View Full Version : Reason for leaving

10-25-2011, 07:46 AM
The reason i have decided never again to visit this website is that some people in the past who used to pose pictures here never do. Some here have been insulted with no apologies given. One member who is a United States Marine. A guy who protects are freedoms had his father insulted. One member had his pictures taken down. There a cliques on every site and there should not be. People should be able to take pictures, post them and have fun without the drama! In my opinion this site has become that and no action was taken to diffuse the drama by the moderators at hand. Everyone has choices and I choose to leave. You all and will say crap about me when I'm gone and frankly i could care less. This site is now the past and I'm moving on. rds 13601 Russ Spencer

80s Child
10-25-2011, 08:06 AM
Hi - I know I haven't been here long but I noticed some posters don't seem to post as much as it appears that they used to (Rambo, Otto The Otter, General Scarlett, Prince Adam and a few others that seem really talented and apparently use to post a lot before I got here - don't seem to put out as much new stuff - I just assumed it was because they were maybe part of the original "Outrider group" and just lost some of the passion for it once he passed away.

Anyhow - hope I didn't do anything to offend you or anyone else - sorry if I did!

I had an unfortunate similar experience over on joecustoms.com, so I left there, and found this place, which I like much better - for several reasons - instant (usually positive) feedback on the pics, easier navigatibilty, and generally nicer people I thought.

Sorry that you are unhappy with it as it stands now. You usually had good funny takes on pics if memory serves.

10-25-2011, 09:35 AM
Hello Im a fairly new member (only been here maybe a year tops) anyways I have seemed to notice things have gotten a tad dramatic lately. (just an obsorvation)
I also have noticed a drop in people commenting on pictures, anyways, I am sorry to anyone that I may have offended or made unhappy by some of my comments. I am sorry to see you leave rds13601. Thats my $.02 anyways.

10-25-2011, 10:40 AM
Hm, I certainly hope I didn't offend you (or anyone else for that matter), in the past, Russ. If I did I'm sorry!

Joedios used to be better than this and that's why members are leaving. With that said it wouldn't take much for the place to be restored to it's former glory, but at the very least that ain't gonna happen for as long as the thumbnails are screwed up.

The big thing we can all do is be OUR own community. Talk to each other, share, and if you think you have a fun group idea then do it! That's what it's all about, let's go back to when everyday was something special at Joedios.

neapolitan joe
10-25-2011, 11:14 AM
[QUOTE=rds13601]The reason i have decided never again to visit this website is that some people in the past who used to pose pictures here never do. Some here have been insulted with no apologies given. One member who is a United States Marine. A guy who protects are freedoms had his father insulted. One member had his pictures taken down. There a cliques on every site and there should not be. People should be able to take pictures, post them and have fun without the drama! In my opinion this site has become that and no action was taken to diffuse the drama by the moderators at hand. Everyone has choices and I choose to leave. You all and will say crap about me when I'm gone and frankly i could care less. This site is now the past and I'm moving on. rds 13601 Russ Spencer[/QUOTE]

I do not understand Your problem, be more specific if You care.
In my opinion, if You want leave, go away like a rabbit, If not, stay here and fight.

10-25-2011, 03:17 PM
My excuse for not being very active is simply, i am in the process of selling our home to move up to be closer some family and i have to pack up most of my collection. this process takes some time.

10-25-2011, 10:25 PM
well I know I havn't been posting as much as I'd like but thats due to my work. vs time off to snap pics as its dark here after 5 and I don't get much time to snap a decent pic

10-26-2011, 04:43 AM
Come on guys this is supposed to be for fun. Nobody has to explain themselves, we all have lives. You participate when you feel it, you should not be forced. You all do awesome work and we all know it takes time to set them up, you guys (& girls) have my support. JOEDIOS 4 LIFE!

neapolitan joe
10-26-2011, 04:54 AM
Dear friends, dear Rds13601,
On one hand, it is clear for me that this site in the last weeks and nowtoday is going nowhere.
On the other hand, I see a lot of veteran and beloved user members that "have passed" to Flickr.
I do not accept neither the laxity whereby Joedios is administerd in the last times neither the "snobbery" of our "ex" fellows.
I am admin of the little and humble G.I.JOE Italia forum (only 104 members!), but if there is a technical problem there, we try to fix it or we talk (write) about it.
I really do not know anymore who is in charge here, It seems to me, maybe I am completely wrong and I apologyze for that, that Joedios is a drifting boat.
I love G.I.JOE with no distinction: 1982-today and tomorrow!
I'm user here (and I consider Joedios the best among the G.I.JOE sites), on Yojoe, Hisstank, Theterrordrome, Joebattlelines, Joecustoms; I frequently consult Halfbattle, Gijoepit and JoeaDay; I buy, paint and give almost only Marauderinc's weapons to my Joes.
But my disappointment here is big. I'm not a newbie (that I respect, I welcome everybody here), I have near 11,800 posts here: this is a vent of an "old senator"...
But I'd like to remain here and try to poring the others and who is in charge to return to the "Golden age", a "Silver age"'d be good too!
That is why I have I urged Rds13601 to not flee like a "rabbit", like others did.
Let me know what You think about this.
Thank You very much for Your time.

10-26-2011, 09:26 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Dear friends, dear Rds13601,
On one hand, it is clear for me that this site in the last weeks and nowtoday is going nowhere.
On the other hand, I see a lot of veteran and beloved user members that "have passed" to Flickr.
I do not accept neither the laxity whereby Joedios is administerd in the last times neither the "snobbery" of our "ex" fellows.
I am admin of the little and humble G.I.JOE Italia forum (only 104 members!), but if there is a technical problem there, we try to fix it or we talk (write) about it.
I really do not know anymore who is in charge here, It seems to me, maybe I am completely wrong and I apologyze for that, that Joedios is a drifting boat.
I love G.I.JOE with no distinction: 1982-today and tomorrow!
I'm user here (and I consider Joedios the best among the G.I.JOE sites), on Yojoe, Hisstank, Theterrordrome, Joebattlelines, Joecustoms; I frequently consult Halfbattle, Gijoepit and JoeaDay; I buy, paint and give almost only Marauderinc's weapons to my Joes.
But my disappointment here is big. I'm not a newbie (that I respect, I welcome everybody here), I have near 11,800 posts here: this is a vent of an "old senator"...
But I'd like to remain here and try to poring the others and who is in charge to return to the "Golden age", a "Silver age"'d be good too!
That is why I have I urged Rds13601 to not flee like a "rabbit", like others did.
Let me know what You think about this.
Thank You very much for Your time.
That sounds good to me. I know I will always be here as well :)

10-26-2011, 11:50 AM
You will be missed Russ. I completely understand you.

@80s: I haven't posted more PICS here just because the gallery is fucked.

10-26-2011, 01:33 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]@80s: I haven't posted more PICS here just because the gallery is fucked.[/QUOTE]
Me too. I've got a bunch of photos I've been holding on to waiting for the thumbnail problem to be fixed.

neapolitan joe
10-26-2011, 01:44 PM
But who'd fix it? Let me understand.

10-26-2011, 02:16 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Me too. I've got a bunch of photos I've been holding on to waiting for the thumbnail problem to be fixed.[/QUOTE]
forgive me for asking but aren't you the guy in charge of the photos?
respectfully asking of corse.

10-26-2011, 02:31 PM
I've just not had a lot of picture time due to school, plus the thumbnail problem doesn't help.

Crimson Pilot
10-26-2011, 03:58 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Me too. I've got a bunch of photos I've been holding on to waiting for the thumbnail problem to be fixed.[/QUOTE]

Same. I still comment on a few when I have time though. Its getting so annoying. Even if I look at somebody's gallery for certain pics, I have to go through each one just to find the few I wanted to see. When will it stop!

10-26-2011, 04:34 PM
[QUOTE=savage21]forgive me for asking but aren't you the guy in charge of the photos?
respectfully asking of corse.[/QUOTE]
I don't have access to the technical side of things. Even if I did, I don't have the knowledge to do anything about it. I just keep the photo sections organized and make sure the posting guidelines are followed.

Once this problem is solved, if it doesn't automatically fix the thumbnails, I can manually update them for everyone. Until then there's nothing I can personally do about it.

10-27-2011, 08:58 AM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]I don't have access to the technical side of things. Even if I did, I don't have the knowledge to do anything about it. I just keep the photo sections organized and make sure the posting guidelines are followed.

Once this problem is solved, if it doesn't automatically fix the thumbnails, I can manually update them for everyone. Until then there's nothing I can personally do about it.[/QUOTE]
O ok I thought you were in charge of the technical side as well as the organizational side. I wish there was someone who could fix this problem too bad we dont have Mainframe here.

And on a side note I think it was good that Russ posted this here simply because (in my humble opinion) I think some issues have been brought to light that may need addressing or at least noteing anyways.

10-28-2011, 12:19 PM
I haven't posted as much cause I am still unpacking from my move, I have gotten to the point I can continue Scale wars but otherwise I am crazy busy with a ton of reviews I need to post. Still there was some drama right before I moved that was unwarented, but that happens lame as it is.

10-28-2011, 02:31 PM
I am also dissapionted by the thumbnail issue I'd probably be doing more if it wasn't an issue. The OP made it sound like there was other drama, I am blissfully unaware of any of that though. I do have one friend who got caught up in some drama here but I have been treated better here than any other site.

Lt. Faceless
10-28-2011, 08:15 PM
I'd love to see this site grow.I hate to see anyone go,cause this is a really fun site.I love the files section and wish i could add to it.Maybe get a site sponser(like maraders inc.,they really do make the best joe weapons out there).Threads like this are fun,they help the site go forward.

80s Child
10-28-2011, 08:46 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]@80s: I haven't posted more PICS here just because the gallery is fucked.[/QUOTE]

Just a clarification on what I meant Rambo - I merely meant that you and a few of the others work is missed - that's all - but I wasn't insinuating anything negative - I completely get that the thumbnail problem sucks. We work hard and tedious to set up these shots, so why shoot 4 good shots, only to have the first 3 shots "repeats" of the fourth as far as the thumbnails go.

I also agree with M1-General that it's supposed to be fun & you participate when you can, and no-one should feel forced to submit some quotta # of pics - wasn't trying to "call anyone out", it was actually meant as the opposite - a compliment of sorts, because I just missed seeing your work and a few other members work more often is all.

We are all artist here and it's just more fun to see the art of 40-50 different points of view every week or so instead of 10-12 different takes on G.I. Joe per week. The bigger the pool of talent, the more we can inspire each other to keep getting better and the more different things we get to see to brighten our days.

Lastly, I agree with Snakeling that I have been treated the best here, as far as Joe-sites are concerned - and that I am also unaware (but regrettful) of any drama here - I, like others may make a jokey comment on a pic now & then, but I always mean it in good fun.

Well, that's my 22 cents - summary AND essay ;)

10-29-2011, 11:53 AM
I havent posted much lately either, partly because of the thumbnail issue, my own work schedule, the kid's school activities, and because I'm reorganizing my collection of everything into a more confined space. The wifey want the spare bedroom back so I am moving everything back to the garage. I'm still here and looking, I just can't be as active as I want. As far ad "drama" goes, it only affects you to the point you allow. This is the best Joe site there is. Artists are temperamental and sometimes immature and selfish. Deal with it.

11-01-2011, 09:57 AM
No worries 80s :)
There is not problems with you.

11-01-2011, 11:20 AM
[QUOTE=Lt. Faceless]I'd love to see this site grow.I hate to see anyone go,cause this is a really fun site.I love the files section and wish i could add to it.Maybe get a site sponser(like maraders inc.,they really do make the best joe weapons out there).Threads like this are fun,they help the site go forward.[/QUOTE]

Im no mod or anything but maybe that might not be a bad idea?????

80s Child
11-01-2011, 03:41 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]No worries 80s :)
There is not problems with you.[/QUOTE]

That's good to hear! :)

11-02-2011, 02:32 PM
Life got in the way and, like many others, I got distracted. I will try to get the thumbnail problem fixed!

neapolitan joe
11-02-2011, 03:25 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]Life got in the way and, like many others, I got distracted. I will try to get the thumbnail problem fixed![/QUOTE]

Thank You.

11-02-2011, 05:57 PM
Just a quick opinion- actually more personal than that. This site has been a great place for me since I joined, but especially since June 2nd. My L5 disc ruptured and I had a back operation (you may know this already). But following my surgery, I acquired a spinal infection that led to Sepsis. I had been on antibiotics 24-7 for 13 weeks. Last week's MRI showed that I now have discitis and it may be a new infection.
Nonetheless, you guys and this site have been the best medicine for me.
I say this not for any other reason than I love this site. I love posting pics, and commenting on your pics. Everyone here has been really great. I would hate to see it fall because people are getting offended or offensive. It is an extremely fun outlet for me as it is for you, I am sure.
Maybe it was "cooler" before I joined; I don't claim to know what it was like then, but I love it today. I consider all you guys and gals my pals. I have my wife and family read the comments you guys give me. It's great.
We all love Joes. Where/ when else could we associate with a world-wide community about our distinct hobby than here. Thanks for doing what you do.
I think nearly all of us are adults. We have homes, jobs, kids etc. Hobbies always take a back seat to our lives. In my opinion, we should not criticize each other when we don't have time to contribute. Everyone should be welcomed at any time.

11-02-2011, 06:17 PM
[QUOTE=acmillerjr]Just a quick opinion- actually more personal than that. This site has been a great place for me since I joined, but especially since June 2nd. My L5 disc ruptured and I had a back operation (you may know this already). But following my surgery, I acquired a spinal infection that led to Sepsis. I had been on antibiotics 24-7 for 13 weeks. Last week's MRI showed that I now have discitis and it may be a new infection.
Nonetheless, you guys and this site have been the best medicine for me.
I say this not for any other reason than I love this site. I love posting pics, and commenting on your pics. Everyone here has been really great. I would hate to see it fall because people are getting offended or offensive. It is an extremely fun outlet for me as it is for you, I am sure.
Maybe it was "cooler" before I joined; I don't claim to know what it was like then, but I love it today. I consider all you guys and gals my pals. I have my wife and family read the comments you guys give me. It's great.
We all love Joes. Where/ when else could we associate with a world-wide community about our distinct hobby than here. Thanks for doing what you do.
I think nearly all of us are adults. We have homes, jobs, kids etc. Hobbies always take a back seat to our lives. In my opinion, we should not criticize each other when we don't have time to contribute. Everyone should be welcomed at any time.[/QUOTE]


11-02-2011, 08:48 PM
I agree

80s Child
11-03-2011, 06:12 AM
[QUOTE=acmillerjr]Just a quick opinion- actually more personal than that. This site has been a great place for me since I joined, but especially since June 2nd. My L5 disc ruptured and I had a back operation (you may know this already). But following my surgery, I acquired a spinal infection that led to Sepsis. I had been on antibiotics 24-7 for 13 weeks. Last week's MRI showed that I now have discitis and it may be a new infection.
Nonetheless, you guys and this site have been the best medicine for me.
I say this not for any other reason than I love this site. I love posting pics, and commenting on your pics. Everyone here has been really great. I would hate to see it fall because people are getting offended or offensive. It is an extremely fun outlet for me as it is for you, I am sure.
Maybe it was "cooler" before I joined; I don't claim to know what it was like then, but I love it today. I consider all you guys and gals my pals. I have my wife and family read the comments you guys give me. It's great.
We all love Joes. Where/ when else could we associate with a world-wide community about our distinct hobby than here. Thanks for doing what you do.
I think nearly all of us are adults. We have homes, jobs, kids etc. Hobbies always take a back seat to our lives. In my opinion, we should not criticize each other when we don't have time to contribute. Everyone should be welcomed at any time.[/QUOTE]

Well said A.C.!

11-03-2011, 07:42 AM
Thanks Hammerfell! The issue is annoying because in all the time I've been coming here there have not been to many technical problems. BTW if you ever get bored come on back to the fighting 1:18th!

Monte Williams
11-04-2011, 02:56 AM
Huh. I have been cheerfully oblivious, where any drama is concerned; I hope and assume I haven't unwittingly contributed to it.

Just to be safe:

To all my friends at JoeDios:

If I've ever said I hate you because you're talented, I was kidding; you're not talented at all.

Seriously, though, I too post more seldom these days because of the thumbnail issue; I wait until my previous photo is gone from the photos page of thumbnails before I post another. For what it's worth, I haven't been receiving e-mail notification or replies for a year or so, either.

But yeah, the place has been quiet. I just assumed that the collective interest had waned; it happens. JBL is a ghost town, for example. If anything, HISS Tank is almost too active for me to keep up with, but I'm grateful it's there.

I'll always be grateful for this site. Honestly, it's nowhere near as snarky as it was four or five years ago, in my opinion. Admittedly, I am almost never on the forums; perhaps that's where the drama unfolds?

11-04-2011, 08:01 AM
[QUOTE=Monte Williams]

Seriously, though, I too post more seldom these days because of the thumbnail issue; I wait until my previous photo is gone from the photos page of thumbnails before I post another.[/QUOTE]

This^^^^^^^^ is what I do too.

11-04-2011, 05:10 PM
You want to leave... leave. I was here all Gung Ho as the rest at first but when the site crashed I like many others split over to flickr mainly cause Craig was there. Now IMHO most of the talented folk who take time to set up their shots, lighting, posing etc. are over there. I pop in from time to time post a shot or two but that's it


11-06-2011, 03:06 AM
I, like many others, have been put off by the thumbnail issue and it's kept me from posting pics as often as I'd like.

Still, I must say that this is one of the better Joe sites of which I've had the pleasure of being a member. I will continue to post pics and enjoy the great shots you guys share with us.