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01-10-2007, 12:13 PM
Welcome to the 1st edition of The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

GI Joe #1. Operation Lady Doomsday/Hot Potato.

Dr. Burkehart is the lead scientist of the Doomsday project. It can be used for good or evil. Cobra kidnaps the doctor to probe her brain so they can use her knowledge for evil. GI Joe must go in and extract her.

Also included in the original comic was Hot Potato. It was a short story starring Snake Eyes, Scarlet, and Rock n Roll. Taking place in a desert, the two Joes must get a sensitive tape w/ information out of the country. Can they do it, just the two of them?

-Image from yojoe.com-

Please discuss!

01-10-2007, 12:28 PM
Being a younger fan, this wasn't the first joe comic I ever read, but rather I managed to get it in its paperback form when Marvel released the first 50 issues. I find that in the older issues there's a lot more dialogue than in the newer ones, but I think it was necessary in order to introduce so many new characters all at once. I especially appreciated that we got to see all of the faces of our joes in the first few pages so that we knew who was going to be a part of this elite unit.

Also we get Cobra Commander's arrogance right from the get go, seriously, would it kill that guy to be humble, just once?

My favorite scene in this comic has to be near the end when the Mobat and the laser cannon (I forget the name, somebody will remind me I'm sure) and we see them from an aerial perspective. And I don't remember ever seeing anything like that in a comic series and from the comics I own, which isn't all of them, I don't recall seeing a tactical battle like that again. Which really is too bad because it was a really neat perspective. Anyway thats my two cents and perhaps a couple of nickels. All Canadian though, maybe it doesn't stand up to the American dollar as much, haha.

General Scarlett
01-11-2007, 05:39 AM
Dersham, are you talking about the F.L.A.K. ?? (Field Light Attack Kannon). That is a really cool weapon!! I have one & love it!!

First off, I am a comic collector, BIG TIME!! I can still remember going into the local pharmacy to pick up my latest issue of 'Star Wars' & 'Superman' & seeing this cover. I lOVED it!! I picked it up immediately & brought it, 'Star Wars' & 'Superman' to the counter-no candy bar for me that day!! And this comic was TOTALLY worth it!! I poured through this in no time, then started to read it all over again!! The artwork was amazing, the story was sweet & the fact that these people were a great team was so cool! I knew that I would be back for more!
This one comic book fueled so much imagination through the years that it's incredible! From this comic the future of toys & how boys AND girls could play was forever changed. And the bad guys were bad!! But they were still cool, in spite of all that!!
I'll probably comment more once others put their .02 in-(Canadian, American-don't matter, it all spends the same!!) ;) :D

01-11-2007, 09:21 AM
The FLAK was simply field artillary. He should be referring to the HAL as it was being towed behind either the VAMP or the MOBAT.

01-11-2007, 09:38 AM
Cool, a book club! :D
I know this is a year away but will this go twice-weekly when we get as far as Special Missions?

I came to the series much later and still don't have an original copy of #1 yet, but "Tales Of" and the comic packs have helped!

I think this is a great beginning for the series, introducing us to the team very believably -- it's our introduction but they already know each other and we get to see some endearing character interaction -- then involving all the vehicles works within the mission so there's not a lot of overt exposition.

Nice to see the villains getting a little depth from the get-go as well, with the conversations between CC and the Baroness, the deception used for their getaway and the fact that the Joes do confront and even wound CC proving he's not some unreachable supervillain.

I'm especially impressed with the portrayal of Dr. Burkehart, who is much more than a captured scientist plot-device but instead presents an opposing viewpoint and stops the comic being thoughtless Jingoist shooting-the-badguys fare. She also allows the Joes to show how they truly are heroes by explaining just why they're doing what they do. This balance of differing philosophies is something I felt Hama carried through the entire run, either earnestly as in this issue or in a more satirical sense later on.

I think Hot Potato was actually reprinted in the Marvel UK Action Force comic as I'm certain I've read it. If I'm right, it's a good character focus, further clarifying just how courageous, loyal and honourable the Joes are as well as being a key foundation of Snake Eyes' mythical status!

*whew!* Gotta pull out my comics to be ready for next week now!

01-11-2007, 10:13 AM
I got this under the x-mas tree in 1982. The nite before, I received 6 Joes. My parents had packaged them back to back so it was 3 packages. I was so pumped. I don't even remember when I got the VAMP and RAM. Anyway, I got the giant sized edition which I learned 20 yrs later (or so), that it was pretty darn rare.

I loved the story. I was instantly hooked on the toys and the comic only helped. It gave me adventures. There were many times I had RnR on the RAM, pretending to go thru the desert. But the main story, that was great fun. Unfortunately, I was still pretty young so going to the comic shop wasn't about to happen with my parents and well, I didn't hook up with another Joe comic until #16. I did grab the digests to fill in the blanks. (those were the lil comics, had about 4 stories under the cover, etc)

And just for the record, the original newsprint Joe comics were the best, imo. The reprint they did for the comic packs look like utter crap. At least the TPBs aren't quite as bad, but there was something special about newsprint back then.

AND the comment about too much talking and text... I never noticed that. I noticed it MORE with Image comics; Spawn in particular. Seems to me that comics of today utilize text to get thru the story instead of action.

We'll discuss #2 next week. I'll be relying on the TPB.

01-11-2007, 12:51 PM
I didn't read G.I. Joe #1 until many years after it came out. I think I've said before that in my childhood, I wasn't into Joes at all. I had a few, but I was really only interested in Transformers and He-Man. I think G.I. Joe was a little too realistic (and therefore boring) for me. I didn't really become interested until I was in the 7th grade (around 1991), when my brother got into them! Naturally I was "too old" for toys by then, but I did start reading the comics.

I picked up Yearbook #1 (which reprints "Lady Doomsday") at the local comic book convention, WonderCon, and read it in the car on the way home. I'd seen episodes of the cartoon, and this was very different from that! I couldn't believe that people were dying-- Including a whole village of innocent people killed by Cobra! To a 12 or 13 year old, this violence seemed pretty "grown-up" and I wanted more, so I began reading the comic as it was coming out at the time, in addition to picking up back issues whenever I could find them.

I think #1 serves as a great introduction to all the characters, and just as Cobra never quite seemed as menacing on TV as they did in the MASS Device mini-series, I don't think they were ever presented as mysterious and evil as they looked in this issue. The fact that they were all so loyal to Cobra Commander and acted like they were in some cult or brotherhood or something was sort of dropped before long, and that, in my opinion, weakened their status a bit.

And of course, that issue gave us one of the best lines ever in the comics: "Ain't no lie, I love to fly!"

I'm on my lunch break from work right now, so I'm pressed for time, but if I think of more to say about it, I'll be back later tonight.

01-11-2007, 12:56 PM
I love that line. I throw it down every now and then to see if people get it. Which I'm pretty sure, they don't. One could say that the comic was just a big ad for the toy(s), but in terms of #1, they did a wonderful job. Who didn't want a JUMP after that? Or a million Cobra troopers? Or a camera that turned into a gun? Well, ok, maybe not that one.

I thought this was a great way to start the series off. And the difference between comic and cartoon was like a continent wide!

01-11-2007, 01:14 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]I didn't read G.I. Joe #1 until many years after it came out. [/QUOTE]

Same here. I didn't even know the comic existed until one day I happened upon Specail Missions #1, which is still one of my all time fave issues. The first regular Joe comic I saw was #67, and it took me years to backtrack and get them all. For me, the earlier issues are the best, right up until just after the Cobra civil war. After that the ninjas took over and it all started to go inexorably downhill. This particular issue though was a great scene setter and really was a great starting point for the Joe story. :)

General Scarlett
01-11-2007, 01:50 PM
You guys all make me laugh with your 'I was in the __grade & too old to play with toys' HAHAHAHHAHHH

I was in High School AND College & still bringing my Joes to class with me!! And even now, my friends call my comic obsession my version of 'porn' 'cause I have so much of it & I'm constantly reading, re-reading & drawing from it!!!

Thanks for making me smile!! :D

01-11-2007, 02:10 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]Well my actual comic reading only begun recently. This thread will be of particular use to me as at the moment I am on number #24
I read this a while back though and I do remember the story. I liked the introduction to the team and the setup of the enemy.
One of my fave bits is when they are briefing for the mission at the fort.. Scarlett questions the strength of the Garrison before Hawk comments on the huge numbers, tank mines and bunker machine guns.. Scarlett then retorts "Sorry I asked" :o
This is great as partly because you get a first insight into Scarlett's fantastic humour.
I also like it when Cobra Commander says:
This was a cool first read and certainly had me thinking "I wonder what the next adventure will be about. I can see why this comic would be so appealing back in its heyday.[/COLOR][/FONT]

01-11-2007, 03:09 PM
I pretty much stopped just after the Cobra War. To me, that was the ultimate height of the comic and the issues after that, they seemed pretty bad. I never even made it to the whole ninja thing or CC is SE's dad or Firefly's Asian and all that weird stuff.

But then again, there is a giant robot story coming up here soon, isn't there? ;)

01-11-2007, 09:57 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]CC is SE's dad[/QUOTE]


01-12-2007, 12:37 AM
I also came into this comic later in the series(#103) but over time i was able to track down the previous 102. altought for issue # 1, I had the ToG version. oddly enough I got a orginal copy just last week in a trade.

FYI- CC isnt SE father, CC link to SE is that CC's brother killed SE's family in a drunk driving accident. and Firefly is white ( french i belive) but grow up in asia

also it has a few more features including 3 vehical profile( MOBAT, VAMP and HAL) , 4 personnal files ( Scarlett, Breaker, Flash and Stalker), and my favorite, the file on the "PIT". All this adding to the joe mythology.

because of this tread, i relooked at #1 and notice a new charactor, on page 12 panel 1 there is Officer who is bald, dress in a suit with a knife straped to his leg. a idea for new custom figure

01-12-2007, 04:30 AM
Like Sonne, I had comic #1, regular size though and didn't get another comic until #15 at a general store while on vacation at my Grandpa's. I enjoyed the comics when I could get them, but it was hit and miss. I filled in the gaps later when I was older. #1 was picked off a stack at Target. They were laid flat on a shelf in the GI JOE toy section and there were at least 50 copies in that stack. It was 1982 or early 83 and I think it is a first edition.

I remember collecting issues more regularly starting at #28. I made it to the 120's, and it was weird, and I went off to college and had no money for "discretionary expenses." I look forward to commenting when I can, but a colleague at work left abruptly and I am pressing hard at work these days.

As far as complaining about the dialogue, I actually enjoyed it. I read them to my little brother and actually helped him learn to read better.

Thanks for the great idea!

01-12-2007, 08:00 AM
[QUOTE=fightingswords]because of this tread, i relooked at #1 and notice a new charactor, on page 12 panel 1 there is Officer who is bald, dress in a suit with a knife straped to his leg. a idea for new custom figure[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I remember noticing that guy when I re-read this issue with the comic pack it came with. Pretty cool looking.

01-12-2007, 08:16 AM
I was being sarcastic cuz Hama made a situation where everything seems to be centered around a few people.

01-12-2007, 01:05 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I was being sarcastic cuz Hama made a situation where everything seems to be centered around a few people.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I thought you were probably being sarcastic, but then I wondered if you knew something I didn't...

Personally, I don't find it that big of a deal. Most all fiction centers around outrageous coincidences when you get right down to it, so I see no reason why G.I. Joe can't too.

Lava Boss
01-13-2007, 11:00 AM
If C.C. wanted Snake-Eyes dead, then how come he takes no great interest in Snake Eyes in issue 9? I mean, other than wanting the location of GI JOE HQ. Yet, later we learn that C.C. was once so obssessed he tracked Snake-Eyes to the ninja dojo and spent a fortune hiring not only Zartan, but originally Firefly to kill him. Which also brings up why the two characters don't seem to recognize each other when they meet in issue...was it 25? Zartan probably being an expert on human mannerisms...even Firefly shouldn't be able to fool him. Of course, I could write that off as professional courtesy, not making it known they have met before...informally.

Also, issue 9 shows 4 caskets at a funeral in SE's flashback. His parents, his sister and ????...or is it another funeral?

I've always found as much hype as the regular Marvel run gets, Special Missions is ignored. Special Missions greatly benefited the Joe comic universe. Out of 28 issues, Snake-Eyes only appears in 3. Chuckles sees a lot of action along with a lot of Joes who'd otherwise only make cameos in the regular run, and GI JOE is shown to be more than just a group that fights Cobra. That must be it, Joe fans seem to be bigger Cobra fans...

Plus they were mostly one shots. Devil's Due cannot seem to tell a coherent (or engaging) story in a 10 issue span, back then Hama could write a decent one-shot. Actually, a few non-Hama issues were decent one-shots...though Herb Trimpe got a bit goofy with some of his writing.

01-13-2007, 11:12 AM
I remember July 4th 1982, we were at a cookout at my Aunt Geri's. My Dad and Uncle went to get more beer and I went with them. We went to a FAYs drug store and they had most of the first collection (minus the MOBAT and the Cobra Troops) I grabed Snake Eyes and Stalker and got them. The next day I saw the animated ad for the comic. Me and my Friend Mike went to the local newstand (Fischers Newsstand in Albion NY) and there was issuse one! Shiny and bright on the rack! We both grabbed a copy and read it on the walk to his house.

I loved it because since I was a old enough to play with Toys, the US still had a bad taste in it's mouth for Soldiers. Instead of remembering the valiant things some men did on VietNam, the Media preferred to focus on Mai Lai and the Kent State Incident. Now, President Regan was in Office and he was spending money to make the Military great again. It was a good time.

I grew up with friends who's grandfathers fought in WWII or Korea and who's Fathers had strong feelings about VietNam. I couldn't see how two generations could have such different feeling about war. (again, I was 14 and just thought guys ran out on a field and shot at each other)

GI Joe made me want to be a Soldier (and Later a Marine!). I loved the way these guys stuck together and worked as a team even though they were diffrent races, genders and backgrounds. I wondered what could make a group of people come together like that!? I wanted to be a part of that. I wanted to do more than sit at home and gripe about how "Something needed to be done". I wanted to get out and do it!

It's funny this is the only issue I see Snake Eyes using Sign language. I figured after this issue Snake eyes would ALWAYS communicate through Scarlett with Sign Language. I also liked how cobra was using Soviet gear (AK-47's and T-72 tanks). Also, this was the first time I saw Soldiers with Kevlar helmets instead of steel pots on their heads! Up to this point, all the soldiers I had to play with were WWII or Vietnam Vintage( Think TOy Story's Army Men!!) and still had Ancient weapons! The Joes had an M-1 Abrahms clone (The Mobat) a Hawk Missile (MMS) and a Humvee clone (VAMP) It was cool to have MODERN gear!

Later (after I had some time in the military, I thought it was funny how you had 2 officers (Hawk and Steeler) on the team, but Zap was the only one who could fly a helicopter! Later I read "Rouge Warrior" and Richard Marchinko talks about how he wanted to have his SEALS trained to fly planes iin case they ever got caught in a situation like that and the NAVY said no. I guess having a College degree makes you a better pilot!

And does anyone wonder how you steer the JUMP? Mobius, you like to research aerodynamics, you think it's possible?

all this reminiscing makes me feel like Richard Dryfuss in Stand By Me "I never had friends like I did when I was 11, ....Jesus, does anyone!?"

01-13-2007, 11:53 AM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]That must be it, Joe fans seem to be bigger Cobra fans...[/QUOTE]

I know that for me, that is indeed the case. I love the interpersonal relationships and soap opera antics of Cobra a lot more than of the Joes.

Though personally I've never come across a chance to pick up a good run of Special Missions. I'd love to read it all, though, because I like to see small teams of Joes doing their thing.

Personally, I don't know why Devil's Due doesn't reprint all the Marvel stuff in trade paperback form. Marvel's reprint rights must have expired by now, and if Dark Horse can publish Marvel's old Star Wars comics, and Titan Books can publish Marvel's old Transformers comics, I don't see why Devil's Due wouldn't want to get the old Joe stuff out there. Unless, of course, they're afraid some old Marvel reprints would outsell and be more popular than their current offerings-- Which is probably true!

And regarding the discrepancies you bring up over the course of the run, that tends to happen in all comics when they're first being established. You have to be willing to live with a few continuity glitches early in the life of any comic book series while the characters and mythology are still being established. I don't really think much about it, myself.