View Full Version : screenname
01-21-2007, 12:51 PM
What does your screenname mean? I think this was a topic at JBL.
My name Ranger_22,
I love the U.S. army Rangers. I'm joinin them to hunt down terrorists!
22 is my birthday. Janurary 22. On Halo 1 and 2 it was K22.
Wait my birthday is tommorow!!!!! :p
01-21-2007, 01:01 PM
Stormer is the codename I chose when I joined the Steel Brigade (or "Special Corps" as they called it in the UK).
Prior to the promotion, I'd made up the name when I used my 3.75" Face (of the A-Team) figure with my Joes. He had a cool black outfit and the most generic and unrecognisable head-sculpt of the 4 figures so I wanted to create an original Joe character to use him as. I didn't think of him as me but I'd come to like the name & character I'd given him so much that I co-opted it for my Steel Brigade identity. :)
01-21-2007, 01:05 PM
You know those army building Viper troops that are green and blue during the 2002-2003 figure line? :rolleyes:
Which extras of Joe figures are left over after army building them? :D
01-21-2007, 02:03 PM
The Mighty Self-Modifier was a character I played in the Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game from TSR several years ago. I was so fond of the guy that the name has stuck with me for my screen name on various boards.
01-21-2007, 03:02 PM
[QUOTE=Ranger_22]What does your screenname mean? I think this was a topic at JBL.
My name Ranger_22,
I love the U.S. army Rangers. I'm joinin them to hunt down terrorists!
22 is my birthday. Janurary 22. On Halo 1 and 2 it was K22.
Wait my birthday is tommorow!!!!! :p[/QUOTE]
LOL! Mine too! I'll be 39 old are you gonna be? Are you in the Army yet? Do you have any idea what Ranger School is like? If you wanna know, write me. I have a bunch of friends who went through it!
Ender is from the best book I've ever read; Orson Scott Card's "Enders Game".
And 098 is when I give you my $.02 , that's what I have left! LOL!
Seriously, I got my first account in 1998, and you know how Yahoo is! EVERYTHING is taken. You have to beg and plead just to get something close. Ender098 was the best they could offer.
01-21-2007, 04:28 PM
mine started off as bluefeet88 on the lego boards/site when the galidor online game was up, umong other sites/boards and after a while I got bored of the name and changed it to bluestalker88, oh and 88 is the year I was born.
BTW Ranger_22 happy birthday :D :p
01-21-2007, 05:10 PM
I like to do some writing, and I've created several characters and such. Sephron Davies is one such creation. 13 is my lucky number and the day (in May) I was born.
*Sephron's name was inspired, in part, by Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII*
01-21-2007, 05:33 PM
My nick come from a ex-fiancee for a band name that I was needing. Tone from Tonelli, my last name and Guns from Guns N'Roses that we played the most in the band.And ToneGuns work for military too, you know brotha, GUNS!!! But you can call me Tone, since some women told me that "Tone" is sexy ;).
01-21-2007, 05:59 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]Take a wild guess [/COLOR] :rolleyes: [/FONT]
01-21-2007, 06:24 PM
I have no imagination as my screename is my name :D
01-21-2007, 06:54 PM
Snakeeater is a slang term for a Special Operations soldier. It's also the subtitle for Metal Gear Solid 3, (I haven't gotten around to playing that one yet, but MGS was one of my favorite Playstation games.)
01-21-2007, 07:39 PM
Years ago, I had a very powerful dream about a Raven, it was one of those dreams about an animal where you just know that it's your totem, or poweranimal. So, it's stuck with me for years.
Lightning LA
01-21-2007, 10:04 PM
I don't know how many know about Ford's SVT division,they came up with the Mustang Cobra and the F-150 Lightning and a couple other SVT Vehicles.I have two SVT's a 1997 White Mustang Cobra,but my Screen Name comes from my other SVT Vehicle.My Silver 2002 F-150 Lightning,and the LA part is my nickname,it's short for Larry.So LIGHTNING LA is what i came up with,it's my name on all the SVT Owner sites also.
01-22-2007, 05:09 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]LOL! Mine too! I'll be 39 old are you gonna be? Are you in the Army yet? Do you have any idea what Ranger School is like? If you wanna know, write me. I have a bunch of friends who went through it!
Ender is from the best book I've ever read; Orson Scott Card's "Enders Game".
And 098 is when I give you my $.02 , that's what I have left! LOL!
Seriously, I got my first account in 1998, and you know how Yahoo is! EVERYTHING is taken. You have to beg and plead just to get something close. Ender098 was the best they could offer.[/QUOTE]
Thats a cool name. I know all about ranger school so I prepare everyday for it. I can do 100 push-ups! I'm sorry but I can't tell you how old I am. :(
Happy birthday! :)
01-22-2007, 07:41 AM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Years ago, I had a very powerful dream about a Raven, it was one of those dreams about an animal where you just know that it's your totem, or poweranimal. So, it's stuck with me for years.[/QUOTE]
Hey, so are you a Power Ranger too? :p
01-22-2007, 12:01 PM
Swindle... simple, one of my favorite characters in Transformers.
01-22-2007, 01:03 PM
[quote="Swindle"]Swindle... simple, one of my favorite characters in Transformers.[/quote]
Mine too! I don't know why I like the guy so much. I guess it's a combination of his personality, and the great voice he had on the cartoon. I was thinking last night I have a weird group of favorite Decepticons. If I had to name a top five, it would include Shockwave, Thunderwing, Swindle, Scorponok, and Astrotrain.
Anyway, sorry to hijack the topic, folks. Carry on.
01-22-2007, 01:10 PM
Played Ace combat 4 and got hooked! espescially on the character you played. his name was Mobius 1.*duh!* :D (i played that game like, 32 some odd times!) oh, and happy birthday ranger! :D
01-22-2007, 04:20 PM
Bayer is the last name. Ranger_22, have "fun" in Ranger School. You are going to work sooooooooo hard. No matter what you've read, the real thing is a totally different.
01-22-2007, 05:14 PM
Thanks you guys!
Ranger school is going to be tough!
01-22-2007, 09:04 PM
Yeah I'll bet Ranger school will be one heck of a challenge, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Just remember your hoahs. Now as for my name. Well I thought it was an entirely original creation as I had thought that i had just come up with it from the sound. Though apparently there's somebody named Densham who works on making Outer Limits episodes, I'm not sure what he does exactly, but I think I saw his name there and I just turned the N into an R. I used Dersham as a character in a couple of stories, he's usually the quiet spiritual one who has some greater destiny or some such nonsense like that.
01-23-2007, 06:27 AM
Happy Birthday Ranger22!
My name means silencer :D
I'd wondered if your name was from enders game Ender! I read that book in '92 I think it was and I really enjoyed it. I've never seen the others in the series anywhere.
01-23-2007, 10:07 AM
Outrider was the name of one of my very first customs from years ago. When Mike T posted some of my early (rather poor) dio pics on his website waaaaay back, he asked me what screen name I wanted to use, and Outrider was the first thing that came to mind. It has no special significance. A real life outrider is someone who rides out ahead of the main column as a forward scout or escort.
01-23-2007, 02:58 PM
Silent Dusty, comes from my favorite director Kevin Smith, Silent Bob, just swapped out the Bob, there you go. Good luck in Ranger school, Ranger 22.
01-23-2007, 03:25 PM
Whats that mean!?!?!?!
01-23-2007, 03:53 PM
Mine is simply my initials. I like being called Rusty after the character of Dusty. I remember the tv show episode when Dusty was trying to help his Mom with health costs. I can relate to that . People thought he was a traitor and he wasn't. I also enjoyed what the character did in Trucial Abyssimia by bringing back Sneak Peek to his mother. I can relate to him in alot of ways. His sense of honor, and fighting abilities won me over. Plus the figure,no matter what version; is always cool.
01-27-2007, 05:57 AM
Sometimes I'm not a creative guy. :p
Gatilho is one of the coolest figures released in Brazil by Estrela in my opinion. ;)
By the way, Gatilho means "trigger".
01-27-2007, 06:51 AM
A slow burn is when a plot in a story is advanced slowly and deliberately in order to increase tension and set a mood. It was used a lot in the old noir movies, to which I am hopelessly addicted. :)
General Scarlett
02-14-2007, 07:09 PM
I can't believe that I haven't posted on this thread yet-sorry guys, my bad!!! I guess it just feels like we've known each other sooo long that it was common knowledge.
I was the only girl in the neighborhood when we played outside (GOD remember how much fun that was!!) I was always Wonder Woman, Princess Leia or Scarlett. Wonder Woman is a Superhero, Princess Leia leads the Rebel forces & Scarlett is the Original Woman in Charge!! So I told the boys that I didn't care what rank she held on TV, in the comics or on the back of her Bio card-Scarlett is a born leader!! So I asked if anyone had a problem with my promotion. Nobody did & we had a whole big afternoon ceremony & I've been a General ever since!!
p.s.-one of the boys I used to play with, we had HUGE crushes on each!! We would have gotten married but his last name is Bates. I couldn't bear to have a son who would be called-'Master.....' :eek: ;)
02-15-2007, 11:09 AM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, i never saw this thread before. ladelacroix is actually the last name of my #1 comic and now joe chatacter. ive been writing short stories, poems and comics for a long time, as well as drawing comics. lehsreh (my real name spelt backwards) ladelacroix has become my main character in the last 5 years or so. i have comic characters of him as well as a joe custome, a poem and a short story i wrote for a hometown book called kudzu.[/COLOR]
02-15-2007, 06:00 PM
I'm retired from the Navy, I completed as a EN1(SW/SWCC). In the navy anyone in the engineering dept. was called a "SNIPE" if you were in propulsion you were in the enginerooms or "HOLES"
02-16-2007, 08:30 PM
Back in the good ole days of the crap that was AOL in every home (1998). I was trying to come up with a screen name without a ton of numbers (preferably NONE) behind it. I poped open a dictionary and picked something with a "z" as the first letter. Zen was the coolest imo and since I live in the South. Southzen was created.
02-17-2007, 08:12 AM
[font=Tahoma][size=2]Well, Acantilado. Sounds spanish and it is. Is the name they gave to Hit'N'Run, and it was the first figure I bought and kept (previously my mother gave me Sci-Fi v1, but I didn't really pay many attention to it :P ). When I started entering Joe communities I felt like I had to have his name.
BTW, it means "cliff".[/size][/font]
night creeper
02-17-2007, 01:55 PM
i posted my name cause night creeper rocks!!
02-17-2007, 02:34 PM
Welcome to the site!
02-20-2007, 01:21 PM
my name comes from my job. I fly the mighty E-8C JSTARS. And before you look it, it's not a sexy airplane.
02-20-2007, 04:20 PM
Snipesfg17 comes from my first name being Wesley; same as Wesley Snipes the bad a__ movie star. FG is the initials of my gang, and 17 is my favorite number (I played quarterback). My tip on Ranger school is forget about pushups. You need to figure out how to march in north GA with 90 lbs for 20 hours a day without much food. Good luck with that.
02-20-2007, 07:54 PM
It's simply my last name: Fisher.
02-21-2007, 03:13 AM
[QUOTE=snipesfg17]Snipesfg17 comes from my first name being Wesley; same as Wesley Snipes the bad a__ movie star. FG is the initials of my gang, and 17 is my favorite number (I played quarterback). My tip on Ranger school is forget about pushups. You need to figure out how to march in north GA with 90 lbs for 20 hours a day without much food. Good luck with that.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah I work on that too!
04-03-2007, 10:54 PM
'Maxtype' is from the anime Super Dimension Fortress Macross-it's the name of ace pilot Max Jenius' customized mecha................ :D :cool:
04-04-2007, 06:29 AM
Yorktownjoe, let's see... My name really is Joe, and my first house was on Yorktown Road. I picked that for my eBay screen-name long ago, and just carried it over.
04-05-2007, 06:55 AM
Recoil was the first individual G.I. Joe I had, got him when I was probably 6 or something, and he's been a favorite ever since. I was born in 1984, so there ya go! Recoil84.
04-05-2007, 08:02 AM
Do I really need to explain this?
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