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View Full Version : EXCLUSIVE: First look at Lanard's 2017 CORPS!

01-28-2017, 04:57 AM
I am pleased to announce that there will be 8 All new Corps! Characters coming to stores this year.

Here's the EXCLUSIVE First look, the image is digitally coded. This allows you to see the Entire Corps vs. Curse action figure collection, again there are 8 All New Figures. 6 are shown 2 are purposely shaded as they will be surprise figures. I hope you enjoy our EXCLUSIVE


01-28-2017, 06:34 AM
These look good!

02-02-2017, 07:07 AM
And now battlewagon takes and have the nerve to put up our forums EXCLUSIVE here. Mods please remove it as he wasnt granted permission to place it here.