07-25-2011, 11:26 AM
[color=#BF8000]We want to give you the chance to win a 30th Anniversary Sky
Striker! All you have to do to win is submit a diorama entry in our "Serpentor in "YOUR" Universe" diorama contest!!
Below are the rules and the requirements for your diorama entry. To post your entry in the contest, follow this link The Serpentor in "Your" Universe" diorama entry thread (
The "Serpentor in "YOUR" Universe Diorama Contest will kick off on August 1st and run through September 30th. The theme of this contest is Serpentor in your own personal universe. The object is to make a diorama that shows Serpentor doing something in your own personal universe. Some examples would be, The creation of Serpentor, The Death of Serpentor, Serpentor leading the troops, Serpentor in battle. It is also acceptable If in your universe serpentors creation or death was the same as in the G.I.Joe Comics or Cartoon. With that being said, here are the rules of the contest!
The rules of the contest!!!
1. You must submit your diorama by posting it in this thread ( by midnight eastern time on the final day of the contest which is September 30th
2. Your Diorama must match the idea and theme of the contest.
3. You must have already made, or make 10 posts on the SerpentorsLair forum by the deadline for the end of the contest which is September 30th. What we are saying here is you must have a post count minimum of 10 posts by the deadline for submission.
4. The judges for the contest will be the SerpentorsLair staff, we will be judging based on, originality, quality and difficulty of the set up, quality of the pictures, and relativity to the contest theme.
[color=#BF8000]We want to give you the chance to win a 30th Anniversary Sky
Striker! All you have to do to win is submit a diorama entry in our "Serpentor in "YOUR" Universe" diorama contest!!
Below are the rules and the requirements for your diorama entry. To post your entry in the contest, follow this link The Serpentor in "Your" Universe" diorama entry thread (
The "Serpentor in "YOUR" Universe Diorama Contest will kick off on August 1st and run through September 30th. The theme of this contest is Serpentor in your own personal universe. The object is to make a diorama that shows Serpentor doing something in your own personal universe. Some examples would be, The creation of Serpentor, The Death of Serpentor, Serpentor leading the troops, Serpentor in battle. It is also acceptable If in your universe serpentors creation or death was the same as in the G.I.Joe Comics or Cartoon. With that being said, here are the rules of the contest!
The rules of the contest!!!
1. You must submit your diorama by posting it in this thread ( by midnight eastern time on the final day of the contest which is September 30th
2. Your Diorama must match the idea and theme of the contest.
3. You must have already made, or make 10 posts on the SerpentorsLair forum by the deadline for the end of the contest which is September 30th. What we are saying here is you must have a post count minimum of 10 posts by the deadline for submission.
4. The judges for the contest will be the SerpentorsLair staff, we will be judging based on, originality, quality and difficulty of the set up, quality of the pictures, and relativity to the contest theme.