View Full Version : Incomplete Sky-striker

LT Shipwreck
10-07-2011, 11:43 PM

I just picked up a new Sky Striker from TARGET, got it home opened the box and I am missing the stabilizers and tail fins!?! :mad: Anybody else out there expeirence this? I definately want to bring it back but I am tempted to "retain" a couple extras....b/c I know the unit is just going to be trashed anyway. Thoughts suggestions??? :confused:

LT Shipwreck

80s Child
10-08-2011, 07:01 AM
Both my wife & I and my wife's brother and his wife have had HARD times returning things to TARGET - usually just get a store credit if that.

Sorry you got ripped off - they should at least exchange for a new one.

10-08-2011, 08:01 AM
Was it an opened box? It's crazy that the plane was missing parts. You paid 100%, so that is what you should get. I would take it back to Target and demand they put the next one that comes into the store aside for you. (Talk to a manager and tell him you will never shop in this store again, and inform him that you will be calling Target's head office. Trust me, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.) Be curt with them, they would be if you left and only paid for half of it. I would write a scathing letter/email to Hasbro about this too. Call Hasbro's 800 number and light them up. It is unacceptable, that integral parts are missing from a new box! Sorry man, this must really tick you off! I am pissed for you.

Update-I just looked- Hasbro online has them in stock. You could take it back for a full refund and order it directly from Hasbro. With a receipt, they must give you a full refund.


LT Shipwreck
10-08-2011, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. Fortunately I didn't have to go high and right, I took it back to TARGET and exchanged it for another one, I did open this one in the store to ensure all the pieces were there. I did save the sticker sheets from the one I returned... I thought that was fair since Hasbro made me take it back. And yes I inspected the box before, this appeared to be unopened. In fact I choose that particular one out of the 4 on the shelf because it had the least amount of "shelf ware."

Anyway now I got me new Sky Striker and I am ready to start taking some pics! Stay tuned!! :D

10-10-2011, 05:46 AM
yeah you should have kept the pilot too only because target throws stuff right in the trash,I found a cross bones from the target two pack in the shell and cap was gone,I took it up to the counter and said hey could i buy this with a reduced price since half is missing and the guy said no and he threw it in the trash. :(

10-10-2011, 02:40 PM
[QUOTE=LT Shipwreck]Thanks for the suggestions. Fortunately I didn't have to go high and right, I took it back to TARGET and exchanged it for another one, I did open this one in the store to ensure all the pieces were there. I did save the sticker sheets from the one I returned... I thought that was fair since Hasbro made me take it back. And yes I inspected the box before, this appeared to be unopened. In fact I choose that particular one out of the 4 on the shelf because it had the least amount of "shelf ware."

Anyway now I got me new Sky Striker and I am ready to start taking some pics! Stay tuned!! :D[/QUOTE]

Yes!- I'm happy for you. I would like to have put some of my son's dirty diapers in the box for them, and said "hey, here's the load of crap you sold me!"

10-11-2011, 10:11 AM
I know you already returned it. but back awhile ago Hasbro use to have a customer service number where you could call them & tell them I'm missing part X and they would send it to you free of charge. I used it myself a few times for Starwars & G.I. Joe vehicles... I don't know if they still do this or not....

LT Shipwreck
10-12-2011, 06:40 PM
Flint, that's good info! I'll keep that in mind if it happens again!

the commander
10-21-2011, 08:58 AM
i had a problem with a captain america fig and they sent me a return label. i sent it back and they sent me a new figure not the same one i must say a little disappointed but hey they did try to make it right.