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neapolitan joe
10-12-2011, 04:00 AM
My friends, this is my G.I.JOE roster: I collected all the G.I.JOE characters produced as toys and I have not customs of unproduced G.I.JOEs from cartoons or comics.
I also put Chameleon, the Hard Master, Specialist Trakker, Kwinn and the OKTOBER GUARD in my roster.
Enjoy it, the roster from D.D.P. "Special Missions: Manhattan": http://www.yojoe.com/comics/specialmissions/specialmissionsmanhattan.shtml
, Halfbattle.com and the YOJOE filecards section helped me a lot. If You have any advice, let me know! Thank You very much and YO JOE!


1) Countdown
2) Ozone
3) Payload
4) Space Shot

5) Ace
6) Airborne (Six)
7) Airborne (Talltree)
8) Airwave
9) Altitude
10) Barrel Roll
11) Bombstrike
12) Cloudburst
13) Crazylegs
14) Dogfight
15) Drop Zone
16) Free Fall
17) Ghostrider
18) Lift Ticket
19) Major Altitude
20) Maverick
21) Ripcord
22) Skydive
23) Skymate
24) Skystriker
25) Slipstream
26) Starduster
27) Static Line
28) Tomahawk
29) Updraft
30) Wild Bill
31) Windmill

32) Dr. Talbot
33) Mutt

34) Backblast
35) Bazooka
36) Downtown
37) Effects
38) Fast Draw
39) Hard Ball
40) Heavy Duty
41) Major Barrage
42) Mirage
43) Salvo
44) Short-Fuze
45) Wreckage
46) Zap

47) Big Ben

48) Chameleon
49) Scarlett

50) Duke
51) General Colton (G.I.JOE)
52) General J. Flagg
53) General L. Flagg
54) Hawk

55) Action Man
56) Agent Faces
57) Claymore
58) Chuckles
59) Cross Hair
60) Helix
61) Lady Jaye
62) Mace

63) Psiche-Out
64) Rook

65) Alpine
66) Ambush
67) Big Brawler
68) Blizzard
69) Cold Front
70) Dusty (Paquette)
71) Dusty (Tadur)
72) Frostbite
73) Iceberg
74) Muskrat
75) Outback
76) Recondo
77) Side Track (McLaughlin)
78) Snow Job
79) Snow Storm
80) Sub-Zero
81) Whiteout
82) Windchill

83) Barbecue

84) Blast-Off
85) Blowtorch
86) Charbroil
87) Ice Cream Soldier

88) Falcon

89) Airtight
90) Clean-Sweep

91) Big Lob
92) Flint
93) Footloose
94) Grunt
95) Hit & Run
96) Knockdown
97) Mercer
98) Rapid Fire
99) Red Dog
100) Sneak Peek
101) Super Trooper
102) Taurus

103) Breaker
104) Dee-Jay
105) Dial-Tone
106) Dialtone
107) Gears
108) Hard Drive
109) Hi-Tech
110) Kickstart
111) Mainframe
112) Robo-Joe
113) Scoop
114) Sgt. Hacker
115) Sparks
116) Specialist Trakker

117) Bullhorn

118) Flash
119) G.I.JANE
120) Grand Slam
121) Red Spot
122) Sci-fi

123) Crossfire
124) Double Blast
125) Repeater
126) Roadblock
127) Rock n' Roll

128) Gung Ho
129) Leatherneck

130) Ashiko
131) Banzai
132) Budo
133) Bushido
134) Dojo
135) Hard Master
136) Jinx
137) Kamakura
138) Nunchuck
139) Quick Kick
140) Snake Eyes
141) Storm Shadow
142) T'Gin-Zu
143) Tiger Claw
144) T'Jbang

145) Carla P. "Doc" Greer
146) Doc
147) Lifeline (Scott)
148) Lifeline (Steen)
149) Med Alert
150) Sideswipe
151) Stretcher

152) Checkpoint
153) Law
154) Sandstorm
155) Sure Fire

156) Cutter
157) Deep Six
158) Depth Charge
159) Ice Storm
160) Keel Haul
161) Night Fox
162) Rampart
163) Shipwreck
164) Topside
165) Torpedo
166) Tracker
167) Wet Down
168) Wet Suit

169) Low Light

170) Lightfoot
171) Tripwire
172) Tunnel Rat

173) Beach head
174) Dart
175) Recoil
176) Sidetrack (Boyce)
177) Spearhead
178) Stalker

179) Shockwave
180) Wide Scope

181) Armadillo
182) Avalanche
183) Backstop
184) Blaster
185) Blocker
186) Cannonball
187) Clutch
188) Cover Girl
189) Cross Country
190) Crankcase
191) Dodger
192) Hardtop
193) Heavy Metal
194) Hot Seat
195) Long Range (Fritz)
196) Long Range (Garcia)
197) Major Storm
198) Rampage
199) Rollbar
200) Rumbler
201) Skidmark
202) Steam-Roller
203) Steeler
204) Switch Gears
205) Thunder
206) Thunderwing
207) Toolbooth
208) Wild Card

209) Colonel Courage

210) Kwinn
211) Pathfinder
212) Spirit

213) Captain Grid-Iron
214) Fridge
215) Hollow Point
216) Sgt. Slaughter
217) Sgt. Stone

218) Barricade
219) Bullet-Proof
220) Long Arm
221) Red Zone

222) Big Bear
223) Colonel Brekhov
224) Daina
225) Dragonsky
226) Horrorshow
227) Lt. Gorky
228) Red Star
229) Schrage
230) Sgt. Misha Zubenkov
231) Stormavik

80s Child
10-12-2011, 06:19 AM
Wow man! That took a lot of effort/planning! It's always cool to see how different Joe fans arrange their heirachy/command/troop assignments in their own Joeverses. Thanks for sharing! I may type up my own roster and post it up on this thread if I get the time in the next couple of days.


10-12-2011, 06:30 AM
Awesome roster
I went through many of your pics today to see them in action.

10-12-2011, 09:38 AM
I too have went through mine a few times need do it again lol
Unfortuantely I have like 9 of my Joes that are MIA and more then likely POWs in some little kids GI Joe collection :(

neapolitan joe
10-12-2011, 03:14 PM
Thank You for visit, my friends!

10-14-2011, 10:09 AM
awesome Joe roster...

how about Cobra?

neapolitan joe
10-14-2011, 10:21 AM
[QUOTE=TwoOneEight]awesome Joe roster...

how about Cobra?[/QUOTE]

Eh! You're right I have to make a "Cobra census", I lost the exact count! :(
Anyway YO JOE!

80s Child
10-21-2011, 11:58 AM
Cool list!

I basically divide mine up into environment/missions - without consulting my list or actuall figures, here's what I remember off the top of my head (I'm only listing the Joes that I actually own, so for instance if you don't see Joseph Colton on my list anywhere, it's because I don't have his action figure yet, not because I don't recognize him as an important part of my Joe-verse):

Headquarters/Continental U.S. Missions:
Led by Hawk, with Stalker second in command.
Snake Eyes and Grunt usually buddy up (when SE isn't with Scarlett).
The rest of the O-13 join them with the MOBAT, RAM, VAMP, and APC.

Desert Operations (Either the Utah PIT and/or the Middle East)
Duke leads team with Dusty as his eyes and ears.
Basically all of the desert-colored Joes you'd expect (Repeater, Skidmark, Spearhead, and Tan Clutch, along with Recondo, as he always looked more desert than Jungle to me.

Jungle/Forest Warfare Team (I do like to differentiate between the two)
Beach Head with Falcon as his apprentice lead Leatherneck, Ripcord, etc.

Gung-Ho & Muskrat

Urban Strike Team
Shockwave heads this unit with Hit & Run, Low-Light, Airborne, and 1986 Roadblock.

Snow Force
Snow Job, Frostbite, Iceberg in the Battle Bear, Blizzard, QK, Bazooka, Alpine.

Rescue Squad
Airtight, Barbecue, Tripwire, Doc, Lifeline, & Blowtorch.

European Missions
Flint, Jaye, Crankcase, Big Ben

Shipwreck, Deep Six, Cutter, Torpedo, Wet-Suit

Wild Bill, Crazy legs

Outback, Ambush

They can cross-over of course, but these are usually the names that come up, for the specific areas of the earth.

neapolitan joe
10-21-2011, 01:31 PM
What is Serenghetti? Serengeti, Tanzania?

10-21-2011, 03:52 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]What is Serenghetti? Serengeti, Tanzania?[/QUOTE]
I beleive Africa or South America basicly the rainforests I believe.

neapolitan joe
10-22-2011, 03:35 AM
thank You!
It is a great idea to give every G.I.JOE's main playset a mini roster of dedicated Joes. I have to do it too.

80s Child
10-22-2011, 07:46 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]What is Serenghetti? Serengeti, Tanzania?[/QUOTE]
I probably spelled it wrong, but what I meant was the area of Africa where there is vast open areas of dry flat plains (sort of like what you would see on National Geographic orthe old Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom where Cheetah's run and Lion Prides stalk water holes. I figured Cobra may have remote bases there, due to the low population/attention to their nefarious deeds).

I would use the Persuader here to for high speed transport.


neapolitan joe
10-22-2011, 08:17 AM
I did not know that place, I searched on Google and Wikipedia.
My problem is how to assign my Joes to the various playset: I have to think about it!

10-22-2011, 12:11 PM
That's awesome, I think I will give it a stab too.

neapolitan joe
10-22-2011, 03:57 PM
Now I have the great playsets and main command vehicles, I have to "allocate" my Joes and Cobras between them: which of You can advise me?

1) The 1986 Terror Drome;
2) The 2003 Conquest of Cobra Mountain;
3) The Castle Destro (Narnia Castle).

1) The 1985 U.S.S. Flagg;
2) The 1985 Transportable Tactical Battle Platform;
3) The 1990 General:
4) The 1988 Rolling Thunder;
5) The 1987 Mobile Command Center;
6) The 2009 Pit Mobile Headquarters;
7) The 1983 Headquarters Command Center;
8) The 1992 Headquarters;
9) The 2005 Rolling Operations Command Center;
10) The 1987 Defiant: Space Vehicle Launch Complex.

[COLOR=Red][SIZE=4]Where to assign each Joe or Cobra!?[/SIZE][/COLOR]

80s Child
10-22-2011, 05:29 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Now I have the great playsets and main command vehicles, I have to "allocate" my Joes and Cobras between them: which of You can advise me?

1) The 1986 Terror Drome;
2) The 2003 Conquest of Cobra Mountain;
3) The Castle Destro (Narnia Castle).

1) The 1985 U.S.S. Flagg;
2) The 1985 Transportable Tactical Battle Platform;
3) The 1990 General:
4) The 1988 Rolling Thunder;
5) The 1987 Mobile Command Center;
6) The 2009 Pit Mobile Headquarters;
7) The 1983 Headquarters Command Center;
8) The 1992 Headquarters;
9) The 2005 Rolling Operations Command Center;
10) The 1987 Defiant: Space Vehicle Launch Complex.

[COLOR=Red][SIZE=4]Where to assign each Joe or Cobra!?[/SIZE][/COLOR]

I didn't realize that you did your own research, so I had gotten you the link:


As far as which base should go where - it's up to you - but I think the MCC would be good in the desert, because the color is already right for it and it would be too heavy for a snow base. I would use the 1983 HQ for the snow base maybe because that's how they used it in Marvel #24 I think. Maybe the General for European Missions (or snow, because tyhe weight is dispersed and it wouldn't sink down into the snow) and the Rolling Thunder for forest (narrow enough to drive between trees).

I have always seen the Terror Drom as a Cobra Island implacement or at least in a Tropical/Jungle area. Castle Destro has to be Scotland/Europe. Cobra Mountain - maybe Arctic like the 1979 Battlestar Galactica Ice Planet Zero episode?

It's fun to ponder these things eh? ;)

80s Child
10-22-2011, 05:55 PM
Woops! I just realized that you meant WHICH JOES GO TO WHICH BASE, not WHICH BASE GOES TO WHICH ENVIRONMENT....

Well, my basic rule is if they have camoflauge or clothing that speaks to a certain location, that's the first way to narrow it down (obviously Repeater looks at home in the desert). Then I go into character profiles from either Sunbow and/or Marvel and/or the file cards - i.e. Flint being my Europe head of G.I. Joe so to speak. Then if there still is fuzziness after camo and background, I go for just a gut feeling of where someone would work best for my Joe-verse or character-chemistry with other pre-established "givens" for a specific location.

It can be a little tricky, because Stalker for instance works good in trhe arctic in his 1989 Tundra uniform, he works well in urban envionments with Shockwave what with his Detroit background, and of course he works well with the O-13. So, it's tough to assign him to just ONE place.

But these are fun problems to have. It's nice being "in charge" of all of them though - since, in real life WE are usually the ones with just LIMITED control over things. I guess that why we have Jo-verses....

neapolitan joe
10-23-2011, 03:57 AM
So this is the WHICH BASE GOES TO WHICH ENVIRONMENT part (any advice is full appreciated), then I'll decide the WHICH JOES GO TO WHICH BASE part:

1) The 1986 Terror Drome = Cobra Island, Gulf of Mexico;
2) The 2003 Conquest of Cobra Mountain = Himalayas and Cobra-La;
3) The Castle Destro (Narnia Castle) = Scotland Highlands.

1) The 1985 U.S.S. Flagg = Atlantic Ocean ops.;
2) The 1985 Transportable Tactical Battle Platform = it can be transported where needed;
3) The 1990 General = Greenland and North Pole ops.;
4) The 1988 Rolling Thunder = South America and Amazon rainforest ops.;
5) The 1987 Mobile Command Center = North Africa and Sahara desert ops.;
6) The 2009 Pit Mobile Headquarters = Russian tundra ops., joint operations with Oktober Guard;
7) The 1983 Headquarters Command Center = PIT I & II, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, U.S.A.;
8) The 1992 Headquarters = PIT III, in Utah desert, U.S.A.;
9) The 2005 Rolling Operations Command Center = Europe ops.;
10) The 1987 Defiant: Space Vehicle Launch Complex = under the Utah desert (PIT III).

HELP ME! :eek: Do You like it?

10-23-2011, 07:36 AM
looks good to me :)
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]So this is the WHICH BASE GOES TO WHICH ENVIRONMENT part (any advice is full appreciated), then I'll decide the WHICH JOES GO TO WHICH BASE part:

1) The 1986 Terror Drome = Cobra Island, Gulf of Mexico;
2) The 2003 Conquest of Cobra Mountain = Himalayas and Cobra-La;
3) The Castle Destro (Narnia Castle) = Scotland Highlands.

1) The 1985 U.S.S. Flagg = Atlantic Ocean ops.;
2) The 1985 Transportable Tactical Battle Platform = it can be transported where needed;
3) The 1990 General = Greenland and North Pole ops.;
4) The 1988 Rolling Thunder = South America and Amazon rainforest ops.;
5) The 1987 Mobile Command Center = North Africa and Sahara desert ops.;
6) The 2009 Pit Mobile Headquarters = Russian tundra ops., joint operations with Oktober Guard;
7) The 1983 Headquarters Command Center = PIT I & II, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, U.S.A.;
8) The 1992 Headquarters = PIT III, in Utah desert, U.S.A.;
9) The 2005 Rolling Operations Command Center = Europe ops.;
10) The 1987 Defiant: Space Vehicle Launch Complex = under the Utah desert (PIT III).

HELP ME! :eek: Do You like it?[/QUOTE]

neapolitan joe
10-23-2011, 08:16 AM
[QUOTE=savage21]looks good to me :)[/QUOTE]
Thank You Savage21!

80s Child
10-23-2011, 08:42 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]So this is the WHICH BASE GOES TO WHICH ENVIRONMENT part (any advice is full appreciated), then I'll decide the WHICH JOES GO TO WHICH BASE part:

1) The 1986 Terror Drome = Cobra Island, Gulf of Mexico;
2) The 2003 Conquest of Cobra Mountain = Himalayas and Cobra-La;
3) The Castle Destro (Narnia Castle) = Scotland Highlands.

1) The 1985 U.S.S. Flagg = Atlantic Ocean ops.;
2) The 1985 Transportable Tactical Battle Platform = it can be transported where needed;
3) The 1990 General = Greenland and North Pole ops.;
4) The 1988 Rolling Thunder = South America and Amazon rainforest ops.;
5) The 1987 Mobile Command Center = North Africa and Sahara desert ops.;
6) The 2009 Pit Mobile Headquarters = Russian tundra ops., joint operations with Oktober Guard;
7) The 1983 Headquarters Command Center = PIT I & II, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, U.S.A.;
8) The 1992 Headquarters = PIT III, in Utah desert, U.S.A.;
9) The 2005 Rolling Operations Command Center = Europe ops.;
10) The 1987 Defiant: Space Vehicle Launch Complex = under the Utah desert (PIT III).

HELP ME! :eek: Do You like it?[/QUOTE]

This looks REALY good to me!! :)

Good thinking!

neapolitan joe
10-24-2011, 09:12 AM
Thank You very much, 80s Child!

neapolitan joe
01-16-2012, 03:36 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]So this is the WHICH BASE GOES TO WHICH ENVIRONMENT part (any advice is full appreciated), then I'll decide the WHICH JOES GO TO WHICH BASE part:

1) The 1986 Terror Drome = Cobra Island, Gulf of Mexico;
2) The 2003 Conquest of Cobra Mountain = Himalayas and Cobra-La;
3) The Castle Destro (Narnia Castle) = Scotland Highlands.

1) The 1985 U.S.S. Flagg = Atlantic Ocean ops.;
2) The 1985 Transportable Tactical Battle Platform = it can be transported where needed;
3) The 1990 General = Greenland and North Pole ops.;
4) The 1988 Rolling Thunder = South America and Amazon rainforest ops.;
5) The 1987 Mobile Command Center = North Africa and Sahara desert ops.;
6) The 2009 Pit Mobile Headquarters = Russian tundra ops., joint operations with Oktober Guard;
7) The 1983 Headquarters Command Center = PIT I & II, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, U.S.A.;
8) The 1992 Headquarters = PIT III, in Utah desert, U.S.A.;
9) The 2005 Rolling Operations Command Center = Europe ops.;
10) The 1987 Defiant: Space Vehicle Launch Complex = under the Utah desert (PIT III).

HELP ME! :eek: Do You like it?[/QUOTE]

Any advice?

01-17-2012, 09:59 AM
I did this a long time ago (at the end of the neon age and pre-TRU) figuring out how many of each vehicle, who crewed them (i.e. Killer Whale 1 was Cutter and Duke at the controls, Spirit and Gung Ho at the gun stations, and down below Flash, Grunt, Rock n-Roll and Zap which was my typical toy set up as a kid). Need to find some way to go back and redo especially now if I was to limit it to just what I have on hand as opposed to some mythical toon/comic hybrid like I did back than. It would also allow me to shift somethings because I have a much more "complete" roster thanks to the comic packs and 25th/ROC/etc lines.

The question becomes is how to you view the Terrordrome/83 HQ etc? Are they as large and vast as they were on the cartoon or they more like the comic little tiny fortifications for local base/garrisons.

01-17-2012, 10:45 AM
Equatorial desert located in northern africa...

01-17-2012, 03:58 PM
[QUOTE=seamusharper]Equatorial desert located in northern africa...[/QUOTE]

What is the Sahara Desert for $200, Alex?


01-17-2012, 04:07 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Any advice?[/QUOTE]

Not to take you off-topic but...

How's your COBRA Census coming along?

I'm curious as to how CoCo and Serpy get along in your JoeVerse.

As in "is Cobra Commander the Supreme Commander, or is Serpentor?" Leaving CoCo as the Commander In Chief in the battlefield, etc...

In my JoeVerse, Serpy just got so ridiculously cartoonish that he just sort of melted down as a failed clone experiment and Cobra Commander is a lot more cold, calculating and ruthless rather than 1000 failed attempts at world domination, expert escape-pod artist DIC and Sunbow CoCo.


neapolitan joe
01-19-2012, 01:27 AM
[QUOTE=TwoOneEight]Not to take you off-topic but...

How's your COBRA Census coming along?

I'm curious as to how CoCo and Serpy get along in your JoeVerse.

As in "is Cobra Commander the Supreme Commander, or is Serpentor?" Leaving CoCo as the Commander In Chief in the battlefield, etc...

In my JoeVerse, Serpy just got so ridiculously cartoonish that he just sort of melted down as a failed clone experiment and Cobra Commander is a lot more cold, calculating and ruthless rather than 1000 failed attempts at world domination, expert escape-pod artist DIC and Sunbow CoCo.


I have 3 Cobra bases:
1) The Terror Drome as main Cobra headquarter (Cobra Island) under Cobra Commander;
2) The Narnia Castle (Scotland) as Destro's Silent Castle;
3) The Cobra Mountain (Himalayas-Cobra La) under Emperor Serpentor.

I was going to buy Indiana Jones' "Temple of Akator" playset as a central America's Cobra base. But I do not like it.
In my Cobra-verse Cobra Commander is "Marvel comics Cobra Commander" and Serpy is a badass, a mix from Marvel comics and the new I.D.W. comics.