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01-20-2007, 09:21 AM
I'm still coming up with the flow of the story for the next 3.75" and well, I have these wild ideas for a big airship (more in the vein of Shield's Helicarrier in Ultimate Alliance than the Cobra heliship). I thought I'd visit Forgeworld and man... Those are the guys who do big models for the Warhammer fans and look what I found.

The Matra. Mantra? Something... (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/acatalog/TAU_AIRCRAFT.html)

L895.00!!! I don't know what that is in US but it's a lot! Check out the dimensions. And no, these are NOT for 2.5" or 3.75" sized toys.

01-20-2007, 09:32 AM
Yeah, the Tau have some sweet ships. I have spent much more money with Forge World than I care to admit. haha. :) But the products they put out are really nice additions to any Warhammer or 40k army... Not too much you can use for the Joe world though, possibly a few things here and there with modifications, etc., but the scale is all wrong.

--== Paragon ==--

01-20-2007, 10:31 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]L895.00!!! I don't know what that is in US but it's a lot! Check out the dimensions. And no, these are NOT for 2.5" or 3.75" sized toys.[/QUOTE]

Great British Pounds are about $2. So as a rule fo thumb, I multiply by two! You're talking about $1,800.00 ......Wow! Tell me someone out there has that $$ to play WArHammer.....

Shoot....that's like this geek I know who has like 1,800 GI Joe Figures on shelves in his dining room....uh......damn.... :(

01-20-2007, 10:33 AM
That's the nice thing about doing pictures. I don't need the stuff to be in-scale cuz I can change it around. Kinda like how I had Thunderwings and the 2.5" Firebats going at it in my dio. I've never actually bought anything from them and well, that thing is as big as a desk. I'd be better off hooking up with the piece below it.

When I was doing my Joe2050 comic, I was using a large Tau ship as the Cobra airship and the Eldar Nightwings (or whatever they're called) as their jets. It was all hand drawn and an incredible headache.

01-20-2007, 10:41 AM
Oh yeah, that Tau ship is a good yard wide isn't it. :)

The largest (size and money) item that I have purchased from them is a Grey Knights Thunderhawk (the gunship one not the transport one). I looked online and they are going for about $800 now with shipping, this was a few years ago, and I don't think I paid more than $500 or $600, so their rates are going up.

I usually wait, and place one order a year from them for everything I want, since they are in the UK the shipping is through the roof (and there are really no dealers here in the US that have up to date inventory on it), so usually about a month before christmas they have some sweet deals on shipping to the US with discounts on products, etc.

Here is a link to the Thunderhawk TRANSPORT. I could see this getting customized into something for Joe... It has neat clamps under it that would probably hold some of the 2.5" Sigma vehicles pretty nicely...


--== Paragon ==--

01-20-2007, 10:52 AM
I was gonna get into warhammer 2 years ago but it cost so much!

01-20-2007, 10:55 AM
Oh yeah, their prices are so high, and they have raised them several times over the last few years, when I got into it, the game was quite affordable, but about the last 1 to 2 years or so, I have really gotten less and less and have been putting my hobby money elsewhere, many people that I had played with for years have gotten out of it because of the price hikes too...

--== Paragon ==--

01-20-2007, 10:56 AM
Dude, that's what Credit Cards are for! Seriously tho, I think any WH players spent as much as a Chevy Aveo after it's all said and done. Usually, it's the hardcore stores that buy these babies to use as set pieces for their campaigns. I'd love just the outershell of the thing. The concept of this Manta is soooooo cool. The docking bay can hold 2 ships and 1 other vehicle! That's just mindblowing.

Those Thunderhawks, I chilled out a store who bought 3 of 'em. I watched the guys put them together while I did sets. I thought they were expensive THEN!

I've considered getting back into it. I sold my armies on EBAY over a year ago and I didn't get squat for them. At least most of them were primarily plastic! lol. I have a whopping 2 space marines, 2 terminators w/ lightning claws and 2 way old duders w/ shotguns (that aren't made anymore) to start with now.

01-20-2007, 11:00 AM
I remember when a box of space marines were $10-$12. They're over $30 now w/ pewter parts. I can't justify those type of costs now. Course, all it really means is that one has to be really careful about how you spend your $$$.

01-20-2007, 12:25 PM
I spend most of my money on paintball. I got a game on the 28th that costs $80 and I'm upgrading my gun which costs $200.

01-20-2007, 02:26 PM
Man we sure do dole out the dough when it comes to our hobbies. But then again, is there anything that you can collect without paying out a lot of money. Next to rocks and grass or other biological items you might find in the woods.

01-21-2007, 05:37 AM
i can't spend my money, my mom controls it all. plus, when i do get to spend it, she asks me a boat load of questions like: Are you sure you need it, do you really want it? It drives me BONKERS!!!!!!

01-21-2007, 06:43 AM
Hey get a job mobius! You can buy your own stuff! And what about your birthday and christmas?! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :p