View Full Version : Your First and Latest Upload

Prince Adam
01-20-2011, 10:36 PM
Let's play a game, not a game so much as a study, as there's no winner and no loser. A look back at our individual progressions as diographers. The rules are simple, post a link to your first upload and a link to your latest upload (or one of your latest uploades), AND a little blurb regarding each. Feel free to post your thoughts on anyone's time capsule but no negative bs, it's all craps and giggles, folks.


Yep... I'd gotten the 25th anni. boxset at Sears and picked up Flint a few nights later while I was out w/ my brother. Had found out about JDs through TNI (shudder) and once my accnt. was activated I grabbed the site by the horns! "What's Target Range?", "What's Weekend Warriors?", "oh, anyone can play?". X = Hooked. I bounced back and forth quite liberally back then between 25th and ARAH.


Not my latest but very close. There's a lot of past influence in this shot especially in the lighting, angle, drama, seldom-seen figure choice. It seems to epitomize the things I've learned in a way, at least for me.

01-21-2011, 03:42 AM
Cool Idea!!!

1st pic.
I didnt know what I was getting myself into. I was going threw some hard times in my life. The place where I worked was burned down and my girlfriend at the time was pregnant. Lowjacked put me onto this site and it was a excellent stress reliever and new hobby I always wanted to do as kid!!!

The only things I had was some old Joes from childhood and some cinder blocks,but I went for it. I couldnt get the lighting right so I used a cheesy Kodak photo editor called cartoon. Maybe one day I will reshoot this pic.

Last/recent pic.

My lighting and collection has improved a great deal now. I still need work but Im'a get there. With Cobra its hard to tell sometimes that they are human. (well with the last to lines RoC and PoC). I like to see the Cobra troopers unmasked and human. You will see alot of shots from me with the troopers helmets removed.

Agent Viper
01-21-2011, 05:29 AM

Wow, that's all I can say. The camera I was using was a pretty crappy 50$ digital. It didn't even have a Macro option.


Now that I actually know what I'm doing things are a lot better in my photos!

Lt. Pinpoint
01-21-2011, 05:40 AM

Not the first photo I took, but the first posted here. All my photos are taken with a cam phone, so I have not changed how the pics are taken. The big thing that has changed is the style of photos I take. I've gone from straight stills to this...


My pics now have stories or backgrounds to them. The poses have a little more action to them, and a little bit of practice has allowed me to use a cam phone with less blur, (at least I hope it has).

01-21-2011, 07:34 AM
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]

http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=7626&catid=member&imageuser=1397 [/QUOTE]

Great from the jump!!!

[QUOTE=Agent Viper]http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=8580&catid=member&imageuser=1381

Wow, that's all I can say. The camera I was using was a pretty crappy 50$ digital. It didn't even have a Macro option.


Now that I actually know what I'm doing things are a lot better in my photos![/QUOTE]
You have improved a great deal AV!!!

[QUOTE=Lt. Pinpoint]

Would love to see what you can do with a real camera!!!

01-21-2011, 08:30 AM
The First:

There were many from these same shots but this was the first posted. I had just gotten that Terrordrome monster set at Joelanta and filled it with a bunch of Joes and Took Pictures. I was a regular at Yojoe.com at the time and someone had posted a link in the customs section of all these great pictures that were showing up on this new site. Well I had to get in on that action and registered, lurked for a week or two then started posting. As a lot of you will probably realize, my contributions are randomly timed at best but this is what got me hooked. I still like this picture but have gotten way better at lighting and posing since.

My Latest:
Looking at it I realize it has been a while since I posted anything. This shot was an Idea I had in my head based on how a lot of current action flicks are filmed with the shots taking place and only one character being in focus at the onset. I don't remember what movie I was watching but I saw it done and thought it would be cool to try in a still shot. The Bokeh was other experment in that I had been trying to work more with photo technics that I am reading about and thought that it would be neat to try in this photo. My biggest take away from this is that my lighting and Focus has greatly improved.

01-21-2011, 08:34 AM
The First:

at the time these where the only figures i had in my figure collection as i just start collecting. I had just got Stalker when I took this photo.

The Last:

With the snow recently I figured I do something with one my top 5 favorite the corps characters

01-21-2011, 04:45 PM
First: http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=19956&catid=member&imageuser=3854

I had actually been a member and commenting awhile before I took that shot. My prior shots I had taken weren't even that good, so I was a bit nervous, especially considering how good my peers were. The reason I had the stuff out to even take a photo was because some friends on another site were curious about an LBC I had made in 25th style, so I took that while I was at it. Just remembering how excited I got about what everyone said reminds me of how magical this hobby really is.


I've really come a long way since my first photo posted here. I used to never take my toys outside, even when I was little, since I didn't want to lose a part or get them dirty. I used to be somewhat germ-phobic when it came to my toys, or something close anyway, but that ended once I began buying them loose. I'd also like to say I've gotten a ton better at editing, as although I may not be very good, I used to not know how to use editing programs at all.

Urban Saboteur
01-21-2011, 07:11 PM
Nice Idea!! :)

This is my first one.

Clutch asking Action Force Quarrel for a 'ride' :D :p This was taken 27-11-2006. I am pretty sure I took dio pictures before this but this is as far back as I seem to be able to get.

This is my latest image.

:D Non-Contest really. I've learnt alot about angles and lighting. I've also learnt alot from many good diomakers and photographers both on here and on flickr.com. It kinda isn't fair because the camera I had back in 2006 wasn't as good as the one I have now. Having said that I worked obviously with what I had, and even if i'd of had a top camera then, I probably wouldnt of learnt all the stuff anyways.

I still consider myself to be a relative newbie and i'm always surprising myself with shots on a weekly basis.

This is a great idea though and I'm glad Prince Adam suggested it. :D

01-21-2011, 07:34 PM

[size=3][color=#0000ff][size=3][color=#0000ff]http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=964&catid=member&imageuser=190[/color][/size][/color][/size] (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=964&catid=member&imageuser=190)

[size=2]I found the site and posted this first picture long ago. Just a little humor and a fairly sad picture.[/size]

[size=3][color=#0000ff][size=3][color=#0000ff]http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=32809&catid=member&imageuser=190[/color][/size][/color][/size] (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=32809&catid=member&imageuser=190)

[size=2]A few guys on patrol. I've learned a lot about lighting and focus over the years, and had a lot of tips from good folks on this site. I enjoy that we can share ideas. Some work, some don't, but we can learn together and help each other as we improve.[/size]

Black Knight
01-21-2011, 11:09 PM
My first isn't that good.


My most recent is much better.


01-22-2011, 01:21 AM
This was my first post on JoeDios. Just a standard pic of my scratch-built transport vehicle:


I got into newbie trouble then as I had posted over the three photo limit.

My latest was a dio story shot styled like a comic book cover, or at least my attempt at it:


I've learned a lot from you folks about using macro settings and focussing.
I still need to jump in with both feet and really experiment with lighting and angles.

01-22-2011, 08:02 AM

Hold your noses...that stank! My god and thank god there were so many people around with better pictures to study :D


Here's the latest. I'm happy with everything but the lighting. I listened to everyone's advice on every bad shot I ever took and went from there. Not to beat the flickr horse to death, but posting there in greater numbers really helped me edit myself as well.

01-22-2011, 08:07 AM
[QUOTE=Tracker]The First:

at the time these where the only figures i had in my figure collection as i just start collecting. I had just got Stalker when I took this photo.

The Last:

With the snow recently I figured I do something with one my top 5 favorite the corps characters[/QUOTE]

Tracker-You always did great shots of teams and made use of those great, papaer stock props!

Nekoman-You were great from the start with prop use and focus and posing.

Crimson Pilot
01-22-2011, 08:48 AM
First 7-11-10


Latest 1-16-11


my first is just a printer paper box but it was a start. I made 2 other box sets but later got into to making set-ups and outdoors. Most of the earlier ones are camera phone pics too.

01-22-2011, 10:32 AM
SERPENTORS PROGRESS REPORT (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=6649&catid=member&imageuser=1183)

This was a shot even way before I knew what Joedios was No real technique just playing with my son. Then when I got a computer I found this and lurked till I got a digital camera and let me tell you I've learned alot from the folks here at the site(to many to name) some long gone some still posting great stuff....

THE EXCHANGE (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=33093&catid=member&imageuser=1183)

It's safe to say that I took what I've learned about angle, drama , lighting, posing etc. from those here and put it to good use. Most of all I understood without a good set your shot doesn't have much of chance of getting looked at. But even that could be saved with a good discription.

BTW Xander this is an amazing idea for a thread HOOZA PRINCE ADAM!!!!!!!!!

01-22-2011, 11:07 AM
Epic Thread!!! Love how everyone has grown!!!

01-22-2011, 03:28 PM

Hold your noses...that stank! My god and thank god there were so many people around with better pictures to study :D


Here's the latest. I'm happy with everything but the lighting. I listened to everyone's advice on every bad shot I ever took and went from there. Not to beat the flickr horse to death, but posting there in greater numbers really helped me edit myself as well.[/QUOTE]
OH yes We remember Dan The FLASH Contrino well you've gotten much better un like my grammer. :p

01-22-2011, 05:12 PM
[QUOTE=Flatline]OH yes We remember Dan The FLASH Contrino well you've gotten much better un like my grammer. :p[/QUOTE]
LMAO! Marcos, when you think of me...hear this...

p.s. yer grammer is grate!

01-22-2011, 05:24 PM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]LMAO! Marcos, when you think of me...hear this...

p.s. yer grammer is grate![/QUOTE]
OMG that was TPAMMT + ALITNSML X #1 and the best :D :D :D

Prince Adam
01-22-2011, 05:28 PM
Dig the additions so far, and props to you all for having the ;) to share your humble beginnings! We've all really come along way!


Hold your noses...that stank! My god and thank god there were so many people around with better pictures to study :D


Here's the latest. I'm happy with everything but the lighting. I listened to everyone's advice on every bad shot I ever took and went from there. Not to beat the flickr horse to death, but posting there in greater numbers really helped me edit myself as well.[/QUOTE]

I used to feel bad about using the F-word, but now I just don't even sweat it any more than I would saying "TNI" or "Yojoe". Plus I think most of the people that got offended over such a trivial thing have since departed. That said I agree about the posting of multiple takes of one shot, it's helped me out a good deal in the past year or so.

01-25-2011, 08:17 PM
1st (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=26468&catid=searchresults&searchid=53598)

Well, at this time I owned 7 figures, was just getting used to lighting, cardstock, and layout...

Last (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=30615&catid=searchresults&searchid=53598)

I have improved my collection immensely. I have found and or made better props and sets, and improved my layout. Still working on the lighting though...