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View Full Version : New Marauder John Kickstarter pre-order event

02-10-2013, 12:32 AM
From Facebook and JoeCustoms

We just started a kickstarter Marauder GR "Mark II" presale event! During
the intense production process for the new Marauder Series #7 items...we
have encountered a VERY narrow window of opportunity to release 3
additional items with the POSSIBILITY of up to 7 new designs. The
development of the new items would closely coincide with the development
of the upcoming Marauder Series #7 items (if we can make all 7 new designs,
that would translate into 28 new items when the different color & painted
versions of each item are taken into account).

This surprise opportunity will allow for some of the most popular
"stretch" goal items from the original kickstarter event to be
released...at HUGE development & production cost savings. With the
original kickstarter pre-sale, we were not able to hit any of the stretch goals, so
consequently we were not able to add any other items to the original
release. We're looking at a much more modest $2,400 target goal for this
"Mark II" project...with just 2 (TWO) stretch goals that are only $1,200
apart! We were thrilled when we got this chance and have worked very
quietly & furiously to possibly make additional items a reality.

In addition to the standard project illustrations, we added 3d scans of
the possible new items (yeah, we went out on a financial limb...but
hopefully this kickstarter event is a success and our gamble proves

So whether you missed out on the original Marauder GR kickstarter pre-sale
event or participated in our original Kickstarter Pre-order, we hope you
check out the Marauder GR mini "Mark II" event!


neapolitan joe
02-10-2013, 08:37 AM
Great news!

02-13-2013, 12:34 AM
The first goal was reached!!!!!!!

[QUOTE=MJ]Hey! We hit the starting goal of $2,400 for the Marauder GR "Mark II" Kickstarter presale! Thank you! You all helped make it happen in only 3 days and with 18 days still to go! Now we have a GREAT chance to hit some of the "stretch" goals and release even MORE items. Again, THANK YOU for your support! MJ[/QUOTE]

$1200 more and we get the pineapple grenade and the shotty.......

02-21-2013, 10:29 PM
8 days to go and only $200 missing to hit the last goal to get the baseball grenade and T9 gun added to the list...so if you haven't backed do so soon........

05-01-2013, 08:34 PM
A little bad news....
[quote=MJ]As you've seen with the prototype pictures, we have really pushed the level detail & features with the new items. We've taken a tremendous amount of joy sharing the development process with you all and both of our kickstarter projects have become a real group effort. During the production process, we've come to the unfortunate realization that our current tooling company can NOT meet the level of detail and features we need for this project.

The first tool had one of the "new" modular items, but when tested it was not satisfactory (issues with folding stock, mag wouldn't properly "sit" in place and several of the modular mounting points were missing). In addition, the painted versions didn't match the paint master & paint directions we sent for production. We want to bring you the best product that we can, so we've had to source a "new" tooling company that should be able meet our standards. We have confidence in the new company that we're using and working with them on these complex items will allow us to solve our current issues and we'll use them for future projects. But this entire process has not just cost us money, but has cost us dearly in our MOST valuable asset...TIME. Consequently, due to the unavoidable tooling issues, the avail date for the kickstarter items has slipped from the end of June to the end of August. We are very sorry, but we couldn't overlook the issues encountered with the quality & feature level of the items from the 1st production tool. Luckily, we were able to halt the process BEFORE the other tools were finished.

Again, our deepest apologies. If ANY of you would like a REFUND of your pre-order payment (less any items that might have already shipped), just let us know and we will take care of you. If you wish to keep your pre-order in place until the items are ready in late August, we will fill your order when the items are ready AND will also add some "bonus" items to your shipment to help make amends for the delay.

If you wish to cancel your pre-order, you are more than welcome to place an order after the pending kickstarter pre-orders are filled and the items are released a few weeks later on our website. But please understand the kickstarter "exclusive" items will NOT be available later on the site and the actual retail prices of the items will be 30% to 70% higher than the prices charged on the kickstarter pre-order event. The low "value" prices & limited edition exclusive items were special incentives ONLY for those that participated in our kickstarter pre-order event and won't be available later. We want to make that clear up front to avoid any unpleasant pricing & availability surprises later after the items are released.

Again, thank you for your support and we deeply regret the delay.

neapolitan joe
05-03-2013, 03:15 PM
We'll wait!

05-04-2013, 02:47 PM
Thanks for sharing, rt.