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View Full Version : Who Are Your Favorite Modern Era Figures, and Why?

07-19-2017, 08:19 PM
I started collecting again in an effort to focus on Modern Era equivalents of the 1985 figures - and I just know I'm gonna deviate from that.

And so, in an effort to avoid steering myself wrong, I ask you, revered denizens of the Joe Dios community: Who are your favorite modern era figures, and why?

Have fun!

Dr. Phibes
07-20-2017, 03:04 PM
Some of my fave ME figures have been renamed because I already have my standard iconic characters in place. I don't do ARAH cuz that's in the past. I use what works best for pics and stories.

Like Beach Head. I use the 25A version and it's not the one that came with an unmasked head. But other Beach Heads came out after, right?

This version was repainted slightly into Rampage

He became Crashdown

I think I started calling him Wild Fire or something. Never used himk in a story, can't remember. Wanted to call him Wildstar (Star Blazers reference, right?)

I like the POC series, honestly. Spirit. Jungle Duke (renamed Sgt Obsidian; Duke's cousin). Bench Press (with added vest from the Rock). Movie Roadblock renamed Rock. I should find a pic of my 'alpha team'. I pretty much stopped buying GI Joe toys just after the 2nd movie? Or during? ie; I have a ton of red ninja and etc. I bought other figures but ended up selling them off.

POC Dusty, POC Zartan, the Dreadnok pack, Skydive (I think that's his name), Helix, Footloose (club), Sci-fi, etc. All I have are semi-ME stuff.

07-20-2017, 04:12 PM
[SIZE=2]City Strike Beachhead[/SIZE]

07-20-2017, 06:05 PM
I really like the 50th Anniversary Leatherneck, Gung Ho, and Firefly. Also Sky Dive, Sightline, and Renegades Scarlett.

07-21-2017, 07:21 PM
Yeah, the POC stuff looks killer! I have my eye on most of that - including POC Beachhead!

As for your suggestions, Slipstream80, I actually picked up a 50th Leatherneck. And WOW!!! Just based off him I need a couple of the larger figures, like Gung-Ho and Resolute Roadblock. I'll definitely check out your other suggestions.

Keep 'em coming, gang. I have to think there are at least a few more quality figs out there :D

Have fun!

Dr. Phibes
07-21-2017, 08:34 PM
I'd show more pics but this place doesn't do pics easily. I seem to be stuck in the poc era. And I totally am into the mtf stuff.

Dr. Phibes
07-21-2017, 08:35 PM
[QUOTE=Slipstream80]I really like the 50th Anniversary Leatherneck, Gung Ho, and Firefly. Also Sky Dive, Sightline, and Renegades Scarlett.[/QUOTE]

I think I added different gear to my skydive to make him more usable on the ground.

07-23-2017, 06:52 PM
[QUOTE=Dr. Phibes]I'd show more pics but this place doesn't do pics easily. I seem to be stuck in the poc era. And I totally am into the mtf stuff.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, MTF looks great. If they had the same articulation as the Modern Era Joes - thanks to my obsessive need for consistency - I'd be all over those things.

As it is, I still buy weapons, and even ordered some new gloves for Flint. And I'm thinking about creating some customs as if the Joes started today, instead of in '82. So, Marauder's still getting my money :D

Have fun!

07-23-2017, 09:22 PM
Thats a difficult one..I really enjoy the newer figures.Removable items,better detail better articulation.Cover Girl,Bombstrike,LowLight,Lifeline,the 86style vipers with the chrome,dg blackshirt troopers,the steel brigades,zombie vipers and Sgt Slaughter,SDCC versions of Jinx,i know there are more but i think this list is good.I enjoy that with better articulation, you can get more emotion and action with the figures when photographing them. In my current dio i hope to capture certain emotions while photographically telling the story.