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08-01-2017, 04:57 PM
Selvaland actually has become one of my best Friends of all time! Bar None!
I also am really happy to meet 218, we're sick Bros!, Tria, Falcon C, Spanish....I love NJ and Med!, he's like a brother, confidant, and advisor...Meddatron Rules! Hit and Run!...The Best! wish I had more time with Steeler.....Been gettin' to know the Good Dr and Vespa.....know a bunch of international guys through facebook...I know Rusforce!
anyway...... :)

08-01-2017, 05:02 PM
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2]Thank you brother! MJDGA! [/SIZE][/COLOR]

:D :D :D

08-01-2017, 05:07 PM
[QUOTE=TwoOneEight][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2]Thank you brother! MJDGA! [/SIZE][/COLOR]

:D :D :D[/QUOTE]

We Are So Different and the Same...We are Destined to have Each Others Backs!

neapolitan joe
08-02-2017, 05:53 AM
Joedios is a great (for me the best) place for share our passion for G.I.JOE and other toy lines!

08-02-2017, 06:48 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Joedios is a great (for me the best) place for share our passion for G.I.JOE and other toy lines![/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2]I agree, brother! [/SIZE][/COLOR]

:D :D :D

08-02-2017, 05:56 PM
All of my closest joe friends I met here.Arnold,Otto,M.C.,Frank,Drew,Dustin,and Shane.Its also good to see a few familiar faces still here too!I am excited to catch up with those who did not migrate to FB or those who dont have one.I am happy to be back where this all began for me.Sorry forgot about that far away Irish guy Ciarda!!

08-02-2017, 08:50 PM
So far, 218's the only person I know outside of JD.

I know there's a few of you lurking around SoCal...

08-02-2017, 10:35 PM
Im one of them.Are we friends on FB by chance?

I know there's a few of you lurking around SoCal...[/QUOTE]

08-02-2017, 11:04 PM
[QUOTE=cmyaj]So far, 218's the only person I know outside of JD.

I know there's a few of you lurking around SoCal...[/QUOTE]
[SIZE=2]Are you on Green Shirts FB group? That's primarily SoCal guys. From Santa Barbara to San Diego, Santa Monica to San Bernardino. Green Shirts are good people, man. [/SIZE][/COLOR]

08-03-2017, 02:14 PM
I dunno any you nut jobs :P hahahahah nah I know a few folks on here and on FB and I think from a few other Joe related sites too. oh and flickr.

I know if I start naming names I'll forget one or two .

08-03-2017, 06:15 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Im one of them.Are we friends on FB by chance?[/QUOTE]

I don't believe so (I don't know your secret identity), though we've probably interacted on one of the Joe FB sites.

[size=2]Are you on Green Shirts FB group? That's primarily SoCal guys. From Santa Barbara to San Diego, Santa Monica to San Bernardino. Green Shirts are good people, man. [/size][/color][/QUOTE]

I am now :D

08-03-2017, 06:46 PM
[QUOTE=cmyaj]I don't know your secret identity:D[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2]"Secret Identity" Hahahahaha.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

:D :D :D

08-04-2017, 12:14 AM
I sometimes pose as Sean Williams in some of the groups.

Dr. Phibes
08-04-2017, 04:41 PM
Let me tell ya'll a lil story here.

Back in 2002, I got back into GI Joe. I had a job. A place to live. And by pure chance, I stopped by a Target and looked at toys (for some odd reason, which I hadn't done for years). There was GI Joe as it was rebooted/re-imagined/re-whateveryouwanttocallit; GI Joe Vs Cobra (aka JvC). I don't remember if there was much of a selection, but I saw this 2 pack. Snow Job vs NeoViper. Both looked freakin awesome (ie; I was pretty much out of GI Joe when DiC showed up. So compared to the stuff that came out the later years, this 2 pack looked better than any day glo ninja def big weapon crap that had shown up, imo).

From there, I found the Devils Due version of GI Joe and thus, the Devils Due community boards. Particularly GI Joe where I met a bunch of GI Joe fans. In short time, one of the members broke off and created what is now known as JoeBattlelines. It would be there that I would meet Justin Bell, Fred Meyer, Luke Ellison, and several others. I mention those 3 because they were the ones that pointed me to JoeDios.com

A very short time later, the JD gained mad popularity. Fred and Justin would be posting pics that were also being used in their reviews on the JBL. Luke (SalvoInACan was one of his many names) was throwing down photography-wise. Yet, those guys weren't around much because they had other places to be. Now, I was new to this whole photography thing. I was NOT one of those that actually took film photos of their toys before digital cameras were created/affordable to the average consumer.

So, being new to all this (and with an influx of members here), some of us started seeking out assistance in our photography skills. Thru random comments, connections were made. One little babble about Battlestar Galactica (which was on the air at the time) could create a common interest with another member who was also watching it (like, oh, Shane Welin. aka Lord Raven/Raven Returns). Deciding the pm system here and comments were too slow to easily chat and ask questions, we found we both had MSN MSGR. And from there, it quickly branched out to whoever had it, we could chat. This would add in Frank Nash, Luis, Carlos, Phil West (BeastFromTheEast), Dave (GI*Jock), even Matt Morelock (not so much in group chats), Andre Bynoe (DioWarriors), and probably a few others I'm unfortunately forgetting. (Rich from England, Alan from Florida, spoke to numerous others). The friendships grew from talking about GI Joe and how to improve our skills.

Shane was there for my divorce in 2007. We were there for Frank when he was in Iraq cutting power lines with a Ditch Witch so the soldiers couldn't play HALO. We listened to Luis talk about trying to adopt a child. We were there when Shane found every new job for the last x-amount of years as well as moving from place to place. I even got the (late) Craig Anderson to send me a signed (fave) photo for me to remember him by (when things were starting to go south). But when he was healthy, I talked him into doing some photoshop work for my 1st diostory cuz I didn't have the skills (and I also talked him into photos of various vehicles I didn't have so I could photoshop for myself). Shoot, look hard enough, you might find a joint diostory that Phil and I did (it was his story and photos, I just put it together).

It wouldn't be until Facebook that I would find out (ok, maybe MySpace, but we'll skip that era) who some of the JD members were and became friends with them. Arnold, Otto (not sure when he even came into the picture, sorry!), Sean, Ed (speir), Ciarda (spoke more to him than when on the JD originally), MC Austin, and even Marauder Rueben from Marauder Gun-Runners!

Since returning, got to meet people holding down the fort here. Selvaland and Barka. Also got to see that Neopolitan Joe is still holding strong. And DaveCW2 who is one of my absolute faves can still throw down and make me feel like a noob. (Speir does that too, but at least here, ya'll don't do Kamen rider. lol) Sorry if I left a few people out. Going off my crappy memory.

As Barka said, friends are made here. Crazy how true that is.

08-05-2017, 05:36 AM
Very interesting story, Dr. Phibes! Only joined in 2013, and was lurking since 2009!

08-10-2017, 11:07 AM
Grahamarello is right. We seen some stuff together. I have even had the pleasure of having Otto in my home several times, even getting to spend New Years with him 2 years ago (We polished off a bottle of Kraken rum). I have made some amazing friends and it all started here :D

08-11-2017, 10:56 AM
[QUOTE=RavensReturn]Grahamarello is right. We seen some stuff together. I have even had the pleasure of having Otto in my home several times, even getting to spend New Years with him 2 years ago (We polished off a bottle of Kraken rum). I have made some amazing friends and it all started here :D[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah? vespapilot and I met him too, you know. [/SIZE][/COLOR]

:D :D :D


08-11-2017, 09:30 PM
[QUOTE=Dr. Phibes]Since returning, got to meet people holding down the fort here. Selvaland and Barka. Also got to see that Neopolitan Joe is still holding strong. And DaveCW2 who is one of my absolute faves can still throw down and make me feel like a noob. (Speir does that too, but at least here, ya'll don't do Kamen rider. lol) Sorry if I left a few people out. Going off my crappy memory.

As Barka said, friends are made here. Crazy how true that is.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the mention, Phibes! It's much appreciated. But honestly, we just have different styles. I'm really enjoying the more tactical look of your latest dio-story!

Ya know, it's hard to think of anyone from way back when I used to post regularly - 2007 - 2009-ish - as not being at the very least an online friend. We were all so encouraging to each other, and I remember noticing a massive spike in quality, which was so cool!

I'm not saying everyone around here isn't cool, now - I just haven't gotten to know some of you as well. But no worries, we'll get there :D

I have to give a shoutout to someone I haven't seen around here since my return: vader9900. Anyone who's new enough to not see his work should check him out - dude's a dio master!

Anywho, the reason he's getting a shoutout is this: he'd noticed how much of a Flint fan I was - and still am - and one day PMed me for my address. He was one of those super helpful dudes, and was always really cool on the boards, so I sent it to him. A few days later, he sent me a shotgun he'd customized for my then 25th Anniversary Flint! I named it Lucy - because who doesn't name their shotguns? - and took a whole lotta pics with it! One that shows it off can be found here (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=15532&catid=searchresults&searchid=81191).

I haven't used Lucy since my return because I've really be trying to get things as close to the 1985 look as possible, but I still have her - and she's not going anywhere.

Have fun, all!