View Full Version : Major Virus & Intrusion = No Cpu

Urban Saboteur
04-13-2011, 09:45 AM
I'll only be able to post sporadically now, on Sunday 10th my computer system was hacked and whoever done it left a very nasty virus on my PC.
The virus was Trojan-Downloader.win32.codecpack.APEH - i have done a search for this virus and even though i managed to locate and remove 6 files manually, the killer one eventually killed my PC registry and HD.

I am saving for a new pc, and obviously hoping that nobody here got the same deal,

I'll still log in from time to time as i can get public access at the library and occasionally sign in or contribute using my parents netbook.


04-13-2011, 10:55 AM
Wow! Sorry to hear that!

That happened to my media server about a month ago. Wiped out all my photos and videos, including family and Joe photos, plus the source files for this site!

Luckily I had all of that backed up on a 1TB external drive. :)

After that I installed http://www.malwarebytes.org/ . Seems to have a great reputation.

04-13-2011, 10:55 AM
From the name I guess it came from some video/audio codec package (or at least that's where it was first found by the virus scanning companies, it may well have ended up on your PC via some other route).

Has it really killed you HDD? Assuming you might want to save some stuff that's on your existing HDD (or if it's dead, or even if not - HDDs are getting larger all the time and are pretty cheap compared with a new PC), I'd be tempted to just buy a new HDD and re-install some operating system (Windows if that's what you're used to and you still have the installation disks, or Ubuntu Linux if you're not bothered and just want something that works and is free.)

Anyway sorry to hear the bad news and hope you're up and running again soon.

04-14-2011, 06:53 AM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]After that I installed http://www.malwarebytes.org/ . Seems to have a great reputation.[/QUOTE]
+1 for Malwarebytes. Our media computer (an old XP box) is constantly getting bugs. Usually SpyBot S&D takes care of it, but recently we had one I couldn't get rid of. Malwarebytes got it, but it took a couple of scans. Good luck with the computer repair (or purchase of a new one). Try to avoid free-service sites (other than JoeDios :), because a lot of advertisements contain trojans & viruses.

Urban Saboteur
04-15-2011, 09:35 AM
:D I've taken a loan out and purchased a new comp. i've lost all my software and photos and personal music. however my new comp is amazing, not sure yet what i am going to use for photo edit, i'm still trying to refind all my browser favourites.

I now also have to make 7 repayments bak of £100.00 to pay it off but it's well worth it. :-D

I have made plans soon to do a desert dio How-to for the Index. I'll need some more items first before i can post up.


04-15-2011, 09:56 AM
Good luck, Rich! That is the worst. Let me know what you need for props.

04-15-2011, 09:57 AM
use some of that loan and buy Norton,yeah its $60 but its worth every penny.
also use microsofts security essentials asap its free and works as another layer of protection.Do it now man!

04-15-2011, 10:24 AM
What comp did you get Rich?

04-15-2011, 10:29 AM
I am not a fan of Norton I have lost 3 computers to tht software. Kirspiski (unsure how exactly it is spelled) is the one I had and I love it. Its rated number 2 in top 10 of best ones out there on a top 10 list I read. good luck

04-16-2011, 05:51 AM
Use Linux (which has the added bonus of being free) as the security infrastructure is better than that of Windows, and more importantly no-one really bothers to target it

Urban Saboteur
04-16-2011, 12:41 PM
My new comp is a packard bell onetwo L A6524.
I did try looking for the exact model, when i found it online. It didnt have the same processor as mine.

I picked mine b'cause of the processor, RAM and HD space. :-) if the processor is as reliable as my old IBM i'll have no complaints!! :-p