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08-03-2011, 11:41 AM
I couldn't find the other thread but this was post over at hiss tank after someone got the J-10 from over seas. i don't think these where shown on that uk site


08-03-2011, 11:46 AM
PTE toys are back in Big Lots here in North Carolina!!!

Lt. Faceless
08-03-2011, 11:51 AM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]PTE toys are back in Big Lots here in North Carolina!!![/QUOTE]

There is a BigLots up in Concord that has a nice selection of PTE toys.I haven't checked out the PTE stuff in awhile.

08-03-2011, 01:36 PM
also that shown on JoeCustoms by Goldbug..

08-04-2011, 12:43 AM
must have that set a UAV of all things awesome

08-04-2011, 10:32 AM
Over at hisstank it look like this stuff is hitting Tennessee.

Cobra rules
08-04-2011, 11:12 AM
Tennessee. That's awesome. I haven't seen anything but the towers though.

08-04-2011, 05:26 PM
I can now say there in Ga. i pick up the set with the UAV today :D

08-20-2011, 01:27 PM
The stuff is out here in Cali too, but limited to most of the hummers,little birds,MBT,the RIB and the sets shown above...Just wondering if the J-10 will be avail here. Never could find that elusive SU-27..

08-20-2011, 01:31 PM
I've be wondering if we had the item # for the newest items if we could take the # to biglots and have them order the case with say the Su27 or j-10 or heck any of the new sets

08-20-2011, 08:57 PM
[QUOTE=Tracker]I've be wondering if we had the item # for the newest items if we could take the # to biglots and have them order the case with say the Su27 or j-10 or heck any of the new sets[/QUOTE]
Nope, they don't order stuff. They get shipped stuff not knowing what it is. Someone at corporate makes the decision what to send to stores.

Here is that UK site with pictures of everything...
http://www.peterkin.co.uk/Store/Category/Action Figures/World Peacekeepers 1-18 Scale.aspx?page=1
Don't forget to look at page 2.

08-21-2011, 06:54 PM
Thats a great question. I def want two of the J-10s.They look like the cobra jets that was in the mass device episode minus the forward canards.. Looking forward to the extras in the other sets..ie tents esp. Could never find that corps headquarters tent set here in cali..Really wanted several of them to use for some camp style shots.Has there been any more sightings of them?

Dreadnok Dread
08-22-2011, 12:07 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Thats a great question. I def want two of the J-10s.They look like the cobra jets that was in the mass device episode minus the forward canards.. Looking forward to the extras in the other sets..ie tents esp. Could never find that corps headquarters tent set here in cali..Really wanted several of them to use for some camp style shots.Has there been any more sightings of them?[/QUOTE]

The homie john at marauders has em!
The best gun runners around!

08-22-2011, 06:29 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Thats a great question. I def want two of the J-10s.They look like the cobra jets that was in the mass device episode minus the forward canards.. [/QUOTE]
Looks totally different to me. :confused:
http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr209/Autobot_Goldbug/Joes/joe cartoon/cobrajet3.jpg

08-22-2011, 06:50 PM
Guess so..Close enuf for me tho.. Thanks for that pic..good reference for painting.Nt those tents..The ones fron the Corps..The battlefield tent..Tracker has one..

08-23-2011, 07:19 AM
if you know someone in North Carolina the tent sets where being found at Bi-lows in that state. i haven't heard if there being found in other places yet.

i need to stop being lazy and make a dio with that thing

08-30-2011, 10:07 PM
That would be cool too see..I could probably make a tent since i know how to sew..Just need to make a pattern and go to the hobby store and get some plastic tubing..,while im there i'll be also picking up some sheet plastic to do a custom AC 130 Spectre with that awesome TRU beast!!

Finding new pte stuff..Still no jets..