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View Full Version : Comic Book Creator & New Dio Story

01-13-2007, 03:10 PM
I know many of you guys use COMIC BOOK CREATOR, and I downloaded the demo the other night. The speedy page layouts are a great benefit and are super, but the word balloons leave a lot to be desired, they use Bitmap balloons that size 'funky'.

My question is this, what formats (and resolutions) can you save/export the finished pages in? The demo has this option disabled, and I can't find specifics in the documentation, so I am hoping someone here can help me. I'd like to do my page layouts in Comic Book Creator, then export the file into something I can then drop the word balloons in via Adobe Illustrator (I have vector files of hundreds of Word Balloons and special effects in Illustrator - I used to work in the comic industry).

So can anyone shed some light onto this for me, can you export out of Comic Book Creator as a PDF, or a TIF, and if so can you set the export resolution?

I've been working on a massive and complex, and 'big budget' Joe Dio-story for some time now, and am nearing a point that I'll be able to get Chapter One finished and online. I am actually doing the dio-story for a Joe Website that I will not mention right now. :) Don't want to give too much away!


--== Paragon ==--

01-13-2007, 03:14 PM
hmmmmm, never thought of that. Talk to TG.

01-13-2007, 05:28 PM
you can export the pages into .jpgs, .gifs, .bmps and even to the adobe from if you stick straight with the creator and finish. It's definetly worth the purchase if you are going to do comics. It saves lots of time....

01-29-2007, 04:53 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]I've heard many things good and bad.. about comic book creator.. Paragon mentions in his earlier post of a demo you can get.. has anyone got a lonky where you can download the demo for free.. then perhaps if I like it I could actually try it out on my second work GIJOE Chase: Fugitive.. ?[/COLOR][/FONT]

01-29-2007, 05:16 PM
Why I'm new to the genre; I did some research and found Comic Book Creator software for under 20 bucks at Amazon. As far as the tech questions; that's beyond my computer skills.