View Full Version : Weekend Warriors: May, Plus a Bone I've had to Pick with Joedios
04-28-2011, 03:32 PM
Hey guys, to anyone who cares at this point (if anyone does), I'll be quitting WW here after this month unless a significant increase in participation happens. I know I sneaked in a few joke weekends last month, but no one's been paying attention for awhile (hence why I pulled the prank in the first place).
I'll be honest, doing this isn't a lot on my part at all. But I won't even bother with that much seeing as how no one participates besides the occasional shot from one of my good buddies at Flickr. And I don't feel bad ending it either since we're doing Weekend Warriors there now and we have a blast too.
I could rant some, but to get to the point, this place is changing for the worse. Members here don't want to participate unless they can gain some sort of "lookit me!" status for posting... crap shots. Things like Weekend Warriors, Target Range, other little things we all used to have fun doing together just don't happen here any more. Heck, forget these events, it's rare you even see a shot with 10+ replies here anymore. When I joined, just about anything that wasn't 25th figures on a couch with flash turned on got that much.
Well anyways you bunch of apathetic goons, here's the theme's for May.
[SIZE=2]April 29th - May 1st: Crossovers[/SIZE]
Because the photos section just doesn't have enough Marvel, Halo and DC pics as it is!
[SIZE=2]May 6th - 8th: Traitors[/SIZE]
Post up the shots of the dirty backstabbing jerks in you Joe-verse. Or your Marvel, DC or Halo since apparently most everyone prefers all that.
[SIZE=2]May 13th - 15th: Casualties[/SIZE]
With every fight there are losses, great or small.
[SIZE=2]May 20th - 22nd: Troop Builders[/SIZE]
It's been popular every time we've done it, and I did want to fit this one in again.
[SIZE=2]May 27th - 29th: Final Missions[/SIZE]
Sometimes you just don't know if you can make it out of certain situations, and sometimes those situations could be a final mission. But it could also be the battle that decides who wins in a long conflict.
04-28-2011, 06:40 PM
Good themes. I've got a few ideas already.
Hope we can get some participation going.
04-28-2011, 07:47 PM
ow, it's really bad that you can't follow up the tradition, I mean, the greatest obstacle of them all is that very few help by participating. I said this 'cause I love when there's cool themes and many put their creativity to the test, I love seeing that awesome work. But I can't complain, given that I've only participated 2 times in 5 months, and in a way I'm ashamed with myself because I really could have participated in various weekends, but either I forgot (like last ninja weekend or the crossovers) or feel lazy to make a quick set or start posing.
What about a small weekend warriors comitee? hehe, that only have to comunicate one day a month to decide the themes for the entire month or something like that. one or two willing people that want the charge? any? :p
04-28-2011, 07:52 PM
How about if I promoted these threads to the front page? More visibility?
If you want me to, please edit your post to make it more of a challenge than an insult, and I'll promote it up! :)
04-28-2011, 09:01 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]How about if I promoted these threads to the front page? More visibility?
If you want me to, please edit your post to make it more of a challenge than an insult, and I'll promote it up! :)[/QUOTE]
Hey Hammer, thanks for responding.
See, the thing is this might've been nice if you'd offered this around two months ago when participation dropped off. Even then though, what's the point if you have to force people to do it? So I will decline, no, I do not want to edit my post and no, I don't want it on the front page.
It's not a challenge to save Weekend Warriors either. I'm just saying that if people don't start coming on and actually doing this thing there's no point in having it or organizing any other such event.
I also want to clarify that I'm not making a generalized statement about everyone here, many of the members here a great folks. It's just that it seems to me that a lot of the newer members have little or no interests in participating. If you need proof look at the dwindling amount of commentators and sudden lack of participation with this once the older members get run off. Everyone that's left only wants to post their own pictures and their own ideas without giving anything back.
04-28-2011, 09:48 PM
Most of the posts I ever made were for the Target Range weeks. Not that it is gone I just don't pull out the figures anymore. Which sucks because I got a nice camera and took Photography classes for the point of doing more shots but just don't. I have also noticed that thread participation has dropped with as few as one or two posts a day most of the last couple weeks. I know since all the crazyness that went down about 6 months ago with all the in fighting I have pretty much become just a lurker here commenting when I see fit. It really took the fun out of the sight and even though I see some great shots put up, its just not the same. I collect Marvel Universe, and MOTUC figures but don't like seeing them on this sight. Maybe one day soon I will get back to taking photos as I have a Dio story about 1/4th finished involving the red shadows that I would love to post up here but as for now I just Lurk and see if things change. Good luck with WW and I hope it gets more participation but if It doesn't, let it die and don't dwell. I know I don't about Target Range. Matter of fact I had forgotten about it until a picture of mine was randomly on the front page a couple days ago.
The BATman
04-29-2011, 01:17 AM
You know, I've visited almost daily for several years now. And I don't think "this place is changing for the worse". Things now are not radically different than in the previous years.
Okay, so lately the average quality of pictures seems to have dropped a bit. And perhaps there are less comments per picture. I have no doubt those two statements are connected. But have you noticed there are quite a few new names among the people posting pictures ? And surely you noticed there are still good pictures being posted, and those pictures still get more comments than others.
This is all just part of some sort of natural cycle on, that's happened in the previous years too. Some older members quit, others come on board. And those new posters perhaps still need to grow a bit. But as long as better pictures get more comments, that will be a motivator to improve, and before you know it there is a new generation of prolific members that post great pictures.
As for the participation in Weekend Warriors, yes, I know, I'm guilty. When you picked it up, I participated a lot, and then winter happened and I couldn't go outside anymore to take pictures. But you know, Weekend Warriors, in several incarnations, has also come and gone a few times on this site, and it has always been like that; a lot of participation in the beginning, and then less and less, until the frustrated organizer gives up, and a few months later someone else picks it up again.
Plus, don't forget, many people that visit this site to view or post pictures, never go to the forum, so they may never find out about Weekend Warriors. It's not like the forum is the primary focus of this site. It's not exactly hyper-visible from the home page either, more like a hidden feature. And if someone does click on that forum link, by default only the last month of posts are visible, so they will miss a lot of the history and it won't be easy to "get into it". In other words, the forum, its community, and thus Weekend Warriors, are irrelevant to the vast majority of the visitors of
And finally, Flickr. I suppose it's only natural that Flickr would leech away some people from You said it yourself; apparently there's a Weekend Warriors going on on Flickr too, so surely that is a cause of less participation here on But don't worry, in time, it will fade out over there just like it does over here. And perhaps then someone will say: "I don't mind giving up on Weekend Warriors here, because we're also doing it over on, and there a lot more people are involved than here on Flickr".
Agent Viper
04-29-2011, 03:44 AM
[QUOTE=The BATman]You know, I've visited almost daily for several years now. And I don't think "this place is changing for the worse". Things now are not radically different than in the previous years.
Okay, so lately the average quality of pictures seems to have dropped a bit. And perhaps there are less comments per picture. I have no doubt those two statements are connected. But have you noticed there are quite a few new names among the people posting pictures ? And surely you noticed there are still good pictures being posted, and those pictures still get more comments than others.
This is all just part of some sort of natural cycle on, that's happened in the previous years too. Some older members quit, others come on board. And those new posters perhaps still need to grow a bit. But as long as better pictures get more comments, that will be a motivator to improve, and before you know it there is a new generation of prolific members that post great pictures.
As for the participation in Weekend Warriors, yes, I know, I'm guilty. When you picked it up, I participated a lot, and then winter happened and I couldn't go outside anymore to take pictures. But you know, Weekend Warriors, in several incarnations, has also come and gone a few times on this site, and it has always been like that; a lot of participation in the beginning, and then less and less, until the frustrated organizer gives up, and a few months later someone else picks it up again.
Plus, don't forget, many people that visit this site to view or post pictures, never go to the forum, so they may never find out about Weekend Warriors. It's not like the forum is the primary focus of this site. It's not exactly hyper-visible from the home page either, more like a hidden feature. And if someone does click on that forum link, by default only the last month of posts are visible, so they will miss a lot of the history and it won't be easy to "get into it". In other words, the forum, its community, and thus Weekend Warriors, are irrelevant to the vast majority of the visitors of
And finally, Flickr. I suppose it's only natural that Flickr would leech away some people from You said it yourself; apparently there's a Weekend Warriors going on on Flickr too, so surely that is a cause of less participation here on But don't worry, in time, it will fade out over there just like it does over here. And perhaps then someone will say: "I don't mind giving up on Weekend Warriors here, because we're also doing it over on, and there a lot more people are involved than here on Flickr".[/QUOTE]
04-29-2011, 10:28 AM
[QUOTE=The BATman]Plus, don't forget, many people that visit this site to view or post pictures, never go to the forum, so they may never find out about Weekend Warriors. It's not like the forum is the primary focus of this site. It's not exactly hyper-visible from the home page either, more like a hidden feature. And if someone does click on that forum link, by default only the last month of posts are visible, so they will miss a lot of the history and it won't be easy to "get into it". In other words, the forum, its community, and thus Weekend Warriors, are irrelevant to the vast majority of the visitors of
And finally, Flickr. I suppose it's only natural that Flickr would leech away some people from You said it yourself; apparently there's a Weekend Warriors going on on Flickr too, so surely that is a cause of less participation here on But don't worry, in time, it will fade out over there just like it does over here. And perhaps then someone will say: "I don't mind giving up on Weekend Warriors here, because we're also doing it over on, and there a lot more people are involved than here on Flickr".[/QUOTE]
Hope you don't mind me cutting this down just to what I'm referring to.
First, if people don't visit the forum, that means almost no one's reading the forum rules! Which could be something, but I don't think that many people aren't reading the forums. I just think that newer members feel they have no need to participate with anything but themselves, and so far nothing's being done to change that.
Onto Flickr, it is in no way taking from the people who participate here. No way, at all, whatsoever. Participation here had dropped off for awhile before I started it on Flickr, and the people who are doing it at Flickr now are the same folks who had been doing it here before they got pissed with one problem or another. I wouldn't have been so vocal about all this if I didn't know there's others who think like me.
04-29-2011, 11:32 AM
I've got to say that better publicity for a given weekend's theme would be good, and it would also be pretty cool to be able to view the entries for each of the past weekends (this may already be possible using tags on the photos I don't know - but if this is the case it might be worth sticking up a non-editable sticky post with links to the topic and photos that were submitted.)
Certainly a while back there seemed to be far more excitement about a given weekend/event's photo topic with threads discussing in the forum, but I've not noticed that recently.
So with all that said I've never contributed, but I will certainly have a go now as I do enjoy looking at other people's photos.
Push You Down
05-04-2011, 09:38 PM know.. I'm pretty new here... but why on earth would I participate in this with such a horrendously entitled attitude by the person who runs it?
05-04-2011, 10:37 PM
[QUOTE=Push You Down] know.. I'm pretty new here... but why on earth would I participate in this with such a horrendously entitled attitude by the person who runs it?[/QUOTE]
Hey Push You Down, thanks for making it personal.
Anyways, a lot of posts which said some stuff are gone now. Really, I don't care if people didn't participate with Weekend Warriors, but members here have quit participating in a number of ways you wouldn't notice unless you've been here for at least a year. I'm just using Weekend Warriors to draw attention to the growing amount of problems here, some of which are exemplified in the way you don't see new folks paying attention to stuff like this when I'm not making a big stink about it.
05-05-2011, 04:25 AM
[QUOTE=Push You Down] know.. I'm pretty new here... but why on earth would I participate in this with such a horrendously entitled attitude by the person who runs it?[/QUOTE]
Push You Down, lets keep this more constructive and less personal.
05-05-2011, 05:34 AM
I was going to participate this weekend but as I was readying some pics when JoeDios server crashed. :rolleyes:
05-05-2011, 05:57 AM
[QUOTE=Push You Down] know.. I'm pretty new here... but why on earth would I participate in this with such a horrendously entitled attitude by the person who runs it?[/QUOTE]
I know you're new here, too, so take it easy and try not to take things personal. Nekoman was trying to develop some community here and he got frustrated at the lack of participation in a tradition here. He and I also are frustrated with people just using Joedios to post poorly constructed shots and not becoming part of the community. Weekend Warriors is a great way to have some fun and get to know other members. It also shows that you're not just using the site to host your pics.
Black Knight
05-05-2011, 09:51 AM
Ok, after reading the thread and thinking about this for a bit... Nekoman, starting in June, I'll resume control of WW if you dont mind... I ran it for quite sometime last year and loved doing it and things in my life are settling down to were I can handle it easily.
Hammer, if you don't mind, I will take you up on that offer.
To everyone else... give me your opinions on WW... I know my own issue with WW is looking thru the posts. Its hard to find them all since some post them in ARAH and some post them in PHOTOS.
Prince Adam
05-05-2011, 02:14 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]How about if I promoted these threads to the front page? More visibility?
If you want me to, please edit your post to make it more of a challenge than an insult, and I'll promote it up! :)[/QUOTE]
I can almost see how you might take the first post as insulting except what you really fail to see that the post was obviously not out of spite but instead frustration at watching something he rather enjoys fall apart. To his credit Neko’s been doing a hell of a job keeping this community alive with his go-getter attitude and by helming WW, a job no one asked him to do. And maybe that’s his own fault for caring too much but I can’t see anyone holding that against him.
Your perception of this site is still contingent on a handful of yes-men when in reality you should pay a little more attention to those with the balls to actually bring things like this to attention. If you really want to be proactive then you’re going to have to listen to all the voices and not the just positive ones. At present, acknowledging the situation too late and then trying to do damage control isn’t working anymore now than it was a year ago.
There’s always been potential for greatness with this place but at present it is, like the rest of the Joe community, in a bit of a lull.
As for putting Weekend Warriors on the front page… It’s already a mess. Way too much going on. You could put a porn banner on that wreck and not even Agent Diaper would be able to find it. Speaking of whom…
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]Word[/QUOTE]
Only an insufferable tool like you would hit quote and type “word” as though the single colloquialism somehow made the thoughts your own. Think. For. Yourself.
Oh, and the only thing legendary about you is the bs concerning your previous five accounts and how they kept having to ban you cause you wouldn’t stop begging for free toys.
05-05-2011, 02:43 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]To everyone else... give me your opinions on WW... I know my own issue with WW is looking thru the posts. Its hard to find them all since some post them in ARAH and some post them in PHOTOS.[/QUOTE]
Maybe people could post a link to their shot in the WW thread for easy reference.
Black Knight
05-05-2011, 02:57 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Maybe people could post a link to their shot in the WW thread for easy reference.[/QUOTE]
Thats actually not a bad idea at all.
On another note... Prince Adam, I'm not sure where your problem is with Agent Viper, but bashing him isn't a very mature solution. As far as I can see, he hasn't done anything terribly wrong and aside from the act of begging for free toys being slightly annoying (which I have yet to see him do), its not against the law nor does it call for being rude to him in plain view of everyone else.
I do agree that Nekoman is doing a hell of a job and by no means am I saying he isn't, but everyone needs a vacation sooner or later, and I'm just offering to take WW for awhile to give Neko a break.
Lava Boss
05-05-2011, 03:48 PM
I don't post much these days because I'm lacking enthusiasm in GI JOE these days (I've bought one new GI Joe figure in the past 6 months). That and lack of talent/ideas.
05-05-2011, 04:49 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Thats actually not a bad idea at all.
On another note... Prince Adam, I'm not sure where your problem is with Agent Viper, but bashing him isn't a very mature solution. As far as I can see, he hasn't done anything terribly wrong and aside from the act of begging for free toys being slightly annoying (which I have yet to see him do), its not against the law nor does it call for being rude to him in plain view of everyone else.
I do agree that Nekoman is doing a hell of a job and by no means am I saying he isn't, but everyone needs a vacation sooner or later, and I'm just offering to take WW for awhile to give Neko a break.[/QUOTE]
Black Knight,
I once actually stood up for Agent Diaper when Cory and Ian were calling him a thief and liar and all around charlatan. Then, he cheated me, lied about it and made himself a victim...all, while doing this, pitting members against each other. Do not defend that garbage, man. He's the devil...worse than Martha Stewart!
05-05-2011, 05:40 PM
Nekoman can you explain to me what the guidelines are?
I'm just not clear how they work, Thank you :confused:
Black Knight
05-05-2011, 05:56 PM
** This was edited/removed for two reasons... one, I miss read the previous post and two I was in my own stupidness being childish**
05-06-2011, 01:40 AM
How's about a specific tag for photos/dios for each WW topic, something like the twitter hashtags, then that tag could simply be listed in the WW announcement post.
I'd also be keen to see some more publicity for each WW announcement, but perhaps simply a new sticky every week would do the job?
With that said, weekly is not something I could realistically do, far too much work on - I'd prefer a monthly topic, with perhaps weekly sub-topics, then people can focus on specific weekly shots or do a generic monthly one if they lack the time every week.
Just a few random ideas I thought I'd throw out to the wolves ;)
05-06-2011, 04:59 AM
I feel it is necessary for me to chime in one this. I too have felt that there is a bit of a change in our community. tho I don't think its time to raise the flag yet.. but I have noticed a decrease in comments on pics. but I think it comes down to a few factors. a lot of us are getting older and have more responsibiltys be-it at home or work. and a lot of our older members have left too. but saying that it doesn't mean we cant grow again. now I have a few ideas that may or may not work but here me out.
I think we should start a tutorial thread in the forums or a how to section in the pic's for all those newcomers (heck even oldtimers like myself) on how to take edit or do set ups for pics. (this may have its own section already forgive me if it does) I know we've done behind the scenes pics before.
another Idea I think would be interesting is to have competitions were we take a panel of judges chosen from our members pool (not the same members all the time to give diversity) and as I suggested to Hammer that we have a place to send funds to keep the site running. how about we have a kitty for those who want to participate in the competition so that one either one of the Admins pick a prize with what has been collected for the winner/s a 1st 2nd and 3rd place prizes and possible spot prizes?
anyhu enough of my silliness . I want to say I will be onboard for WW as soon as the pic uploading is fixed. (I will always try and add my stuff accordingly even tho I forget to do so sometimes)
Da Talent
05-06-2011, 06:00 PM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]Black Knight,
I once actually stood up for Agent Diaper when Cory and Ian were calling him a thief and liar and all around charlatan. Then, he cheated me, lied about it and made himself a victim...all, while doing this, pitting members against each other. Do not defend that garbage, man. He's the devil...worse than Martha Stewart![/QUOTE]
Off topic , but always fun.
Agent Viper doesn't just haunt joedios.
Somehow, told ya so, just seems... weak... lol
long live joedios!
Black Knight
05-06-2011, 08:05 PM
[QUOTE=Da Talent]Off topic , but always fun.
Agent Viper doesn't just haunt joedios.
Somehow, told ya so, just seems... weak... lol
long live joedios![/QUOTE]
Thank you for that, however I think you're still missing my point... I'm not arguing if Agent has or has not screwed people over or anything else of that nature. I'm simply stating that I think some members here are being quite childish by calling names and pointing fingers on a thread that has NOTHING to do with that particular situation. This thread is about "Weekend Warriors", not "Has Agent Viper pissed in your Cheerios today?" If you all want to point fingers and call him a bunch of childish names, then by all means do so, just for the sake of myself and other members, start another thread for it.
That is what I'm arguing.
Da Talent
05-07-2011, 11:07 AM
I didn't read your post and I didn't have a point. Congrats on graduating grade school thought! :rolleyes:
05-07-2011, 11:47 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Thank you for that, however I think you're still missing my point... I'm not arguing if Agent has or has not screwed people over or anything else of that nature. I'm simply stating that I think some members here are being quite childish by calling names and pointing fingers on a thread that has NOTHING to do with that particular situation. This thread is about "Weekend Warriors", not "Has Agent Viper pissed in your Cheerios today?" If you all want to point fingers and call him a bunch of childish names, then by all means do so, just for the sake of myself and other members who graduated grade school, start another thread for it.
That is what I'm arguing.[/QUOTE]
Isn't that a little hypocritical? You're saying not to openly bash Agent Diaper here and yet belittling the members who do so by calling them grade schoolers and the like. Aren't you essentially doing the same thing?
I'm not sure Prince had any or much intention of coming back here, so I think he was just getting that out while he was at it. Agent's post was really irritating and PA said it straight. I think a lot of us would start to trust or forgive Agent Viper if he had any intention of setting himself right, but he doesn't. He's still up to the same old antics at different places under different aliases.
[QUOTE=lardman]How's about a specific tag for photos/dios for each WW topic, something like the twitter hashtags, then that tag could simply be listed in the WW announcement post.
I'd also be keen to see some more publicity for each WW announcement, but perhaps simply a new sticky every week would do the job?
With that said, weekly is not something I could realistically do, far too much work on - I'd prefer a monthly topic, with perhaps weekly sub-topics, then people can focus on specific weekly shots or do a generic monthly one if they lack the time every week.
Just a few random ideas I thought I'd throw out to the wolves ;)[/QUOTE]
Interesting ideas, though I think from now on I'll just put up the topics way more in advance and if no one makes suggestions I like they'll just be whatever I decide. That way if you only want to do one out of every month you can come on and pick the one you want from each month and just do that one.
Also, don't worry about doing it weekly! No ones responsible for doing Weekend Warriors! I hope that's not what I've come off as saying, this is a fun weekly theme for everyone but no one has to do it. The only thing I think is that the members who make frequent postings need to make more comments and interact more with the community here, but a lot of them don't and I think that's part of what's wrong with Weekend Warriors.
[QUOTE=M1General]Nekoman can you explain to me what the guidelines are?
I'm just not clear how they work, Thank you :confused:[/QUOTE]
NONE! :D You just post a pic if you want that loosely fits the theme for that week. It's that easy!
05-07-2011, 04:18 PM
Also, don't worry about doing it weekly! No ones responsible for doing Weekend Warriors! I hope that's not what I've come off as saying, this is a fun weekly theme for everyone but no one has to do it. The only thing I think is that the members who make frequent postings need to make more comments and interact more with the community here, but a lot of them don't and I think that's part of what's wrong with Weekend Warriors.
Cool, that sounds good. So someone else mentioned not easily being able to find the posts for any given WW, there was a suggestion that everyone post in the same thread (i.e. one for each WW) or the alternative is for everyone to tag their photos/dios for a given WW theme and for that tag/search link to be placed in the WW thread.
Whatever people decide, I think being able to look back through the past WW topics and easily find the photos/dios people have submitted is a very important thing for new posters to find inspiration and just generally see what other people have been up to.
Black Knight
05-07-2011, 06:42 PM
[QUOTE=lardman]Cool, that sounds good. So someone else mentioned not easily being able to find the posts for any given WW, there was a suggestion that everyone post in the same thread (i.e. one for each WW) or the alternative is for everyone to tag their photos/dios for a given WW theme and for that tag/search link to be placed in the WW thread.
Whatever people decide, I think being able to look back through the past WW topics and easily find the photos/dios people have submitted is a very important thing for new posters to find inspiration and just generally see what other people have been up to.[/QUOTE]
I really like that idea, the concept of being able for myself or anyone else to go back and easily find WW's of the past for inspiration sounds really good, but might be difficult to pull off.
Neko, you are right and thats was condescending of me and I apologize to those I was referring to.
05-08-2011, 12:24 AM
I'm totally trying to upload a pic for last weeks WW but it's not letting me upload.. grr.
It keeps giving me this error message:"An error occurred while attempting to create a folder for your files. If the problem persists, please notify the webmaster"
05-08-2011, 05:27 AM
I used to at least try to participate - the thing is with joedios being down most of the time for me (over a month) it's been hard to get anything online.
I'll have a go at this weekend and see if we can't pick weekend warriors back up again - as this was something I really enjoyed
05-08-2011, 06:34 AM
[QUOTE=Ctrl_Z]I'm totally trying to upload a pic for last weeks WW but it's not letting me upload.. grr.
It keeps giving me this error message:"An error occurred while attempting to create a folder for your files. If the problem persists, please notify the webmaster"[/QUOTE]
yep same here... :confused:
Lt. Pinpoint
05-08-2011, 07:45 AM
First, I am guilty. I have yet to participate in WW. I can say that I have followed it, viewed many of the pics submitted, even picked a few favs. As for posting, as you can see from my pics, my camera is not the greatest, my surroundings leave everything out of scale, and, until this past week, my props were near nothing.
I would like to see WW continue, and I will definitely be posting some pics for the cause. I think it is a great endeavor to keep people contributing, especially when the topic is something one can get excited about. Looking over Mays themes, I have already started planning some photos for the WW.
If you are dropping it, maybe you can hand the reins to someone else to keep it going here.
05-08-2011, 09:03 AM
[QUOTE=Ctrl_Z]I'm totally trying to upload a pic for last weeks WW but it's not letting me upload.. grr.
It keeps giving me this error message:"An error occurred while attempting to create a folder for your files. If the problem persists, please notify the webmaster"[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Django]yep same here... :confused:[/QUOTE]
Mine went through without a hitch :), you might have to resize your picture - I made one about the size of what it is posted as.
[QUOTE=Nekoman]Members here don't want to participate unless they can gain some sort of "lookit me!" status for posting... crap shots.[/QUOTE]
I hope my picture is up to your quality standards then.
05-08-2011, 10:05 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel][QUOTE=Ctrl_Z]I'm totally trying to upload a pic for last weeks WW but it's not letting me upload.. grr.
It keeps giving me this error message:"An error occurred while attempting to create a folder for your files. If the problem persists, please notify the webmaster"[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Django]yep same here... :confused:[/QUOTE]
Mine went through without a hitch :), you might have to resize your picture - I made one about the size of what it is posted as.[/QUOTE]
That is basically what I've done, I make all my stuff is 800 x 600 pixels. I haven't really had to much of a problem. :D
05-08-2011, 12:12 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]I hope my picture is up to your quality standards then.[/QUOTE]
Hey, don't get me wrong, I don't get mad if someone posts a bad shot. I just hate it when people waltz on and post a picture and disappear without caring about what everyone else does, know what I mean? It's like some people (really, regardless of the quality), want to show off but don't really care about anything else regarding the site. I could name names but I don't want to because that would be overly confrontational.
Also, your pic was great and met my standard despite that I don't have one. Thanks for caring. :)
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Neko, you are right and thats was condescending of me and I apologize to those I was referring to.[/QUOTE]
It's cool man, don't worry about it.
05-08-2011, 01:20 PM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]Hey, don't get me wrong, I don't get mad if someone posts a bad shot. I just hate it when people waltz on and post a picture and disappear without caring about what everyone else does, know what I mean? It's like some people (really, regardless of the quality), want to show off but don't really care about anything else regarding the site. I could name names but I don't want to because that would be overly confrontational.
Also, your pic was great and met my standard despite that I don't have one. Thanks for caring. :)
It's cool man, don't worry about it.[/QUOTE]
Alright that made it a bit clearer.
I understand the frustration myself, as I had a minor blurb on hisstank when joedios was down. One thing you have to realize is that not everybody can post in the forum, on pictures and whatnot else - some have lives that only give them some time to post pictures or do stuff on the page. I mostly try to post pictures and once in a while reply on comments on them - rarely do I go into the forum, but it happens. Some are limited with the time they have and choose just a small bit - and some aren't hobby photographers with excellent equipment, some are young and so on - I think it's important that we focus on the joys of sharing a hobby instead of getting sucked into "Quality" or the motives behind why people do what they do. Let them contribute what they can even if it is "bad" work. Usually I can find something good even in crappy I-Phone pictures (poses or ideas) or worse.
Anyways, you should let the torch pass to someone else if you feel frustrated with weekend warriors, it's too good a concept to let it die. I'm sure there are people out there willing to try and keep up with it (myself included as long as I can log into joedios lol).
Again I do understand the frustration though, been there done that myself :)
05-08-2011, 05:16 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Alright that made it a bit clearer.
I understand the frustration myself, as I had a minor blurb on hisstank when joedios was down. One thing you have to realize is that not everybody can post in the forum, on pictures and whatnot else - some have lives that only give them some time to post pictures or do stuff on the page. I mostly try to post pictures and once in a while reply on comments on them - rarely do I go into the forum, but it happens. Some are limited with the time they have and choose just a small bit - and some aren't hobby photographers with excellent equipment, some are young and so on - I think it's important that we focus on the joys of sharing a hobby instead of getting sucked into "Quality" or the motives behind why people do what they do. Let them contribute what they can even if it is "bad" work. Usually I can find something good even in crappy I-Phone pictures (poses or ideas) or worse.
Anyways, you should let the torch pass to someone else if you feel frustrated with weekend warriors, it's too good a concept to let it die. I'm sure there are people out there willing to try and keep up with it (myself included as long as I can log into joedios lol).
Again I do understand the frustration though, been there done that myself :)[/QUOTE]
I don't have a problem with people posting bad shots. Not all of my own are good either! But when I can I try to tell folks what I think might be wrong with their photos or if there's nothing wrong what I like about the photo. That's the kind of interaction that makes sharing fun. I know some people don't have time for any number of reasons and can't help not commenting, but I'm not talking about those folks. Never been bothered by them. What gets me is people who post stuff day after day and still never comment, if you look around you'll see what I'm talking about.
As for passing on Weekend Warriors, if ever I'm away or quit coming here anyone's free to pick it back up. With that said I'm a man of my word and may not leave or quit WW, as there has been a lot of participation this week (which is cool guys!). The event itself is easy to organize too.
05-09-2011, 02:34 AM
I guess the alternative to passing the torch (and for that person to then need to think up WW topic ideas) is to open a thread for suggestions for the next X months worth of WW, then have a look through (yeah so someone will still need to do some organisation I'm afraid) and then setup a poll or similar for what the topics should be.
That was people would feel involved, and equally if you've voted for something and know it's going to be in the list somewhere you can start preparing for it and just generally get more enthused about the whole thing.
There are some potential issues: whether there are enough people who will vote, I don't know what the daily view figures are; what period of time the X (above) should refer to (will be related to how many people vote per day.)
But I think it might be an interesting way of involving the community.
Da Talent
05-09-2011, 08:06 AM
That's pretty much exactly the way it worked before.
05-09-2011, 08:58 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Mine went through without a hitch :), you might have to resize your picture - I made one about the size of what it is posted as.
[QUOTE=sithviper]That is basically what I've done, I make all my stuff is 800 x 600 pixels. I haven't really had to much of a problem. :D[/QUOTE]
I tried to downsize it and still wont upload. It's at 800 x 533 wtf. =/
Also the mail link on that error message is blank. who do I contact to try and get this fixed?
05-09-2011, 09:36 AM
You may have to contact Hammerfel
05-09-2011, 10:41 AM
will do. Thanks.
05-09-2011, 11:48 AM
[QUOTE=Da Talent]That's pretty much exactly the way it worked before.[/QUOTE]
Ah, well that's my fault for not being involved before and not paying any attention! :)
05-09-2011, 04:59 PM
Could I ask a Legendary ban?
05-09-2011, 07:07 PM
I've been trying to post a pic - 600 X 650, 52KB size (web-optimized) - and I still keep getting the error message.
05-09-2011, 08:44 PM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]I don't have a problem with people posting bad shots. Not all of my own are good either! But when I can I try to tell folks what I think might be wrong with their photos or if there's nothing wrong what I like about the photo. That's the kind of interaction that makes sharing fun. I know some people don't have time for any number of reasons and can't help not commenting, but I'm not talking about those folks. Never been bothered by them. What gets me is people who post stuff day after day and still never comment, if you look around you'll see what I'm talking about.
As for passing on Weekend Warriors, if ever I'm away or quit coming here anyone's free to pick it back up. With that said I'm a man of my word and may not leave or quit WW, as there has been a lot of participation this week (which is cool guys!). The event itself is easy to organize too.[/QUOTE]
Well again, I understand your frustrations, but let them contribute in their way and don't let it go under your skin. The people who really enjoy this crosshobby of ours will shine no matter what ;)
Can't wait to get myself back into this, I haven't really had time to take pictures of my joes (though my work table is littered with them...)
05-10-2011, 08:08 AM
Ok I still can't upload anything. It's getting kinda discouraging.
05-10-2011, 08:52 AM
[QUOTE=Ctrl_Z]Ok I still can't upload anything. It's getting kinda discouraging.[/QUOTE]
When we had trouble like this before, I uploaded to flickr, then downloaded the medium size and was able to upload that image here.
05-10-2011, 11:41 AM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]When we had trouble like this before, I uploaded to flickr, then downloaded the medium size and was able to upload that image here.[/QUOTE]
I don't think it's the size. I've tried different methods: Adjusted size in photoshop, Uploaded to deviantART downloaded then tried to upload that, downsized the download from DA. I've tried different files. Changed the names. Bunch of stuff.
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