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View Full Version : PLAYMOBIL: A diographer's blessing!

Luke Ellison
03-11-2005, 07:31 PM
Whilst at Target last wednesday, picked up PLAYMOBIL's tree fort playset for 30 bucks on sale... Dang is it awesome! Not only will it make a nice cabin for the Dreadnoks and/or Snake Eyes (albeit a tight fit) this puppy comes LOADED with accessories! Seriously.

Off the top of my head here's whats Ive got:

-2 wolves, fully posable, almost better than Wave 7 Timber
-folding table, chair and bed
-a medical kit with surgical tools
-kerosene lamp
-battery with solar panel
-frying pans
-grill with propane tank
-hammock (fits Joes nicely)
-food and beverages
-crates and baskets
-camera and binoculars
-rope ladder (perfect for helicopters)

And a few other things like toothpaste and gold nuggets... the stuff on its own is worth the thirty bucks, plus you get this sweet tree house fort!!! Grab one if you see it! Its item number 3217!

(Gonna try to track down item # 3275 next: a porto-potty!)

03-11-2005, 08:21 PM
I have that portapotty, and a BUNCH of other playmobil stuff from a pretty cheap toy website. I'll try to find the URL.

I've seen that treehouse and wondered if it would work for Joes. Maybe all it needs is a dark "wash" to bring out the detail and tone down the colors a tad?

03-11-2005, 10:51 PM
On some Playmobil catalogs and websites, they had vehicles displayed. You don't suppose a Playmobil "BUS" would fit Joes? ;)

A link to
The BUS (http://store.playmobilusa.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/PM_DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=aeUdKJLjA-UdItDQb0QRDlzRLlqUIKmz_8w=?CategoryName=Citylife-Flughafen_us&ProductID=H88MJs4y2RsAAAD5ihnN%2eIim&PLS=0)

General Hawk
03-12-2005, 04:42 AM
I LOVE Playmobil stuff for dio's...they are surprisingly effective. My medical center set pretty much relies on Playmobil to be effective.

That treehouse sounds GREAT. I'll have to head to Playmobil's site and see if they have it on sale there, too. That's the only limiting thing about it...it's very expensive.

All that stuff for $30 sounds like a deal and a half!


Luke Ellison
03-12-2005, 08:09 AM
Wow, that bus looks awesome! I looked for one on ebay for a scene I want to do for my upcoming dio comic. I did however get the taxi for 14 bucks which I'll be turning into an ARBCO TAXI SERVICE vehicle ;) I love the construction stuff. I have a few of the Chap Mei construstion sets but can't find the forklift. Playmobil has that killer crane which would be perfect to have but not for the price.

If you're really into the Valor vs Venom theme, Ive seen the ZOO sets in person and would make for an excellent intro for when the animals DNA is stolen like in the movie.

03-12-2005, 10:20 AM
I want so badly to go to a store that actually has this stuff on display. There are a bunch of things I'm interested in that they make but I don't want to go spending until I see the stuff in person.