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03-10-2005, 07:17 AM
I read a GI Joe Dio and it was very good. It was concentrated on the beginnings of GI Joe and Cobra. The author used a lot of the 98 Vipers as well as a lot of ARAH figures. Once I read through the first Dio I noticed that the author had a second one, unfortunately it was never completed and as often as I'd check back I began to get the feeling that the author had abandoned the story. Over time I lost the link.

Now I know this isn't much information to go on but I'd really like to find out what this website was and who the author was. I remember enjoying it a great deal.

A few other facts: I read this years ago so it's nothing recent it had to be at least three years old. I remember that the author used the V1 battle helmet Cobra Commander. I remember a warehouse rally scene. I remember a dock scene where a group of Vipers were hunting down the Joes among a bunch of crates and there was a hydrofoil involved.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about

General Hawk
03-10-2005, 08:17 AM
I'm pretty sure you're talking about the first G.I. Joe Warfare. Unfortunately, it may be lost for good. Mike, the creator lost his files in a computer mishap and his webhost went down as well. :(

There were rumors that he still had the files somewhere, and I tried in vain to get them from him and posted on my site. We just kind of lost touch.

I'm pretty sure that's the one you're talking about. Part II is listed on this site, but Part I, I fear, is forever lost in the Internet history books.


03-10-2005, 10:50 AM
[QUOTE=General Hawk]I'm pretty sure you're talking about the first G.I. Joe Warfare. Unfortunately, it may be lost for good. Mike, the creator lost his files in a computer mishap and his webhost went down as well. :(

There were rumors that he still had the files somewhere, and I tried in vain to get them from him and posted on my site. We just kind of lost touch.

I'm pretty sure that's the one you're talking about. Part II is listed on this site, but Part I, I fear, is forever lost in the Internet history books.


That is very sad to hear.

So you're saying that the GI Joe Warfare on this sites link page is the second story I was thinking of? Hmm? I guess that's possible, although I seen to remember a Stalker and Scarlet custom from it, but with all the DIo's out there on the internet it is possible that I'm just confused.

Wow, that's so sad, I remember being so impressed by that Dio.

03-10-2005, 10:58 AM
PS Thanks Justin

03-11-2005, 01:36 AM
I looked around his Warfare II for links and found this for Warfare I: http://www.angelfire.com/film/warfare2/episode.html

General Hawk
03-11-2005, 02:57 AM
Those are still Warfare 2 episodes, I believe...


03-11-2005, 09:45 AM
Ah, I suppose you're right. I think the author mentioned he lacked web space. I think I'll see if I can get in contact with him and help him out.