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01-09-2007, 06:45 PM
I don't know about you guys but I'm waiting for a toy company to do 1:18th scale Russian vehicles. The only one I've seen is a RC WWII Russian T-34 tank. I also purchased the Elite Force Hind. However, it comes with 2 rotors when their should be four. I'd like to see a Hokum, a BTR-60 ;heck even a BMD would do. The guy who has the October Guard headquarters site has some great customs. Especially the six wheeled buggy that resembles perfectly October Guard equipment!! I've also seen a great Strela antiaircraft tank at Cammando Customs. Too bad for me I don't have the skills or confidence to make these great customs. Does anyone know of anyplace that makes 1:18th scale Russian vehicles. If so, please let me know. This is a great web site and I enjoy it very much!! Thanks for listening. Russell Spencer

01-09-2007, 08:24 PM
Russell, Lanard make a CORPS six wheel vehicle that seats 5 OG's and looks very similar to the vehicle they drove in the Marvel comics. There's a few pics of it posted on this site. I bought mine locally years ago, you may find one online on smalljoes.com or eBay if you are lucky. :)

01-09-2007, 08:47 PM
Yeah, I just buy Corps or Chap Mei vehicles and repaint them. You don't have to repaint the Corps APC, it comes in Tan/Flat Olive. I also do minor mods and repaints of Joe Vehicles. The Bridgelayer looks Russian and the Equalizer looks like a ZSU-24-3. I even repainted the GI Joe Ghost-Striker to be a MIG! ;)

And Smalljoes has MIG 15's in 1:18....


I still wish I could get my hands on a T-80 ot T-72. Seems all the 1:18 scale russian stuff is Korean War or WWII vintage!

01-10-2007, 10:16 AM
Thanks guys for the tips. I'll keep my eye out. Thanks again!! Rusty

01-11-2007, 06:05 PM
I have a small bunch of repainted vehicles that I stuck custom Oktober Guard logos on that I'm willing to part with. (Ok, I HAVE to get rid of them to clear space in my Garage!) All I'm asking is shipping. And if you want them, you can pay the shipping once they arrive! I'm very reasonable! Check 'em out ; If you're interested in one or all, let me know at ender098@hotmail.com


01-13-2007, 11:32 AM
Sorry, I'm Gonna Have To Pass. However. Thanks For Keeping Me In Mind!! If You Need Anything I Have Doubles Of; Let Me Know And Its Yours ... Rusty

01-13-2007, 12:07 PM
[QUOTE=rds13601]Sorry, I'm Gonna Have To Pass. However. Thanks For Keeping Me In Mind!! If You Need Anything I Have Doubles Of; Let Me Know And Its Yours ... Rusty[/QUOTE]

Ok,no prob. And thanks for the offer.

Ok, Since Rusty doesn't need em, offer is open.....anyone want 'em? They're Free! All I'm asking is shipping! (and I won't skin you! I usually round down! Ask Luis and Shane aka ToneGuns and LordRaven). If not, they're going on the table for my Yardsale tomorrow! I just need to get rid of them!
