View Full Version : What Happened to Target?
San Pickles
03-02-2011, 04:32 PM
Maybe its just me. But Target has been a total Sausage Festival for new figures. I haven't seen any new stock there since December. I've been to five different stores lately and they all have the same crap. They must have the market cornered on Arctic Destro. There's at least a dozen of them at each store. Followed by Dusty and Zartan. And vehicles, forget it. They have the same Ghost Hawks and Doom Cycles since the series came out. No "Speed Buggies" or Ice Cutter things either. Target used to be a pretty decent place to find Joe stuff. Maybe it's a local problem. Anyone else notice the same issues? :confused:
03-02-2011, 04:43 PM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]Maybe its just me. But Target has been a total Sausage Festival for new figures. I haven't seen any new stock there since December. I've been to five different stores lately and they all have the same crap. They must have the market cornered on Arctic Destro. There's at least a dozen of them at each store. Followed by Dusty and Zartan. And vehicles, forget it. They have the same Ghost Hawks and Doom Cycles since the series came out. No "Speed Buggies" or Ice Cutter things either. Target used to be a pretty decent place to find Joe stuff. Maybe it's a local problem. Anyone else notice the same issues? :confused:[/QUOTE]
Lets look at this in a positive spin! You remember when target was loaded with those now awesome Baroness figure(because there are no more female scuplts)?
Then they went on clearance for like .88 cents. Those Destros will make a nice arctic team for .88 cents ea.!!! But yeah, that blows!
San Pickles
03-02-2011, 04:55 PM
You're right SIC DETH, sometime in April or May they will close out all of the Destro's for some cheap price. I almost regret getting the figure, because that's all I see on the pegs. And the other bad part is the local scalper gets the good releases at the Walmart by his store. I think Target has pulled the plug on the POC series. They never really committed much space for it and I think they quit ordering stock if it doesn't meet their numbers. Just my paranoid hunch. :rolleyes:
03-03-2011, 06:38 AM
I have such fond memories of my folks taking me to Target to buy my GI Joe figures. That's where I got some of my favorites like TARGAT (no pun intended), Rampart, and Pathfinder. I remember there shelves being lined with dozens of Joes to choose from.
I don't buy the new figures, but I still browse, and notice a severe lack of Joe presence on the shelves. two or three figures here or there and one or two mechs.
I'm hoping to get my paws on a couple of the new Vamps, any idea when these are due out?
03-03-2011, 05:59 PM
[QUOTE=jogunwarrior]I have such fond memories of my folks taking me to Target to buy my GI Joe figures. That's where I got some of my favorites like TARGAT (no pun intended), Rampart, and Pathfinder. I remember there shelves being lined with dozens of Joes to choose from.
I don't buy the new figures, but I still browse, and notice a severe lack of Joe presence on the shelves. two or three figures here or there and one or two mechs.
I'm hoping to get my paws on a couple of the new Vamps, any idea when these are due out?[/QUOTE]
We didn't get a Target here until 2000! We had Child World and Bradlees...both gone :( Regarding Target, yeah, I hope Sic is right about them going clearance...I need more of that Destro head for some clown customs :D
Lt. Pinpoint
03-03-2011, 06:18 PM
I'm seeing the same problem at Wal Mart. And the closest Wal Mart had stopped carrying them at all. Imagine that, not even carrying. My best choice now is paying TRU outlandish prices. Oh well, at least they carry a decent selection.
I'm hoping this isn't a trend for Hasbro. GI Joe is still a great merchandise, even if it is just us childlike adults who collect and pose.
General Jones
03-03-2011, 08:42 PM
Same with my Walmart, for the past 6 weeks, there have been 4 pegs full of the old movie figures, 2 POC Destros, and 1 POC Cobra Commander. Stupid.
San Pickles
03-03-2011, 08:54 PM
I'm hoping to get my paws on a couple of the new Vamps, any idea when these are due out?
jogunwarrior, they have been out since August of 2010. I saw my first and only one at Ross on close out. I looked for months for one and never did see any at retail. Same goes for the HISS and Fury. I can't figure out what the retailers are doing with the Joe stuff. :confused:
San Pickles
03-03-2011, 08:58 PM
I hope Sic is right about them going clearance...I need more of that Destro head for some clown customs.
Dan-O, I'll let you know when they bag'em here. There's enough Destro's sitting around to build a whole clown army! And that's just one Target. :eek:
San Pickles
03-03-2011, 09:01 PM
[QUOTE=Lt. Pinpoint]I'm seeing the same problem at Wal Mart. And the closest Wal Mart had stopped carrying them at all. Imagine that, not even carrying. My best choice now is paying TRU outlandish prices. Oh well, at least they carry a decent selection.
I'm hoping this isn't a trend for Hasbro. GI Joe is still a great merchandise, even if it is just us childlike adults who collect and pose.[/QUOTE]
I went to two Walmarts today and only found empty pegs for the Joe stuff. They had some Ice Cutters and AWE Strikers, but no figures. They had a sh*tload of Corps stuff. Hard to tell what's going on.
San Pickles
03-03-2011, 09:05 PM
[QUOTE=General Jones]Same with my Walmart, for the past 6 weeks, there have been 4 pegs full of the old movie figures, 2 POC Destros, and 1 POC Cobra Commander. Stupid.[/QUOTE]
It's the same here, they are out of any new stock and just have a few peg warmers hanging around. I wish they would either re-stock the series or just bag it and close it out. :rolleyes:
San Pickles
03-03-2011, 09:10 PM
[QUOTE=General Jones]Same with my Walmart, for the past 6 weeks, there have been 4 pegs full of the old movie figures, 2 POC Destros, and 1 POC Cobra Commander. Stupid.[/QUOTE]
Same deal here General Jones. No new stock and some peg warmers taking up space. I wish they would either re-stock the series or bag it and close it out. :rolleyes:
Cobra Freak
03-03-2011, 09:22 PM
I think the joe line is coming to an end!!!!! :eek: :(
San Pickles
03-04-2011, 03:20 AM
[QUOTE=Cobra Freak]I think the joe line is coming to an end!!!!! :eek: :([/QUOTE]
LOL, I don't think it's that bad. I have two thoughts on it. One, Star Wars. The stores are loaded with tons of Star Wars stuff this year. I'm guessing that's where their money is tied up. They are keeping a small amount of GI Joe on hand for nuts like us. Two, I think Hasbro is saving their good stuff for the 30th anniversary release. They want to keep their "Thunder" for that. Just starve the collectors for a while and turn them in Joe collecting freaks when the 30th stuff comes out. :D
03-04-2011, 03:25 AM
[QUOTE=dancontrino] Regarding Target, yeah, I hope Sic is right about them going clearance...I need more of that Destro head for some clown customs :D[/QUOTE]
We can form like Voltron, I'll take the body you can have the head.
[QUOTE=Cobra Freak]I think the joe line is coming to an end!!!!! :eek: :([/QUOTE]
Ninja please!!! :p
03-04-2011, 04:13 AM
I think that creepy stock boy Jimmy swiped all the stuff!
03-04-2011, 08:17 AM
But Target has been a total Sausage Festival for new figures.
In the words of Mandy Pitinkin-"I do not think that means what you think it does"
But restocking has been pretty bad any way you slice it. typical Hasbro distrobution.
03-04-2011, 08:46 AM
sausage fest? there aren't any female joes to have atm so it's not targets fault.
03-04-2011, 08:47 AM
Ninja please!!! :p[/QUOTE]
leprechaun back to da hood? lol
03-04-2011, 06:37 PM
My Targets were fine until they removed the end cap stuff. Now the pegs are so full of peg warmers like Tornado kick Snake Eyes, action attack Storm Shadow, Zartan, & arctic Destro that there is literally no room for anything new.
San Pickles
03-05-2011, 02:26 AM
[QUOTE=Goldbug]My Targets were fine until they removed the end cap stuff. Now the pegs are so full of peg warmers like Tornado kick Snake Eyes, action attack Storm Shadow, Zartan, & arctic Destro that there is literally no room for anything new.[/QUOTE]
I'm seeing the same thing. Go to Target no new stock and lots of peg warmers, go to Walmart, lots of pegs, no stock.
San Pickles
03-05-2011, 02:32 AM
[QUOTE=rds13601]I think that creepy stock boy Jimmy swiped all the stuff![/QUOTE
He must be the local scalpers kid! :p
San Pickles
03-05-2011, 02:45 AM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]In the words of Mandy Pitinkin-"I do not think that means what you think it does"
But restocking has been pretty bad any way you slice it. typical Hasbro distrobution.[/QUOTE]
LOL, zedhatch. I was using the term Sausage fest as an example of the chances of finding new Joes at Target was like picking up a female at a Sausage Fest. :) Agree with your Hasbro distribution comment, why can I buy POC HISS tanks on closeout at Ross, when you can't find them new at retail. I like the fact they are half the price, but it's a joke finding new product at a closeout place but never seeing it at the normal outlets. :eek:
San Pickles
03-05-2011, 02:55 AM
[QUOTE=Ctrl_Z]sausage fest? there aren't any female joes to have atm so it's not targets fault.[/QUOTE]
My understanding of Sausage Fest, there's too many Bulls and very few cows at the party. Since we're flying under the radar. How does ATM relate to a Sausage Fest? :confused:
03-05-2011, 08:26 AM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]LOL, zedhatch. I was using the term Sausage fest as an example of the chances of finding new Joes at Target was like picking up a female at a Sausage Fest. :) Agree with your Hasbro distribution comment, why can I buy POC HISS tanks on closeout at Ross, when you can't find them new at retail. I like the fact they are half the price, but it's a joke finding new product at a closeout place but never seeing it at the normal outlets. :eek:[/QUOTE]
You think Joe is bad, try Marvel Universe, that is practically an internet exclusive line unless you are looking for Iron Man or Spider-Man.
Also Star Wars is effected too, Thier wave 5 in vintage hit stores in December and Wave 4 is just now hitting.
Only things that don't seem to have overwhelming issues is the first waves of movie lines. Of course that is all retailers fault /sarcasim
03-05-2011, 03:34 PM
I kind of lucked out this week I found all of Wave 4 at TRU, but I noticed that it seems that the two TRUs I hit had gotten in only one case of figures. One case! I actually got to a TRU when they were stocking and only one case had come in there. How can anyone find figures if their only getting one case per store? :confused: No wonder I can't find any Shock Troopers anywhere.
03-05-2011, 04:14 PM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]You think Joe is bad, try Marvel Universe, that is practically an internet exclusive line unless you are looking for Iron Man or Spider-Man.
Also Star Wars is effected too, Thier wave 5 in vintage hit stores in December and Wave 4 is just now hitting.
Only things that don't seem to have overwhelming issues is the first waves of movie lines. Of course that is all retailers fault /sarcasim[/QUOTE]
Heh I have no problem finding those here.
[QUOTE=jcast]I kind of lucked out this week I found all of Wave 4 at TRU, but I noticed that it seems that the two TRUs I hit had gotten in only one case of figures. One case! I actually got to a TRU when they were stocking and only one case had come in there. How can anyone find figures if their only getting one case per store? :confused: No wonder I can't find any Shock Troopers anywhere.[/QUOTE]
I think that's it. Just one case per store. That is what my Target got for Thor movie figures, one case!
San Pickles
03-06-2011, 04:51 AM
Seems like we are all seeing the same issues on multiple lines. I used to collect the Marvel stuff and pretty much gave up on it. For a lot of the same issues everyone else is talking about. The one case per store thing, what's up with that? So some store out in BF no where gets the same amount as the stores in more populated areas? And what about regional differences, I'm sure the stores in Florida are busting at the seems with Arctic Destros and Ice Cutters. And some kid or collector is pissed in Fargo, because they are sold out. The whole system is messed up. :mad:
[QUOTE=San Pickles]Seems like we are all seeing the same issues on multiple lines. I used to collect the Marvel stuff and pretty much gave up on it. For a lot of the same issues everyone else is talking about. The one case per store thing, what's up with that? So some store out in BF no where gets the same amount as the stores in more populated areas? And what about regional differences, I'm sure the stores in Florida are busting at the seems with Arctic Destros and Ice Cutters. And some kid or collector is pissed in Fargo, because they are sold out. The whole system is messed up. :mad:[/QUOTE]
Trust me,..... Destro is warming and has been warming pegs in colder climates alllllll winter long.
I was so excited the other day when I saw a new Destro with cash on the pegs. He was the only one and no other figs. All Destro all the time.
Hey Hasbro take a walk in your stores you distribute in and see what doesn't sell
03-07-2011, 11:05 AM
Cyko, Otto, and myself saw quite a few different Marvel women when we went out checking stores last time Otto was in town. Target specifically had MOST of the new women.... but its the same mold of course.
03-07-2011, 11:07 AM
[QUOTE=Rick]Hey Hasbro take a walk in your stores you distribute in and see what doesn't sell[/QUOTE]
They actually do have reps that go in the stores.........though they don't know ANYTHING about the lines... :( I've been in both Wally World and Target and saw a person with the Hasbro tag checking things and asked about something I heard or ask about restocks and they don't know CRAP or blame it on the store for not ordering stuff.
03-07-2011, 11:21 AM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]LOL, zedhatch. I was using the term Sausage fest as an example of the chances of finding new Joes at Target was like picking up a female at a Sausage Fest. :) Agree with your Hasbro distribution comment, why can I buy POC HISS tanks on closeout at Ross, when you can't find them new at retail. I like the fact they are half the price, but it's a joke finding new product at a closeout place but never seeing it at the normal outlets. :eek:[/QUOTE]
Wasn't it Andre The Giant who said that anyway? :D
03-07-2011, 12:32 PM
[QUOTE=roguetiger]They actually do have reps that go in the stores.........though they don't know ANYTHING about the lines... :( I've been in both Wally World and Target and saw a person with the Hasbro tag checking things and asked about something I heard or ask about restocks and they don't know CRAP or blame it on the store for not ordering stuff.[/QUOTE]
I managed to catch a rep in a lie on that when MU first hit, she claimed stores not ordering when the Manager was right there and informed her of her error, he said the store had indeed ordered and the order got cancelled at the Hasbro level for "lack of stock" (or at least that was the meaning, I cannot remember the exact terminology).
Anyway she quickly shifted gears and started saying that demand was higher than expected and more were being made, this was like 2 years ago with no MU's from that wave (3 I think) being shipped since to that store.
Yep all stores fault.
03-07-2011, 04:23 PM
There SHOULD be the female in the Pirates figures out there soon....saw it reported as being found at TRU and Walmart.
03-07-2011, 05:45 PM
That's why online shopping is whipping brick and mortar stores
03-07-2011, 06:20 PM
I picked up the Storm, Nightcrawler Marvel Universe 2 pack tonight at target. They actually had a lot of stuff for a change.
03-08-2011, 09:22 AM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]I'm hoping to get my paws on a couple of the new Vamps, any idea when these are due out?
jogunwarrior, they have been out since August of 2010. I saw my first and only one at Ross on close out. I looked for months for one and never did see any at retail. Same goes for the HISS and Fury. I can't figure out what the retailers are doing with the Joe stuff. :confused:[/QUOTE]
AAHHHH :mad: I haven't seen them at all! Since all I really buy is ARAH stuff, I do most of my Joe shopping on Ebay!
Reverend Blood
03-08-2011, 10:12 AM
Hey Hasbro take a walk in your stores you distribute in and see what doesn't sell[/QUOTE]
They did, and that's also caused it's own problem. Cash case Destro has been one of the hardest to find figures out there, because they took a walk and saw nothing but arctic destros warming pegs. Instead of thinking "Maybe it's the lame gimmick" they thought "nobody likes destro" So ZERO new destros got put in revision cases.
Only in his actual wave, which shipped him two to a case.
So while Low Lights, Shadow Tracker, and sky dive are starting to show up, it's for the same reason we're starting to see a few more shock troopers, alley vipers, and Jungle Vipers on shelves. Stores are ordering, or being given the option to order based on hasbro reps, revision cases before ordering the actual wave cases.
bleh. /endrant
03-08-2011, 11:52 AM
[QUOTE=Reverend Blood]They did, and that's also caused it's own problem. Cash case Destro has been one of the hardest to find figures out there, because they took a walk and saw nothing but arctic destros warming pegs. Instead of thinking "Maybe it's the lame gimmick" they thought "nobody likes destro" So ZERO new destros got put in revision cases.
Only in his actual wave, which shipped him two to a case.
So while Low Lights, Shadow Tracker, and sky dive are starting to show up, it's for the same reason we're starting to see a few more shock troopers, alley vipers, and Jungle Vipers on shelves. Stores are ordering, or being given the option to order based on hasbro reps, revision cases before ordering the actual wave cases.
bleh. /endrant[/QUOTE]
I don't know about that..........I've seen 6 new Destro's with the money case and the two I've bought sitting at WalMart just the other day...........
Reverend Blood
03-08-2011, 12:19 PM
[QUOTE=roguetiger]I don't know about that..........I've seen 6 new Destro's with the money case and the two I've bought sitting at WalMart just the other day...........[/QUOTE]
be prepared to hook me up if i don't find one soon :D
03-08-2011, 12:26 PM
[QUOTE=Reverend Blood]be prepared to hook me up if i don't find one soon :D[/QUOTE]
Sorry you didn't say PLEASE so can't help...... :p lol j/k just let me know
I bought two to use as Saw Vipers with different heads......and one case of money for Cyko.
San Pickles
03-08-2011, 07:18 PM
[QUOTE=jogunwarrior]AAHHHH :mad: I haven't seen them at all! Since all I really buy is ARAH stuff, I do most of my Joe shopping on Ebay![/QUOTE]
Do you live near a Ross? I've been seeing Fury's and HISS Tanks off and on there. Still only seen one VAMP. If there aren't any Ross stores, I've seen stuff at TJ Maxx and Burlington Coat Factory, but VERY limited selection.
San Pickles
03-08-2011, 07:22 PM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]Wasn't it Andre The Giant who said that anyway? :D[/QUOTE]
I first heard it used on Dethklok. Swissgar and Toki were calling Murder Face's birthday party a Sausage Fest. :p
03-08-2011, 10:10 PM
[QUOTE=roguetiger]Sorry you didn't say PLEASE so can't help...... :p lol j/k just let me know
I bought two to use as Saw Vipers with different heads......and one case of money for Cyko.[/QUOTE]
I have one w4 Destro for trade without the money case.
03-14-2011, 02:35 PM
What about Walmarts? Mine seem to have dropped Joe figures altogether. All I have seen are a few leftover vehicles. They moved other lines into the space that Joe used to have, which was just two lines of pegs to begin with. In the meantime, I can't find Destro (money suitcase) anywhere and I only saw one new Snake Eyes, which I got for myself. I don't like to buy online if I don't have to because I dont like to pay shipping for something I should be able to buy at a store less than 3 miles from my house.
03-15-2011, 09:16 AM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]My understanding of Sausage Fest, there's too many Bulls and very few cows at the party. Since we're flying under the radar. How does ATM relate to a Sausage Fest? :confused:[/QUOTE]
atm = at the moment
San Pickles
03-15-2011, 03:56 PM
[QUOTE=Ctrl_Z]atm = at the moment[/QUOTE]
LOL, Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, that ATM. ;)
03-16-2011, 12:31 AM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]What about Walmarts? Mine seem to have dropped Joe figures altogether. All I have seen are a few leftover vehicles. They moved other lines into the space that Joe used to have, which was just two lines of pegs to begin with. In the meantime, I can't find Destro (money suitcase) anywhere and I only saw one new Snake Eyes, which I got for myself. I don't like to buy online if I don't have to because I dont like to pay shipping for something I should be able to buy at a store less than 3 miles from my house.[/QUOTE]
I think only one walmart here in Bakersfield Ca out of the 4 has had anything new..Target is waaay behind on getting any new stuff either.. Only rare sightings of the Alley Vipers, no more shock troopers, only seen the newest wave at TRU.. WTF??
San Pickles
03-17-2011, 04:54 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]I think only one walmart here in Bakersfield Ca out of the 4 has had anything new..Target is waaay behind on getting any new stuff either.. Only rare sightings of the Alley Vipers, no more shock troopers, only seen the newest wave at TRU.. WTF??[/QUOTE]
It's pretty grim out there. Makes you wonder what Hasbro and the Big Boxes are up to. Makes it hard to collect much of anything right now. :rolleyes:
03-17-2011, 06:01 PM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]It's pretty grim out there. Makes you wonder what Hasbro and the Big Boxes are up to. Makes it hard to collect much of anything right now. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
I have a small antique store, but I also have gifts that are new. One of the reps I buy from told me that his and other companies have separate presidents for their online catalog stores. The implication is that the online and retail portions of companies are competing with each other. Maybe that is what is happening with Hasbro. Maybe the online stuff is out selling units in retail locations, so Hasbro lets the online retailers and the Hasbro shop have most of the inventory.
San Pickles
03-18-2011, 03:31 AM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]I have a small antique store, but I also have gifts that are new. One of the reps I buy from told me that his and other companies have separate presidents for their online catalog stores. The implication is that the online and retail portions of companies are competing with each other. Maybe that is what is happening with Hasbro. Maybe the online stuff is out selling units in retail locations, so Hasbro lets the online retailers and the Hasbro shop have most of the inventory.[/QUOTE]
Ya Retail Sellin Surrender Monkeys! :eek:
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