View Full Version : A new Cha Mei C-130 transport plane very cool

08-31-2011, 06:13 AM
I found this at a website finally we have a C130 transport plane they have them at toysr'us comming soon.

neapolitan joe
08-31-2011, 12:58 PM
I'd like to see a BBI toys C-130.
This is not possible.
But this Chap Mei product is what I wanted for years. In the G.I.JOE Marvel comics the C-130 is almost in every issue. In the other hand the plastic semm crappy, the colors are ugly and it is small...
What I can say? This is a great airplane to customize! Look here:
http://www.hisstank.com/forum/g-i-joe-customs-finished-projects/148048-ac-130-spectre.html !

08-31-2011, 07:46 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]I'd like to see a BBI toys C-130.
This is not possible.
But this Chap Mei product is what I wanted for years. In the G.I.JOE Marvel comics the C-130 is almost in every issue. In the other hand the plastic semm crappy, the colors are ugly and it is small...
What I can say? This is a great airplane to customize! Look here:
http://www.hisstank.com/forum/g-i-joe-customs-finished-projects/148048-ac-130-spectre.html !

If I may say Its a good start none the less I know it anit perfect but its ok

08-31-2011, 11:15 PM
I picked one up to do an AC 130U..Im closing off the windows,tearing out the cockpit and rebuilding a 3 person flight deck. I am posting some of my needs in the wants/needs forum to help me build the spooky!! Pics will come soon. They wont be that great since they will be from my cellphone.

neapolitan joe
09-01-2011, 07:10 AM
Good work! Let us see the custom finished!

09-01-2011, 02:54 PM
also available http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11537933&prodFindSrc=search if no TRU's in the area...or if yours don't carry it they offer free shipping to store...

The BATman
09-02-2011, 12:27 AM
Oh man, if only I had storage space for this beauty...

09-02-2011, 09:12 AM
oh that is so cool.

09-02-2011, 02:40 PM
Does anyone have an extra gijoe mountain howitzer,i just need the gun or the one from the PTE set?

neapolitan joe
09-03-2011, 10:46 AM
I like it:

09-03-2011, 01:35 PM
Just ordered two from my friend in the US, have some great ideas for a custom or DIO setup with these huge birds :D

neapolitan joe
08-26-2012, 06:14 PM
Finally I bought it, in France!