View Full Version : ATR (ALL THAT REMAINS) is hosting a Custom Contest.

05-05-2011, 07:59 AM
For any customizers on here my site All That Remains is holding its first contest.

Details here:


It's a 2 part contest, a custom figure and a custom ATR style story. Check it out. There is still time left to enter, it ends May 31st. I'd love to get a few more entries.

05-07-2011, 02:18 PM
Updated the prize list.

$50 TRU gift card (or a Visa GC if you prefer)
$25 TRU gift card (or a Visa GC if you prefer)
MU Deadpool / Taskmaster comic 2-pack
POC Shadow Tracker
POC Shadow TRacker (that's right there are two)
POC Lowlight (Sorry only one)
POC Jungle Viper
POC Jungle Viper
SW Cad Bane with Todo
SW Cad Bane with Todo

First, second, and first runner up will receive a prize pack from Hunter Artworks.

The first and second place winners will get to choose their prizes from the above list.

Hopefully this will entice a few more people to enter.

05-23-2011, 02:53 PM
Hey y'all. Just a friendly reminder that it's not too late to enter the ATR Custom Contest. 8 Days left. Plenty of time for guys on here to enter. Creativity of presentation is one of the criteria along with figure and bio soooo you awesome folks here have a leg up. Let's see what you can do.