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View Full Version : G.I. Joe/Transformers Crossover now at General's Joes

01-23-2007, 08:31 PM
A number of people have asked me if I have a website or if I'd ever have my Joe/TF crossover saga hosted someplace. Well, thanks to a generous offer from General Hawk of General's Joes, this has now happened. He asked if I'd be interested in having my story hosted on his site, so I jumped at the chance. Thus, you can now find the first story, in its entirety, at www.generalsjoes.com in the Dio-Stories section. And of course, if you're that one person in the Joe fandom who hasn't read Hawk's own dios, now would be a good time to do that while you're at it! You won't be disappointed.

Back to my story, though-- I pulled a George Lucas and made some minor changes to the pages. Nothing that changes the story, of course, but just a few altered special effects like different-colored laser blasts, and a flashing effect added to Wheeljack's "ears" whenever he talks. Also there were a few grammatical and spelling corrections.

So even though I've done so privately ad nauseum, I'd really like to thank General Hawk publicly for his generous offer, and I hope those who were having trouble following the story here will have an easier time of it at its new home.

Oh, and I'll still be posting all the new pages here first, then they'll be posted, at General Hawk's leisure, on his site as well.

01-24-2007, 02:36 AM
Just saw your dio on General Joes. An amazing job!! You have the right characters for the right scenes. Now I gotta get more Transformers..