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01-29-2007, 07:09 AM
[COLOR=Red]we've talked about many things here. one thing i havent saw since i've signed up is what we did with our joes as a kid. i thought id ask a few questions, if i missed anything then put it down too. all in all i was just wondering about other joe fans childhood. if it was anything like mine, so if you dont want to answer the question, but instad want to tell about some of your childhood memories go for it. so here are the questions, go into a lil detail if you want.

1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?
2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?
3 how many friends played with you?
4 where was your fav place to play joes?
5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?
6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?
7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?
8 what was your fav joe cartoon?[/COLOR]

01-29-2007, 10:07 AM
1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?


2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?

[COLOR=Purple]God. ;)[/COLOR]

3 how many friends played with you?

[COLOR=Purple]Usually just 1 but I had several friends at different times to play with.[/COLOR]

4 where was your fav place to play joes?

[COLOR=Purple]In front of the condo, on a steep slope where there was dirt and bushes and whatnot.[/COLOR]

5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?


6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?

[COLOR=Purple]Didn't have a fave. I enjoyed the whole team as one.[/COLOR]

7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?

[COLOR=Purple]In the end, the comic.[/COLOR]

8 what was your fav joe cartoon?

[COLOR=Purple]I always liked the Watchdog episode.[/COLOR]

01-29-2007, 02:34 PM
1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?


2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?

Duke, cause he had blonde hair like me when I was a kid.

3 how many friends played with you?

Usually just me, myself and I, cause I grew up in a very rural area, once in a while I played with a kid my mom babysat.

4 where was your fav place to play joes?

I had a huge dirtpile out beside our house I had caves, trenchs, machine gun nests dug into it, I didn't have the Joe command center or the terrordrome, so the Joes had one side, and Cobra the other.

5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?


6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?


7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?

The cartoon, I didn't read the comic until I was much older.

8 what was your fav joe cartoon?

None really stand out, I enjoyed most of them.

01-29-2007, 02:49 PM
[COLOR=Red]i guess i should have done this first, but i'm gonna answer my own questions.

1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?
(A)i did, raptor or croc master or big boa were my champs. tag team were the green pigs from star wars, just because they were so fat that they looked like a great tag team to be champs. it was most of my and my many cousins past time. we used a book as the ring and cut pepsi boxes for the titles, i actually did some a few days ago.

2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?
(A)in order as i remember starting to be them. storm shadow, tomax or xamot, quick kick, sci fi, dusty, zandar, croc master, raptor, thrasher and crazy legs.

3 how many friends played with you?
(A)6, myself, and my cousins. eli, odis, jeff, sammy and jesse. sometimes some kids who would spend the night.

4 where was your fav place to play joes?
(A)we live in the deep county of kentucky. i have a mountain no more then 3 feet behind my house, and i mean almost straight up. and a 25 or so ft yard. a 10 or so one lane, a 4 or 5 ft creek and another mountain. its like that for 2 miles straight to the highway where they too have mountains on either side. the creek, the mountains, everything was our playground.

5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?
(A) yeah, with six of us it was at least 1/3 of our joe playing.

6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?
(A)quick kick and snake eyes. also sci fi and the twins, cant forget gung ho and beach head.

7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?
(A)the cartoons. i only had read one G.I. Joe comic when i was a kid.

8 what was your fav joe cartoon?
(A)probably the gamesmaster or excalibur[/COLOR]

01-29-2007, 03:50 PM
1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?
No wrestling.
2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?
It started with Breaker, then Recondo v1, Flint v1, and finally Falcon.
3 how many friends played with you?
Everyone in the neighborhood. 6 or 7 of us.
4 where was your fav place to play joes?
We lived in Rural Tennessee, so there were many wild places to go and adventure. Amusingly enough though, our vegetable garden was the best place. Clear ground, small plants for trees and areas for runways and gun pits and foxholes.
5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?
Yes, as I said, lots of wild country. We all came up with our own characters. Mine was a special forces operator.
6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?
Didn’t have just one.
7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?
For me, the comic was canon. The cartoon was fun to watch but didn’t have the depth that the comic had.
8 what was your fav joe cartoon?
As far as the cartoon was concerned, I always liked the MASS device. It was one of the first miniseries and I liked the character development in it.

01-29-2007, 05:57 PM
I didn't have my Joes wrestle. Would set up dioramas outside and would take pictures. From 1986 was when I first started collecting. First figures were Cobra EEls, Crimson Guard, Beachead and the Devilfish I bought at Kinney Drugs. Fave Joes were all of them. When I would g and let the product catalogs my jaw dropped and discovered there was a Joe universe. I liked them better than the 12 inch Joes because you could have battles on a grand scale with limited space required. For some reason I liked the tv show up until the movie. The movie was alright but I didn't like what they did to Cobra Commander. I got my first Joe comic in 1987. When Larry killed off the original CC I was a little dismayed. Special Missions was great and the regular comic too. I recognized there would be peaks and valleys in the writing but every issue was entertaining. It helped me cope with my parent's divorce and health issues. It helped me escape reality for a little while. I feel the cartoon and the comic are both brilliant in their own way. I will be a fan always!!

01-31-2007, 05:39 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console]Ok, for me.. [/FONT]
[COLOR=Red]1. Did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?
[/COLOR][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]Yes, it started when my cousin called for me one morning and showed me how to make a small sized GIJOE Wrestling ring from a cereal box along with string and some extra cardboard and tape. Taurus was the Hulkster just because he was decked in yellow fatigues.. and Muskrat was the Undertaker because he dressed sort of like him but in green. There were many other crazy selections like this but it was oooooh what 16 or so years back now.. I really can't remember them all lmao[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Red]2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Lucida Console]erm.. if you mean who did I pick on a regular basis when playing.. that would be Flint (always first), usually outback, dialtone, crazy legs and dusty for me.. my friend always picked falcon, lowlight and bullhorn.[/FONT] :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]3 how many friends played with you?[/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]Just one, he shared the same first name as me and actually became my best mate and he's now a member of our family (long story).[/COLOR][/FONT] :rolleyes:
[COLOR=Red]4 where was your fav place to play joes?[/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]For me personally it would have to be the back garden we had back on the estate i used to live on. The garden had a big green lawn for forest and rockery at the back. I had many a fun time playing gi joe recreating stories as such indoors but the best ones were outside.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Red]5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?[/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]No[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Red]6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?[/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]I'd have to be truthfull and say my favourite would be Cobra Commander, he was fun to watch and his sarcasm kind of grew on me.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Red]7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?[/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]Actually neither. I started collecting in 1987 because I spotted the toys at TRU on my birthday. So from then on any money I got went to the toys. I didnt realise the cartoon was on.. and never watched it..any money I was offered to buy a comic I spent on a new figure.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Red]8 what was your fav joe cartoon?[/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]Probably cold slither.. that was actually quite enjoyable and made me like the dreadnoks for what they were.. I also liked my favourite things.[/COLOR][/FONT]

01-31-2007, 05:41 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]I also remember playing GIJOE Football (soccer) with them too. As a side note my top goalscorers were usually Airtight & Dial-Tone.
I had a small Soccer Cup competition & League almost every few weeks.. some of the worst players were figures like Battle Armour CC he couldnt kick properly.. one of the best was Toxo-Viper his boots are like football (soccer) boots they are black and have little turquoisy stripes on the side[/COLOR] :D [/FONT]

General Scarlett
01-31-2007, 06:58 PM
1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?
~I don't exactly understand 'wrestling with your Joes', so I'm going to go with 'No' on this one... :confused:
2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?
~I'm hoping that it's pretty obvious, but I was also many others-Cover Girl, Lady Jaye, Jinx, Baroness, G.I. Joe, Destro & a whole host of others-if you want a whole list just let me know..... :)
3 how many friends played with you?
~My best friend, who is now my brother-in-law, you guys know him on these boards as 'Flint'.... :cool:
4 where was your fav place to play joes?
~Anywhere we could, but for the most part the yard or the woods across the street... :)
5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?
~Oh hell yea! Please refer to question #2 for the answer. We even had to go 'on the run' from the police when someone called them because of us having guns!!hehehehe....... :D
6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?
~Again, do I really have to answer this one....... ;)
7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?
~Initially the comic, but the cartoon blended well. And we pretty much re-tooled the Joeverse right from the start. I promise, I am working on disclosing it to all of you!!...... :o
8 what was your fav joe cartoon?
~The Entire Run!!!!! :cool:

02-01-2007, 12:44 AM
[COLOR=Red]nemesisenforcerfan wrote about playing soccer and some other things with his joes. we actually played rock stars. we would make a stage and pose our joes in various stances and play the songs that we would want to be singing. i would always sing something from bon jovi or poision. or man or machaine from lover boy. those were the days. my cousin stopped playing with us at age 14, he wanted to grow up fast and thought he was to big to play. after that nature did its work and one by one took them all away from the childhood that i still dream about. by nature i mean girls, gotta love'em, lol.[/COLOR]

02-01-2007, 12:22 PM
1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?

I played wrestling with MUSCLE figures. Never used Joes for that, though, I occassionally, played out different stuff with Joes, such as Spaceballs. the 87 Cobra Commander was Dark Helmet, Flint was Colonel Sandurz, and some others I don't remember.

2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?

The main character I used was my mail away SB figure, Tack Rat (codenamed being a ripoff of a character on Jem and the Holograms, Tech Rat).

3 how many friends played with you?

Three or four at the most. They were my good friends, though there were other kids, occassionally.

4 where was your fav place to play joes?

A friend of mine had a huge room at his house. You'd almost think it was the master bedroom, but it wasn't. His parents had a bigger room. In any case, it was a very cool room, very long, so we could setup a Cobra base on one side and a Joe base on the other. There was also no danger of losing toys outside.

5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?


6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?

Probably Shipwreck, but there are many entertaining characters from the toon. I like Metal Head from the DIC toon as a guilty pleasure, oh wait, but he's not a joe character...

7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?

Cartoon. Most fun, more adventure, Cobra actually trying to take over the world, plus, NO SNAKE EYES DRAMA! Anyway, I've read a handfull of issues of the comic, but I never had a desire to read the entire run.

8 what was your fav joe cartoon?

I gotta say, Revenge of Cobra is really fun to watch. The best mini-series they put out.

02-02-2007, 02:52 PM
1 did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?

Ummm... no. :P

2 who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?

As in role playing? We never did that as kids, but when we played the actual Joes themselves I usually played with Rock N' Roll, Clutch, Flash and Grand Slam. I actually got all of the Joes, Cobras and vehicles that were out on Christmas of 1982... straight arms, and they were a ton of fun. :) A great memory I have is the straight arm Grand Slam's arm snapping (no swivel and it broke). When the JUMP pack came out, Grand Slam was my default jet pack guy, like the Rocketeer, I remember this memory like it was yesterday, he was flying and had a gun, Cobra was shooing at him and I was trying to bend his arm so he could hold the gun and SNAP, his arm broke right off at the elbow... I was horrified, other than Rock N' Roll, he was my favorite Joe... but I was only horrified for about 3 seconds, I kept right on playing, making Grand Slam yell "ARHHHHGGG!!!" as I pretended that his arm was shot right off in mid flight by Cobra fire from below... (Side note: for many years Grand Slam was missing an arm in my Joe collection, but kept right on fighting, although Flash was promoted to the JUMP Pack trooper).

3 how many friends played with you?

I lived in a small town in Connecticut when I was a kid, our entire high school had about 100 kids in it, so there were not a lot of kids around. One kid that was a few years younger than me lived about a half mile away, and would sometimes come to play Joe, but he became a huge wrestling freak and got out of Joes (no offence to any wrestling freaks here - haha)... One other kid that I was friends with who played Joes lived a good 30 minutes away, he had a basement that his parents let him turn into a huge playroom, he eventually got the U.S.S. FLAGG down there. Talk about awesome! A few years ago we went back up to Connecticut (I live in Florida now, moved here in 1990 after I graduated), I stopped by his house, he had moved out but his Mom still lived there and remembered me... We went inside for awhile and chatted, I went down into the basement, and sure enough, 20 years later, there she was, the U.S.S. FLAGG in all her glory, smack dab in the middle of the basement where it had been ever since... right where we left her. Upon close inspection, there was Admiral Keel Haul on the bridge right where he should be. :)

4 where was your fav place to play joes?

I had the perfect area to play around my house, everyone in my area owned a few acres of land, we had woods, shrubs, a brook with nice rocks and a mini waterfall, a huge sandy area. We had it all, I could mimic almost anywhere on earth for those Joes to play. I really miss that. :(

5 did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?

I dont think I ever did. One time my friend and I went out at night as Ninja's and snuck around the neighborhood, we were about 12 years old or so. I assume that was directly because of G.I. Joe Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, but we were not pretending to be them.

6 who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?

In the cartoon my favorite was probably Shipwreck for some reason, I dont know why, he wasn't my favorite figure. I guess because on the TV he had a cool personality... My least favorite on TV was Duke, he was just an idiot on there, for some reason I never liked him after the cartoon.

7 what played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?

Overall I'd say the cartoon, I didn't get into the comic until I was much older... My Joeverse is made up mostly of the first few years of Joe (82-85) with some cartoon influence and some of my childhood play time influence. Even to this day I ignore certain things and use the Joes as I used them when I was a kid.

8 what was your fav joe cartoon?[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE][/I]

Unlike a lot of you, I haven't seen them since they were originally on TV. So my memory of them is old. I remember one epiosde when all the Joes were transformed into really cartoonish characters, I dont remember the plot or anything, but I remember I liked it... Also I remember liking the whole Serpentor storyline.

--== Paragon ==--

02-02-2007, 03:19 PM
[COLOR=Red]i think the cartoon your talking about is the mcguffin device, not sure how to spell that right. shipwreck was telling a story and what ever he told came to life.[/COLOR]

02-04-2007, 02:38 PM
2 Huh?
3 I often played by myself. But I recall playing Joes alot at a day care with a kid who had a huge collection and a big jet.
4 Don't recall. I remember mostly playing in my room
5 nope. Never did
6 As a kid, SGT. SLAUGHTER!!!
7 Cartoon. Never read the comic as a kid
8 Sunbow series
I also remember after a whle, losing interest in Joe as a kid, but pretending my joe figures were other characters I would make up

02-07-2007, 04:59 AM
[font=Tahoma][size=2]That's a cool thread :D

1 Did you play wrestling with your joes, if so who were you and who were your champions?

Yes, in fact I performed three tournaments featuring over 60 characters in each one; it took a whole year to finish each of them beacuse I represented every match. In the first one I played them as wrestling characters, the winner was Track-Viper, defeating Snake-Eyes; the second one was more like a Dragon Ball tournament, with flying people and kames, the winner was Undertow, defeating Snake-Eyes; the third one was like a martial arts torunament, but with peoople having some sort of supernatural fight habilities, the winner was Sanke-Eyes, defeating Night-viper. :p

2 Who were you in the normal joe storyline when you played joes?

God :D

3 How many friends played with you?

One; he still lives in the same building and we have been friends since playschool. He is one year younger and we played either in my house or in his.

4 Where was your fav place to play joes?

We usually played at the living room or at the corridor; in our building, floors have a 17 feet corridor that connects the rooms, it's narrow, but being so long it was great to display the troops in.

5 Did you ever play pretend G.I. Joe. you know, not with toys, but in person, who were you?

Yes, almost every day with that friend I've talked of. We walk on our own from home to school since age 7 (school was at just 10 minutes from home), so we played plenty of G.I.Joe stories that even continued from morning to afternoon, and even the next day.

6 Who was you fav joe character in the cartoon?

I've never really had a favourite character anywhere, but mabe I can say Flint.

7 What played the biggest part in you love for the joeverse, the cartoon or the comic?

Comic all the way, plots were far more complex and interesting, although itwas a real pleasure to see all the Joes moving in TV.

8 What was your fav joe cartoon?

Sunbow, specially that saga in wich first appeared Sgt Slaughter... can't remember the name; I found it really good.
