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11-23-2015, 06:23 AM

11-23-2015, 10:50 AM
Man! I love Jay Leno's garage! I can only dream of collecting cars like these!
Love that SUV!

I met him a couple times. Mid-90s. I just got out of the Navy and I was working as a security guard at St Joseph's Hospital in Burbank, next door to NBC studios. He came in to ER early one morning with a man with an injured hand. Jay Leno witnessed the man on the side of the freeway changing out his tire and when he reached down for his tire iron, a car ran over his hand. Leno pulled over, took the man, and brought him to ER.
And he paid for all of the man's hospital expenses!
2nd time was also in Burbank, at Ralph's grocery store just up a ways from NBC. I just stepped out of Popeye's Chicken and noticed a gorgeous Dodge Viper parked right next to my very well taken care-of 1987 Plymouth Colt hatchback. I walked around the Viper, admiring it, when Leno stepped out of Ralph's and smiled and nodded at me. "Hiya!" he says.
"Hello sir, I was just admiring your car." I said.
"Thank you! She's a beaut, huh?"
I walked up to my Plynouth Colt, and said, "Yes sir! Very nice!"
"Is that yours?" he says, pointing to my hatchback. I nodded.
"Hey! Whaddaya know? We both drive cars made by Chrysler!" I laughed, he said goodbye, I just stood there next to my car, nodding and grinning. :D :D :D

11-23-2015, 12:54 PM
[QUOTE=TwoOneEight]Man! I love Jay Leno's garage! I can only dream of collecting cars like these!
Love that SUV!

I met him a couple times. Mid-90s. I just got out of the Navy and I was working as a security guard at St Joseph's Hospital in Burbank, next door to NBC studios. He came in to ER early one morning with a man with an injured hand. Jay Leno witnessed the man on the side of the freeway changing out his tire and when he reached down for his tire iron, a car ran over his hand. Leno pulled over, took the man, and brought him to ER.
And he paid for all of the man's hospital expenses!
2nd time was also in Burbank, at Ralph's grocery store just up a ways from NBC. I just stepped out of Popeye's Chicken and noticed a gorgeous Dodge Viper parked right next to my very well taken care-of 1987 Plymouth Colt hatchback. I walked around the Viper, admiring it, when Leno stepped out of Ralph's and smiled and nodded at me. "Hiya!" he says.
"Hello sir, I was just admiring your car." I said.
"Thank you! She's a beaut, huh?"
I walked up to my Plynouth Colt, and said, "Yes sir! Very nice!"
"Is that yours?" he says, pointing to my hatchback. I nodded.
"Hey! Whaddaya know? We both drive cars made by Chrysler!" I laughed, he said goodbye, I just stood there next to my car, nodding and grinning. :D :D :D[/QUOTE]

Jay Leno's Garage is probably the best Monday Morning Activity of all time!
I never met him, but all you hear about is how cool he is with the People!
My wife used to do Gardening for his house in Andover, where we live the next town over....she never met him either as he has an old buddy take care of his (I guess his Childhood home) Andover place

12-01-2015, 07:33 AM
I wasn't very interested in the show, but it's kinda informative. Thanks for the link!