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03-28-2016, 08:54 PM
Just spent some time (& have been over the past couple months) looking through the photos on this site. While they've always been impressive, the pictures coming out lately have been phenomenal - I just look at some of these & can't get over how awesome they are! Great job, all! Keep 'em coming; let's continue to make this site even better!

03-31-2016, 12:32 AM
I know that the site will never quite recapture that special magic/momentum that it had back in it's first 4 years or so when the shelves were still packed with figures, the live-action movies (and even the concept of a Joe-fan-photos-website) were still "new" things, and mostly because of the sense of discovering that other people out there all over the globe who were in their 20s, 30's and beyond were ALSO still very much into their childhood Joes. That "Outrider era" was the Golden Age of this place I'd say.

But even though that time has passed & is undisputed as the site's prime, I have also thought for about a year now that we're currently in a nice little resurgence of the community - a Silver Age of sorts. A lot of us are closer to 40 (or even 50) than we are to 20 now, and with that brings maybe less time for the hobby, but probably a better appreciation for it. It's neat seeing all the different perspectives now and how they've changed since the earlier days.

I agree with your point cmyaj, that the art that's being contributed to the site lately is still very good (and fortunately very frequently added!)!

It's nice to see enthusiasm across the board here again!! :)

neapolitan joe
03-31-2016, 04:34 PM
I agree with Thunder on every single word he wrote.

04-04-2016, 01:59 PM
Thunder has it right.
The Outrider days were indeed the Golden Age, and I am so glad I can still go back and see all those photos and the comments around them. :)

I created this site when I saw that other sites were deleting Dio photos that hadn't had a reply in 90 days. All that lost art! It made me very mad as a photographer and a Joe fan.

Saturday, I stopped by my local TRU on a whim and got many of the 30th anniversary 2 and 3 packs on sale. I also just moved in to a new house with a little bit of a yard. I gave my 14 year old son a nice Canon SLR for his birthday. Maybe I'll recruit another JoeDios photographer from my very own family! :)

04-04-2016, 09:14 PM
I hope he shares some pictures! My older son is 15 and seems to have outgrown Joes. My 12 year old still works with me posing scenes. It feels great to have one who still loves Joes.