View Full Version : Savage21 Must Be Banned!

Monte Williams
11-10-2011, 08:56 AM
Don't get me wrong. He seems like a great guy. But he has proven to a pain in the butt.

You see, he shared this photo:


And man, I just had to try to photograph all my Joes together after seeing that.

Of course, I only photograph my toys outdoors.

God, what a nightmare this was.

The domino effect kept coming into play 'cause it's difficult to keep 'em standing on dirt, and because of that I didn't have the energy to get creative with poses or anything, and yet they're not close enough together for that great Kingdom Come vibe you see in Savage21's shot above. So I spent way too long on a big batch of photos, only to look them over afterward and think "meh" and realize I'll have to try again.

He's since done an even cooler group shot:


Ban him, I say! :)

80s Child
11-10-2011, 09:25 AM
Monty, you have a wicked-good dry sense of humor! :)

And yes, Savage21 does seem to be a great, stand-up guy!

Crimson Pilot
11-10-2011, 10:08 AM
The only pic with a large amount of free standing ones I have ever been able to do was only achieved by literally glueing them to a foam board with dabs of hot glue on the feet. He must have the patience like a jedi or something.

11-10-2011, 02:05 PM
Il admit It took me a long time (almost 4 hours) to set up everything. I had a domino effect as well. I just took a lot of patients and I did it indoors first on carpet which was ok but not great. My second one was done on a fireplace like display. I am happy that I was able to raise the raise the bar here. I just want to thank you guys for all of your input on my pictures as well as inspiration on what type of pictures I should do next, this is my favorite forum to post my pics on. I am happy to be a part of this community :)

neapolitan joe
11-10-2011, 03:41 PM
Ah! You never saw my pics!

11-10-2011, 08:13 PM
And the BANHAMMER swings!

...and misses. :)

11-13-2011, 04:01 PM
hey imnot only person who did this style picture Soundwave did it also take a look

11-13-2011, 10:00 PM
Everyone's pix are awesome coz I like to play "Name That Joe" on 'em.
I dunno, I might do one myself. Or not. But then again...ehhh.