBS(remember those?).I done what i could to help newer posters and what not and was upgraded and Lt. Faceless just stuck.That and it goes with the idea of cobra as a faceless legion.
03-04-2012, 03:35 PM
I'm a HUGE H.P. Lovecraft fan, and by default a fan of lots of the authors that inspired and were inspired by him. Robert Chambers was an influence on Lovecraft, and The Pallid Mask is a character from his "King in Yellow" mythology, which I've been crazy obsessed with for decades. I don't know when I first started using "pallidmask" as a screen name, but it's pretty much the only one I ever use on message boards.
03-08-2012, 05:59 AM
Great thread!
My name comes from a quote in the film "Army of Darkness". When Ash is taken prisoner by the knights at the start of the film, one of his fellow prisoners identifies himself as the Leader of the opposing knight's forces. He tells Ash his name and title, proud of his warrior heritage.
Ash, unimpressed, says "Well, Hello, Mr. Fancy Pants. Look, I got news for you, pal. You ain't in charge of but two things right now: Jack and sh!t. And Jack left town!"
Being a huge Evil Dead/Bruce Campbell fan since I was 12 years old (in 1983), I wanted to pay tribute to the series in some way. Also, I knew that any hardcore fans of the series would spot it right away and identify me as a fan.
It's funny because people on other forums thinks my name is Jack, but it's not, it's actually Dino. Yes, like the pet on the Flintstones. I used to tell people my Mom went into labor while watching the Flintstones and named me after the dinosaur. Older people ask if I'm named after "Dean "Dino Vino" Martin, lol.
The truth is I am named after my Father's nickname. "Il Dino" translated means "The Dean". The term comes from the Latin "decanus", "a leader of ten", taken from the medieval monasteries, which were often extremely large, with hundreds of monks (the size of a small college campus). The monks were organized into groups of ten for administrative purposes, along the lines of military platoons, headed by a senior monk, the decanus.
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