View Full Version : So what is "good writing"
01-17-2011, 07:28 AM
So I get a PM on another board about Scale wars in which someone gives me several compliments but at the end says "your writing could use some work."
Now I never have thought of myself as Shakespear or anything, but the comment got me off guard a bit. I admit I have had jokes, ect. that have fallen flat, but many comedians have stated "They can't all be gems" and after a few seconds I thought maybe that was the problem, the guy hated comedy (oddly noticed several people who do hate it, not sure what the deal is on that, beside the point). So I responded pretty much as "Hey jokes aren't easy" and seeing if I get a responce which isn't my point at all.
My point is, it seems to me that most of the time, good writing is very subjective at the least. Many people like the new GI Joe and Transformers cartoons whereas I feel they are written poorly. I know several of my friends who dislike Lost due to the way it is written (I do argue they haven't watched all of it but that is beside the point), I have watched hundreds of movies that have won awards and feel the plots and stories were weak as hell, how many of us have debated different comic books or regular books, ect.
So my thoughts are that the guy really should have said "This just isn't my kind of story." rather than point to my writing, then again maybe I am biased LOL. But seriously what really constitutes "good writing."
Urban Saboteur
01-17-2011, 08:54 AM
A couple of things really, mate.
When he says your writing could use work, is that all he said? :confused: because that's actually quite vague. Maybe it's just me but if i ever leave any critique on someone elses work, keeping in mind they could of spent hours and hours on it, i at least give them something to work with?
For example. supposing it was me saying it I'd put.
"Oh i think your writing could use some work - i'm referring to several points in part 6 and parts 7, 8 and 9 that didn't quite work. I don't think He-Man would of done this and even if he made it in time such and such a person could of intervened."
^ maybe not my best example but my point is that if people are to criticise, at least give reasons. I dont think 'your writing needs work' is as pinpoint or accurate to help you at all, and i always think criticism should be backed up with points to help the person improve for future works.
But your spot on with what your saying about it being subjective, any form of artwork or entertainment is subjective. Doesn't matter if its music or film or videogames. The exception would be taken is if he's referring to grammatical errors or spelling. In which case he should still point this out if that's what he's truely meaning.
I've read a few of your series and liked some of them. I probably don't get round to reading every one of peoples stories due to commitments elsewhere but from what i have read of yours i've enjoyed it. :)
01-17-2011, 08:56 AM
If you want a sample of great writing for god's sake don't read a Joel Schumacher screenplay! Youch!
01-17-2011, 09:24 AM
ive noticed that some ppl like to throw out stuff like that in a way to make themselves look better in their minds eye.
i dabble in all kinds of art and when you create something there will always be one in ten who cant give a compliment without taking it back in some way.
its like a good conversation really it demands that you both are at the same point of view in the outlook of life.
talk to the same person 2 years earlier of later and you dont share the same view anymore.
i wouldnt pay any attention to the one in ten that dont like your writing.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
01-17-2011, 11:16 AM
Maybe they mean your spelling and grammar, which to be frank, leaves A LOT to be desired. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but you've been doing dios since late 2002 and I honestly don't think you've spelt Serpentor correctly once.
C-GDSM 2487
01-17-2011, 12:00 PM
well iam dyslexic
i got a head injury in the army my spelling is awefull i am the first one to own up
to it. i got a pm from a joe site moaning about it so i stated what i got
i dont judge anyone spelling..or grammer
i cant see why people moan and groan :mad:
not everybody perfect... :p
01-17-2011, 12:36 PM
Well that is cause I hate serpantor LOL
But seriously I am dylexic as well and spelling is one of my weakest points, but I run everything through a spell checker so beyond character names (and occasional typos), I try to catch everything on the comic.
Granted I never, ever try to spell check my forums posts. but no he was saying it in relation to the comic, and yes it was vauge so now I am thinking maybe he ment something else.
Reverend Blood
01-17-2011, 01:01 PM
The spelling and grammar would be the only thing I can think of, unless whoever it was just didn't get your sense of humor, or had a problem with how you wrote some of the plot lines, but if that's the case why would they have read it, and complimented your work, just to be vague?
I say just keep on with what you want to do, it is Zed's joe site after all, and I'll keep reading it (and voting, even though it's been the same AT-AT incentive picture for the last 3 or 4 chapters :P) I don't harp too much on other people's grammar, because when I finally get my dio rolled out, I know mine won't be perfect either.
01-17-2011, 03:02 PM
I say just keep on with what you want to do, it is Zed's joe site after all, and I'll keep reading it (and voting, even though it's been the same AT-AT incentive picture for the last 3 or 4 chapters :P) I don't harp too much on other people's grammar, because when I finally get my dio rolled out, I know mine won't be perfect either.
POOOOOOOP! I knew there was something I kept forgetting to do, change the incentive picture, ok will change tonight
01-18-2011, 10:04 AM
I know it's important to dot the t's and cross the eyes. However the main thing is to have fun!! It's not a frickin elitist poetry society. Keep writing stories. I also give you guys alot of credit and admiration for dealing with dyslexia! Rock on and have fun!!
01-18-2011, 01:57 PM
I try only to say something to people if it really needs being said. Other then That I compliment because I have been writing and rewriting my dio story for years now with nothing really done. I posted a while back the two Joe short films I did for the Joelanta shows and the only negative feedback I got was on the band name for the songs. Well I will never change my band name :p . The film that me and my buddy did for last years show was over 400 photos when all said and done, and when we showed it only one person laughed. That was a cold reception but did not stop us as we are meeting this week to start writing the next story. All I will say is so far we think Stormshadow and Snake Eyes will be doing a musical number together but that will depend on if it really moves the story along or not. :D :D :D
01-24-2011, 04:43 AM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Maybe they mean your spelling and grammar....[/QUOTE]
I cant think of any other reason either... In your comic there are some mistakes/typos... but who cares, I 'mean reading your comics isnt learning english now is it?
And If something that involves as much work as your comic does, gets put on the net for everyone to enjoy for free, moaning about some grammar issues is just a slap in the face...
I enjoy your silly and original town of 1:18th figs. Fev typos here and there could not interest me less... keep doing what you do, if someone has a issue with your typing, its their probelm...
01-25-2011, 05:58 AM
Yeah, what is "good writing?". If you read Stephen King, his writing sucks according to the way I was taught to write in English class, but when you're talking about someone speaking, or expressing someone else's ideas, c'mon! Got news for you! 99% of us don't think or speak in perfect English!So if you're portraying REAL people you're English shouldn't be worries!
Reverend Blood
01-25-2011, 06:11 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]Yeah, what is "good writing?". If you read Stephen King, his writing sucks according to the way I was taught to write in English class, but when you're talking about someone speaking, or expressing someone else's ideas, c'mon! Got news for you! 99% of us don't think or speak in perfect English!So if you're portraying REAL people you're English shouldn't be worries![/QUOTE]
Ender, stop talking about writing and get chapter 6 made :D
Lt. Pinpoint
01-25-2011, 07:07 AM
Good writing is based on the readers own personal opinions. I know that, in general, I'm not a great writer. However, I get enjoyment out of doing it, and THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS!
How many times have you read a movie review that just panned the hell out of a movie? Then you see it and say, that was damn good! How many books have you read after someone said it was boring? How many items of food have you eaten that someone else said was awful? It comes down to "Hey, I like it so I don't care what other people say about it.
Keep writing your stories, have fun with them, stop worrying what others say. I'm sure Stephen King has issues with people not liking his writing, (I am one of them).
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