View Full Version : Questions from the "Greenhorn"

06-06-2013, 12:41 PM
As is probably obvious, I'm new here, and as such I have some questions about the site and/or things that more experienced Joe collectors would know. More questions will likely arise in the future and be posted here then as well. (Also, Moderator(s), if this thread is an unwitting screw-up, please let me know and fix it.)

#1. PoC Recondo. I had heard that there is a fix to his permanent-boot-inspection neck mold, but I don't know what it is. Can anyone here educate me on this fix and how to perform it?

#2. Upload MegaByte Limits. When I upload a pic, it tells me I've used X amount of 128MB space allowed and that I have Y amount left. Is this data limit a lifetime limit? Per month? How's that go, exactly?

#3. Shopping in Gunfire/Muzzle Blasts/Explosions. I do not have Photoshop. Or whatever passes for "Poor Man's Photoshop." What I do have is a kinda lackluster basic paint program that is part of my word processing system (Appleworks 6, on a MAC). Is there ANY way to add realistic gunfire etc. with this, without it looking crappy? (Also, if this program contains any means for more complex shopping, like backgrounds, I'd love to know about it.)

Further questions will post as need for intel warrants.
Until then, Thanks in advance for the knowledge.

The BATman
06-07-2013, 01:23 PM
[QUOTE=Vulcan]#3. Shopping in Gunfire/Muzzle Blasts/Explosions. I do not have Photoshop. Or whatever passes for "Poor Man's Photoshop."[/QUOTE]
I don't know if you want/need to stick to what you have, but otherwise I would recommend The GIMP (http://www.gimp.org/); it's free image editing software, lagging several technological generations behind Photoshop, but still infinitely better than any basic Paint-like program.

06-19-2013, 12:10 PM
hi and welcome!

here are two AMAZING tutorials about how to add gunfire! Easy to apply and with great results:



07-19-2013, 01:10 AM
[QUOTE=tria]hi and welcome!

here are two AMAZING tutorials about how to add gunfire! Easy to apply and with great results:



The tutorial provided by Gunny Ender is what I use. :)

07-24-2013, 11:28 PM
#1. PoC Recondo. I had heard that there is a fix to his permanent-boot-inspection neck mold, but I don't know what it is. Can anyone here educate me on this fix and how to perform it?

Dremel :)

07-25-2013, 07:21 PM
[QUOTE=TwoOneEight]Dremel :)[/QUOTE]

Poor man's Dremel: countersinking bit with masking tape.

Destitute man's Dremel: Any drill bit with masking tape.

3rd World Destitute man's Dremel: exacto knife.

08-04-2013, 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by TwoOneEight

Poor man's Dremel: countersinking bit with masking tape.

Destitute man's Dremel: Any drill bit with masking tape.

3rd World Destitute man's Dremel: exacto knife."

Gonna have to go Third World Destitute there - I kinda hate dremels, but I'm halfway decent with a razor knife.
What I was looking for though was less "what to use" so much as "how/where to cut with it" (no decapitations...), so if you can help with that I'd appreciate it. :)