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01-02-2015, 09:11 PM
from the Club mag:

"For the most part, our biggest plans will be centered around future entertainment - the kind of stuff I can't talk about just yet. We are finalizing our 2015 plans and expect to deliver a lineup constructively similar to 2014 - with popular characters and vehicles, as well as a few NEW Surprises. If things go as planned, we will have an update to reveal at JoeCon in Springfield."

"We want to have stronger, more consistent dialogue with the collectors and fans. We want collectors to have NEW vehicles and playsets to energize the brand to a new generation of kids and a fantastic new feature film that is faithful to the soul of the brand (action, fun, weapons, vehicles). Two things I want to prioritize right away - I want to enable and simplify army building for Collectors, and I want the file cards to be brilliant for our characters."

neapolitan joe
01-03-2015, 01:16 AM
He's seems competent!

01-03-2015, 01:19 AM
Unexpected good news, cautious optimism.

Although, he does look familiar... :D

http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb472/TwoOneEight/04.jpg (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/TwoOneEight/media/04.jpg.html)

Lava Boss
01-03-2015, 05:49 PM
Not that optimistic seeing as where other Hasbro brands have been headed...5 POA, 2" figurines...
But at least it's something??

01-03-2015, 08:55 PM
dont have the best feelings about it...I guess we will see. I dont think its a hard formula to understand:

1. Dont reinvent GI Joe, it does not work...Super Adventure Team, Sgt. Savage, GI Joe Extreme, GI Joe Reloaded, GI Joe Rise of Cobra, the list goes on and on.

2. Uh you have 155+ issues of scripts and material to use already! 2 Failed movies?!?!?! (ROC was utter crap, the 2nd was an OK action movie, bad GI Joe movie) I would rather get a live action version of the 1987 GI Joe movie., then the other crap.

3. Star Wars get the Ice Cream Machine guy and we dont have Billy...WTF?

4. While I know we need new fans to get into Joes, it does not need to be dumbed down.

5. Less is more! I would like a return to the ARAH body style!

Just my 2 cents!

neapolitan joe
01-04-2015, 02:51 AM
My modest thoughts:
1) G.I.JOE brand needs a new cartoon for kids' audience, but the new manager'd consider a quite cautious relaunch of Renegades or Sigma 6 (good Joe products of the last decade i.m.o.);
2) For the teens' audience the new manager'd consider a relaunch of Resolute as a regular cartoon series. The Resolute more mature themes combined with a perfect standard for action figures related toy line (as Pursuit of Cobra/Retaliation "Ultimates"/50th)'d be a commercial success;
3) I.D.W. must produce less comics series, but more coherent between them and with the main TV/toy line;
4) The third G.I.JOE film (2016?)'d be more inherent either the classic 80' Joes as we loved them or the main line chosen for an actual, real and lasting G.I.JOE brand relaunch.
Thank You.