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07-05-2017, 11:53 AM
Hi Joes,

I would like your thoughts and nominations on who you would like to see as Moderators on JoeDios.

I am thinking we can have 3 moderators, so no one has to shoulder the burden alone, and the three can discuss issues as a group.

Please reply to nominate someone (even yourself) and give your reasoning. If the person is already nominated, post with your support. You can nominate or give support to more than one person. Our goal is to have a happy, friendly, creative site where people feel safe and free to share their art.

Nominate away!

07-05-2017, 04:33 PM
I would like to nominate sonnelion and myself.We have both been long time members and would like to see the site continue and thrive for years to come.I am currently a moderator for several successful facebook groups.We are both aware of the original rules and guidelines and will continue to uphold them.

07-05-2017, 07:07 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]I would like to nominate sonnelion and myself.We have both been long time members and would like to see the site continue and thrive for years to come.I am currently a moderator for several successful facebook groups.We are both aware of the original rules and guidelines and will continue to uphold them.[/QUOTE]

Sonneilon and Vespapilot have my vote.

07-05-2017, 08:10 PM
Thank you for doing this Hammerfel. :) These are my choices:

Mike T: Mike is a GI Joe legend who's been known throughout the community for decades. He is fair, level headed, and an all around good guy. He has not been involved in any past factional disputes here and would be best for avoiding drama.

Scarrviper: Once again, Scarr is a fair, calm, and straightforward guy who can be trusted with maintaining the peace on this site. He has been here for a very long time as well, and would be another good choice for avoiding needless conflict.

Nekoman: It is not very humble to nominate myself, but I do so in the case that the other two are not interested. I would take a very relaxed approach as a moderator and only intervene when it's clear that a rule breaker has become belligerent.

Dr. Phibes
07-05-2017, 08:14 PM
Sonneilon has a new account under Dr. Phi best here.

07-05-2017, 08:29 PM
I nominate TwoOneEight.

Otto the Otter
07-05-2017, 08:58 PM
Sonnelion, Vespapilot and 218

07-05-2017, 09:03 PM
well its been a while since I was here
but my nominations for mods are

Gi Tom .TwooneEight and Vespapilot. also Sonnelion (or what ever name he's going by these days :P )

07-05-2017, 09:52 PM
I nominate sonnelin, vespapilot and 218

07-06-2017, 03:37 AM
Sonnelion, Vespapilot and 218 are my nominations

07-06-2017, 04:23 AM
I'd say OG like flint and/or Neapolitan joe and really active like Scarviper and slipstream80 :)

neapolitan joe
07-06-2017, 05:20 AM
Thank You gijoeiwasthere, but I think I can't accept Your vote also due to the different time zone I have in Italy.
If friend Hammerfel and You all accept this fact I'll make me available for "elections".
If not I vote:
1) Scarrviper;
2) Two One Eight;
3) Gijoeiwasthere.

I had to choose on difficulty only 3 of You because all the named guys are fine for me.

Lava Boss
07-06-2017, 06:59 AM
I nom

Roland Da Thompson Gunner

07-06-2017, 08:17 AM
I nominate: TwoOneEight, Sonnelion, & Vespapilot

07-06-2017, 08:19 AM
I nominate Sonnelion, Vespapilot, and 218

07-06-2017, 08:34 AM
I'm with silentdusty - Sonnelion, Vespapilot and 218 all seem like good picks and they have all been here quite a while.

07-06-2017, 09:25 AM
Sonnelion, Vespapilot and 218

07-06-2017, 09:39 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Thank You gijoeiwasthere, but I think I can't accept Your vote also due to the different time zone I have in Italy.
If friend Hammerfel and You all accept this fact I'll make me available for "elections".
If not I vote:
1) Scarrviper;
2) Two One Eight;
3) Gijoeiwasthere.

I had to choose on difficulty only 3 of You because all the named guys are fine for me.[/QUOTE]

Thanks NJ! I'll jump on the
two one eight nod!

Roland da Thompson Gunner
07-06-2017, 10:33 AM
Lava Boss

07-06-2017, 01:00 PM
Mike T
Roland Da Thompson Gunner

Like Nekoman said, it's not very humble to nominate yourself. All I will say is that I am willing to take on the responsibility if necessary.

07-06-2017, 01:11 PM
Glad to see some activity is back here on Joedios, my favorite Joes website!
I'm okay with all the names here, but I would give my votes to the members who have the highest numbers of posts, because I think it's the better sign of involvement and dedication to JD.


07-06-2017, 01:12 PM
I'd have to go with TwoOneEight, Sonnelion, & Vespapilot

07-06-2017, 03:36 PM
[QUOTE=selvaland]Glad to see some activity is back here on Joedios, my favorite Joes website!
I'm okay with all the names here, but I would give my votes to the members who have the highest numbers of posts, because I think it's the better sign of involvement and dedication to JD.


I'm with you! and Totally Excited for all the Guys Coming Back! Moderation with Pics and Comments!
Let's all stop Lurking! Joedios is the Original and Best! So Psyched You're All back and JoeDios Will Be Great Again! I'm In!
Oh.....And with all he FaceBook Back-Up....JoeDios Is Gonna' Be Back to The Best In No Time!....Nice!

07-06-2017, 03:47 PM
anyone on it?

07-06-2017, 06:13 PM
I nominate Sonnelion, Vespapilot and 218

General Scarlett
07-06-2017, 06:48 PM
Sonnelion, Vespapilot & 218

07-06-2017, 09:48 PM
218, Gijoewasthere & Sonnelion

07-07-2017, 02:08 AM
I nominate:

TwoOneEight, Sonneilon, and Vespapilot.

07-07-2017, 05:39 AM
I nominate Scarrviper, 218, and Gijoeiwasthere.

07-07-2017, 09:55 AM
Holy Crap! I log on for the first time in a couple days and see all these names that have been gone for ages. Welcome back everyone! :D

neapolitan joe
07-07-2017, 10:16 AM
A good contest.
I'm happy to see the backbone of the "Old guard".

07-07-2017, 01:00 PM
We are all happy to be back and are excited to share our work again.I got into all of this back in 05 when the 25th stuff started coming out.This was the first site i found that had lots of awesome printable files and photography.I was hooked instantly.Eventually I made some outstanding friends that I am still friends with today.I am looking forward to seeing JD being a great place to share ideas and passion for the hobby!

07-07-2017, 01:14 PM
[SIZE=2]As of 1300, 07 Jul 2017

The count is as follows:

Sonneilon - 14
VespaPilot - 14
TwoOneEight - 17
Mike T - 2
ScarrViper - 6
Nekoman - 4
GITom - 1
gijoeiwasthere - 3
rolanddathompsongunner - 2
Lava Boss - 1[/SIZE]

07-07-2017, 03:59 PM
Well...my final nominations:
TwoOneEight cause He's my Bro!
General Scarlett, cause Come Back Lady!
and ME! Because in alla yall's Abssence for what ever Reason...I've Tried and Tried and Tried!...and Tried!
I Spent the Last few Years Trying! Selveland Had To Twist My Arm to Go to Facebook!
I Tried to Totally Carry JD (as a few friends call it) Knowing this was THE PLACE...218 told me Peeps got Run Off....Try and Run Me Off!
It's all good...If I'm not a mod here, where expect I won't be...I will definitely be a Huge Contributor...to the Likes That People Will Need To Use Their Talents As Hard!

07-07-2017, 04:20 PM
[QUOTE=gijoeiwasthere]Well...my final nominations:
TwoOneEight cause He's my Bro!
General Scarlett, cause Come Back Lady!
and ME! Because in alla yall's Abssence for what ever Reason...I've Tried and Tried and Tried!...and Tried!
I Spent the Last few Years Trying! Selveland Had To Twist My Arm to Go to Facebook!
I Tried to Totally Carry JD (as a few friends call it) Knowing this was THE PLACE...218 told me Peeps got Run Off....Try and Run Me Off!
It's all good...If I'm not a mod here, where expect I won't be...I will definitely be a Huge Contributor...to the Likes That People Will Need To Use Their Talents As Hard![/QUOTE]

I enjoy your energy and positivity, it's a kind of attitude this site needs more of. However, I feel you've been told some likely one sided stories.

neapolitan joe
07-07-2017, 04:22 PM
[QUOTE=gijoeiwasthere]Because in alla yall's Abssence for what ever Reason...I've Tried and Tried and Tried!...and Tried!
I Spent the Last few Years Trying![/QUOTE]
Gijoiwasthere watched the fortress all these years with other few guys...
Thank You all for coming back!

07-07-2017, 06:22 PM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]I enjoy your energy and positivity, it's a kind of attitude this site needs more of. However, I feel you've been told some likely one sided stories.[/QUOTE]


Dr. Phibes
07-07-2017, 09:32 PM
Perhaps we can let the past stay in the past? A lot of things happened.

I nominate
Sean J Williams

07-07-2017, 09:56 PM
[QUOTE=Dr. Phibes]Perhaps we can let the past stay in the past? A lot of things happened.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty convenient for you to say. I would have given you this benefit if you had shown up at any time in the past few years before we needed a moderator, but now you just return out of nowhere. Seems like you have an obsession with the role more so than an earnest desire to rejoin the community.

If you want to come back, be friends, and enjoy this site for what it's main purpose is than great. But why are you so hung up on moderating?

07-08-2017, 02:08 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]I enjoy your energy and positivity, it's a kind of attitude this site needs more of. However, I feel you've been told some likely one sided stories.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty versed in all of it and actually won't speak of any of it again #MJDGA!

07-08-2017, 02:12 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]That's pretty convenient for you to say. I would have given you this benefit if you had shown up at any time in the past few years before we needed a moderator, but now you just return out of nowhere. Seems like you have an obsession with the role more so than an earnest desire to rejoin the community.

If you want to come back, be friends, and enjoy this site for what it's main purpose is than great. But why are you so hung up on moderating?[/QUOTE]

Woah.....the Dude's Waayy nominated, and also didn't self nominate as the poster and replier have...so....

07-08-2017, 02:15 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Gijoiwasthere watched the fortress all these years with other few guys...
Thank You all for coming back![/QUOTE]

and NJ is the rock upon which the fortress sits! Thanks my friend!

07-08-2017, 04:15 AM
[QUOTE=gijoeiwasthere]Woah.....the Dude's Waayy nominated, and also didn't self nominate as the poster and replier have...so....[/QUOTE]

I self nominated because Sonneilion had a hoard of dudes come on to shill for him and I find the intentions here dubious. Nobody who likes me would mind the fact that I did that since my only interest is making sure nothing unfair happens here.

To be clear: I completely forfeit ANY interest in becoming a moderator IF that means I can't speak my mind about these two and what they're doing. And just so we're clear I'm under the impression this isn't an "election" so the results may not be the same as what you guys think they are.

The moderator shouldn't be someone who just showed up to take the spot. It should be someone less involved with any cliques and has been an active poster here from before we needed a moderator.

As for more stuff I'm sitting on: Why should guy who would desecrate a support image for a cancer victim out of spite be a moderator? That's a gem about 218, and Hammerfell knows about it too.

I don't want to be a moderator. But I have to step up, say what's on my mind, tell this like it is and make some issues absolutely clear.

For all of you guys thinking this is great, there will likely be an exodus of current posters should 218 and Sonne be moderators, just as they left 7 years ago.

Otto the Otter
07-08-2017, 05:02 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman] Why should guy who would desecrate a support image for a cancer victim out of spite be a moderator? .[/QUOTE]

Why are you so hellbent on defending Outrider's honor when you didn't know him like we did?
If Craig was such s good friend and you're offended by how 218 "desecrated" the ribbon image, where is your show of support? Where is you ribbon image?

Maybe folks are asking a former moderator to be one again because he did s good job the last time he was here.

07-08-2017, 05:09 AM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]Why are you so hellbent on defending Outrider's honor when you didn't know him like we did?[/QUOTE]

LOL, you joined after I did! That's really low Otto, now trying to tell me I don't know my own friends.

Why does that even matter? Is it okay to spitefully vandalize cancer support images of people you don't know? Think about what you're saying.

Maybe folks are asking a former moderator to be one again because he did s good job the last time he was here.

And maybe some of us think he didn't do such a good job and want new blood. Slipstream, Selvaland, GIJoewasthere, Mike T, lots of guys who didn't show up just to resume control.

07-08-2017, 05:12 AM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]Why are you so hellbent on defending Outrider's honor when you didn't know him like we did?
If Craig was such s good friend and you're offended by how 218 "desecrated" the ribbon image, where is your show of support? Where is you ribbon image?[/QUOTE]

Quoting you again since you edited your post.

Where's my ribbon? Craig died if you didn't notice. Some people like to remember our friends in different ways.

When is it a nice thing to do that? Tell me? Why did 218 have to do that besides that he's an angry, spiteful person? What are you defending?

07-08-2017, 05:20 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]Quoting you again since you edited your post.

Where's my ribbon? Craig died if you didn't notice. Some people like to remember our friends in different ways.

When is it a nice thing to do that? Tell me? Why did 218 have to do that besides that he's an angry, spiteful person? What are you defending?[/QUOTE]

Well Arnold does get pissed I can attest to that :D , but that guy has more in Common with Graig than anyone on JoeDios and he took the ribbon down when you voiced your opinion

07-08-2017, 05:21 AM
[QUOTE=gijoeiwasthere]Well Arnold does get pissed I can attest to that :D , but that guy has more in Common with Graig than anyone on JoeDios and he took the ribbon down when you voiced your opinion[/QUOTE]

He took it down when he was forced to.

07-08-2017, 05:24 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]I self nominated because Sonneilion had a hoard of dudes come on to shill for him and I find the intentions here dubious. Nobody who likes me would mind the fact that I did that since my only interest is making sure nothing unfair happens here.

To be clear: I completely forfeit ANY interest in becoming a moderator IF that means I can't speak my mind about these two and what they're doing. And just so we're clear I'm under the impression this isn't an "election" so the results may not be the same as what you guys think they are.

The moderator shouldn't be someone who just showed up to take the spot.
As for more stuff I'm sitting on: Why should guy who would desecrate a support image for a cancer victim out of spite be a moderator? That's a gem about 218, and Hammerfell knows about it too.

I don't want to be a moderator. But I have to step up, say what's on my mind, tell this like it is and make some issues absolutely clear.

For all of you guys thinking this is great, there will likely be an exodus of current It should be someone less involved with any cliques and has been an active poster here from before we needed a moderator.
posters should 218 and Sonne be moderators, just as they left 7 years ago.[/QUOTE]

I get it....I am just not under the impression that there is as much of a coup as you think, maybe initially, but members coming back is Great and it was set-up that there is nominations, and I would hope you wouldn't leave because there are some guys that can tell newbies to only post 3 (etc....) that are not your favorite people
and personally, I don't think JD need mods....but It's not my call.
And I Agree that "It should be someone less involved with any cliques and has been an active poster here from before we needed a moderator."
although maybe the clique stuff will be water under the bridge rather than a burning of said bridge

woof run-ons anyone?

07-08-2017, 05:33 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]LOL, you joined after I did! That's really low Otto, now trying to tell me I don't know my own friends.

Why does that even matter? Is it okay to spitefully vandalize cancer support images of people you don't know? Think about what you're saying.

And maybe some of us think he didn't do such a good job and want new blood. Slipstream, Selvaland, GIJoewasthere, Mike T, lots of guys who didn't show up just to resume control.[/QUOTE]

We're pretty much in lockstep here....(aside from the good/bad job (no Info)) but you can't fight city Hall, it's all Hammerfel and nominations which is ultimately fine

07-08-2017, 05:35 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]He took it down when he was forced to.[/QUOTE]
wasn't my impression, but ok

neapolitan joe
07-08-2017, 06:32 AM
Now we really need moderators! :p
Friends, keep calm. This is a forum/site about toys: let's try to forget the past and to go on. So try to have fun, as usual!
One thing Nekoman wrote is truthful and incontrovertible: "the moderator shouldn't be someone who just showed up to take the spot. It should be someone less involved with any cliques and has been an active poster here from before we needed a moderator".
Maybe someone did some errors in the past and now he'd apologize.
Outrider was a mith here and a gentle person, the best of us. His pics are the best of the best here still today. Probably 218, a great and good guy, nice friend of mine made an error. I'm sure he did not want to offend a person DIED (with cancer), "parce sepulto". He'd apologize by the way if he feels himself guilty.
Then for the others, it would be advisable to close or change name to the "Joedios haters" group now.
The "war" is over, the exodus is over. After 7 years. Or not?
I do not want to enter in this story/drama/issue. I do not care of it at all.
I believe again this is the best G.I.JOE site/forum on earth for a simple reason: it is mainly BASED on pictures. Hammerfel had a great Idea i.m.o..
Now, for exit from this "empasse" I suggest Hammerfel to nominate 3 persons:
1) Sonnelion or someone from his old "party", that I call the "scissionists" (the guys who appared here within 48 hours after 6/7 years);
2) Someone between the guys never left Joedios and with an old join date, the group that I call the "Old Guard";
3) Someone which does not belong to the two above-mentioned groups and that probably does not have interest at all in this anachronistic quarrel. Even better a guy with a recent join date, for example I think at people like Gijoeiwasthere.
These are my humble advices: otherwise I do not see any fast way out.

07-08-2017, 06:37 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Now we really need moderators! :p
Friends, keep calm. This is a forum/site about toys: let's try to forget the past and to go on. So try to have fun, as usual!
One thing Nekoman wrote is truthful and incontrovertible: "the moderator shouldn't be someone who just showed up to take the spot. It should be someone less involved with any cliques and has been an active poster here from before we needed a moderator".
Maybe someone did some errors in the past and now he'd apologize.
Outrider was a mith here and a gentle person, the best of us. His pics are the best of the best here still today. Probably 218, a great and good guy, nice friend of mine made an error. I'm sure he did not want to offend a person DIED (with cancer), "parce sepulto". He'd apologize by the way if he feels himself guilty.
Then for the others, it would be advisable to close or change name to the "Joedios haters" group now.
The "war" is over, the exodus is over. After 7 years. Or not?
I do not want to enter in this story/drama/issue. I do not care of it at all.
I believe again this is the best G.I.JOE site/forum on earth for a simple reason: it is mainly BASED on pictures. Hammerfel had a great Idea i.m.o..
Now, for exit from this "empasse" I suggest Hammerfel to nominate 3 persons:
1) Sonnelion or someone from his old "party", that I call the "scissionists" (the guys who appared here within 48 hours after 6/7 years);
2) Someone between the guys never left Joedios and with an old join date, the group that I call the "Old Guard";
3) Someone which does not belong to the two above-mentioned groups and that probably does not have interest at all in this anachronistic quarrel. Even better a guy with a recent join date, for example I think at people like Gijoeiwasthere.
These are my humble advices: otherwise I do not see any fast way out.

Well Put my friend! and Thanks!

07-08-2017, 06:55 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Now we really need moderators! :p
Friends, keep calm. This is a forum/site about toys: let's try to forget the past and to go on. So try to have fun, as usual!
One thing Nekoman wrote is truthful and incontrovertible: "the moderator shouldn't be someone who just showed up to take the spot. It should be someone less involved with any cliques and has been an active poster here from before we needed a moderator".
Maybe someone did some errors in the past and now he'd apologize.
Outrider was a mith here and a gentle person, the best of us. His pics are the best of the best here still today. Probably 218, a great and good guy, nice friend of mine made an error. I'm sure he did not want to offend a person DIED (with cancer), "parce sepulto". He'd apologize by the way if he feels himself guilty.
Then for the others, it would be advisable to close or change name to the "Joedios haters" group now.
The "war" is over, the exodus is over. After 7 years. Or not?
I do not want to enter in this story/drama/issue. I do not care of it at all.
I believe again this is the best G.I.JOE site/forum on earth for a simple reason: it is mainly BASED on pictures. Hammerfel had a great Idea i.m.o..
Now, for exit from this "empasse" I suggest Hammerfel to nominate 3 persons:
1) Sonnelion or someone from his old "party", that I call the "scissionists" (the guys who appared here within 48 hours after 6/7 years);
2) Someone between the guys never left Joedios and with an old join date, the group that I call the "Old Guard";
3) Someone which does not belong to the two above-mentioned groups and that probably does not have interest at all in this anachronistic quarrel. Even better a guy with a recent join date, for example I think at people like Gijoeiwasthere.
These are my humble advices: otherwise I do not see any fast way out.

Great post.

Also, to clear some things up:

1: I don't hate Sonnelion. Anyone who wants to comeback can comeback and I let bygones be bygones. Peace.

2: I'm very hot under the collar right now, and you guys from Facebook should have known that doing a group shilling would start things off REALLY poorly. I'll talk to anyone and reaching out before reinvading would have gone a long way to seem less dubious and intimidating.

neapolitan joe
07-08-2017, 07:18 AM
I created this thread for relaxing us all and for a brand new re-start:

Let's join!

07-08-2017, 07:22 AM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]Great post.

Also, to clear some things up:

1: I don't hate Sonnelion. Anyone who wants to comeback can comeback and I let bygones be bygones. Peace.

2: I'm very hot under the collar right now, and you guys from Facebook should have known that doing a group shilling would start things off REALLY poorly. I'll talk to anyone and reaching out before reinvading would have gone a long way to seem less dubious and intimidating.[/QUOTE]

Understandable! and sorry about the frustrations. I was a facebook hold-out, more so for not wanting my past to find me and attempt to reconnect (reunions etc....) so after a cajoling by Selvaland and a
tweak to my name, I have really connected with Action Figure Artists! A lot of JD members but tons more! I've found it refreshing, the way everyone is just basically a stand up guy and thrilled with the community...site after site with thousands of members from a global toy photography scene...really gracious people! I do however tend to stay out of politics as it's too heated and visceral and hopefully no one wants to engage me in that, as then I would have to engage them....just not worth the diatribes.
anyway, long winded facebook spiel over.

07-08-2017, 07:57 AM
Usually I try to stay away from site drama. This is starting to get really ugly. But I think there are some things that need to be said in the open.

I agree, this site is about sharing images, art, ideas, techniques and our love for this hobby. Without this site, some of us would never have met each other, nor would we have grown as photographers. I will always have fond memories of this site and I learned so much from being here.

I'm going to be honest. I was alarmed when I saw what appears to be a coordinated effort to place 3 specific people as moderators out of nowhere. It comes across as forced. I'm not on Facebook, so I don't know what's going on with this.

From what I remember, this site used to have a very close close-knit community back when I joined 10 years ago. We rarely had any drama or fighting.

I believe there are several factors that led to where we are now. "Cliques" started to form, and this was made much worse when the 25th anniversary line debuted. Not everyone was happy with the new figure design, and made their opinions known. Obviously this led to fighting and caused a greater divide. This place has never been the same since.

I want to make this clear. I never considered myself part of a "clique". Prior to all the past drama, a number of us made accounts on flickr so that we could keep in touch with Outrider, who was having internet issues at the time and could not access Joedios for awhile. This was before he became ill if I remember correctly. For whatever reason, some members here didn't like this and saw us as a rival "clique". Things only got worse I feel after Outrider's death.

It's sad. I'd love to see this place become an active community again. I'd love to see the return of things like target range, or weekend warriors themes. I miss that stuff that encouraged participation and discussion.

One last thing. "you didn't know him like we did". What the hell? I have never seen a more disgusting statement on this site. There's more I'd like to say, but it's not worth it.

Mike T.
07-08-2017, 08:32 AM
I've never been privy to the behind the scenes drama around here. I'm not a clique person and generally do my own thing. (I didn't know any of this was going on until I saw the mods photo and remembered there is a forum here.)

To me, though, JD is really what's left of the community. There's no new toys and pretty much everything about the line is known. So, all we have left is our love of the line and photos are the best way to show that appreciation.

I've never understood why JD isn't more heavily trafficked. Last spring, there was the photo contest and tons of people started posting photos and comments. It was like old times. But, behind the scenes stuff then ran some of those guys off and it was back to a ghost town in no time. Why is that? I really don't know.

I'd like to see the vintage Joe section and photo sections merged. I hate the anniversary figures with a passion and feel they destroyed the hobby. But, it's been 10 years now and there's a lot of people who do amazing work with them. I know I don't go to that section just because it's not my focus. So, there's people there I don't see and who don't see me. I think merging that dichotomy would be a good first step towards unifying the community. It would give more exposure to everyone's work.

I don't want to see old drama drive anyone else away. It's amazing to see the same names from a decade ago still around and it's great to see brand new users start posting their work. Lots of us have been at this for a long time and we all appreciate new Joe content when there is so little out there anymore. It's tough to let old issues go. I still hate the club. But, I've gotten to a point where I can appreciate their product and generally not let them ruin the other parts of the hobby I do enjoy. Hopefully, we can do that here, too.

07-08-2017, 12:04 PM
Just so everyone is on the same page... I contacted Hammelfel (Nathan) asking him if he is an active on the site. He said he said not very. I will support it because I love the art but I don;t shoot dios anymore (no room). I stated to him, Fantastic, there is talk of quite a few people wanting to come back to the site and start posting again. Is there anyway to make Graham a mod? I miss the site as well but when there was issues in the past I left with everyone else.... The conversation continued. He asked who I thought would be a good mod. That is where I requested Graham and I stated that I would not mind the responsibility either. We are all familiar with the old guidelines and rules put in place. We are not going to "force" any new rules, just enforce old ones. Everyone has equal right to JDs that is in good standing. Yes, I am aware that I only have 600 some odd posts..Kinda low for a Veteran that has been here since 2008. I usually don't have much to say when It comes to dealing with issues, however that has changed since then. I am coming back since this is my birthplace into toy photography. I am coming back because I enjoyed what JDs was before I left. I am coming back because of my love for the hobby. I don't expect everyone to be happy with the return of so many of the "Old Guard" There will be some grumbles and moans which I am seeing already. If you are part of the problem you are not part of the solution and will be handled accordingly. We are all passionate about our hobby. Now is not the time to let egos and feelings inhibit our ability to bring this site up and beyond everyone's expectations. We all have different skills we bring to the table. This site was created to share those with others and help others grow where they lack in that skill. We all have a different perspective of how we see a photo should be taken. Its not wrong or right, it's how we view the art. I need to give a shout to Neopolitan Joe for his skills so far in handling the situations that are arising. We all need to be patient with the current issue.

Also, it disgusts me on how people are fighting over who knew Craig (Outrider). Yes the man is a legend. Leave it at that. The man is no longer with us, fighting about him is disrespectful to his legacy. Knowing him was a pleasure, not a token or a badge of honor. I WILL NOT TOLERATE DISREPECT FOR THOSE THAT HAVE PASSED. This is a final warning to everyone making this an issue...

07-08-2017, 12:32 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]I don't expect everyone to be happy with the return of so many of the "Old Guard" There will be some grumbles and moans which I am seeing already. If you are part of the problem you are not part of the solution and will be handled accordingly.[/QUOTE]

See, this is what scares me about you guys. What does this line mean? I want you to elaborate. It sounds like you've come with the direct intentions of running people off.

It also matches with the tone of this post from yesterday:

[QUOTE=TwoOneEight][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]We need to pull the curtains, open the windows, and let the sun in. Make the cockroaches scurry away, back in the darkness where they belong. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]


Now I hope Hammer won't mind me saying this because I spoke with him a little a few days ago too. He doesn't want the moderators to all be from the same clique. This isn't an election like a few of you seem to think it is. He just wanted a consensus on well respected members, probably for mod number 3 I guess (he wasn't too clear).

I don't like what you've said, but do please talk to me. We're getting somewhere with a broader discussion at least.

07-08-2017, 12:35 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Also, it disgusts me on how people are fighting over who knew Craig (Outrider). Yes the man is a legend. Leave it at that. The man is no longer with us, fighting about him is disrespectful to his legacy. Knowing him was a pleasure, not a token or a badge of honor. I WILL NOT TOLERATE DISREPECT FOR THOSE THAT HAVE PASSED. This is a final warning to everyone making this an issue...[/QUOTE]

This sounds very good. I hope anyone would respect him and that lack of respect from a certain few is what really provokes me. I won't tolerate it, either.

07-08-2017, 03:38 PM
And I nominate :
1) gijoeiwasthere

07-08-2017, 03:54 PM
[QUOTE=selvaland]And I nominate :
1) gijoeiwasthere

Nominated by the most wonderful dude on the planet! I'm flattered and humbled!
You're dedication to posting and commenting on JD is unparalleled! even if I don't make mod....JoeDios has introduced me to one of the Best Friends of my life!
and if I don't get JD Mod...we're done.... :D

07-08-2017, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the nominations everyone. If you haven't posted your nominations yet, please do. I will be making the decisions in the next few days.

Please do keep all of this in perspective. This is for moderator, not King. :)

07-08-2017, 04:51 PM
Anyone from the Facebook/old guard side want to negotiate for different people we mutually trust? My only interest in the position is protecting the peace around here. I'll gladly step aside if you guys want to as well. There's a few of you I like and trust.

I also want to clarify about the things I said about 218. I didn't want to attack him. I kept that a secret and not even guys on my side really knew until I talked to them yesterday. It was horrible and extremely hurtful that he did that. I can not support him as a moderator nor can I ever be his friend, but I didn't want to try and turn his people against him. I just want you guys to know why I'm like this with him. He's probably a troubled person who needs the friendship you guys give him, but I can't do that and he doesn't need a position of power. That's all I meant.

GIJoewasthere, Neapolitan Joe and Mike T would be a great set.

GIJoe has been on the side of you guys, but I saw how with Battlewagon (a poster who was a lost cause) he tried REALLY hard to talk to him. He didn't want to ban him and has no interest in power grabs, as exemplified by his statements that he feels there should be no moderators.

Neapolitan Joe isn't confident in his English, but he's been loyal to the site and reliably advocates for peace and against this tribalism. He can do the job and his heart is in the right place.

Mike T didn't even remember we had forums. He's had a Joe blog since the 90's and is a great guy. He is completely removed from our groups and will serve us the most honorably and fairly in hopes of preserving the GI Joe community.

These guys will be fair to ALL of us. Please let me know what you think of them or why you wouldn't support them. My main goal here is to get peace and protect myself and my friends.

07-08-2017, 05:10 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]Thanks for the nominations everyone. If you haven't posted your nominations yet, please do. I will be making the decisions in the next few days.

Please do keep all of this in perspective. This is for moderator, not King. :)[/QUOTE]

I just don't know what to say! JoeDios is the For-Father of more than people realize....
totally introduced me to new family in a way to express my love of figs....and I have Friends From Here that is the most incredible Friendships of my life! So Thanks Nate!
You Killed It!....and even in the FaceBook World...JoeDios Is The BEST and Origin!al!
Just ask NJ....27000 posts!

07-08-2017, 05:23 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]I created this thread for relaxing us all and for a brand new re-start:

Let's join![/QUOTE]
That was a great idea, NJ! That's the kind of thing a good moderator would do... ;)

neapolitan joe
07-08-2017, 05:45 PM
Thank You.
I hope Joedios'll return the brightest diamond among G.I.JOEs sites and'll become one milestone among toys' (nerd) sites and forums.

07-08-2017, 05:49 PM
[QUOTE=Nekoman]Anyone from the Facebook/old guard side want to negotiate for different people we mutually trust? My only interest in the position is protecting the peace around here. I'll gladly step aside if you guys want to as well. There's a few of you I like and trust.

I also want to clarify about the things I said about 218. I didn't want to attack him. I kept that a secret and not even guys on my side really knew until I talked to them yesterday. It was horrible and extremely hurtful that he did that. I can not support him as a moderator nor can I ever be his friend, but I didn't want to try and turn his people against him. I just want you guys to know why I'm like this with him. He's probably a troubled person who needs the friendship you guys give him, but I can't do that and he doesn't need a position of power. That's all I meant.

GIJoewasthere, Neapolitan Joe and Mike T would be a great set.

GIJoe has been on the side of you guys, but I saw how with Battlewagon (a poster who was a lost cause) he tried REALLY hard to talk to him. He didn't want to ban him and has no interest in power grabs, as exemplified by his statements that he feels there should be no moderators.

Neapolitan Joe isn't confident in his English, but he's been loyal to the site and reliably advocates for peace and against this tribalism. He can do the job and his heart is in the right place.

Mike T didn't even remember we had forums. He's had a Joe blog since the 90's and is a great guy. He is completely removed from our groups and will serve us the most honorably and fairly in hopes of preserving the GI Joe community.

These guys will be fair to ALL of us. Please let me know what you think of them or why you wouldn't support them. My main goal here is to get peace and protect myself and my friends.[/QUOTE]

Damn Man...I
tried hard with BW...thanks for noticing...I had to resort to maligning other member's toy collecting sensibilities, Dinoviper and samsallspark, and I hated that....and then BW stood down and acquiesced.....but I had no mod influence.....In all honesty...I Liked Battle Wagon, he just needed a talking to....

07-08-2017, 06:36 PM
[QUOTE=gijoeiwasthere]Damn Man...I
tried hard with BW...thanks for noticing...I had to resort to maligning other member's toy collecting sensibilities, Dinoviper and samsallspark, and I hated that....and then BW stood down and acquiesced.....but I had no mod influence.....In all honesty...I Liked Battle Wagon, he just needed a talking to....[/QUOTE]
In reading what I wrote....that's why I should be a mod.....

07-08-2017, 07:04 PM
[QUOTE=gijoeiwasthere]In reading what I wrote....that's why I should be a mod.....[/QUOTE]

Yes, because you and the ones I mentioned are pure hearted and could greatly lessen the tension here with your fairness and openness to talk.

You would argue for Battle Wagon. That dude was hopeless, but it proves you would give anyone a chance. If we want fairness you and the other two will provide that.

07-08-2017, 07:34 PM
I am sorry for any issues this has caused for the return of some of the "old guard" As you may see by the numbers, and by those numbers the returning members. As I stated before, those members as well as myself left for good reason. I don't feel it needs to be discussed, but some fair change is needed. That is the reason why the request was made for a moderator change. I feel its fair if Hammerfel chooses NJ as a moderator if he feels he is up to the task. I do have to say the bickering and fighting need to stop on all ends. I am bothered by the fact that there is so much animosity by fellow members wanting to return and want the same thing that all of us want. A place to post our work again and share our ideas with like minded individuals. What happened in the past, needs to stay there. I will remain in trust that decisions will be made fairly in who will moderate the site. I will ask that nekoman and 218 to remain from any further contact with each other until the new mods are chosen. ANYONE ELSE that starts causing issues, it will be noted and will be discussed with in a timely manner. Please remember, just because some of us has logins, it does not mean outside users cannot see the drama too. If the site is to grow, we need to bring in younger artists to fill in our shoes as we move forward in life. I am 43, as Deadpool says im living till 102, and then dying.. It would be a sad waste to see such potential not utilized in its fullest.

07-08-2017, 08:42 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]I feel its fair if Hammerfel chooses NJ as a moderator if he feels he is up to the task.[/QUOTE]

Good, but what was wrong with the other two? Why wouldn't you support three super active members with the best intentions, who have been/stayed here and aren't apart of any cliques???

I do have to say the bickering and fighting need to stop on all ends. I am bothered by the fact that there is so much animosity by fellow members wanting to return and want the same thing that all of us want. A place to post our work again and share our ideas with like minded individuals. What happened in the past, needs to stay there.

Oh really? If that's the case then why must we have Sonneilon be a moderator again? I say we should have a full team of new blood. How would you and him be hurt by that?

I will ask that nekoman and 218 to remain from any further contact with each other until the new mods are chosen. ANYONE ELSE that starts causing issues, it will be noted and will be discussed with in a timely manner.

Well, I have to be totally fair to 218 and say despite my grievances with him and the heat I've dropped on him here, he hasn't said a word to me. Why did you lump him in with "causing issues"? He hasn't contacted me here.

Are trying to purge him for NJ thinking that will make it easier for you to secure the position? Otherwise there was no need to say that.

neapolitan joe
07-09-2017, 01:08 AM
go on and forget the past, Bros.!
Let Hammerfel decide and let post new pictures of our toys!

07-09-2017, 02:39 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]go on and forget the past, Bros.!
Let Hammerfel decide and let post new pictures of our toys![/QUOTE]

Coming up with pic ideas as I type....

07-09-2017, 09:27 AM
I support Neapolitan Joe, Gijoeiwasthere and Mike T.

I do not celebrate divisions amongst us and would ask for a new Golden Age, where ARAH and 25th can exist in the same category. Where dinosaurs and non Joe robots are used as backgrounds and not the focus. Let those who point cameras at toys rejoice that there is a place to deposit those images. Also, may they comment profusely, offering sound advice and constructive criticism. Let us shower the creator, Hammerfel, with donations through Paypal, so that this website shall not perish from the internet. Finally, remember the trinity and document their deeds- Gi Joe, Cobra, and umm The Blood for the Baron guys, I guess. But I think they are associated with Cobra somehow. O well, you understand what I'm getting at here.

07-09-2017, 11:45 AM
All of my joes are modern just fyi..If you guys need to find me or have any questions, find me on FB. Sean Williams.I have nothing to hide and will happy to tell you more about myself and my involvement in JDs and Diowarriors.

Dr. Phibes
07-09-2017, 11:46 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]go on and forget the past, Bros.!
Let Hammerfel decide and let post new pictures of our toys![/QUOTE]


07-09-2017, 02:04 PM
I feel the site would be best served by Dr. Phibes, Neapolitan Joe and Vespapilot79 as the three mods.

Dr. Phibes: Graham, I can simply keep this brief. You have successfully looked after the site in the past. You are a safe pair of hands, sir. FACT!

Neapolitan Joe: Your time zone (gives good cover for any mods 'States side), ideas, positivity and enthusiasm are exactly why you should be under consideration. You also seem to be active on other Joe communities as well, such as Hisstank. Given English isn't your first language, you impress me very much with your posts and love of the toy line.

Vespapilot79: I have been impressed by your posts on this thread and feel that you would be an excellent fit as you have demonstrated successfully that you can be the voice of reason, time and again.

Whatever the outcome, good luck to all!

D :)

07-09-2017, 02:38 PM
I'd have to say Selvaland, Neopoliton Joe, and gijoewasthere. I come and go often, but these guys seem to always be here and are always interactive.

neapolitan joe
07-09-2017, 04:14 PM
Thank You ThinkTank, G.I.*Jock and Meddatron for the kind words.
As I can see Joedios is back again!

07-09-2017, 04:50 PM
Thank you very much.I greatly appreciate the kind words and endorsement. I will do my best to assist whomever it may be in assuring the site is well cared for.

Vespapilot79: I have been impressed by your posts on this thread and feel that you would be an excellent fit as you have demonstrated successfully that you can be the voice of reason, time and again.

Whatever the outcome, good luck to all!

D :)[/QUOTE]

07-09-2017, 07:57 PM
Well, this got nasty. I definitely won't be throwing my vote to Nekoman, guys like him are the reason I left in the first place. I hope that the three mods chosen by Hammerfel will keep this place the awesome place it was when I first joined, it got pretty dark for awhile.

07-09-2017, 09:13 PM
I know I am newly back. Yes, my old account was closed due to me being a dickbag. I'll be the first to admit it. At the time, the admins here were terrible. They were KNOWN bullies, KNOWN haters of the site. Hell, one of them even started a website where they made fun of its members personally. (I was a target of that)...

At the end of the day, it's Nate's call. Yes, alot of us old timers are coming back because we wanna make this place the way it was in 2009. Weekly challenges, annual awards shows, even Graham had movies quizzes for members. It was a REAL community. I want that COMMUNITY again.

I, too, vote for Dr. Phibes , Vespapilot and 218. They have been my friends in the community for well over a decade. They KNOW how to support members, they are exactly what this site needs to bring BACK that feeling of a real community. Honest. Fair. True gentlemen.

Take my nomination for what it's worth, as an old member coming back. Agree or disagree, but at the end of the day, it's who I believe will help make this place great again.

Mike T.
07-09-2017, 09:18 PM
Seeing so many old members come out of the woodwork suggests to me that:

A. You've all been lurking for some time and not participating.
B. You've actively chosen to not be part of the community here, but stayed active elsewhere.

So, my open questions to everyone are:

1. What are the first things you'll change about the site to bring you back and keep you around?
2. Do you feel that the members who have been recently active require policing?

07-09-2017, 09:27 PM
[QUOTE=Mike T.]

1. What are the first things you'll change about the site to bring you back and keep you around?
2. Do you feel that the members who have been recently active require policing?[/QUOTE]

Totally fair questions in my opinion. I'm not in the running, nor do I want to be, but I can answer for myself.

I haven't been overly active in ANY community for some time now. My review channel lay dormant, and mostly I have been posting to Instagram. I have gone through a major personal change over the last few months and wanted to come to a place where I knew I could hang out and be in a place that, at the end of the day, has alot of good memories for me. My photos are still up under LordRaven, and my old comic book style reviews.

THAT is what I want to bring back here.

The second question, policing may be too harsh of a term. Watched, monitored, totally. Who knows what some peoples intentions are. Plus, it's the internet, there is ALWAYS an arsehole somewhere (I know, I was one at one point). I hit my 3 post cap in 5 seconds and I can't wait till tomorrow to share MORE.

I can't speak for everyone, but this is how I feel, and I hope from ME, the ole Shaneomac/LordRaven, this alleviates some of your worry if you had some?

07-10-2017, 06:19 PM
Sonnelion 218 and NeoJoe.
I know that Sonnelion and 218 have both been mods before, and have always been level headed and fair. And NeoJoe has been around and is one who has a pure love for Joes and I have never seen him post anything ill toward anyone.

07-10-2017, 06:33 PM
Boy this is a hard one so many real good people to choose from any of you would be great for the job. My choices are 218, sonnelion, selvaland.

07-10-2017, 09:28 PM
While I'm not new to the site, I am new to all this drama. Actually, other than the kid posting selfies on here I want aware there were any issues. I've been a member now for over 10 years with nearly 8000 posts, I try to comment on eveyones pictures in all the sections and I think everyone should be welcomed here, new and old members. Following, what I think are few simple rules of no more than 3 pics, putting things in the right sections, no foul language, etc. I think we should be able to moderator ourselves, after all this is a hobby of collecting toys. I come here to look at and enjoy everyone's efforts, marveling at people's creativity and collections and not to be caught up in he said she said stuff. I have been collecting Joes since 1982 and love this website. I hope we can all just come to an agreement.

As I said, I don't involve myself in this stuff, I think this might be my second post ever in the forums, but I asked to come here and give my choices. From what I understand they are the 3 frontrunners so I would vote for NJ as he seems to be the longest running member with the most posts and follows my efforts to comment on every picture. I would also vote for Mike T as I have been a fan if his blog and pics here for years, I was glad to see his return here and Gijoewasthere as he is one of the few guys I have talked too off the site and I like his tagline "Comment to Participate" But I would also nominate Slipstream and Flint because it seemed like a good 2 years us 3 and Thunder/Steeler (wish he'd come back), slevland and Gijoewasthere were the only ones posting pictures.

I don't expect my voice to matter and will remain a member no matter the outcome, but I do ask that if you are a member, new or old that you do offer a comment, praise or offer a tip to someone who took the time to post an image. If you look most of my posts have been about sharing knowledge, Being a member is more than just looking! Good luck to those who want the job and keep the members and pics coming, we all know we need as must interest in this dying hobby!

Mike T.
07-11-2017, 10:04 PM
[QUOTE=Mike T.]Seeing so many old members come out of the woodwork suggests to me that:

A. You've all been lurking for some time and not participating.
B. You've actively chosen to not be part of the community here, but stayed active elsewhere.

So, my open questions to everyone are:

1. What are the first things you'll change about the site to bring you back and keep you around?
2. Do you feel that the members who have been recently active require policing?[/QUOTE]
48 hours and not many replies. Curious.

07-12-2017, 09:42 AM
I have been pretty quiet. I think everyone of us has their own reasons for coming back. But none of it is Nefarious or dubious. Shane hit the nail square on the head so I didn't think there was any reason for more discussion, but if you must know....
I can only speak for myself and my feelings about the matter. I'm going to try and keep it brief but it will take some detailed explanation. I will say I fear speaking out because (and I see this in this thread) no matter what you say and how you say it, some people will twist it to make an argument for their own agenda. I'm sick of drama. Take my words for EXACTLY what they mean, I chose them carefully.

I was participating a lot back in the heyday. When I was in Afghanistan(2011) and had limited internet, I stared hearing about people coming on the site and causing problems and knocking heads with the people that are labeled "the old guard".
But then I started seeing these same people still breaking the rules and flaunting the fact the moderators had no power over them. They accused some of us who got labeled "The old Guard" of being a clique. To some degree, we are, in that we are friends, most of whom met and became friends here on Joedios just from helping each other out with either positive feedback/criticism or helping someone get figures or dio supplies. We were and still are not exclusive on who we are friends with, if we were there would only be 2-3 of us. Matt Morelock who caused no end of drama on this site and aggravated the heck out of us when he was 14 eventually became a friend to many of us and still is to this day. Anyway, back to the issues...a group of individuals accused us of being a mob,a gang or a clique and at the same time, were acting up bullying people, breaking the rules and being allowed to do so unopposed. Most of the "Old Guard" as we are called got sick of it, the one or two that were Mods stepped down and walked away because once these individuals were banned or held accountable, they troublemakers went to the owner and were reinstated. I stayed, because I hadn't been accosted by this bunch of Tucker Max wanna be's. Didn't take long, though. They singled me out as one of the last remaining "old Guard"and began harassing me and anyone who spoke to me. I was told by them I had no say on this site anymore and me being in Afghanistan was no excuse for not participating. (Yes, that was said to me!) I can take being set on by a bunch of vultures, it was about the site and the new people,and not me, however, when many of the new members came to me and told me what was going on, I went over the new moderators head, (who I found out later was one of this Tucker Max bunch with a new account) and when I did, I was disrespected again. For telling the boss these guys were being bullied and harassed, I was told "I" was making drama. That was the last straw for me. I walked away. I can take a LOT but seeing a place I loved being blatantly turned into a paradise for childish college brats with a chip on their shoulder and an agenda was too much. Now, looking back on it, was I set up? Were these new members schill
accounts coming to me to make me go above the moderators head? I dunno and I don't care. I was acting in good faith believing someone was being harassed and bullied and acted on it. And I will not apologize for that. And I got told I was causing drama and then was told by this new Tucker Max posse, straight up that they were untouchable and I was on my way out whether I stayed or not. So my choice was stay and keep up the drama or let the nuts run the asylum. I chose the latter.

So, to answer your questions, 1.) what are the first things you'll change about the site to bring you back and keep you around. Well, I'm not asking for a Moderator spot, but from the three I cast my vote for, I know them well enough to know they are fair and reasonable and will stimulate discussion and participation to the best of their ability as well as keep up with the basic tedious maintenance tasks that have been overlooked her for such long time. As 218 says, open the curtains and let the sun shine in. 2.) Do you feel the members who have been recently active require policing? In My opinion, no. JoeDios has always been a place where 99.999999% of the community works well together and needs very little moderation. Moderators need to just make sure the rules are being followed (pics in the right category, no over zealous filth talk, etc.),and make new member feel welcome and encourage them to participate, that's all. As I said the MAIN reason I came back and voted is because these guys who are my friends want to make this place better by trying to increase participation and stimulate interest in the hobby.

And I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I have not participated and will not participate for a while. Why? Because I fear another issue like the one that caused the mass exodus. I intend to wait a while and see if the owner is going to back his moderators when and if people like the Tucker Max gang came back and start stuff, or will he reinstate them and eventually give them the keys to the kingdom as was done in 2011. I am cautiously optimistic. I know the guys who I cast my vote for will make the site better for the participants to the best of their ability, but I am not so sure that if Drama starts and they try to head it off that it will be supported by Nate. yes, I have lurked here since I left and what have I seen? Participation has gone down, there is no stimulation of discussion in the forums, new members coming and not staying active (That can't be helped sometimes, as some are just looking for a taste of what the site is about). The ones who have stayed have done their best and the troublemakers have moved on, and hopefully will not come back. I WANT this site to succeed, but I am not gonna throw in 100% only to find my work on a site that lets bullies and thugs run the asylum. If that negated my votes, fine. But if you care about the people who are here now and stuck it out, you will realize the guys I threw my vote in for are the ones who can improve the participation, they have a known track record of it.

I know, when we left, the crew that was in charge were saying we were a clique and bad mouthing us. Saying we were what they were, bullies and elitists, and if that is the side you believe, then I understand your concerns. But look back in the different sections and look at our participation from 2003 to 2011....now look at 2011 to today....where are the guys who bad mouthed us? Are they here making thing better? Or did they get the run of the place, ruin everything and lost interest? Yes, we have been active other places, to us it's the hobby and the people...NOT power tripping and making ourselves out to be gods. People gave us the Moniker "the old guard" and we are proud of it and appreciate it, but we all were mentored and assisted ad encouraged by those who went before us like HellJester, Motor-viper, Hammerfel, Outrider, Luke Ellison. If I decide to call that group who stared this site and were it's first participants "The Titans", does it mean they are elitists? No, just showing respect, and I'm sure if they were still around they would do as we are trying to do, encourage, stimulate and promote interest in the hobby. That's my $.02. I hope that answered your questions and addressed your concerns.

neapolitan joe
07-12-2017, 10:12 AM
The Titans, the Old Guard, the Secessionists, the prodigal sons, the newbies, are we in the 1979 "Warriors" movie!?

07-12-2017, 10:16 AM
To answer Mike T.

1) I really don't need anything about the website needs to be changed, it appears that the members that were causing the issues back in 2011 when alot of us stopped participating are gone. So no issues there. I'm not interested in being a mod, so I have no axe to grind. I just hope that the site goes back to what it was. A place for passionate GI Joe fans to post their pictures, and receive feedback, constructive criticism, I stress constructive, and encouragement. It was a great community once, I hope it goes back to those days.

2) Policing, like Ender098, and RavensReturn have stated, the members really don't need policing, other than the occasional reminder of the 3 picture rule, once in a while maybe some foul language or inappropriate posts. But those incidents are rare. I think the site can run on it's own quite well, with a few mods in the background making sure things run smooth.

What I don't want to see is bullying, blatant bending of the rules, etc. that went on for awhile. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.


07-12-2017, 10:27 AM
[QUOTE=silentdusty]... the members really don't need policing, other than the occasional reminder of the 3 picture rule, once in a while maybe some foul language or inappropriate posts. But those incidents are rare. I think the site can run on it's own quite well, with a few mods in the background making sure things run smooth.

What I don't want to see is bullying, blatant bending of the rules, etc. that went on for awhile. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.[/QUOTE]

Well said!

Given that moderating here isn't a lot of work, I have decided to make it only 1 person as mod, Neapolitan Joe. Congrats NJ! :)

07-12-2017, 10:30 AM
Congratulations, NJ!

I know the site will be in good hands! :)

07-12-2017, 10:35 AM
Congrats NJ. Very well deserved.

07-12-2017, 10:42 AM
Congratulations! Do the site proud!

D :)

Dr. Phibes
07-12-2017, 10:50 AM
Yo NeoJoe! (huh, doesn't have the same ring)

Congrats! Thank you for taking the position.

07-12-2017, 10:52 AM

07-12-2017, 11:27 AM
Congratulations neapolitan joe!

07-12-2017, 11:53 AM
awesome Neapolitian joe (hope I spelt that right ) :D

07-12-2017, 12:42 PM
Congrats NJ!

07-12-2017, 01:04 PM
Francesco, My Friend, Please Accept!!

07-12-2017, 01:08 PM
Congrats Neapolitan Joe!

07-12-2017, 01:26 PM
Congratulation Neapolitan Joe! Well deserved!

07-12-2017, 03:15 PM
Congratulations Neapolitan Joe! Yay!

neapolitan joe
07-12-2017, 06:23 PM
Thank You very much to Hammerfel and to You, my friends!
:o ;) :p
I'll be fully operational since thursday, july 20th due to an holiday trip in a small island (not Cobra Island!), probably without internet connection!
I will serve You and Joedios with honor.
Let's put this place up for good: G.I.JOE number 1 site in 2018 and after!
Francesco Santé, Neapolitan Joe.

07-12-2017, 06:23 PM
YAY NJ! Congrats old friend!

07-13-2017, 02:51 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Thank You very much to Hammerfel and to You, my friends!
:o ;) :p
I'll be fully operational since thursday, july 20th due to an holiday trip in a small island (not Cobra Island!), probably without internet connection!
I will serve You and Joedios with honor.
Let's put this place up for good: G.I.JOE number 1 site in 2018 and after!
Francesco Santé, Neapolitan Joe.

Enjoy you trip!

07-13-2017, 11:11 AM
Congratulations, enforce that 3 pic rule, it seems to have fallen by the wayside.

07-13-2017, 11:12 AM
Congratulations Neapolitan Joe! Also wishing you safe and happy travels!

07-13-2017, 08:01 PM
Congrats NJ

07-14-2017, 03:59 AM
It's a good choice! Congrats!
Long live to JD! 😎

07-14-2017, 12:01 PM
Congratulations Neapolitan Joe!! You are one of the most dedicated fans of the site! Well deserved!

07-16-2017, 08:09 PM
AWESOME NEWS! Congrats NJ :)

neapolitan joe
07-20-2017, 09:33 AM
I'm back!
Welcome everybody!

Dr. Phibes
07-20-2017, 03:22 PM
YAY! Time to start moderating!

Uh, not that there is anything to do these days. lol