Urban Saboteur
03-20-2011, 08:42 PM
I thought i'd pass out my Toy blog for anyone interested. You can see it here:
Superiorville (http://superiorville.blogspot.com/)
Also add/follow me on blogspot if your a member so you get regular updates. I don't have anything G.I.Joe related but i will have some military customs i'll be working on very soon. (all pending some trades/deals).
At the moment theres just a couple of entries on Microman as well as any other projects I've been working on.
I'd be greatful for feedback and support, at some point i do intend to get into GIJOE but it will be very character specific rather than full scale collecting. :)
I thought i'd pass out my Toy blog for anyone interested. You can see it here:
Superiorville (http://superiorville.blogspot.com/)
Also add/follow me on blogspot if your a member so you get regular updates. I don't have anything G.I.Joe related but i will have some military customs i'll be working on very soon. (all pending some trades/deals).
At the moment theres just a couple of entries on Microman as well as any other projects I've been working on.
I'd be greatful for feedback and support, at some point i do intend to get into GIJOE but it will be very character specific rather than full scale collecting. :)