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View Full Version : STAR*JOES podcast

04-15-2016, 07:15 AM
I recently talked with Ryan, the host of StarJoes podcast & invited him (and the other four hosts: Chuck, Robert, John, & Shannon) to check out our site here.

I was hoping that they might even become contributing members here themselves, since they have such a fun time on their show. I was thinking that the more members we get, the more it could add to the productivity & creativity & camaraderie that we're already very lucky to have here.

I'm sure many of you are already listening to StarJoes, but if not, I would highly recommend giving them a listen, as they have a blast going over the various properties & topics that we all enjoy here:


I figured that if they bring some more EYES to our pastime & we bring some more EARS to theirs, then both groups can spread their art/entertainment to an even wider audience/member base and keep the energy for G.I.*JOE and the other lines that we photograph going strong.

04-16-2016, 12:26 AM
Oh, man! So that's what you sound like. Good to finally hear your voice! Awesome!

04-16-2016, 08:39 AM
[QUOTE=TwoOneEight]Oh, man! So that's what you sound like. Good to finally hear your voice! Awesome![/QUOTE]

Hmmmm?😕 I should've clarified I guess - when I said I "talked with him", I meant through a private e-mail...did somebody else also just invite him to check out JD "on the air" of the podcast? The last two I listened to were "top 5 movies of 1984" & "interview with Mark Waid" - I haven't had the time to download "save G.I. Joe" yet. If so, that'd be ironic - 'great minds' I guess.... 😄

You may have already heard my voice tho - I left the Christopher Walken SkyHawk VM, then the one where I compared Shannon Gallant to Bo Jackson.... But then... I went and broke the 1st rule of Costanza - "always leave on a high note" 😁 my 3rd time I just rambled on about the death of Alan Rickman & The Force Awakens, 😝 It definitely was NOT 'the charm', nor my finest hour...🤓
so....I only LISTEN to the show now, no more call-ins 😉👍🏻

10-21-2016, 06:54 PM
I love this podcast!