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View Full Version : Extra terrestrial

01-20-2007, 07:33 AM
Ok, you need to get a team together to deal with an extra terrestrial threat. Nothing more normal than call in some Joes. Who would you call to get the job. Remember, you don't know what kind of E.T. they are or even if their are hostile. The rules are simple 5 or 6 guys ready for everything and you have to pick them from your collection not from the entire line. Just the ones that you have avaliable home.

My choice:

- Sgt. Stalker (VvsV) due to his medic, interpret and leadership abilities;
- Mirage v2, 'cuz he looks nice for the job. Look at his legs, his sculpt shows some improvements on his uniform and he is a rocket tech;
- Sci-fi v2 a high tech weapons guy can help even to get a better understandment abut the visitors technology;
- Hard Drive - Computers can be found there and in a very high level;
- Barricade v1 - CQB and armor enough to support some heavy damage, not speaking from his sensors build on the helmet;
- Snake Eyes - A Commando is never a waste on the team.

01-20-2007, 08:37 AM
Oh, this is easy since I've already done this! Only 5.

Lt. Graydon. My custom to lead the team.
Beach Head. Butt kicker.
Bombstrike. Sniper.
Roadblock. Heavy Weapons
Snake Eyes. Scout, trapkiller, CQC, and well, everything else.

01-20-2007, 10:48 AM
This is who I would choose;

Stalker = Team Leader

Doc = Medic

HighTech = Science and communications

BlowTorch = Flamethrower (remember "The Thing" What if bullets won't hurt it? Everything hates fire!!)

RoadBlock = Minigun Marv!! Bring the Minigun!!!

Spirit = He's open minded and maybe can be empathic enough to communicate with the creature!

And depending where I'm sending them, I'd send an environmental expert (cold=Frostbite, Desert = Dusty, Swamp = Muscrat, jungle = Recondo, if not too inhospitable = Outback)

Equipment? White phosphorus Grenades, Thermite Grenades, 84mm AT-4, C-4, extra rations and comm gear. Medical supplies (for collecting specimens and treating a disease from another world).

(I've been watching "The Thing" way too much!!)