View Full Version : Sounding the Call for ALL ARAH Customizers!
06-15-2011, 09:11 AM
Hey guys,
I'm involved in a project with Dave, owner of Slayer Design Studios. The project comes in the form of an o-ring/ARAH customizers club, with the highlight being the release of four full o-ring/ARAH figures per year. We currently have an active message board for the OSC, or Old School Creations club.
So far the club has produced a number of figures:
ARAH Torso (
These offerings have included Dutch and Billy from Predator, Rambo, Cobra trooper and Shadow Tracker. So far only heads and torsos have been made, but we will now be producing full figures as Dave was recently able to procure rivets for the arms that will be compatible.
Our newest offering is Cool Breeze from the GI JOE comics:
Slayer Design Studios's Photos - Wall Photos | Facebook (
We are currently putting together a list of characters that will be voted on to decide the first full club figure.
Some of the suggested characters have been Pythona, Cobra Sniper, Iron Grenadiers Sniper, Mara, Kamakura, Hard Master and many others.
Post here if you want to join!
06-15-2011, 07:50 PM
I am really interested in this. Are the figures going to come with Accessories, Fully Painted, and Maybe File Cards. Just interested in the extent for the price of the Subscrtion.
P.S. Never was a fan of Pythona. Will we know what figures are coming before we subscribe?
06-16-2011, 08:36 AM
[QUOTE=rnrhero]I am really interested in this. Are the figures going to come with Accessories, Fully Painted, and Maybe File Cards. Just interested in the extent for the price of the Subscrtion.
P.S. Never was a fan of Pythona. Will we know what figures are coming before we subscribe?[/QUOTE]
Here's an email I sent out to members:
"The club is beginning work on the club exclusive ARAH action figures!
The staff is now compiling a list of ten choices (skimmed from the lists of suggestions submitted by users in the ARAH suggestions area) which members will then vote on to select the first figure.
The club will be doing four figures per year plus one bonus figure. We also have an ARAH special edition, "Unmasked Head Set." in the works. This set will include up to 6 character heads sans masks.
Subscriptions will cost $100 for the full year. Those that pay the entire year's subscription will then get to select from two choices of a BONUS FIGURE as an incentive that will be absolutely free! The only way to get the bonus figure will be pay the year's subscription all at once.
Want a hint on the bonus figures? They're both bad guys and they're both army builders.
While each club figure will cost $25, additional figures may be purchased at a much reduced cost.
About the Process:
Each figure will be a FULL figure with original head, arms, torso, waist and legs all sculpted by the Slayer Design team! While heads and torsos may be available in the Slayer store at a later date, full figures can only be had through the club as each figure is a club exclusive.
Please keep in mind that this is not an overnight process, which is why we've limited the number to four per year. Each figure will take approximately 3-4 months as there is a lot of work to be done:
1. Design
2. Sculpting
3. Molding
4. Casting
5. Assembly of arms
6. Packaging
7. Mailing
This is an involved process, but we promise it will be well worth it! You will see characters that Hasbro never made AND NEVER WILL MAKE in the ARAH style!
Have you been wanting a Pythona since 1987? Better get on the forums and VOTE, because, SHE'S ON THE LIST.
These figures are a labor of love for the OSC staff. Basically, the club is a way for ARAH enthusiasts to pool their resources and get characters into their collections that would NEVER be made otherwise!
This is also your chance to design a figure or two!
Have a sweet idea for a figure? We have sculpting sheets that are done up in blue line that you are able to draw over. Submit them to the forums, who knows? Maybe you'll see them in plastic!
We are making arrangements to ensure that those who do not desire to paint their own figures will have access to talented painters to finish their figures.
More details to follow.
OSC is about to take off, be a part of it!"
We'd love to have you join:
06-16-2011, 07:49 PM
where does the initial $100.00 go though?
[QUOTE=savage21]where does the initial $100.00 go though?[/QUOTE]
That's your membership dues for the year, and all the figures produced that year are included. So once you've paid the annual subscription, there's no more expense.
Keep in mind, Slayer Design Studios operates on a Pre-Paid basis. So even with a subscription, it'll be a couple of months before you get your first shipment.
Also, Tracker, the figures/parts are unpainted, but Slayer can arrange painting for an added fee. I doubt it's paint cost so much as the customizing person's time.
I'm also disappointed that Pythona made the top of the list (I'm not a Cobra-La fan), but there's a top ten list being voted on at the Project ARAH forum. Looks like after Pythona are Dr. Venom, Zanya, Kamakura, generic Cobra diver, and Billy. Sumthin' for everybody.
Prince Adam
06-18-2011, 04:42 PM
I'm also disappointed that Pythona made the top of the list (I'm not a Cobra-La fan), but there's a top ten list being voted on at the Project ARAH forum. Looks like after Pythona are Dr. Venom, Zanya, Kamakura, generic Cobra diver, and Billy. Sumthin' for everybody.[/QUOTE]
I think thats a good way to put it. I can understand though about Pythona as I'm not big into Cobra-La myself but she'll be great for those who've wanted one for ,what, 24 years? God that movie is that old!
I think it would be great to see a Kwinn too in his khaki outfit.
06-19-2011, 11:38 AM
[QUOTE=cyko]That's your membership dues for the year, and all the figures produced that year are included. So once you've paid the annual subscription, there's no more expense.
Keep in mind, Slayer Design Studios operates on a Pre-Paid basis. So even with a subscription, it'll be a couple of months before you get your first shipment.
Also, Tracker, the figures/parts are unpainted, but Slayer can arrange painting for an added fee. I doubt it's paint cost so much as the customizing person's time.
I'm also disappointed that Pythona made the top of the list (I'm not a Cobra-La fan), but there's a top ten list being voted on at the Project ARAH forum. Looks like after Pythona are Dr. Venom, Zanya, Kamakura, generic Cobra diver, and Billy. Sumthin' for everybody.[/QUOTE]
What was with the $25.00 then?
06-19-2011, 02:01 PM
[QUOTE=savage21]What was with the $25.00 then?[/QUOTE]
Its saying that with your $100 you get 4 figures which comes out to being $25 each.. basically thats what the $25 is for.
06-19-2011, 05:32 PM
[QUOTE=roguetiger]Its saying that with your $100 you get 4 figures which comes out to being $25 each.. basically thats what the $25 is for.[/QUOTE]
OK thank u for explaining that :)
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